A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 443 The out-of-control shadow thief (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

"Master, are you sure that Sarevok will use all means to seize the position of Duke of Baldur's Gate, and then lead the Flame Fist mercenaries to fight against the Zhentil Keep army under Fuzor Chamberry?"

After returning to the mage tower in Askatra, Davian finally couldn't help but ask the question he was most concerned about.

In his opinion, if the other party simply wants to awaken Baal's divine power and divinity in his body through more killings, then he can join as a soldier or mercenary.

Paying attention to the doubts and confusion in the eyes of the followers around him, Zuo Si smiled and explained: "No, you don't understand.

Participating in a war as the highest commander of the army has completely different effects than participating in a war as a soldier.

If it is the former, then Sarevok can expand the scale of the war as he wishes.

Inciting and connivating his subordinates to kill in the most cruel, bloody and violent way.

Even the civilians living in the West Hartland area were not spared.

You should know the two most important priesthoods of Baal, the god of murder, right? "

Davian hurriedly replied: "Of course! Baal holds the two powerful priesthoods of death and killing. When he was alive, all the assassins in the entire Faerun continent, as well as those who thirsted for blood, regarded him as the supreme master. "

"You are right. But do you know the difference between the death and murder controlled by Barr and the other two of the three gods of death?" Zuo Si continued to ask with a half-smile.

"Uh...he's more violent?"

There was strong uncertainty in Davian's voice.

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "Absolutely correct.

The death and murder in the priesthood of Baal are very different from that of Melkor, the god of death in the previous generation.

The death of the latter is simply death, which means that the human body has lost its functions in a physiological sense, so the soul has to go to the city of judgment and be taken away by the messengers of the gods of their respective beliefs.

But the former focuses on death that is violent, destructive, and quasi-religious.

Strictly speaking, Baal's character and behavior are the most crazy and reckless among the three gods of death.

On the eve of the Year of Troubles, he even wanted to hunt down the Earth Mother Goddess Shantia in the Shadowmoon Islands, which is the will of the planet Toril beneath our feet.

Such crazy actions are rare in the tens of thousands of years of history of the entire Faerûn continent.

At least I don't know of a second god who tried to kill Chantia permanently.

Even Baal himself could not control the desire for violent killings in his heart after acquiring the above two divinities, let alone those deliberately created sons of gods.

Therefore, if he joins the war as a soldier or mercenary, the Son of Baal can easily lose himself in the killing, and then completely release the power hidden in his soul, turning into an irrational, bloodthirsty beast - a killer.

An ambitious and capable person like Sarevok would never allow himself to become like that.

What he wants is to create a killing feast, not to be part of the killing feast.

Including cooperating with those evil forces, allowing bandits to rob and create chaos on Baldur's Gate's trade routes, and using shapeshifters to infiltrate and replace the upper levels of Baldur's Gate, all in order to gain command of the Flame Fist mercenaries and become The goal of the Grand Duke.

As for ambushing Gillian and wanting to kill Aberdare, it was purely because he did not want other sons of Baal to share the powerful power that might be gained from this killing feast.

This is also the reason why I want Fuzor Chamberry to launch this large-scale invasion.

For Sarevok, Waterdeep City in the north is too powerful and he definitely cannot easily provoke it.

Amn, who has a weak southern army, was originally a good target, but because of me, he did not dare to act rashly.

Therefore, the only direction in which he can launch a war is in the vast West Heartland region to the east, using the residents there as sacrifices for his journey to becoming a god.

If Sarevok is allowed to do this, the civilians in this land may be slaughtered.

But now Zhentil Castle's army has taken the lead in occupying most of the densely populated towns in the area.

According to the consistent style of the Church of Benn, the God of Tyranny, although civilians will suffer a little and suffer a certain degree of oppression, they can still save their lives.

The end point of my life for Sarevok is located at the Troll's Claw Peak, north of the Chongsa River and south of the Wan Ting River.

This is the place where Baal, the god of murder, once fell, and it is just suitable as the burial place for Baal's son.

Don't you think this feels fatalistic?

Although I can't make Sarevok become the god of murder before he dies, I can let him taste the same death as his father. "

When saying these words, Zuo Si did not hide his bad taste in some aspects, and felt that only in this way could the tragic fate of the son of Baal be reflected in the absurd irony.

"You are really..."

The corners of Davian's mouth twitched uncontrollably and he didn't know what to say at all. At the same time, he held a second of silence for Sarevok in his heart.

Because he knows that anyone who is targeted by the master will probably not end well.

Some of the more miserable ones may be played over and over again until they have a mental breakdown.

"Ha ha ha ha!

What, you want to call me a devil?

Don’t forget, I already am.

What's more, I am also a human being and cannot always operate as coldly, rationally and efficiently as a machine.

Occasionally, you need to find some fun for yourself in these complex games and confrontations. "

Zuo Si laughed and defended himself.

The longer he stayed in Faerûn, the more he understood why intelligent creatures that lived long lives in this world often had many puzzling quirks.

Many times, these quirks are used to release huge psychological pressure and prevent one's own thoughts and consciousness from being completely abnormal.

As the saying goes, you are staring into the abyss, and the abyss is staring into you.

After long-term contact with all kinds of extremely evil, twisted, sick, and crazy people, even the righteous, kind, and determined paladins will have a high probability of degenerating and becoming the enemies they once hated most.

Not to mention ordinary people who like to take advantage of small things and often struggle and make choices between good and evil in their hearts.

Just when Davian was about to say something, the succubus Loli Atona suddenly emerged from the corner and reported in a slightly excited tone: "Master! Miss Vera Salem Quante for a few hours Before, a message was just sent through the channels of the Masked Mage Guild.

She has followed your instructions and successfully killed all the old guys in the six-person council, and now she has completely taken control of Amn's highest administrative authority.

However, it will take some time to completely control the parliament and occupy an overwhelming majority of seats.

As for the large chambers of commerce and monopoly groups that account for more than half of Ascatra's resources, she has also taken some restrictive and suppressive measures.

If nothing else, these downtrodden families will soon begin to decline and shrink to mid-size, leaving enough market space for other small businessmen to compete.

Miss Vera now wants to ask you for advice, what should we do next?

Oh, right.

Under her control, the six-member council has been expanded to seven members as announced.

In the future, you will become the de facto supreme leader of the Seven-member Council as a military controller. "

"The power to control the army? It seems that Vera did not disappoint me. Can you tell me what she did during this period?" Zuo Si asked with interest.

Whoever controls the army is the real master of the country.

This is an out-and-out truth no matter in any world or in any era.

Although Amn's army is a little worse than other neighbors, it is still an out-and-out violent organization.

Especially when you cooperate with the masked mage, you can still win some wars.

But the only problem is that the army authorized by the six-person council is actually only the garrison of the capital Ascaltra, not all the armies of the city-states throughout the territory.

Because it is a business empire, the major cities under Amn have very high self-regulation.

In almost every city, you can find several or even a dozen families that hold a local monopoly.

These families are the actual controls of the city, not only controlling the politics, but also controlling the local garrison.

These armies range from a few hundred to one or two thousand.

Some are maintained by taxation and finance, and some are simply put together by part of the private armies of various families. If there is a conflict between the central government and the region, you can imagine who will take orders.

However, Zuo Si is obviously not in a hurry to reach out to the major cities in Amn, take back administrative, military, and economic power and begin to establish a highly unified country.

Adhering to the strategy that before fighting foreigners, he must first stabilize his country, he must first take down the families in the capital Ascatella and its surrounding areas that control huge resources and wealth and have strong political influence one by one.

Succubus Loli shrugged her shoulders and responded: "Miss Vera didn't use any outstanding strategy, she just took advantage of her marriage.

You know, since all the direct members of the family died, she is the only heir and head of the family in Salem.

If anyone could become her husband, he would immediately reach the sky in one step without struggling for decades, and gain unimaginable wealth and power.

Therefore, many so-called young talents have started thinking about this.

It's a pity that they were all used by Miss Vera as pawns to provoke fights between several other big families, and deliberately made several parties fight, jealous, and resentful against each other at banquets and other occasions.

Eventually, these conflicts broke out in a public gathering.

Among them, eight or nine of the descendants of the family who had seats in the six-person council couldn't control their emotions because they drank some spiked wine. They drew their swords and killed each other in a duel.

It is said that the scale of the conflict started with only a few people, but accidentally killed and injured more than a hundred people.

Although they spent a lot of money to hire priests to treat and resurrect them, the seeds of division and hostility had already been sown.

Over the next week, these four families began to recruit allies overtly and covertly and fell into endless battles.

Miss Vera only needs to lean slightly towards one of them at the right time, and immediately change back to cause the other party to suffer heavy losses.

After several operations, the four families in the six-person council and their allies have now lost their financial advantage and are gradually being overtaken by the rising families behind them.

In order not to be kicked out of the highest authority, they secretly reached a political deal with Miss Vera.

That is for the older generation to give up power and withdraw from the political arena, allowing the new generation of the family to take over and continue to obey the leadership of the Salem Quant family as before. "

"So...the leaders of these families realized that the reason why they were fighting was that Vera deliberately instigated it, but instead of breaking up, they chose to compromise and make deals?"

Zuo Si touched his chin with an interested expression.

"That's right!"

Atona nodded vigorously and said gloatingly: "Because after all the direct members of the Salem Quante family died, these families were the first to break the established rules.

Through various methods, a lot of wealth and sphere of influence that should belong to the Salem Quant family were embezzled.

They even tried to use marriage to get more.

Therefore, after Miss Vera took power and stabilized the situation, it was natural for her to use some means to fight back.

Most importantly, she proved that although she was the only one left in the Salem Quant family, it was still the most powerful and well-established family in the entire Amn.

The rest of the forces came to fear her and believed that she would be the undisputed supreme leader of Amn for decades to come.

But these ignorant and short-sighted families simply don't understand that Miss Vera is actually just one of your subordinates.

In the future, Amn and even the West Coast will have only one undisputed master, and that is you. "

"Are you going to use the trick? It's interesting."

Zuo Si smiled meaningfully.

He was still thinking about what method Vera would use to win over the six-person council.

Will there be a classic remake that uses the same method to create chaos within these families, and then completes the bloody purge through physical means?

But who would have thought that this woman was unexpectedly smart and perceptive. She immediately noticed what those old foxes wanted to do, and then took advantage of the conflict of interests between them to rebel against the general.

By the time the other party came to their senses, it was already too late. They could only choose to give in and compromise to keep their family's political status from being shaken.

Lack of courage to fight to the death in disadvantaged situations.

This is a common problem among most wealthy merchants and nobles in Amn.

At the same time, it was also the confidence that Zuo Si dared to be cruel to him without worrying about causing a big mess.

Because these guys are too afraid of losing everything they have now, whether it is power, wealth, or superior social status.

The weak part of human nature is vividly reflected in them, and they are not even as courageous as the slave owners in the South who launched a rebellion in Carlin Shirt and were eventually killed to extinction.

"Miss Vera also asked me to inform you that if you come back, you'd better go to the municipal building." Succubus Loli continued to add.

"ok, I get it."

Without saying a word, Zuo Si stood up and walked out of the gate of the Mage Tower, heading towards the administrative district along the expanded road.

He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he found that the number of Shadow Thieves Guild members who used to roam the streets and stealthily engage in pickpockets, break-ins, or illegal transactions seemed to have decreased.

This feeling became even stronger as we passed through the always chaotic bridge area.

Just when he felt very strange about this, he suddenly noticed a figure covered in a cloak and hood in a dark alley to the side, waving to him.

Due to the boldness of a skilled artist, Zuo Si walked over without any hesitation.

The two of them continued to turn in the complicated alley, one after the other, until they reached a dead end with a brick wall in front of them. The masked man took off his hood, revealing a face full of mysterious patterns and horns on his head. face of a demon elf.


Zuo Si directly called the other party's name, with strong surprise in his eyes.

This assassin who is loyal to the nominal leader of the Shadow Thieves, Alan Linville, has never taken the initiative to contact him since the last time they were separated.

He thought that the other party had given up on the olive branch he extended and planned to go all the way to the shadow thief's path.

"Hello, Your Excellency Soth."

The demon elf assassin put one hand on his chest and bowed respectfully.

"Are you here on behalf of yourself this time, or on behalf of Ellen Linville and the Shadow Thief behind him?" Zuo Si probed calmly.

Feide was silent for a long time, and finally answered with a smile that was uglier than crying: "I...I represent myself.

Because Boss Ai Lang is dead, died of a sudden and horrific murder.

The man sitting in the headquarters of the Shadow Thieves Guild now is actually just a stand-in prepared by Renault Bloodhead.

As for me, I not only lost my allegiance, but I was also identified as a murderer.

Yes, you heard it right.

They think I personally killed Boss Ellen Linville.

Now I am wanted by the entire Shadow Thieves Guild and am completely cornered. I hope your promise to take me in is still valid. "

"What? Ellen Linville is dead? Who did it!"

Zuo Si raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Although he had known for a long time that this guy was actually a target used by the shadow thieves to attract firepower, and he might die on the spot at some point.

But I never expected it to break out at this point in time.

The demon elf assassin shook his head slightly: "Sorry, I'm not very clear either.

Because when I went to report the mission, his body was already rigor mortis, and the time of death was obviously more than two hours.

The cause of death was being stabbed in the heart from behind with a sharp instrument.

After the murderer completed the assassination, he didn't know whether he cut off the head of Boss Ai Lang and took it away because he needed evidence to receive the reward or to prevent him from being resurrected.

I checked and found that the other party did it very professionally and did not leave any footprints or blood on the ground.

Boss Ai Lang didn't have any fierce struggle before his death.

This means that either an acquaintance did it, or the other party was too strong to give him a chance to resist. "

Through these descriptions, Zuo Si seemed to understand something, and asked with a playful look: "Were you caught by an intruder while you were surveying the scene?"

"Well! You also think that I am extremely unlucky, right?"

Feide held the dagger and dagger hanging on his waist tightly, his pupils showing undisguised anger and murderous intent.

You must know that Ellen Linville is more than just the leader of the Thieves Guild who needs to be loyal to her.

At the same time, he was the benefactor who gave her a relatively safe environment to grow up in and trained her into what she is now.

Now that the benefactor was killed inexplicably, and he was clearly framed as the murderer, anyone would be angry and eager to catch the mastermind and cut him to pieces.

"This is not as simple as bad luck. If I guess correctly, the internal situation of the Shadow Thieves Guild may not be peaceful recently, right?"

Zuo Si raised his head suddenly, his eyes emitting a strange blue light.

Obviously, he was using mind magic to directly read the other party's memory and thinking, and discovered many unusual signals within the Shadow Thief.

For example, the people Ellen Linville asked the demon elf assassin in front of him to investigate, and the secret transactions they were engaged in.

In addition, Renoir Bloodhead's actions are also quite suspicious. No matter how you look at it, it looks like a fierce internal fight is about to break out.

As the earliest criminal organization established in Waterdeep City, the Shadow Thieves were quite united and stable except for a serious internal split and bloody conflict when they were expelled and arrested.

Especially after receiving the support of the Six-member Council, the entire organization rapidly developed and expanded to cover the entire territory of Amn, and actively expanded to other countries and regions.

In the face of huge interests, only idiots would think about killing this one today and that one tomorrow, and then become the boss themselves.

Wouldn't it be nice for him to make money honestly, and then wait until he has saved enough property to retire and enjoy a beautiful and comfortable life?

Therefore, even if there are a few ambitious subordinate guild leaders who want to cause trouble, they will usually be quickly reported by their subordinates and eventually eliminated without leaving any trace.

But now, the top management, headed by Renoir Bloodhead, has obviously begun to lose control of the guild leaders below.

Some of the most powerful ones have dozens or even hundreds of assassins and thugs under their command.


This is not an ordinary civilian, but a professional thief or warrior with a minimum level of LV1.

So Zuo Si concluded that Ellen Linville's death was just the beginning, and more shocking things would happen within the Shadow Thieves Guild next.

"It's more than peaceful.

More than half of the subordinate guilds in the surrounding areas of Ascaltra suddenly entered a semi-independent wait-and-see state for unknown reasons, and stopped paying profit sharing to the headquarters.

Several guild leaders even colluded in private and suspected of launching a rebellion.

Boss Ai Lang noticed this and asked me to investigate their situation.

As a result, I found that they all had the support of a mysterious force.

In particular, Maiwa, who controls the dock area, often sends people to enter the underground passages in the cemetery area after midnight.

I wanted to follow them, but every time I was disturbed by various traps and undead creatures, and had to retreat temporarily..."

The Demon Elf Assassin did not hide anything and directly told all the information he knew.

Because her allegiance from the beginning was Ellen Linville, not the entire Shadow Thieves Guild.

So after the former was killed, there was no need to continue to keep those secrets.

What's more, she is currently being hunted by the Shadow Thieves Guild and desperately needs to find a strong man who can protect her.

In Ascatla, there are only three forces that can ignore the shadow thieves.

The first is the six-person council and the alliance of several big families behind it;

The second one is the Masked Mage Guild, which is at the same level as the Shadow Thieves;

The third one is naturally the chosen one who can make all the forces in front of them feel in awe.

Feder didn't know the first two, and there was no so-called "connection", so the third way was the only option.

If this road doesn't work, then she can start thinking about how to escape the city alive.

"Maiwa? Cemetery area?"

Zuo Si instantly thought of the vampire queen and her men who had been lurking there, and felt that this matter was probably related to Badi.

However, he did not show it, but suddenly changed the subject and asked directly: "Do you want to avenge Ellen Linville?"

Feide nodded without hesitation: "Yes! Whether it is to repay the kindness of Boss Ai Lang for taking him in, or to make those guys who framed me pay the price, the mastermind behind the scenes must die. Whether he is Maiwa or Raynor Bloodhead, or other high-level shadow thieves."

"I like people who are loyal and repay kindness. But how do I know that you won't sneak away without saying a word after completing your revenge? You have a criminal record."

Zuo Si stared at the beautiful black patterns on the demon elf's face and questioned.

By reading the memory, he already knew that the other party had been a slave for a period of time when he was young and successfully escaped from his master.

Coupled with the restless demon blood flowing in his body, there is no guarantee that he will not let go of his dove on a sudden whim.

"You can leave a magical mark on my body to ensure that I can be found immediately wherever I take it. With your level of magic, it should be easy to do this, right?"

As he spoke, Phaed pulled down his collar to reveal the white patches on his chest.

Because she was afraid of being tracked by magic, she had discarded the magic leather armor given to her by Ellen Linville, and now she was only wearing shabby linen clothes stolen from an unknown place.

But this cannot conceal its sexy and proud S-shaped curve.

Fid's body shape is undoubtedly the opposite of the somewhat thin and barren stature of most elves.

If nothing else, part of his demonic bloodline must have come from succubi or advanced forms of demon-possession.

Maybe it can be traced back to the Elven Crown War, the four earliest sun elf families that hybridized with succubi.

The most famous among them is the Dragajes family of Cormanzo.

At present, more than one-third of the demon elves in the entire Faerûn continent are basically from this family, or are related to them by blood.

If the family is willing, they can even gather an army of thousands of people composed entirely of demon elves.

Of course, being a family that crossbred with demons to gain power.

Dragajes knew without asking that he definitely did not believe in the elven gods, and his behavior was full of demonic madness and hysteria.

His attitude towards his offspring is no different from that of a real demon.

Sometimes just to get help from a powerful person, or to get more supplies and money to start a war, they would sell their children.

Fede was probably sold to a slave trader when he was very young, and then fled to Amn several times and settled down in the capital city of Askatra.

Thinking of this, Zuo Si's lips slightly turned up and he said meaningfully: "I can indeed do the magic mark you mentioned, but it's too troublesome and not very safe. Why don't you let me sign a contract? how?"


The demon elf assassin frowned, not understanding what the other party was trying to do.

The most important thing is that she doesn't feel that a piece of paper can have any binding effect on herself.

"Haha, yes, a contract."

Zuo Si raised his right hand and snapped his fingers, and then a piece of parchment appeared out of thin air and slowly floated down.

Out of a subconscious reaction, Fede immediately caught the parchment and began to read the terms on it.

Since she had not received any relevant education, she did not recognize that this was a terrible devil's contract, nor did she know that the soul-selling part had been hidden in the decorative patterns beneath the text.

After reading it carefully and confirming that there was nothing wrong with it, I signed my name directly in the signature area.

The next second...


The parchment burst into a bright flame and burned quickly.

When the remaining embers dispersed in the wind, the demon elf assassin asked this time: "Are you sure this is okay?"

"Of course! From now on you are mine, both body and soul."

When saying this, Zuo Si's eyes flashed with the devil's unique insidiousness and cunning.

"Then what do I do now?"

Feide was obviously relieved, and even his tense nerves relaxed a lot.

From this moment on, she finally no longer had to worry about being caught by other elite assassins sent by the Shadow Thieves Guild.

"First come with me to the municipal office building in the administrative district. I have some things that need to be dealt with."

With the last word blurted out, Zuo Si directly blessed the demon elf assassin with invisibility magic that could last for a long time, then turned and walked out of the alley.

Feide followed closely behind without saying a word.

Just as the two of them walked into the municipal office building one after another, in the woods beside the North Bay Coast Road, the white bear cub that had been following the target for several days - Atio, finally appeared in front of Aberdare and his party. Within human sight.

It wasn't that it didn't want to continue hiding itself, but that it was discovered by Jasila, a druid.

Currently, six people and a bear were staring at each other in embarrassment.

After a full minute, Imoen couldn't help but ask: "Does it look familiar?"

"Well - I think except for the size, it should be exactly the same as the one we met in the forest near Friendly Arm. Especially the round head, it is so recognizable."

Aberdare touched the stubble that had grown on his chin in the past two days and expressed his opinion.

"You mean...it followed us all the way from Friendly Arms? Why!"

Imoen's eyes widened in disbelief, with a shocked expression on his face.

"Perhaps it's because you stole the gold coins, silver coins and gems from the corpse, so it keeps following you?" Montaro speculated wildly.

"No...it can't be! It's a bear, what's the point of asking for money and gems? And we've already spent almost all the money, how can we give it back?"

Imoen was quickly becoming a little frantic.

Because she had witnessed with her own eyes the ferocity shown by this white bear in battle, and she could not imagine what the result would be like if the other party launched an attack while the team was resting.

What's more, being able to freely change body size itself shows that this is definitely not an ordinary beast.

"Stay here and don't move. I'll go over and ask."

Seeing that none of the crooks in the team were reliable, Jasila could only sigh secretly in her heart, unleashed her natural druid power, approached cautiously and stretched out her hands to express that she had no weapons. , not to mention any hostility.

When the distance between one person and one bear was less than three meters, she stopped to confirm first what kind of bear it was.

As a result, the moment the force of nature collided with Atio, the half-elf druid immediately saw a spiritual giant bear floating out of the body of the white bear cub, and opened its mouth to make a sound that only he could hear. roar.

Roar! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Beast...Beast King? !

Jasira's pupils suddenly dilated, contracted, dilated again, and contracted again.

As the messenger and spokesperson of nature, it is impossible for her not to know about this extremely special and powerful guardian spirit of nature.

Similarly, she also saw the collar on the white bear's neck that also exuded the power of wildness and nature.

Is this the animal companion of an archdruid or a legendary druid?

Or are you the lucky one blessed and possessed by the spirit of nature?

A series of questions quickly popped up in Jasila's mind.

But in order to avoid angering this white bear cub with terrifying power, she immediately used the druid's ability to understand animals to convey goodwill to the other party, and then very cautiously asked why she was following her group.

Atio quickly turned his attention to Imoen and Aberdare, and expressed in a very direct way that he was following these two young men.

Since it is less than one year old, its expressions are very vague and confusing.

As a result, Jasila mistakenly understood that the other party was really here to collect debts, and immediately turned around and severely reprimanded Imoen and Aberdare for doing this.

Then he made a solemn promise that he would repay the money twice as soon as he made money.

As a result, under her operation, Atio not only successfully joined the team, but also became a creditor of the two sons of Baal.

From now on, in addition to daily necessary expenses, half of the money earned by Imoen and Aberdare must be used to pay off debts, and the rest can be used to purchase potions and replace better weapons and equipment.

"Oh my god! What evil have I done? I'm actually being chased by a bear for my debt!"

Aberdare wailed without tears.

He still wants to make more money, wait until he gets to those big towns to have some in-depth exchanges with the beautiful local girls, and discuss the origin of life.

Imoen also complained with a sad face: "Damn it! I bet this bear must have been a greedy and stingy dragon in his previous life!"

Just when Aberdare was about to say something, Khalid on the side was suddenly stunned, pointed behind him and stammered a reminder: "Quick... quick... look... look at your body... Behind you!"

I don’t know whether it was because of the tense relationship or because the scenes he saw were so horrifying that Jasira’s husband’s stuttering was several times worse than usual.

This short sentence took three or four seconds.

When Aberdare reacted, he found that the two-handed giant sword he was carrying on his back had no part of the sword body, leaving only the hilt and guard.

As for the unearned part, it naturally went into Atio's mouth.

At this moment, it was putting a piece of silvery metal in its mouth and chewing it. The sound sent shivers down the spines of everyone who saw this scene.

"Who... who the hell can tell me what's going on?"

Aberdare asked in a trembling voice.


Imoen swallowed his saliva and replied: "I saw it chew your sword like bread, and then swallowed it into its mouth in a few seconds. It's incredible! This bear actually eats metal!"

"Jasiela...could this be some alien creature that is somewhat similar to a bear?"

Khalid was obviously frightened and hurriedly asked his Druid wife for confirmation.

Jasila lowered her head and thought for a moment, then quickly said in the negative: "Probably not.

When I used Understanding Animals to communicate with it just now, I was very sure that it was a bear.

Maybe something happened to it that ordinary people can't understand.

We can ask when its owner comes for it. "

"Does it still have an owner?"

Aimeng was slightly stunned.

"Of course! Otherwise, do you think that the collar with powerful natural and wild power around its neck was made and put on by itself?"

Jasira rolled her eyes angrily.

"But what about my sword? I only have one weapon! How can I fight against robbers and wild beasts without it?"

"Embarrassment" and "embarrassment" were written all over Aberdare's face.

As a warrior, he couldn't imagine what he could do without weapons.

"Here, let's make do with this. Remember to watch carefully and don't get eaten again. I don't have a second backup weapon anymore."

After saying that, the mage Thrall handed over the dagger he used for self-defense.

The son of Baal took the dagger, which was only two fingers long, and couldn't help complaining in a low voice: "I think this thing is more like a tableware than a weapon. The power it can exert in battle may not be as powerful as How much stronger is a fork.”

"Be content! If this dagger is also eaten, then you will have to shake your fists when fighting. In addition, you'd better be careful with the half-body armor you just bought, because it might be gone when you wake up."

There was undisguised schadenfreude in Thrall's tone.

However, his words immediately aroused the vigilance of everyone in the team.

Everyone who carried metal weapons or wore metal armor wrapped these things that were closely related to their lives in their cloaks, for fear that the white bears would see them and take a bite.

Less than a few minutes after joining the team, Atio unexpectedly became the target of everyone's wariness.

But it didn't realize the seriousness of the problem. Instead, it tilted its head and acted cute while trying to get more steel products from these people to fill its stomach. It even almost bit the pot used for cooking soup in two pieces. Half.

After struggling for more than half an hour, Jasila finally made the bear understand that weapons, armor and soup pots were absolutely inedible.


At a critical moment, a group of human bandits appeared out of nowhere to satisfy Atio's desire to fill his stomach with metal.

In just three strokes, five divided by two, it turned these reckless guys into meat pies, and gnawed away all the metal weapons, arrows, chain armor, mail, etc., leaving only gold and silver coins. Soft metal with no chewiness.

Looking at the naked corpses of the robbers, Aberdare couldn't help but sigh slightly: "Okay, now we can basically confirm that the thing it likes to eat is metal, and it is hard metal like steel. In addition, it is not afraid of non-magic at all. Even if the weapon is hit by an arrow from the front, there will be no injury or bleeding.”

“Now I sincerely hope to encounter more robbers along the way.

Otherwise, God knows if it will eat all the weapons and armor on us as snacks when it is hungry.

Besides, it would be best for both of us to quickly find a way to save money and pay off the debt we owe.

Otherwise, the longer the bear follows the team, the greater the chance we will be bankrupted. "

Aimeng added with lingering fear.

Judging from the speed at which Atio was chewing the metal, she seemed to have seen a terrifying bottomless pit that would never be filled.

You must know that in Faerun, the price of steel is not cheap.

Otherwise, a better fully enclosed helmet would not be sold for around fifteen gold coins...

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