It felt strange to wear jewelry when I washed myself and as I soaked in the bath, but I had specifically made the jewelry so that it could be worn at all times so that it would be impossible to miss a communication. I only stayed in the bath for a short while before I stepped out and put on some comfortable clothes while grabbing a red compact jewelry box that housed Marian's set of communication jewelry. Arya's was in a similar white box that I also took as I wanted to present it to her when she came back.

It felt as if it should be far later in the day than it was as I stepped outside and saw the sun hanging high in the sky. I wasn't sure if classes were even done with for the day as I had completely lost my sense of time, but I headed towards the campus regardless, There wasn't much time left until the end of the school year so I wanted to make sure that the jewelry worked properly before me and Arya headed towards her home.

When I got to the main campus it seemed that classes had ended some time ago as there were many students just hanging out with each other and not rushing towards their next class, and I knew that it was at the very least after lunch. I could feel the gazes of many of the other students linger on me as I passed by, some with whispers of my behavior last semester while some talked about the duel between me and Hiroshi, along with speculations that I was the reason the church had suddenly called him back and were practically hiding him, with plenty of other conspiracy theories.

I had long become used to the gazes of others since I'd been creating waves since the beginning of this year, and I was sure that it wouldn't be the last time that I'd be the focus of attention, so I simply ignored them as I made my way to the residential section of the administration building as I once again made my way to Marian's room. However before I made it even that far I saw Marian standing and talking to who I vaguely recalled being another teacher of the socially focused classes, though I couldn't quite remember what she taught.

As I made my way up to them I could hear them talking about some of the first year students that were giving them trouble, nothing too extreme just normal everyday things. Had she been alone I would have come up behind Marian, but I didn't think that it was proper to show off our relationship as she was still married to Alcrem and it was widely known that I was her daughter.

Incest wasn't something common, but it also wasn't something that was particularly taboo or outlawed, most people just didn't care much for keeping bloodlines pure as it was possible to prove the strength of others surpassed them. Though our situation was probably unique as I couldn't imagine the same circumstances that lead us to this point repeating.

I walked up and acknowledged the existence of the teacher while tapping Marian on the shoulder. "Mom, I've got something to talk with you about. Privately." 

I stressed the last word more towards the other woman as I figured Marian would understand the underlying motive for my words. I wasn't so rude as to just rip Marian away from their conversation so we engaged in some small talk as we gradually distanced ourselves from the conversation.

Once we were out of sight and earshot I wrapped my arm around Marian's waist and pulled her in close. "I've got a special gift for you." I whispered, causing her to give me an accusatory glance. I smiled as pinched her side. "Don't worry, it's not something that will leave you unable to stand later tonight. It's something better."

"Is that what that bag is for?" Marian said as one of her eyebrows lifted before she turned away. "Well I guess I'll find out soon enough."

It didn't take much longer for Marian and I to reach and enter her room where she promptly undid some of the buttons on her blouse revealing a plentiful valley that was covered in a barely perceptible sheen of sweat as she sat down on her bed. "So what's this surprise you've got for me?"

I smiled as I reached into the bag I had brought and pulled out the deep crimson jewelry box and presented it to her. "Open it, I'll explain once you do."

Marian didn't open it immediately when she heard my voice but instead lightly caressed the box before gently and almost reverently slid the top off the box revealing the set of rose gold jewelry inlaid with deep green emeralds. If it weren't for the memories of Vellastria I likely would have picked something like ruby or something, since it represented Marian's color in my eyes, however while it wouldn't look bad per se, it wouldn't accentuate her natural beauty much, something I now felt was rather important.

I could see Marian's hands were unsteady as she looked over the three pieces of jewelry, something she probably hadn't ever received as a gift from Alcrem who was frugal and more concerned with practicality. Not wanting to let the moment go to waste I sat down next to Marian and gently lifted the choker necklace out as I leaned into her and fastened it around her neck. "These are my proof and promise to you, beyond the Crest, or any words, I will always be with you. Whenever you feel lonely, miss me, or even just want to talk, you can press a finger to the choker and fill it with a bit of mana and it will allow you to talk to me, no matter the distance we are apart."

By the time I finished speaking, the only piece of jewelry left was the ring, which I unceremoniously placed on her left ring finger after removing the plain band that represented her marriage to Alcrem. Just as I finished settling the ring on her finger Marian she suddenly pushed her full weight onto me pushing me down on the bed as she hovered above me and before I could speak or protest she leaned in for a deep and passionate kiss, her warm tears of joy dripping onto my face.

As we separated I noticed that Crest near her crotch was glowing brightly through her clothes, though instead of the pinkish purple it had once had it now was a deep crimson, before I saw it begin to expand and wrap around her body in a similar pattern to the glowing marks that Arya had when we cultivated together, though Marian's were a deep and almost bloody red.

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