A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 417: The Divine Attendant of the Blazing Heaven (please subscribe to this big chapter of ten

"Great Cyric!

You are the king of lies!

The creator of conspiracy and deceit!

The source of all conflicts in the world!

Lord of killing and death!

The only true god in all of Toril and even the multiverse!

You are our supreme black sun!

Under your guidance, we will defeat everything, conquer everything, and bring destruction to those false gods who deceive the world and steal their names. "

Accompanied by almost manic chanting, a woman wearing a black robe and a skull mask on her face slowly stood up from the altar, then turned her head and shouted to her subordinates who were also in an extremely abnormal mental state: "Bring it on!" Bring those followers of false gods!"

"As you wish!"

Several soldiers wearing heavy black armor quickly, under the command of a deputy, dragged dozens of prisoners wearing different church-specific costumes from behind to the altar, pressed their heads firmly and forced them to face Cyric. Lower your head.

"You damn lunatics, let me go! I am a believer of the great Tempus! He is the most powerful god of war in the world! He is not a false god! You are blaspheming!"

"That's right! We are all priests and priests of the true god! Is Anri crazy? He dares to claim that he is the only true god! Isn't he afraid of triggering the anger and siege of the gods?"

"Evil people! I curse you! Crazy Cyric will pay the price for this sooner or later! Justice will be served!"

"Lord of the Dawn! Please send down divine punishment to kill these damn bastards! Just like you did when you destroyed Sammaster, the founder of the Dragon Worship Cult!"

All of a sudden, those with priest level among the captives present were either cursing loudly or praying to the gods they served, hoping that gods would send down thunder and lightning to kill all the abnormal-minded guys around them.

Although in the magical land of Faerûn, no matter how outrageous things are, things can happen.

But the approach of Cyric and his followers, which is tantamount to directly declaring war on all gods, still deeply stimulates everyone's most sensitive nerve.

Not to mention mortals, even the gods living in the outer planes were stunned.

He was looking at this guy who had just been directly promoted from a mortal to the pinnacle of powerful divine power by the god Io in the turbulent years, and his series of shocking moves.

No god knows what Cyric wants to do!

For before his appearance, Faerûn had never seen such a chaotic and capricious god.

Even the spider goddess Lolth, who gained the identity of both a god and a demon lord, at least on the surface maintained the overall unity of the dark elf race.

They even portray all races in the surface world as evil enemies, creating an atmosphere in which they are victims, and deflecting internal conflicts through hatred of the outside world.

But what about Cyric?

The order he gave to the believers one second may be reversed the next second, and then he will give completely opposite instructions to another wave of believers, watching the two sides fight openly and secretly and kill each other.

It can be said that the degree of confusion in his thinking has surpassed that of most demons, and it is impossible to judge what crazy move he may make next.

Therefore, the gods are still in a silent observation attitude and are not in a hurry to take any action.

But God's silence gave these mortal believers in Cyric the illusion that the reputation of the Great Dark Sun had successfully frightened those false gods, making them dare not act rashly at all.

"Shut these idiots up!"

The woman wearing a skull mask let out a shrill roar.

At her command, the rest of the believers immediately swarmed forward, punching and kicking the poor captives, using the most primitive, purest, and most physical method to render them unable to make even a single sound.

Then the woman took out a thirty centimeter square book from her arms, with a dark cover and a grinning skull and a black sun mark painted on the surface.

The back is a mess of twisted patterns and patterns.

The woman wearing the skull mask carefully opened the gold hinges and buckles with extremely pious movements, revealing the dark red text inside that seemed to be written in blood to everyone.

The next second...

Everyone who saw these words began to tremble uncontrollably, and at the same time, a voice that kept reciting the content began to echo in their brains.

And the book itself began to emit a strange green light that continued to shine around.

At the beginning, the prisoners captured by Qianqian were still praying to their gods, trying to resist the erosion of the brain, spirit and even soul by this evil force.

But soon, the strong will to resist gradually dissipated as more and more content was displayed in the book.

After a while, their thinking was completely tampered with, and they thought that what was said in the book was too reasonable. They followed other Cyric believers to loudly praise the great Dark Sun, hysterically throwing away the Holy Emblem and spurning what they originally believed in. god.

There is no doubt that this book exuding astonishing divine power is the Cyric Book compiled by the priesthood of lies.

Especially the pain and madness that flash from time to time on the pages of the book. Anyone who has studied necromancy magic can easily determine that the material of that thing is 100% human skin.

If nothing else, it should have been ripped from the body of the scribe who failed and died during the process of making the artifact.

From the perspective of thought and behavior, Cyric is not fundamentally different from the demon lords in the Abyss, and is even more evil and cruel.

When the entire ceremony was over, everyone present could no longer distinguish between each other, and they all became crazy and irrational fanatic believers of Dark Sun.

Judging from the huge number of people, the woman wearing the skull mask at the head has successfully transformed at least thousands of people with the "Hyrik Sutra", and the number will increase as time goes by.

When they arrive at Zhentil Castle, they will definitely be able to form a large army on the spot.

You must know that when Zuo Si first arrived in Faerûn, Cyric's followers tried to launch a "holy war" to kill or drive away all Bane's followers.

However, Zuo Si cooperated with Manson several times and killed a large number of members of the Zhentarim who believed in Cyric. In the end, the two groups failed to cooperate internally and externally to break through the strong defense of Zhentil Keep, and their success fell short.

But a few years later, this time Cyric's believers brought artifacts and planned to completely capture the city and convert all the guys in the city who still believed in Bane, the god of tyranny, into fanatical believers of the Dark Sun.

"What a gruesome sight."

After reading the devastating impact that the Cyril Sutra can have on mortals, Zuo Si, who was standing in mid-air in the distance, couldn't help but marvel.

Although he himself is full of disgust and contempt for the Prince of Lies.

But I still have to admit that Cyric has reached the pinnacle in his understanding and application of the priesthood of lies.

Otherwise, there would be no way to create an artifact like this that could rely on lies to distort cognition.

Ogma, the God of Knowledge next to him, nodded seriously: "Yes!

I have to say that that guy who was both arrogant and inferior did create a terrifying artifact.

If allowed to spread, mortals in Faerûn and all of Toril would suffer.

The gods will also completely lose their followers and influence in the mortal world.

It seems that just as you expected, the dark sun that fell into madness will soon arouse the dissatisfaction of all the gods, and then develop into a siege against him.

To be honest, I am really curious as to what His Majesty Io, the God of Gods, thinks about directly promoting such a scourge to a position of powerful divine power.

Could it be that he hasn't learned his lesson from the ambitious Three Gods of Death?

Baal, Bane, and Melkor once stole the Stone of Destiny because they wanted to gain power over other gods, causing the disaster of the Year of Troubles.

Now the new god who has obtained all the priesthood and divine power of the three of them has become even more powerful. "

Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders and responded with a smile: "The only good thing is that Anri's cleverness and capricious character prevent him from making detailed and thorough plans, let alone implementing them covertly.

If I were him, once I create such a powerful artifact, I will never declare that I am the only true god in the world as high-profile as I do now, and I will also take out the artifact and give it to believers to spread it unscrupulously.

Just the opposite!

I will keep a low profile and first brainwash the ruling classes of various countries and cities, and then use covert methods to transform civilians in batches.

In order to maintain secrecy and deceive others, wars, civil unrest and conflicts had to be constantly caused during this period to distract the gods.

When the power of the gods has been weakened to a certain extent, and more than half of the world's population has been brainwashed by the artifact, it is time to start the final battle.

Therefore, Dark Sun's power was only superficially powerful, and he did not have enough wisdom to control the power he suddenly gained. "

"Haha, your vision is always so sharp, and you immediately pointed out An Ri's biggest weakness.

In fact, this is also a flaw shared by most gods of the chaos alignment.

That is, it is difficult to maintain a plan for a long time without wavering.

I'd love to know how far you plan to go this time?

Is it to completely destroy Dark Sun and pull him down from the throne of god, or is it to simply weaken him to the point where he can no longer pose a threat? "

Ogma raised his concerns with great interest.

After all, his involvement in this matter can be said to be quite deep.

Whether it is creating the "True Biography of Cyric" to counter "Cyric Sutra" or conspiring with the god of thieves, Musk, they have essentially stood on the opposite side of Cyric.

Zuo Si touched his chin and thought for a moment, then said in a slightly playful tone: "I think it is better to choose the second option.

After all, no matter how you say it, it is a god who has been ascended by the hand of the God above God.

We must give His Majesty Io enough respect.

And since Dark Sun has such a deep and unique understanding of lies, we will only reserve this priesthood for him and just make him a weak or weak divine power.

As for other priesthoods, all of them must be stripped off without exception.

Among them, strife, hatred, tyranny, fear, etc., will naturally belong to the dark lord after Bane is resurrected;

The priesthoods of Death, Deceased, Attrition, Decline, Dusk, Autumn, and Exhaustion that originally belonged to Melkor will belong to the next qualified Death God;

The priesthood of death and murder that originally belonged to Baal should be left to his sons of gods to fight for;

As for the remaining priesthoods of conspiracy, trickery, deception, conflict, and illusion, I think Mask, the god of thieves, Mara, the beast god, Hoare, the god of vengeance, Aurel, the goddess of winter, and the one in charge of the shadow plane. The oldest goddess should be very interested.

I can take this opportunity to give these priesthoods to them respectively in exchange for some benefits. By the way, I can also transfer some of the hatred of the dark sun, so that these evil gods can be entangled with each other.

If Anri can't help but take action first to take back what belongs to him, or if these gods take advantage of the former's weakness to kill him first, then it's none of my business if the gods blame him.

Especially the one who is closest and easiest to attack. It would be ideal if His Majesty Ao was punished and sealed because of this. "

When he said these words, Zuo Si's tone showed no respect for Cyric, the most powerful god in the country at present, as if the other person was just a pig being put on the chopping board waiting to be slaughtered and divided.

In addition, while engaging Cyric, he also did not forget to use the priesthood as a bait to trick the goddess of the night, Shar, who had a problem with him.

His insidiousness was such that even the God of Knowledge could not help but sigh inwardly. He was worthy of being favored by Asmodeus, the Lord of Hell.

He is simply born to be a great devil.

Even before Cyric is settled, he is already thinking about how to trick other gods.

What's even more frightening is that what Zuo Si used was not a shady conspiracy, but an upright conspiracy.

Even if the above gods know that there are traps, they will still jump in without hesitation for the sake of those who are in line with their priestly duties.

Thinking of this, a look of expectation appeared on Ogma's old face, and at the same time he said with a half-smile: "Since you have thought of all aspects, I have nothing to remind you.

However, I suggest you take the time to read "The True Biography of Cyric" to prevent you from accidentally being affected by that evil artifact.

Also, you did a great job in summoning such interesting and interesting creatures as the Eldrazi into the Abyss.

I came to the avatar some time ago and observed them from a distance, and found that there is a lot of knowledge and secrets in them that can be mined.

In addition, there are the unique metal environment, mechanical creations and shining oil of Mirrodin time and space, as well as the large number of spells recorded in the book called "The Power of the Mind", which have greatly expanded my knowledge field.


I think it's time to give you something back. "

"Oh? Are you planning to give me a little surprise?" Zuo Si asked in a half-joking tone.

Since he is already quite familiar with the God of Knowledge, and their views are relatively close to each other, he has always liked to communicate with him.

"Hahahaha! No, no, no, what I prepared is not a little surprise."

Ogma laughed and tore apart the space, dragging out from an unknown place what looked like a translucent humanoid spirit that had not yet been shaped into a fixed form.

Inside the spirit body, countless silvery highlights can be vaguely seen shining brightly, just like a miniature starry sky.

"Divine creature?!"

Zuo Si asked with wide eyes and an uncertain tone.

He obviously recognized that these light spots were some kind of energy formed by the mixture of divine power and divinity, but he could not accurately tell their type and name.

the reason is simple!

There are really too many types of divine creatures, and the differences between them are so great that they are like two species.

Even the gods themselves may not be able to tell the difference.

After all, they can play many more tricks than ordinary people.

At best, mortals can only study transformation magic, especially when druids transform and mate with animals. In the end, the offspring they give birth to are humans, animals, or half-animals.

But what about God?

They can even impregnate plants, insects, elements, inorganic matter, and some abstract things, and then give birth to a bunch of weird and messy things.

Ogma undoubtedly noticed the meaning of the expression on Zuo Si's face, and immediately shook his head and explained: "It is indeed a divine creature, but it is not what you imagined.

Strictly speaking, it is the core that remains after the death of a powerful god.

While traveling in the astral realm, one of my followers discovered a huge island in an unexplored area and found this guy who was forming an independent consciousness and soul.

I believe you have heard of the Blazing God, who is the highest-level messenger of the gods, right? "

Zuo Si nodded without thinking: "Of course! That is the spokesperson of the gods, a powerful existence that can make the demon lords and even the devil dukes feel afraid.

Their numbers are extremely rare.

As far as I know, there seem to be only about twenty-four.

It is currently known that there are two under the command of the main elf god Corellon, one under the command of the platinum dragon god Bahamut, and one under the command of the god of justice Tyr.

In addition, three others eventually fell.

Among them, Ebris led tens of thousands of angels to defect to the devils in hell, which caused a huge sensation;

Avamerin even preached the question raised by a demon before his death, which led countless scholars, priests and priests to abandon the gods they worshiped and instead believed in some abstract things, which indirectly led to the birth of godless priests. .

Judging from the combat effectiveness and performance of some of the Blazing Gods, they clearly possess extremely powerful power, and can even be said to be comparable to gods to a certain extent. "

"It's not comparable, to a certain extent, the Blazing Sky Divine Attendant is a type of god.

You can call them demigods or quasi-gods, but their forms of existence are relatively special.

Even the questions raised by some priests' divine communication skills are actually answered by the blazing god. "

Ogma corrected him seriously.

"So the Divine Attendant of Blazing Sky is another form of God?"

It was obviously the first time Zuo Si had heard these secret messages, and his face was full of curiosity and inquiry.

Ogma replied calmly: "You guessed it right.

Although it is always claimed in many religious texts that the Seraph God is a mixture of many kind souls and pure divine energy, it is also the greatest creation of the gods.

But this is not the case.

Books written by mortal believers confuse the idea that Seraphs are not created, but rather conceived in the bodies of gods after their death.

Their core power comes from the remaining divine power and divinity of the gods in the star world, coupled with the fusion of countless petitioners, and the final result is their birth.

This is why they have the ability to create things like gods, and they can cast high-level arcane and divine spells in large quantities and without restrictions even if they do not believe in anything.

I suspect that the essence of the Seraph God is the side effect of the remaining consciousness after the death of the god trying to escape from the star world.

Of course, in fact, the Blazing Gods have no connection with the corpse of the god who gave birth to them, and their consciousness, thoughts, and souls are completely independent. "

"So that's it! Then this unfinished servant of the Blazing Heaven in front of you, could it be the reward you plan to give me?"

While saying these words, Zuo Si's eyes shone slightly, revealing his undisguised desire.

"Haha, yes, he is my gift to you.

If I remember correctly, you should have the magical means to forge souls and create life, right?

All you need to do now is to instill a soul into this body and awaken it.

In this way, you can have a Blazing God Attendant of your own.

The most important thing is that you can set his gender, age, appearance and alignment in the process.

But if you find it too troublesome, you can also throw it into hell and be corrupted, turning it into a devil with powerful god-like powers that is comparable to a plane lord.

But I don't really recommend you do this.

Because that is too wasteful. "

After saying that, Ogma handed the unformed Blazing God's Attendant to Zuo Si, and then put on a posture of preparing to watch a good show.

He really wanted to know what kind of interesting life the young planeswalker in front of him could create using those unprecedented magics and technologies.

"Thank you for your generous gift, great king of knowledge. Please don't worry, I have already thought of what I want to shape it into."

Zuo Si first put one hand on his chest and bowed slightly, then began to draw energy from the deep well of his soul.

In the blink of an eye, a large mass of ectoplasm condensed by millions of souls emitted a dazzling silver light.

But this is not the end!

In order to make the created Seraph of the Blazing Sky meet his expectations, he also continuously converted all the other four colors of mana controlled by the planeswalker into green and injected it into it, permanently changing the original sacred characteristics of the Seraph of the Blazing Sky, making it It exudes a huge vitality that cannot be described in words.


The color of life!

Represents the great nature!

Immediately afterwards, Ogma, the God of Knowledge, saw the spark symbolizing the planeswalker on Zuo Si's chest begin to shine, and finally condensed into a hammer in his palm.

Appearing together with the hammer is a piece of iron felt made entirely of energy.

The next second...


As Zuo Si raised the hammer and smashed it down hard, the mass of soul energy mixed with green mana instantly shot out countless green light spots.

One of them fell to the ground, instantly causing a small sapling to grow into a towering tree in less than two or three seconds.

"Oh - my God!"

Ogma was completely shocked by Zuo Si's generosity. He immediately raised his hand to create a barrier to completely surround the surrounding area, preventing those green light spots from splashing to other places.

Otherwise, the wasteland beneath our feet will soon turn into a primeval forest that takes tens of thousands of years to form.

With constant beating, you can clearly see that a woman's form with a healthy body and full of primitive wild beauty is gradually being shaped.

More than ten hours later, when the last hammer was struck, the process of tempering and forging a powerful soul was finally completed.

Zuo Si didn't hesitate for even a second and directly merged it with the unfinished Birth of the God of Blazing Sky.

Before the God of Knowledge could react to what was happening, the two quickly intertwined like liquids and were no longer distinguishable from each other.

Almost at the same time, the originally semi-incorporeal spiritual body of the God of Blazing Sky also grew internal organs, blood vessels, muscles and skin, until it transformed into a man with black hair and clothes made of unknown dark leaves and vines. Beautiful woman in armor.

Her skin is fair and translucent, with delicate facial features and emerald green eyes. The three pairs of wings that should be white are also colorful, as if they are made of petals of a blooming flower.

On her head was a wreath of rainbow light.

But the most eye-catching thing is the magic sword he holds in his hand, which shines with dazzling golden light in the middle but exudes green light around it.

There is no doubt that this is the second two-color mana sword shaped by Zuo Si himself.

According to the naming rules of planeswalkers, the combination of white and green should be called [Sangzi Sword].

But the problem is that this thing is just like the previous [Death Sword], the proportion of mana of the two colors is not even.

Among them, green accounts for 70%, while white only accounts for 30%.

The former is forcefully poured into it, while the latter is the positive energy that comes with the Blazing Sky Divine Attendant itself.

So Zuo Si thinks it's more appropriate to call it [Blade of Life].

After all, whether it is white mana or green mana, they all have abilities such as life and healing.

What's more, the blazing divine servant he created is obviously a natural divine servant who strictly observes neutrality.

In addition to the two-color sword, the Attendant of the God of Nature also carries a wooden composite bow on his back, but there is no quiver.

Because as another form of god, as long as the Blazing God is willing, he can create killing arrows filled with amazing positive energy out of thin air at any time.

It has a one-hit kill effect on most undead creatures.

Not even lichs, demilichs, and dracolichs are immune.

However, it is still unknown what kind of magical effects the natural god servant in front of him can create.


After a short period of silence and self-examination, the God of Nature took the lead in bending down and bowing deeply to his creator, with infinite respect and admiration in his eyes.

"From today on, your name is Nimedona."

Zuo Si straightforwardly gave a name to this powerful life he created.

"Nimidona" is the goddess of the sacred grove in Celtic mythology. She is both the god of war and the god of nature. Her image is very suitable for the natural god in front of her.

"Thank you for the name. I will be Nimedona from now on, your exclusive servant and messenger."

The god of nature happily accepted it and seemed quite happy.

Zuo Si took the opportunity to cast several detection spells, and combined with the unique vision of the chosen one of the goddess of magic, he quickly confirmed the special effects of several pieces of equipment on Nimidona.

Except for the [Blade of Life], the compound bow she carries on her back has an enchantment level of +5, and it also has additional strength enhancement value, which is equivalent to a secondary artifact.

The armor made of leaves and vines on his body is equivalent to +5 full body armor, and comes with natural protection.

Not to mention ordinary non-magical weapons, even low-level magic weapons cannot cause even a little bit of damage to it.

The wreath on the head not only has the physical protection ability of a +5 fully enclosed helmet, but can also provide an invisible deflection field, and can cast [Level 9 Natural Ally Summoning Technique] three times a day when needed.

It can be said that in terms of equipment, Nimidona is already much better than the ordinary Seraph of the Blazing Sky.

As for ability, it has reached a very astonishing level under the reinforcement of massive green mana and soul energy.

The permanent abilities alone include [Dark Vision], [Faction Protection], [Faction Detection], [Trap Detection], [See Through Lies], [True Sight], [Animal Talking Technique], and [Wood Escape Technique]. , [Move freely], [Control the wind direction].

And you can also cast [Assistance], [Animated Object], [Eternal Flame], [Dimensional Anchor], [Advanced Dispel Magic], [Holy Light Strike], [Confinement], [Invisibility], [ Remove Curse], [Remove Disease], [Remove Fear], [Resist Energy Damage], [Seventh Level Monster Summoning], [Advanced Restoration], [Fatigue], [Talk to the Dead], [Summon Thunderstorm], [Deathproof Barrier], [Stoneskin], [Wall of Thorns], [Medical], [Sunfire Explosion], [Group Healing Moderate Damage], [Advanced Teleportation].

You can also cast [Blade Storm], [Earthquake], [Implosion], [Group Charm Monsters], [Constant Technique], [Resurrection Technique], [Exhaustion Wave], [Regeneration Technique], [Three Times a Day] Revenge Storm], [Summon Element Aggregation], [Perception Position], [Group Treatment of Fatal Wounds], [Higher Spell Immunity].

And once a day [Blinding by Law], [Death by Law], Shock by Law, [Rainbow Jet], [Wish], [Summon Giant Thundercloud], [Complete Resurrection], [Gate to Another World], [Astral Projection].

The effects of the above spell-like abilities are equivalent to those of level 30 casters.

In addition, Nimidona can prepare daily spells like a thirty-level divine spellcaster.

However, her spellcasting list covers both priest and druid systems.

But this is only a magic ability.

In terms of melee combat, Nimedona has mastered many warrior specialties, including cleave, lethal shot, dodge, mastery of initiative, mastery of breaking weapons, iron will, lightning reflexes, flexible movement, powerful attack and a series of skills.

Its six basic attributes are 35 points of strength, 27 points of agility, 38 points of constitution, 26 points of intelligence, 31 points of perception, and 29 points of charm.

In addition, there is a wealth of knowledge about religion, history, nature, planes, spell recognition, wilderness survival, etc.

Proficient in reading and writing multiple languages, and possessing the skill of glib, he can quickly master any language in a short period of time.

Its powerful deformation ability allows it to change its form at will.

As a servant of the Seraph God, Nimidona is immune to both acid and cold energy damage. She is also immune to petrification effects and has a magic resistance of up to 40 points.

Its skin is even hard enough to withstand slashes and piercings from most non-magical weapons and swords.

Even if you are injured when facing a strong enemy, you can quickly recover and regenerate with the help of your divine core.

Just like the God of Knowledge said, the Blazing God is equivalent to another form of the god, and its essence is a kind of "divine-like power".

Therefore, the strength is naturally powerful in all directions and without any blind spots.

Especially after Zuo Si extracted a huge amount of energy to strengthen it, it surpassed the ordinary blazing gods and could even confront the demon lord, the devil duke and some incarnations of gods.

Gazing at Nimedona who was so close, Ogma couldn't help but exclaimed: "Dear Soth, I can't believe that you have come this far in the field of using magic to create life. You know what kind of thing you have created. The blazing god’s attendant?”

"Well, of course I know. In fact, I have already created a god in another world, so this has not been difficult for me for a long time. It is just a matter of how much soul energy is consumed." Zuo Si shrugged. He replied with a nonchalant expression.

"Create a god?"

Ogma raised his eyebrows in surprise, obviously not knowing about the Phoenix God yet.

Zuo Si smiled and nodded: "Yes. But I don't plan to summon him to Faerun just yet. Maybe after the Dark Sun incident is over, I will consider introducing him to you."

"I'm looking forward to this day."

Ogma's eyes sparkled, and there was strong expectation in his tone.

"Me too. If you don't have anything else to do, I'll go back first."

After saying that, Zuo Si turned around and prepared to take Nimedona back to the Mage Tower for a good physical examination and to make some powerful magic equipment for her to wear.

But before the teleportation magic could be activated, the God of Knowledge called him from behind.

"Wait a minute! I'm just about to visit an old friend. Are you interested in joining me? You know he is also very interested in you."

"Oh? Who is this old friend you are referring to?"

Zuo Si stopped and turned his head with a curious expression.

After all, given how ancient the God of Knowledge is in Toril, the people or gods he can call "old friends" should be at least tens of thousands of years old, dating back to the emergence of the creator race, or something even older. Age of Aboleth.

"It's the ancient god of death, Yeager. Of course, he is now just the attendant of the god of death and the recorder of death."

Ogma calmly stated the name of his old friend.


Zuo Si's face changed slightly, and he immediately raised the corners of his mouth and said without hesitation: "Of course you are interested! Please be sure to take me with you!"

"Haha, I knew you would agree.

But it’s better not to bring the blazing god attendant beside you.

Because the underworld is the kingdom of the dead, there are many undead creatures in the City of Judgment.

If she appeared there, she could easily cause unnecessary commotion.

not to mention. Don’t forget that the current God of Death is Dark Sun.

I wanted this visit to be as private as possible. "

After saying that, Ogema gave Zuo Si a "you know" look.

"Nimedona, could you please go to my mage tower in Askatra first? Don't worry, I have already said hello to the consciousness of the mage tower."

Zuo Si quickly made arrangements for the God of Nature.

The latter nodded without hesitation: "No problem. Just go ahead with peace of mind, father. I can take care of myself."

As the last word blurted out, she instantly activated the advanced teleportation technique and disappeared.

Due to the accurate coordinates and guidance provided by the Mage Tower consciousness, there is no need to worry about any problems that may occur during the first transmission.

After watching Nimedona leave, Ogma also grabbed Zuo Si's arm and directly tore apart the space and headed to the underworld full of the dead.

Of course, the term "underworld" is mainly a term used by ignorant civilians.

True mages, scholars and priests who master religious knowledge usually call it the "Twilight Realm".

This plane generally has two well-known properties.

One is the forbidden magic, which suppresses all types of magic;

The other is that the soul can always remain in an absolutely stable state. No matter what kind of torture and abuse it suffers, or how much indescribable pain it endures, it will never result in forgetfulness, trance, or collapse.

In other words, this is a paradise for sadists and executioners, who can torture souls to no end.

What’s even more interesting is that the location of the “Hazy Realm” is very special.

It neither belongs to the outer plane nor to the crystal wall where the planet Toril is located, but is between the two.

This is very similar to the pantheon known as the "Pole Star Camp".

When a creature dies, its soul will naturally come here from the main material plane.

This process does not depend on the will of the soul of the creature after death, but is pulled in by a rule-like force.

The messengers of gods will take away the souls marked with their own beliefs in the "Twilight Realm" and send them to live in the kingdom of God.

But not every mortal has clear beliefs.

Therefore, many times, mortals need to face the final choice here, that is, to choose a god who is willing to accept them.

Among them, Ilmat, the God of Suffering, encourages his priests to say last prayers to all dying people, so any soul that no god is willing to accept after death and who has not done anything crazy or evil in life can claim to be his. Believers, avoid becoming unbelievers and being "walled up".

From this perspective, the God of Suffering has indeed achieved the ultimate in saving others from suffering.

In addition, demons and demons from the lower planes can often be seen here.

The devil's task is to lure the souls of the dead to hell by non-violent means according to the terms of the contract.

The devil is an out-and-out robber. Once he rushes in, he madly captures the soul and takes it back to the bottomless abyss to slowly corrupt until it is twisted and turned into a disgusting worm.

It can be said that the soul of the deceased has to go through several ordeals before reaching the city of judgment.

The only good thing is that if you want to enter and leave the "Hazy Realm", you must go through the designated portal. Any other spells or even divine powers are invalid.

So no matter how many souls the demons grab, as long as the army of death can intercept them before they escape, all souls will be saved.

But the prerequisite is that the current god of death must be the kind of responsible person.

But the problem is that as the current God of Death, Cyric is not qualified at all and does not even live in the Judgment City of the "Hazy Realm". How can he send troops to stop the demon's plunder?

Not only did he not stop him, he often threw the souls of other god believers to the Chaos Demon Dog Kozif as snacks, just to hear the desperate wails of the victims before they died.

As for the devil...

Well, the devil has been at it again with the devils here.

The latter's lawful nature and the hatred accumulated in the previous bloody battles made it impossible for them to sit back and watch the former unscrupulously snatch souls.

In other words, the current order in the underworld is actually maintained by the devil.

I have to say, this is really a very magical and weird thing.

No wonder the third generation of Death Klanvor will give the devils some special privileges after he takes over...

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