A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 409 Pattern (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

There is no doubt that the birth of Zariel, the "Angel of Khorne", completely subverted the understanding of Martinot, the master of Hell.

Because he has never seen a devil that can use divine positive energy, and it is truly a unique form of devil.

After all, the common sense in this universe is that positive energy tends to be good, and negative energy tends to evil.

But Zuo Si overturned all this with the help of Shuoyou!

Especially after witnessing Zariel, who was testing his own combat power, opening the portal and rushing into the seventh layer of the abyss - the Phantom Realm to start a killing spree, Martinot immediately understood that the "Daughter of War" was still the "Daughter of War" "The Daughter of War" is not a righteous and kind angel.

Instead of diminishing, its desire for war, killing and bloodlust is hidden behind its seemingly bright appearance.

Just like the succubus queen Malkanthet hides her seductive and corrupt nature in pride, holiness and beauty.

Although he no longer looked as ferocious and ferocious as before, the beautiful expression with a faint smile on his face, and the scene where his whole body was bathed in blood and minced meat, made people feel fear and fear from the bottom of his heart.

What's even more incredible is that the demon army stormed the huge fortress that they failed to capture for several days, and Zariel easily entered it with just his own strength.

The thick armor on her body is enough to directly nullify most attacks. She doesn't need to dodge, she can directly bear the enemy's attack, and then kill it with a backhand hammer.

Thousands of demons were helpless under the stormy attacks (all attack methods come with sacred damage that restrains evil and chaos), and everywhere they passed were corpses, mutilated limbs and fragments. internal organs and bones.

Seth Innek, the lizardman lord under the heavy protection of this layer, is as vulnerable as a newborn baby in front of the "Angel of Khorne" who has become the lord of the affiliated layer of hell.

It only took less than three minutes from the beginning of the fight to being dismembered into more than a dozen pieces. The whole process should not be called a battle at all, but one-sided torture, abuse and violence.

The former's desperate cry before his death made even one of the "Eight Demon Generals" who was responsible for commanding the attack of the demon army here, nicknamed "Iron-Hearted Balzefen", involuntarily feel some sympathy.

Because it’s so miserable!

This high-level hell fiend, who holds some rights similar to that of a lord and can decide the promotion and demotion of the demons under his command, watched helplessly as the demon lord Seth Innek was first pierced by a spear and nailed to the wall, followed closely. He was beaten repeatedly with war hammers and flails, and his hands and feet, along with all twenty fingers, were smashed into pulp.

If you think this is the end, you are totally wrong!

In fact, this is just the beginning!

The huge ring rack behind Zariel was filled with various weapons.

One of the most conspicuous ones is an enchanted chainsaw that is several meters long and can make a harsh roar.


You read that right!

Because they are powered by glint oil engines, high-tech cold weapons such as chainsaws and jet-powered hammers have all been added to the "Angel of Khorne Deluxe Package" list.

The effect...

Naturally it goes without saying.

Even the devils who followed him into the fortress did not dare to get close to this big devil who was radiating holy light all over his body, but his attacks were a hundred times darker than his own.

The scene was too bloody and brutal. Countless corpses were piled up into a hill, and below were streams and rivers formed by blood.

And Zarrell himself stood on top of the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood, holding high the head that was forcibly pulled from Seth Innek, and in front of everyone, he kept his original form and killed him. Processed into a horrific decoration, it was then embedded into the thick outer armor.

Embedded along with it was the struggling and wailing soul of the abyss lord.

Soon, after being infected and transformed by No. 1 Shimmering Oil, he appeared in front of all the devils present with a brand new appearance.

It's a form of pure energy that's somewhere between virtual and physical, made entirely of white mana.

It obviously has independent consciousness and thinking, but it is completely controlled by Zariel, mastering many spell-like abilities and combat skills it had in life.

It's just that the original evil, chaotic, filthy and poisonous attributes have all been replaced by sacred attributes.

You don't need to ask to know that this is the special ability Zariel gained after his completion.

She can devour the enemies she defeats and kill with her own hands, and then transform into a being similar to a heroic spirit to assist in the battle.

After the surface of the extremely heavy power armor on his body is embedded with skulls containing souls, he alone is equivalent to an army.

Coupled with the nearly unlimited powerful healing and recovery capabilities given by white mana, it is simply the most terrifying existence on the battlefield.

In fact, this angel of Khorne did exactly that.

After the battle was over, she began to pick around, finding high-level demons such as the Balor Balrog and the Six-Armed Snake Demon, and cut off their heads and embedded them into the armor surface along with their souls.

After a while, the surface of the armor, which was originally full of technology, was densely covered with demonic faces with different expressions and shapes, making it look extremely eerie.

What's interesting is that when these eerie things are combined with Zariel's own divine light, a strong strangeness and contrasting beauty that cannot be described in words is produced.

When she returned to the ninth level of hell, Martinot felt her scalp numb, and her eyes were full of fear, fear and incomprehensible complex emotions.

However, Zariel ignored the manager of the Lord of Hell and went straight to Zuo Si, knelt down on one knee, raised his still holy and innocent face and said affectionately: "Father, according to your instructions, I have already Destroyed the demon's fortress and killed the most powerful lord on that level. Do you have any other instructions now?"

Zuo Si reached out and stroked the Khorne Angel's long hair, which was as white and spotless as snow, and responded with a smile: "You did a good job, I'm very satisfied.

Now I will give you one million newly transformed lemures and sufficient energy distribution authority. Go to your own level and use No. 1 Shimmering Oil to build an invincible army.

Remember, before the legion is built, you cannot leave the ninth level at will, let alone join the attack on the first few levels of the abyss prematurely.

Because our target has never been the garbage that has been abandoned by the will of the abyss, but the real enemy in the three realms. "

"Understood! Don't worry, my legion and I will never let you down."

After saying this, Zarrell kissed the back of Zuo Si's hand gently, then stood up, spread out three pairs of wings, and flew directly from the top of the skyscraper.

Under the devil's efficient administrative system, she quickly brought a sufficient number of lemures with her and headed to the second subsidiary level - Karakatus.

Different from the beautiful, luxurious, romantic, indulgent and hedonistic style of Shendilaville, this subsidiary plane is mainly composed of endless plains, and there are even three dazzling white suns hanging in the sky.

There are plenty of rivers, animals, and vegetation covering it, and it doesn’t feel like you’re in hell.

Under Zuo Si's deliberate transformation, this place is filled with white mana that symbolizes the ultimate lawfulness.

When those twisted lemures entered this level and were affected by the extreme magical environment, they began to quickly shed their ugly shells, and gradually became strong and handsome men, sexy and beautiful women, and their bodies were filled with divine energy.

Some powerful enough individuals will have white wings sprouting from their backs, making them almost no different from those humanoid angels in the upper planes.

But the really scary thing is that if someone casts camp detection magic, they will find that they are emitting a red aura that symbolizes evil.

However, this angelic form obviously does not satisfy the warlike Zariel.

So she quickly threw the No. 1 Shining Oil into a huge pit, and used her lord authority to continuously inject energy and matter, allowing it to grow rapidly in a short period of time.

When a certain scale is reached, the large-scale completion ceremony officially begins.

As evil angels with beautiful appearances jumped into the shimmering oil, a mechanical army wearing power armor was born.

Among them, the higher the level of the devil, the larger the size, the higher the power of the oil engine, the thickness of the armor and the more amazing the power of the weapons.

Especially the "Angels of Killing" and "Angels of Violence" who were promoted to the highest level by Zariel. They can even transform into huge war machines of more than ten or twenty meters by absorbing the corpses of the legion's dead soldiers and the remains of siege equipment.

In addition, Zarrell also applied for many materials transported from the bloody battlefield to create soulless cannon fodder servants.

From this point, it is not difficult to see that the biggest difference between No. 1 Shuoyou and No. 6 Shuoyou is that its transformation feature is to increase the proportion of metal in the body as much as possible, so that the completed individual can be more adaptable to cruelty. frontal battlefield, and have strong unified and coordinated capabilities with each other.

In contrast, No. 6 Shimmering Oil puts more emphasis on concealment and trying not to damage the original appearance of its creatures.

Of course, Martinot had no idea of ​​the changes taking place in Caracatus.

At the moment, he was kneeling in front of his master, reporting to Asmodeus exactly what he had seen during the Shimmering Oil infection and Zariel's completed state.

After listening to all the content, the latter quickly showed an interested expression, touched his chin and asked: "So, the shimmering oil controlled by Soth does have the power to change the mind and even the soul of a living being?"

"Yes, Master. And the transformed biological individuals will worship Lord Soth like a god, love him deeply, and are willing to sacrifice everything for him, including their lives."

Martinot carefully answered in the affirmative.

"Hahahaha! It's interesting, it's so interesting. I didn't expect that Zariel would be transformed into an angel of Khorne who possesses divine power but is still bloodthirsty and cruel in his heart. I really want to know what those old people in the upper planes are like. How will my friends react when they see this result?”

Asmodeus grinned and let out a mocking laugh.

You must know that what he hates most is that guys from the upper plane come to poach him in the name of so-called "salvation".

The "Daughter of War" Zariel is one of their key targets.

But now Zariel obviously has no possibility of redemption.

No matter which divine servant is sent forward, there is only one final result, and that is that Roubaozi beats the dog and never comes back.

Either be infected by the Shimmering Oil and become the most powerful subordinate of the Angel of Khorne, or be beheaded and have the head and soul embedded in the armor to become a half-dead heroic spirit.

"Master, do you really plan to summon all the exiled great devils back to receive the baptism of shimmering oil?" Martinot asked in an uncertain tone.

"Why not?" Asmodeus asked meaningfully. "Rather than letting them wander outside and become an unstable factor, it is better to use waste to bring them back under control and then send them to do what they can."

"But once they accept the baptism of Shimmering Oil, they will only have one object of allegiance, and that is Lord Soth."

Martinot warned cautiously.

But Asmodeus waved his hand indifferently: "It doesn't matter. As long as it can strengthen the power of the hell plane, it is a sure profit for me.

Please make another trip to Avernus and pick up the wandering Azazel, Ameles, Bist, Cahor, Gein, Duskull, Jaqen, and Cucobiel. , Asazo, Malaria, Nisrok and Rimgar, please recruit them all back.

As for the excuse, just use the fact that Hell currently needs more experienced lords to rule the newly occupied abyssal plane.

Whenever one is recalled, they are immediately sent to Soth.

Be careful to keep it secret and never let other lords know this secret. "

"As you wish, supreme Lord of Hell."

Martinot put one hand on his chest and bowed, then set off to the first level again.

Since most of the exiled great devils are wandering on this level, his job can be said to be quite difficult, and it will take a long time just to find someone.

But fortunately, Avernus is no longer the main battlefield of the bloody battle, so safety is still guaranteed.

Just as the steward set off, Zuo Si was meeting with a special guest on the top floor of the Lord's Building on the ninth level.

His name is Lonnial, he is a big devil with the title of earl, and he is also the owner of McDonald's, the only chain of fast food restaurants in the entire plane.

Elminster once praised in his book "The Consumer's Guide to Baator Hell" that McDonnell, known as "Jubilex's home away from home", is the perfect place for all hungry human adventurers in the Nine Hells. The best choice, bar none.

Its stores are located in every corner of the ninth floor, and its iconic sign is the sulfur-colored arch.

Special delicacies include "Bacterial Milkshakes", "Strong Lax Fried Nuggets", "Stinky Beef Burgers", "Shark-Meat Sandwiches" and more.

Not only are they high quality and affordable, but they are so delicious that they make you want to lick your legs.

Moreover, this count is very good at business. While serving the devil, he did not forget to attract mortals from the material plane, and thoughtfully provided them with a "children's meal".

To be precise, children's meals cater to all "little" customers who are less than two and a half meters tall.

While enjoying a pleasant dining experience with dedicated hospitality, you can also get an extra exquisite gift.

I have to say that in a world full of conspiracies and intrigues, to have such warm and considerate service is so touching that I want to cry.

Of course, the premise is that those foods can be more normal.

Because according to the information obtained by Zuo Si, if the customer does not specify real beef when ordering the smelly beef burgers sold in this restaurant, then there is a high probability that the stomach and intestines will violently spasm for two days after eating, as if they were poisoned. .

As for what kind of meat it is, only the clerk and the chef know it. Anyway, it is definitely not beef from the material plane.

In addition, the bread slices are as hard as rocks and can kill people.

In addition, the strong diarrhea fried nuggets made from Hell's specialty "Heldal stem nuggets" are as its name suggests. It will bring about a strong diarrhea effect, enough to make an adult strong man die of dehydration.

Bacteria-laden milkshakes may cause symptoms and illness, but are usually not fatal.

The shark-human meat sandwich is even mixed with the sharp teeth of this creature. If a mortal bites it accidentally, it will most likely break his own teeth.

Some guys even use their teeth as substitutes for darts or arrowheads, which shows how sharp and strong they are.

Zuo Si felt that the reason why Elminster strongly recommended this fast food restaurant was because there was not much food in hell that ordinary adventurers could eat that was not fatal when they were extremely hungry.

Another point is that the other party can indeed make bad ingredients palatable through cooking, and even make people think they taste good.

At this moment, Lonnier was standing in the hall, expounding his business philosophy, and constantly recommending Zuo Si to try several signature dishes.

But unfortunately, as a voter of Talona, ​​the latter saw through the nature of these foods and the dangers they contained almost at a glance. He immediately raised his hand and interrupted: "Okay, dear Count Lonnier, I I think I have understood your purpose. To put it simply, you just want to obtain permission to build a chain of fast food restaurants in my territory, right?"

"Exactly. Don't worry, I will hand over half of the profits to you in accordance with the rules."

This big devil, whose looks and appearance looked very different, vulgar, and not scary at all, nodded vigorously.

The reason why I say it's different is because Lonnier's entire face looks like a gorilla, his eyebrows and cheekbones are extremely protruding, his hair is standing upside down and standing up one by one like a broom, and the wings behind him are small. They are just like fake and shoddy decorations.

Coupled with the outfit of a vest, waistcoat, and large round leather shoes, it looks full of funny, almost like a clown.

And the weapon is quite different, it is actually a thick and huge red sausage...

Judging from the arcane aura emitted, its enchantment level and power should be similar to a +2 stick.

But if anyone dares to underestimate him because of this, they are totally wrong.

Because Lonnier is a very ancient great devil who represents the greed and desire of mortals for food. He can use his ability to make the target fall into uncontrollable hunger. It is an out-and-out divine power.

“No, I don’t need you to hand over your profits, as long as you pay taxes according to normal rules.

However, when opening a fast food order here, the food ingredients and menu must be changed.

After all, there will be a lot of creatures and mortals from other dimensions here, so both the food and entertainment must be the best.

Only in this way will they indulge in it and unknowingly lead to depravity.

In addition, I need your power to bless the area covered by the entire city.

All creatures that enter here, whether they need to eat or not, will feel hungry more easily than other planes, thus stimulating their subconscious desire to eat.

Of course, in return, I can give you a very high position. "

Zuo Si put forward his intention to recruit the other party very simply.

Perhaps because Lonnier is not good at fighting, and the devil in hell does not need to eat, this big devil with quasi-divine power is in a bad situation.

Even with the title of Earl of Hell, his treatment is no different from that of the exiled big devils.

He was neither entrusted with important tasks by Asmodeus nor recruited by any other lords. He could only maintain a negligible influence by opening a fast food chain.

So when he heard the invitation from the Prince of Hell, who was inferior to one person and surpassed ten thousand people, Longnier's eyes immediately lit up and he asked in a slightly excited tone: "You... what position are you going to give me?"

“I plan to ask you to be a senior consultant responsible for the entire ninth level of food production, transportation, processing, manufacturing, cooking and catering.

The content is also very simple, which is to create the top food city in the entire universe, so that every mortal who visits will linger here.

Of course, we must also take into account those at the bottom who have little money.

If you do well enough, then I can consider raising your title to Duke and become the exclusive steward of this field.

But those [non-Samurai] who are waiters and waiters under you should not join in.

I have other plans for them.

At that time, I will be equipped with a sufficient number of succubi, demons, and lust demons to combine beauty, food, wine, scenery, and endless entertainment activities in order to achieve the best corruption effect. "

When saying these words, Zuo Si's tone was strong and unquestionable.

Because he was not discussing with the other party, but announcing his decision in another way.

"No problem! It is an honor to serve such a generous and kind master like you."

Ronnier put one hand on his chest with very exaggerated movements and bowed deeply.

Looking at the giant city rising from the ground outside, he had a hunch that he would definitely be able to flex his muscles here and make those dimension lords and devil dukes who looked down on him regret it.

“Here, here is the situation on the ninth level and the five auxiliary planes.

You can start planning now to cultivate farmland, grow crops, raise livestock, poultry and various fish species in suitable locations.

In fact, I have sent people to do some planning in this regard in advance, you can just go and take over.

If you need help, seek out Melcanthet, the ruler of Shendiravil.

She will deploy sufficient large-scale machinery and slave labor to assist you in completing this series of tasks. "

After that, Zuo Si quickly issued a letter of appointment stamped with his own seal.


Lonnier was accepted into the entire level of governance system and was in a relatively high position.

He himself was extremely grateful and devoted himself to his duties with great enthusiasm.

It is not difficult to see from the proficient cooperation between various departments that Zuo Si has recently recruited quite a few talents who have taken the initiative to seek refuge, and many of them are important members from other levels of the lord's court.

Obviously, many of these guys may have really accumulated a lot of grievances, so they want to change their environment to get more promotion opportunities.

But others should be spies planted to steal intelligence and secrets.

This is a very common phenomenon in hell politics.

On almost every level, lords and devil dukes are surrounded by spies from both enemies and allies.

However, most of the time everyone is tacitly informed, and occasionally spies are used to deliver false news to cover up their truest thoughts and purposes.

And due to the lawful nature of hell, these spies will do their jobs well after obtaining their positions, and will not be passive or sabotage internally.

Because from the moment they join, their promotion and demotion are controlled by the loyal lord.

But Zuo Si obviously didn't care about these spies, let alone the other eight lords prying into his secrets.

Unless they are baptized by the Shimmering Oil, these outside demons can never truly enter the inner circle.

Once they accept the baptism of Shuoyou, the other party's spies will automatically become his counter spies.

Just when Zuo Si had finished dealing with the messy things and official documents at hand, and was about to take a short break to relax, a man with long blond shawl hair, wearing a black low-cut shirt, short skirt and black stockings, and a pair of five-inch high heels The pleasure demon came in from outside.

I saw a charming smile on her face, her lavender eyes flashed with endless temptation and joy, her plump red lips were always moist, and her steps were elegant and full of temptation.

You don't need to ask to know that the reason why this high-level devil who was promoted from the Desire Demon not long ago is dressed like this is entirely to cater to the overall style of the huge cyberpunk city and the unique aesthetics of the lord Zuo Si.

In addition, the origin of the pleasure demon in front of him is not ordinary.

Her name is Gramir, and she is the offspring of the union between the current fourth-level lord, Ms. Fierna, and her biological father, the previous lord who was deposed during the liquidation operation, Archduke Bilaire.

The war criminals of P Agency only dared to use the rules to play in the game, and the reality version was directly performed in hell.

This is truly "my daughter's daughter is still my daughter."

After all, after being deposed as lord by Asmodeus, in order to retain the power in his hands, Archduke Belial chose to have something happen with his daughter to make the relationship between them closer. It is not difficult to understand. things.

You must know that there is no law in hell that stipulates that this kind of behavior is not allowed.

As for the ethics and morals in the mortal world that are created to ensure the genetic health of future generations, they obviously do not apply to devils.

It's just that as a mother, Ms. Philna secretly gave birth to Gramir from her father, and made sure that her daughter would not have an affair with any other devils, hoping to use it as a secret weapon.

But as the father, Grand Duke Bilaire knew nothing about this.

This time, Ms. Fierna sent her precious daughter here in order to conclude a covenant, so that she could use external forces to get rid of her father's control at critical moments and become a real lord worthy of the name, not just a willing puppet.

"Dear Lord, you must be exhausted, right?"

Gramir put down the document in his hand, came forward with graceful steps, put the back of Zuo Si's head against his chest, and took the initiative to stretch out his slender fingers to gently massage his temples.

Zuo Si enjoyed the service of this "secretary" with peace of mind and asked directly: "Is there another big mess or something that needs to be handled by me personally?"

"No, no, it's just that the Lord of the Second Level, Grand Duke Disbat, sent you a small gift, a very special lemure."

The corners of Gramir's mouth turned up slightly, revealing a teasing smile.

"A very special lemure?"

A trace of doubt flashed in Zuo Si's eyes.

Gramir nodded slightly: "Yes. The name of this lemure is Egres. I think you should be deeply impressed by him."

The next second...

Zuo Si's mind instantly flashed back to that exciting night at Dragonlance Castle, as well as the scene where the Hell Fiend led many demons to launch a surprise attack from the underground. He couldn't help laughing and exclaimed: "It turns out it's him! Disbat The Grand Duke is really thoughtful."

“What are you going to do with this stupid, pathetic little thing?

Degrade him to an insulting bitch and then order him to spend the rest of his life cleaning stinky cesspools?

Or would you just find an excuse to make it into a living and painful work of art and place it in the most conspicuous place in the city to remind everyone of the consequences of being your enemy?

Of course, you can also leave Egres to me and train him slowly until he becomes a vicious dog that is loyal to you. "

When mentioning content related to torture and abuse, Gramiel seemed particularly excited and excited.

Because under the upbringing and education of her mother, Ms. Philna, although she looks beautiful, gentle, and intellectual on the outside, she is actually an out-and-out sadist in her heart.

Although he is the exclusive secretary of the lord and is mainly responsible for clerical work, he usually stays in the torture room when he has nothing to do, enjoying the painful wails of mortal souls when they are tortured and squeezed.

It is said that even those professional demon interrogators have praised Gramiel's skills and welcome her to come and give guidance to demons who have just been promoted and lack interrogation experience at any time.

Seeing this pleasure demon eager to try, Zuo Si immediately smiled and shook his head.

"No, no, no, don't think of me as being so petty.

The grudge between me and Egres ended the moment I killed him and banished him back to hell.

The most important thing is that I have no intention of using my power to retaliate against him.

Because it is too low-level, too boring, and too lacking in structure.

Just the opposite!

I intend to restore Agres to his original identity as the Pit Fiend and entrust him with important responsibilities.

Let all the devils in the whole hell see my magnanimity and magnanimity as the prince of hell. "

"Let him go? Are you sure this isn't a joke?"

Gramir raised his eyebrows in surprise.

You must know that there is no hypocrisy and self-deception like "forgiveness" in hell's philosophy.

As long as any devil has an opportunity, he will definitely use all the power at hand to attack or counterattack the enemy, and there will be no mercy at all.

And even if you are merciful, the other party will never be grateful. Instead, they will think that you are weak and can be bullied, and then they will come back with even greater revenge when they find an opportunity.

"Of course I'm not joking, I'm serious now. Go and bring Aigres over, I want to talk to him personally."

After saying that, Zuo Si casually patted the round buttocks wrapped in the Joy Demon's short skirt.

Gramiel immediately responded with a charming wink, then twisted his slender waist and turned around to leave in high heels.

After about a few minutes, she walked in with Agres in the ugly lemure form.

Because he was demoted, the latter does not lack wisdom and self-awareness like ordinary stupid lemures.

The moment he saw Zuo Si, his eyes suddenly revealed fear and despair, as if he had a premonition of his tragic fate in the future.

Similarly, this devil also understood why Archduke Dispater suddenly demoted himself without warning.

"Long time no see, Egres. Do you remember what happened the last time we met?" Zuo Si asked with a half-smile.

"Hug...I'm sorry, Master Soss. I was only following orders at the time. I didn't know your special identity and your extremely important position in the eyes of the Lord of Hell."

There was helplessness and bitterness in Egres's tone.

Otherwise, he would rather risk being punished for failing to complete the task than offend the prince of hell in front of him, who is inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people.

"So you know you are a sad political victim, right?" Zuo Si continued to ask, minding his own business.

Egres sighed deeply: "Oh - yes, I am not a fool, how could I not understand this truth.

In order to avoid any conflict with you, Archduke Dispater threw me out as a scapegoat.

This is not an uncommon thing in hell, it happens all the time.

I have never resented you or Grand Duke Dispater. I only resented that I was not smart enough to detect the truth behind it from the clues in advance.

Tell me, please, what are you going to do with me?

Are you going to demote me into an insulting demon, or do you want me to be responsible for the dirtiest and lowest jobs for the rest of my life? "

"Haha, no, Egres, I am not going to take revenge on you, but I want to re-enable you."

As the last word blurted out, Zuo Si raised his hand and lightly snapped his fingers.


After the crisp sound, a huge amount of energy instantly poured into Egres' body.

Before he could even react to what was happening, the fragile body of the lemure exploded instantly, blood and internal organs flying everywhere.

Even the bones were crushed by the invisible force.

If a mortal saw this terrifying and horrifying sight, he would probably be frightened out of his wits within minutes.

However, if you look carefully, you will find that in the blood and mess, there is a small worm that is ecstatically devouring the flesh and blood, and directing huge energy to fill every cell.

Then a new and huge figure slowly emerged

Exactly sixteen hours later, Aegris returned to his previous form of the Hell Fiend.

Feeling the powerful and familiar power returning, the devil, who had been demoted continuously in a short period of time, burst into tears. He knelt down on one knee and solemnly swore: "The great prince of hell, the supreme ruler of the ninth level. Lord, I swear on my life and soul that I will always be loyal to you and never betray you. From now on, you are my master and servant."

"Look, what did I say? Even a devil in hell can still be somewhat grateful." Zuo Si teased the pleasure demon standing next to him with a smile.

Gramir rolled his eyes angrily: "Dear Lord, I assure you that maybe his current gratitude is true, but the question is how long will it last? When he is not promoted and promoted for a long time, his Dissatisfaction and resentment will begin to accumulate in your heart, until one day you become a betrayer."

"It doesn't matter.

If such a day comes, I will give him corresponding punishment according to the rules of hell.

But now, Aegrace, I appoint you as a special envoy to go to the second level to express my gratitude to Archduke Disbat.

And clearly informed him that the trivial misunderstanding between us has been resolved.

He and his wife Lilith are welcome to visit at any time in the future. "

After saying that, Zuo Si handed over a document prepared in advance.

Egres hurriedly took it with both hands and responded in an excited tone: "Please rest assured that I will successfully complete this mission and will never betray your trust."

"Very good! Then leave now and report directly to Gramir when you come back. She will arrange a new job for you by then."

After that, Zuo Si waved his hand to indicate that the other party could retreat.

After watching the hell fiend disappear into the elevator of the building, the pleasure demon whispered meaningfully into his ear: "My insidious and cunning lord, you are really beautiful with this move.

Not only did he gain a loyal subordinate in a short period of time, but he also took the opportunity to show his magnanimity and magnanimity.

If nothing else happens, more devils will come here in the next period of time, bringing with them the resources and intelligence they have at their disposal.

And these things can greatly fill our current deficiencies. "

Zuo Si stood up and looked at the scenery outside the window, and said without looking back: "As a political figure, you must have a big picture, have a high enough vision, and abandon unnecessary personal emotions and grudges. Otherwise, you will never accomplish anything big. .”

"Yes! It seems that after so many failures, my mother has finally found the right ally."

After saying this, Gramiel bent down and bowed gracefully, and then exited the room.

When the door slammed shut, the Succubus Queen Mecanshut teleported in instantly, looking at the Pleasure Demon walking into the elevator with hostile eyes, and asked in a cold tone: "Father, do you need me to deal with this daredevil?" Someone who has ambitions for you?"

"No, no need. Why do you think Ms. Philna sent Gramir to me?" Zuo Si asked with a playful look.

"Because...she wants to let this beautiful devil seduce you, and even go one step further to become your spouse?"

Malkanthet blinked uncertainly.

But Zuo Si shook his head and explained: "None of them.

Gramir is the son of Lady Fierna and her father, Grand Duke Belial.

Therefore, she has the purest and unpolluted blood of the two flowing in her body, and her existence is a quite terrifying weapon.

One of the secret agreements I made with Ms. Fierna is to use Gramir as a vessel to perform an evil and terrifying magical ritual when needed.

Use her blood, life, and soul to curse Archduke Belial, making him inevitably weak.

In this way, Ms. Fierna can take the opportunity to contact her allies to launch a palace coup and regain all power from her father. "

"I see!

She is also a consumable, or a victim.

No wonder this guy is obviously a pleasure demon promoted from a desire demon, but he has never had sexual relations with any demon.

This cursed magical ritual is most effective only if she remains pure.

Virgin pleasure demon?

It sounds really ironic. "

The Succubus Queen pursed her lips into a sarcastic smile.

"Remember, my dear daughter.

This is hell.

The biggest difference between the devil's machinations and the devil's is that their movements and ways of thinking are more subtle, and they often aim to avoid causing violent conflicts as much as possible.

If you want to join the game, or even win, you must first learn to be patient.

Especially don't reveal your truest thoughts, even just a little bit.

From today on, the internal affairs and diplomacy of the ninth level of hell will be left to you to handle.

I'll leave you with a double comment here.

It is best not to wake up easily unless necessary. "

After that, Zuo Si and his skillful movements took off all the clothes and equipment on his body and transformed them into card form.

The next second...

His soul and consciousness were instantly transferred to another clone.

Malcanthet immediately stepped forward, pounced on him in a crazy and morbid manner, and held the naked clone that had lost all vitality in his arms. He kept sniffing it, and after a long time, he reluctantly put it down. Enter the secret room at your feet.

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