I'd been slowly sipping the Labyrinth's Brew as I made it back to my student residence, being tipsy on campus with plenty of witnesses got me a solid alibi should I need it, though I perhaps drank a bit too much, as by the time I crossed the threshold into the residence the stumbling I'd been faking had become much less of an act.

I wasn't so far gone as to fail to remember that I needed to talk to Arya. It took me a few moments of searching before I made my way into the hot spring bath and saw her standing beneath the waterfall that we used like a shower. Her hands rested on her neck while she basked in the warmth of the cascading water, her long silvery golden hair running down her back accentuating her slender and delicate frame.

I grinned impishly as I used Vibro Magic to mask the sound of me wading towards her. With no warning or indication I wrapped my arms around her, pressing my chest into her back and lightly nibbling on her ear. This elicited a surprised and somewhat panicked reaction from Arya before she realized that it was just me and not some stranger that had somehow barged their way into our residence.

"Vell, what happened with Hiroshi?" her question was broken up with small interruptions of pleasurable moans as I continued to nibble her ear while she asked, only relenting to answer. "He shouldn't be a problem anymore, and if he does try to start something I've got plenty of insurance to keep him away from us or our affairs."

Saying so I moved my mouth down slightly as I began to gently suck and bite Arya's neck while my hands began to aimlessly wander across her body. It pleased me to hear Arya's moans and yelps as I discovered her weak spots. "Wait." she pleaded between hot breaths. "I thought you had something important to talk about?"

It was clearly a deflection to distract me but she was right. I did have some things I wanted to talk about, though I decided to change the order which I'd originally planned. The alcohol had made me slightly fuzzy and there were serious things to be talked about, which would be better talked about once I sobered up.

I hummed a bit as I rested my chin on Arya's shoulder, enjoying the feeling of the water rush over us with my eyes closed. "Let's elope."

I felt Arya's body tense up for a moment. "Wha-wh- ah- you-" she stammered incoherently, a hint of embarrassment in her voice. I let out a deep breath as I straightened back up and turned her head to look into her eyes. "Let's elope. Me, you, Marian, and Reine. We'll go somewhere else and live peacefully."

I saw the flush of embarrassment deepen on her face as she turned to the side. "You're not being rational, I can smell the alcohol on your breath, you're clearly drunk."

My lips curled into a pout in frustration at Arya. Sure I wasn't quite thinking straight, but it wasn't like I hadn't seriously considered the option before. I grabbed Arya's chin and forced her to look right at me, her embarrassed expression stoking the once cooling embers of desire. My thumb traced her soft lower lip before I brought our faces together as I stole her lips once more. 

Unlike the gentle kiss I'd stolen before my fight with Hiroshi, this one was backed with desire and passion as my tongue worked its way into her mouth. Arya eventually managed to pull back leaving a trail of saliva between us. "You need to calm down. I don't want you to regret anything come morning." The last part of her words were soft and were almost lost in the sound of the water, but I understood the implication.

I gently placed my hands on Arya's shoulders as I brought her in for a hug, before leaning my mouth down next to her ear. "I'm serious." My voice was quiet yet firm. "I don't know if I would call what I have for you love, but I definitely like you." I pulled back and stared directly into her golden eyes. "I don't want to lose you to someone else. I want to be the one who is first in your heart. I won't say you can't find other lovers, I'm not a hypocrite. I want to see the world with you by my side, not as a friend, or even just a lover. You're the only one I can fully place my trust in, and I want to feel the same from you."

I uncharacteristically poured my feelings out as Arya lowered her head. I waited with bated breath to hear Arya's reply as the silence stretched for what seemed to be an eternity before Arya raised her head to look me in the eyes, slight tears forming on her face. "You won't regret choosing me? Even though I'm lik-"

I placed a finger against her lips preventing the final words from slipping out of her mouth. It was the first time that I realized that she disliked her condition, possibly even more than I once had, as it kept her isolated. Even worse, I'd made a big deal of it before I'd molted, which had probably reinforced the idea that something was wrong with her.

I hugged her closely once again, this time her arms wrapped around me as well, returning the warmth I was giving. "I was foolish in the past, letting something simple as a difference in our physiology deter me. I've grown and matured, and I realize now that no matter what form you were to take after this moment, I would still desire the same thing."

Arya didn't speak or respond, but I could feel the warmth of her tears hitting the bare skin between the valley of my breasts, before a warm sensation suddenly hit my thigh. As I looked down I saw a golden Crest begin to appear on Arya's crotch, just above her resplendent member. It was similar to the one I'd seen on Marian, but there were slight differences.

I was about to use Seshat's Library to examine it when I felt Arya's breathing suddenly become much warmer as her penis began to enlarge and stiffen, the golden Crest glowing brighter along with it. I smiled gently as I maneuvered my arms to encircle Arya as I gently bent down before sweeping her off feet and into my arms, princess carry style. Arya's arms wrapped around my neck in response to the sudden change in posture, balancing herself, but also bringing my face forward unintentionally. She looked upwards, the remnants of tears still in her eyes and opened her mouth, likely to apologize, but before she could I sealed her mouth with mine as I slowly began to move towards the door.

We separated after a moment and I smiled at Arya as she continued to flush with deeper embarrassment, to the point where I could see her ears becoming red as well. Without further delay I carried her towards the bedroom, using thread manipulation to open or clear the obstacles in my path, while simultaneously using Air and Vibro magic to create warm air to dry us.

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