A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 483 Tiamat, the Dragon God (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

"You said Tiamat suddenly appeared after you slaughtered the green dragons in the Dragon Forest, and then expressed her desire to meet with me?"

Zuo Si fiddled with the colorful scales brought back by his entourage, with a very strange and confused expression on his face.

As the current second-in-command of Baator Hell, a planeswalker who has recorded a lot of knowledge and secrets in his mind, it is naturally impossible for him not to know the name of this evil dragon queen.

In fact, unlike many people's impression that Tiamat is widely worshiped by the five-color dragons throughout Faerûn, the real situation of Tiamat is that she was almost completely driven out of the pantheon of the world several times.

Even now, strictly speaking, we have not been able to establish a solid connection in a real sense.

Apart from the Unther, Mulhorand and Chesenta regions, it is estimated that only the madman Sammaster and the Dragon Worshiping Church he founded worship the evil dragon god to a certain extent.

Because their brain circuits were not very normal, they were deceived by Tiamat's tricks, thinking that this was the prophesied god of dracolich, and even gave her a resounding name, "The Immortal Queen."

Due to the belief and worship of these madmen, the Dragon God obtained a third incarnation besides the Dark Lady (in human form) and the Color Dragon, the dracolich with multiple heads.

Considering this person's wide influence in many different material planes, as well as her behavior of repeatedly jumping between hell lords and gods, it is difficult to really figure out what she wants to do.

For a while, people even speculated that Tiamat and Asmodeus should have reached some kind of unknown agreement in private, and might have become a member of the Great Devil.

This comes from the part of its teachings that preaches against the gods and driving their influence from Faerûn.

Except for the madman Cyric, only demons and demons preached enmity against all gods.

And she has too many titles and appearances, including Azhar who killed and merged with the dragon god system, Taksis, the powerful god in the world of Klein, and Tiamat in the next door world of Greyhawk.

Even Tchazzar, the dragon of the gods, and Entropy, the desolate god in the Quesenta area, were once completely controlled and possessed by Tiamat.

Although the latter two eventually regained their independence, Tchazzar lost his previous ambition to become a dragon god, and eventually ended up becoming the "Dragon of the Gods" and was forced to become Tiamat's chosen one and serve as his successor. A gold medal fighter on the material plane.

In addition, there are two completely different theories about how Tiamat appeared in Faerûn.

Some say that she and her mortal enemy and brother Bahamut were born from the war between the gods and the Primes in ancient times.

Erric Hutz, the most powerful Primeval, used a powerful battle ax to split the Nine-Faced Dragon God in half in a one-on-one duel.

As a result, half of the good-inclined part became Bahamut, and the evil-inclined part became Tiamat.

The siblings have disliked each other ever since and have been locked in an eternal feud.

However, since this record is also written by ordinary people, so everyone understands it, and the credibility is basically not too high.

After all, before the distant Thunder Era, it is unknown whether there was any civilization on the planet Toril and whether there were any texts that could record the War of Dawn. Such detailed and outrageous records can basically be regarded as legends or myths.

On the contrary, the other version is more credible.

In the latter's well-documented description, Tiamat came to Faerûn with Unther and the Mulhorand pantheon.

As for the reason, of course, after the ancient Imasca Empire was hit by the plague, it opened interdimensional portals to capture slaves everywhere to replenish its population and labor force, causing the slaves to bring the beliefs of the original world with them.

Among them is Tiamat.

But at the beginning, the majestic Dragon God only existed as a "scapegoat".

Whenever the god-king of Unther encounters setbacks or failures, he will blame Tiamat and accuse her of bringing disaster, destruction and death.

Over time, although Tiamat did not gain people's faith, she gained people's fear.

As we all know, fear is actually another kind of belief. The storm god Talos and the furious gods led by him draw strength from the fear of mortals and become a powerful force that cannot be ignored among the gods.

So eventually, Tiamat harnessed the power of these fears to gain the power to bring down an avatar on Toril.

According to the religious legends of the natives of Unther, Tiamat's appearance has been at war with Marduk, the Messenger of Justice, for centuries.

The latter finally succeeded in defeating the former and completely destroyed his incarnation, but he paid a huge price for this and was also permanently banished.

Subsequently, Marduk's sect quickly disappeared and never appeared again in the long river of history.

Incidentally, Marduk is actually an aspect of Bahamut in the Unther pantheon.

What does it mean to fall in love and kill each other, and what does it mean to have a bad relationship? Just look at these two people and you will know. One of the gods is not enough for them, and they have to go to other gods to change their vests and continue...

Gilga, the second-generation god-king of the Unser pantheon (the first-generation god-king Enlil voluntarily abdicated the throne and left the world of Toril) did not know what he was thinking.

It may be to prove one's legitimacy, or simply to create an enemy to scare mortals, and ultimately achieve the goal of gaining more faith.

In short, he chose to target Tiamat, who had disappeared from the continent of Faerûn, and continued to promote the evil dragon god in various books and sacrificial activities as the biggest threat to the entire pantheon and even the country.

And this indirectly helped Tiamat, who was expelled from Toril, successfully maintain a weak connection.

When the Unser pantheon began to weaken and shrink, and the god-king Gilga continued to degenerate and eventually became greedy, jealous, cruel, and arrogant, the situation finally changed.

To be precise, the people under Unser's rule began to hate and resent the god-king who only knew how to continuously increase taxes and force himself to give up the food rations he relied on for survival.

As a result, they began to no longer believe in Gilgar, but instead prayed to Tiamat, Gilgar's ever-proclaimed enemy.

At this time, the Tiamat Church, which had been hiding in the dark, also began to come out to teach the people at the bottom who were eager to resist how to establish a stable relationship of faith with the Dragon God.

It didn't take long before Tiamat once again gained the power to descend into an avatar in Faerûn.

What a coincidence, not long after she was successfully summoned by the believers, Io, the god above the gods, knocked the gods down to earth.

The most shocking year of turmoil in the history of Toril has begun!

Gilgar, who thought he had the home field advantage, openly launched a divine battle against Tiamat, hoping to use this opportunity to eliminate the most threatening enemy once and for all.

Since Io had not yet modified the rules between gods and faith at that time, Gilga, who had moderate divine power, won the victory as expected.

He succeeded in slaying Tiamat, and then fell into uncontrollable ecstasy.

In the eyes of this God King of Grace, with the death of Saint Tiamat, he can finally sit back and relax.

But what Gilgar didn't know was that before she died, Tiamat split her power and divine essence into three parts and merged them into the three most powerful dragons in the area.

One of them is the famous "Dragon of Conferred Gods" and "Father of Quesen Tower" - Chazsa.

At that time, he was ambitious to become a dragon god, so he accepted the power and divinity from Tiamat without even thinking about it, and began to track two other colored dragons like himself.

Shortly after the Year of Turmoil ended, Tchazzar not only successfully found two other dragons, but also killed them and devoured each other's divine power and divinity, directly transforming into the form of Tiamat's dragon.

But before she could be happy for long, Tiamat, who had been dormant and observing for a while, took away control of her body and launched an ambush on Gilga, who had declined to a demigod.

Because at the end of the Turmoil, the god Io completely changed the rules of this world, and the power of all gods was proportional to their followers and influence.

This also means that Gilga, who has long lost the support of his people after practicing tyranny for a long time, does not have many true believers at all. He suddenly fell from medium divine power to a fragile demigod.

The two gods fought to the death throughout Unther to the Outer Planes.

The end result was that Gilga's essence as a god was destroyed, while Tiamat lost an incarnation, and she herself was also reduced from a weak god to a demigod.

This is the price a god must pay for killing a god.

But as the saying goes, the mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole leaves behind.

Just when Tiamat returned to Unther with victory and was about to be crowned as the new god-king, rule this huge land and people, and gain faith to increase her strength, Bahamut and his followers, who were their mortal enemies, were not surprised. He did something wrong.

This attack caused her to lose the precious opportunity to harvest faith and monopolize divine power.

When the new incarnation was formed a year later, Unther had been eroded by the Mulhorandian pantheon, and Tiamat could only barely pick up the scraps.

As for Tchazzar, who was devoured, he later gained independence and freedom for unknown reasons.

There is no doubt that compared to the first version of the story, which is completely fake at first glance and is obviously suspected of huge fabrication, the second story is not only well-documented, but also reflects the proposition from a certain aspect. The close relationship between the Yamat and Unser pantheons.

So Zuo Si felt that the latter was closer to the truth.

But the problem is, this cannot explain that before the elves came to Toril, when the dragons ruled the world, they fought with each other individually or as clan units, and even developed some inexplicable religious fanaticism and desire. Completely destroy the opponent.

You must know that at that time, the enemies Tiamat and Bahamut were already inciting their descendants, believers and followers to engage in genocide, and even triggered the famous "Dragonfall War".

Because of this, after the religious fanaticism subsided, many dragons came to the conclusion that these two dragon gods were not the patrons of their own race, and abandoned their belief in them.

This can be gleaned from the fact that both Dragon Gods have weak divine power, and they don't have many dragon believers at all.

So what is the source of the birth of Tiamat and Bahamut?

Could it be that the first and least reliable account is the real one?

Or was it because of the "Dragonfall War" that the faith of the two dragon gods in the world of Toril collapsed, or even temporarily died?

Then they all went to other planes to develop believers, until they returned in the form of the Enser pantheon?

If this speculation is true, then when the Imaskar Empire opened an interdimensional portal to capture slaves, did Tiamat and Bahamut play some guiding and mastermind roles behind the scenes?

Did they deliberately sacrifice the Imasca Empire in order to return?

The more he thought about it, the more Zuo Si felt that the two ancient dragon gods were not simple, and there might be many unknown conspiracies and secrets behind them.

"Master, do you think there is any danger or conspiracy in this?" Davian asked cautiously.

Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders and replied with a smile: "There may not be any danger, but the conspiracy is hard to say.

You must know that it is not easy to make a judgment on an ancient god without knowing the other party's true intentions.

But I'm still curious about what attracted Tiamat's attention to me.

Is it from the ability of planeswalkers to travel freely through the multiverse and search for an entire world's wealth and resources?

Or can I find a thriving home for her evil dragon spawn?

Or can I lead the evil dragon to conquer time and space one after another?

Of course, it is not ruled out that the Dragon Queen wants to cooperate with me to expel the influence of Mulhorand’s pantheon in the Chesen Tower and Unther areas, so as to monopolize the faith in that area.

There are too many similar possibilities, not even counting the upcoming new and more brutal bloody battle with the demons and Eldrazi.

Therefore, Tiamat is very likely to hide her true intentions under countless lies and deceptions. "

"So you're not going to respond?"

Davian asked in an uncertain tone.

"No, just the opposite.

I had to respond immediately and appear interested.

Because no matter what Tiamat wants from me, she must give something as bait.

I won't let go of such a free advantage.

As for the specific cooperation process and who can get more benefits from it, it depends on how she and I perform in this battle of wits and courage. "

After saying this, Zuo Si quickly turned his attention to Vera, who had been assisting him in managing and commanding the coalition forces these days.

The latter obviously noticed this, and immediately stopped what he was doing, raised his head and asked, "Is there anything you need me to do?"

"Can you control the coalition forces for me and continue to advance steadily towards the Dragon Coast, and bring all the towns and villages along the way into the territory of Amn?"

Zuo Si had no intention of beating around the bush and expressed his thoughts very simply.

Because he needs a few days to go to Baator Hell and visit the Dragon God who established his kingdom in the huge cave near the Pillar of the Skull of Avernus on the first level.

Of course, considering that the other party once served as a lord on the first level, one of the descendants of the plunderer-Modu Kaval (a two-headed red dragon of purgatory, which can transform into a super-large abyss demon) is also a member of the Eight Demon Generals. It has an extraordinary influence on the politics of hell, so it is best to operate in secret without everyone noticing.

Vera nodded quickly: "No problem! But you'd better leave a clone or simulacrum just in case. Otherwise, once people like Ms. Alustriel and Master Kelben see the flaw, I won't Grasp can take care of them.”

"Don't worry, I've already prepared a simulacrum for you."

After saying that, Zuo Si raised his hand and cast a summoning magic.


A simulacrum that looked exactly like him, with a body made entirely of ice and snow, was summoned from the mage tower.

Immediately after another transformation spell, the simulacrum became indistinguishable from anything at all. Even if it was touched, it would not feel cold at all.

Obviously, since the arcane spellcasting level reached a certain level, Zuo Si created a large number of simulacra with half his strength in the mage tower, and even equipped them with some magic items.

Although the simulacra has many shortcomings, such as the inability to become stronger through learning and research, and the inability to use wishing to improve its basic attributes, and it requires a lot of magic energy to be consumed in the production process, and the spells used cannot pass Rest and recover...

But the problem is that as long as it is not destroyed, it can always exist, and there is no limit on the number.

This means that after a mage or warlock learns the simulacra technique, he can slowly create a simulacrum every few days and then save it.

When needed, pull out a dozen, dozens or even hundreds of yourself with half the strength at once.

Whether it is engaging in joint spellcasting or conducting a righteous group fight against the enemy, it can have an unexpected effect.

In this regard, Shane VII is a typical example.

No matter at any time, he always keeps at least twenty simulacra with full spell slots on standby.

In contrast, Zuo Si, who always likes to plan ahead and prepare as many trump cards as possible, will naturally not fall behind others.

Although the simulacrum he created will only inherit the professional level and power gained in this world.

Including a total of LV16 mage level, LV12 priest level, LV18 warlock level, and the ability to transform into a small two-headed infernal dragon.

It cannot even inherit the various spell-like abilities and immunity characteristics from the chosen one, the unique form of the Great Devil, but it is powerful enough for most people.

Many times, only a simulacrum is needed to hold the scene.

"You stay here and follow Vera's instructions!"

Zuo Si gave the order to the simulacrum directly.

Because it is a special magical creation, the simulacrum does not have any spiritual connection with the creator, so all orders and instructions must be through clear language.


The simulacrum immediately bowed to the young woman next to him to show his submission.

The Salem Quant family is the founder and controller of the Amn Masked Mage Guild.

As the last direct member of the family, although Vera is a warrior, it does not mean that she knows nothing about magic.

On the contrary, she understood the essence of the simulacra technique, so she did not care about the reaction of the simulacra. Instead, she solemnly promised Zuo Si: "I swear, when you come back, you will see the complete Sihat." Rand and the Dragon Coast. All who inhabit this land will see you as their savior, the Chosen One."

"Haha, there's no need to be so hasty, dear Vera.

You have to understand that in many things in politics, the faster is not the better, but you need to have enough patience.

Also, remember not to push Fzoll Chambery too hard.

If you can, let him go if you can.

After all, Zhentil Castle is not our main enemy for a long time in the future, but their old rival, the Harper Alliance, is.

Let Fu Zouer Chamberred retain more strength, so that he can better contain Elminster and his followers after returning. "

After saying this, Zuo Si directly activated the teleportation magic and took Davian and the black dragon Mulhallans together to disappear into the camp.

To be precise, he first returned to the mage tower in Askatra, stored the clone he was currently controlling in the secret chamber, and then transferred his soul and consciousness to his body on the ninth floor of Baator Hell.

The moment he opened his eyes, Zuo Si saw the Succubus Queen Mecanshut and the Khorne Angel Zariel appearing in front of him.

Especially the latter, after experiencing the baptism of divine power and divine blood, he has obviously become much stronger.

Coupled with the power obtained by the lord of the hell level, it seems that it is not much worse than any weak divine power, and it is even vaguely stronger.

"Tell me, how do you feel now?"

Zuo Si asked Zarrell while quickly converting the clothes and equipment from cards to real objects one by one to put them on his body to avoid the embarrassment caused by being naked.

The latter replied without thinking: "I feel better than ever, father.

In particular, Cyric's crazy divine blood has been successfully transformed by me into a fanaticism for war and killing.

The new model of Shining Oil also officially has the power to corrupt and corrode gods.

It’s just that we don’t have a suitable experimental subject, so we don’t know yet how fast and effective it is.

In addition, I also used the new model of Glitter Oil to create a batch of heavy-duty war machines, which can easily crush the top demons and devils such as the Balor Balrog and the Hell Fiend in the war.

They are all like me, possessing the same characteristics of immortality as ancient evil creatures. Even if they are killed or completely destroyed, they will be reborn from the huge sea of ​​shining oil within a few weeks.

Here, this is the new model of shimmering oil that combines divine power and divine blood. Please take a look. "

With that said, Zarrell raised his hand and lifted off the solid metal mecha on his upper body, revealing the naked white skin underneath, as well as the continuously roaring oil engine at the heart of his chest.

Through the edge of the transparent engine, you can clearly see that the originally black and shiny oil inside has completely turned into a dark red semi-energy substance like blood.

Zuo Si carefully took out a little from a prepared container, feeling the amazing power contained in it, slightly raised the corner of his mouth and exclaimed: "Great!

Now it finally qualifies as a natural disaster that threatens the entire multiverse.

As the first kind of shimmering oil that can infect gods, I will name it No. 0 for the time being.

Mecanshut, I give you a task, which is to try to fuse the No. 0 Shimmer Oil with your No. 6 Shimmer Oil.

Remember, all of this must be kept secret, and absolutely no information can be leaked. "

"As you wish."

Malcantheat lifted up her skirt and bowed gracefully. Her beautiful face shone with a holy light like an angel, but her movements exuded an indescribable temptation and attraction.

Such a huge contrast can easily give rise to irresistible desires and the urge to blaspheme in people's hearts.

However, she didn't seem to care about this. After asking for a little Zero Glitter Oil from Zariel beside her, she immediately took the initiative to report: "Father, after you left last time, some very interesting things happened in hell.

Among them, the most noteworthy thing is undoubtedly the messengers sent by the sixth-level lord Gracia.

Judging from the other party's impatient reaction, Her Royal Highness the Princess must have learned about the authorization document Asmodeus gave you through the spies planted in our palace.

I think she must be very anxious and insecure now, and she desperately wants to know your attitude.

In addition, your secretary Gramir immediately triggered a serious political crisis after arriving at the fourth level of Phlegethos as an envoy.

Especially after many people knew her true identity, the relationship between Ms. Ferna and her father, Archduke Bilaire, began to become extremely tense.

According to the reports from our spies, both sides are now beginning to continuously force the devils in power on the fourth level to take sides.

If nothing unexpected happens, this situation of two kings co-ruling will soon be broken.

At that time, only one winner can become the true master of the fourth level. "

"Sounds like everything is going the way I expected, doesn't it?"

Zuo Si pursed his lips and smiled meaningfully.

"That's right! Through Asmodeus's authorization document, you have successfully figured out the weakness of Gracia, the lord of the sixth level.

And controlling Gracia is equivalent to indirectly controlling Ms. Fierna.

Because the latter only has a staunch ally like the former, if he wants to defeat his scheming father, Archduke Bilaire, in the political struggle, he must bow to you for help.

This also means that after you eliminate Archduke Bilaire, you will maintain influence on the sixth and fourth levels for a long time.

When the lords from other levels learn this news, they will definitely tremble with fear and remain in awe of you enough to never dare to cause trouble again. "

When she said these words, the Succubus Queen's eyes were filled with unabashed admiration.

Zuo Si reached out and stroked Mecanshute's delicate and smooth chin, and ordered with interest: "Since the previous plan went very smoothly, let's continue to advance in an orderly manner according to this rhythm.

Especially for the spoiled Gracia, don't rush to give a reply, try to delay it for a while to let her reflect on what she has done during this period.

What's more, I came here not to deal with these two things, but to visit Tiamat, the evil dragon god on the first level. "

"Visit Tiamat?"

Zariel suddenly raised his head with a very surprised expression.

As the lord of the first level of hell for a long time, it was naturally impossible for her not to know this evil dragon god.

After all, Tiamat has another name, and that is "Hell's Watchdog."

Since the kingdom she established is right near the spiral staircase that connects Avernus to the second floor, any non-devil creature passing through here has a high probability of being attacked by her and her spouse, offspring, and creations.

No one knows what kind of agreement Asmodeus and the Dragon God reached.

But what is certain is that Tiamat can definitely be regarded as an ally of the devils, and occasionally she will personally lead a team to join the bloody battlefield to open the eyes of those chaotic devils.

"Do you know anything about this Dragon God?"

Zuo Si asked casually.

Zariel shook his head slightly: "No, I don't know much about Tiamat.

I only know that she will come to help when the situation is critical on the bloody front line, and she is an ally who can be trusted to a certain extent.

In addition, she and her dragon army will not obey the command of any lord at all.

Even Asmodeus, the Lord of Hell, can only be dispatched indirectly through Modukavar, one of the eight demon generals.

If you're visiting Tiamat, it's best to be extra cautious.

Because the queen of the Githyanki was once held hostage in her own kingdom.

And to satisfy the dragon god’s appetite, the Githyanki donate large amounts of gold and silver every year. "

But Zuo Si smiled and shook his head indifferently: "Don't worry.

Don't forget, this is the plane of hell, and I am the lord of the ninth level of hell, and I am also fighting at home.

If we really fight, we can summon you and the demon army from the ninth level.

I don't think Tiamat is stupid enough to pull off such a boring little trick. "

As the last word blurted out, Zuo Si put on his hood to cover his face, raised his hand, snapped his fingers and disappeared.

Just a second later, he appeared next to the huge skull pillar of Avernus on the first level.

This landmark structure is mainly made of demon skulls. The most terrifying one is as big as a small wooden house and should be the severed head of some kind of abyssal beast after death. The smallest one is only the size of an adult male's fist. Quite likely, it comes from the lowest level of little devils or timid demons.

These skulls were stacked together in a haphazard manner, eventually forming a super-giant pillar with a height of more than 1,600 meters.

Because it is so horrifying, any mortal who sees it will experience strong discomfort and mental shock.

At worst, you will start feeling sick, vomiting, and dizzy on the spot; at worst, you will be shocked on the spot and unable to move at all.

In short, the Pillar of Skulls is an area with certain evil necromantic magic effects.

If a mortal adventurer doesn't want to be idle and find some excitement for himself, it's best to stay away from this place.

And because the front line of the bloody battle has been pushed to the first few levels of the bottomless abyss, Avernus seems to be quite peaceful and quiet now, without feeling the tense atmosphere of war before.

Even the bronze fortress that never stopped being reinforced before has now stopped expanding.

Most of the demonic legions stationed inside are also sent to the front line to occupy more abyssal levels and change the tendency there from chaos to order.

Only a few legions remained as garrisons.

However, although there are no more demons, the number of mortals visiting has increased.

Most of them are for the indulgence and enjoyment in the super giant cyberpunk city on the ninth floor.

If it were changed to the past, these people would have to pass through at least several levels of hell with harsh environments to reach their destination.

But now, almost every level has a portal leading to the ninth level.

Therefore, they only need to pay a fee to send it directly to save time and avoid possible dangers along the way.

This is part of the cooperation agreement reached between Zuo Si and other level lords.

In return, lords from other levels can send their men to the ninth level to trick those mortals into signing devil's contracts, and ultimately split the profits half and half with the ninth level.

Looking at the bronze castle that was transforming from a military fortress into a transportation hub, Zuo Si had a faint smile on his face, then turned and walked towards the huge and conspicuous cave nearby.

Because the inside of the cave is Tiamat's kingdom, and it is also the warehouse where she stores treasures.

It is said that in this cave, wealth worth more than a hundred worlds was accumulated by the Dragon God.

The moment Zuo Si had just stepped into the cave, a giant red dragon with three heads suddenly appeared, narrowed his eyes and asked, "Who are you? Who gave you the courage to trespass into the great Tiama?" A special country!”

"I'm here by invitation!"

Zuo Si did not reveal his identity, but threw the scale containing divine power to the other party.

The three-headed red dragon's face changed slightly after receiving it, and his tone immediately became much gentler. He actively moved out of the way and made an invitation: "Please come in, guests who have come from afar.

But please remember to control your greed and desires.

If I catch you trying to steal any of the gold coins belonging to the Great Dragon Queen, the consequences will be dire.

There have been many reckless thieves who took their lives before this, I hope you won't be the next one. "

"Thank you!"

Zuo Si apparently turned a deaf ear to the warnings and threats issued by the giant dragon and walked straight through the cave entrance without listening to a word.

After passing through countless intricate maze-like intersections, he finally witnessed a scene he would never forget.

In a huge circular cave that may be tens or even hundreds of kilometers in height, a golden mountain with a height of tens of thousands of meters stands in front of him.

Note that this is not an exaggerated description, but an ordinary description.

Under the magical halo reflected by the surrounding walls, countless gold coins, gold nuggets, gold bricks, and gold foils showed a dazzling golden light.

Among the gold, you can vaguely see a large number of top-notch gems, magic weapons, armor, and equipment worth more than tens of thousands of gold coins, and the number of light artifacts exceeds thirty.

As for the number of legendary level magic items, there are even more.

Even the ground itself is paved with one cubic meter of gold nuggets. More than tens of thousands of huge circular pillars stand on both sides, with the tops carved into the shapes of various colored dragons.

As for the material, it is basically either pure silver or platinum, or rare magical metals such as mithril and fine gold, and the surface is studded with colorful gems.

There is no doubt that this is the treasure of the Dragon God Tiamat worth a hundred worlds.

It is no exaggeration to say that just the amount of precious metals that can be seen before the eyes is enough to easily destroy the monetary and economic systems of a hundred or even a thousand worlds.

As for those top-notch materials such as gems, magic metals, and artifacts, even Zuo Si, a planeswalker, couldn't help but have the urge to grab them.

"Ah! You're finally here!"

Lying on the golden mountain, Tiamat spread her wings and flew down from a high place, slowly landed on the gold bricks, and then quickly transformed into a woman with long black hair.

After doing all this, she raised the corners of her mouth and said, "I think you prefer to talk in this way, don't you?"

"No, you misunderstood. In fact, I don't care much about the form of gods, as long as it's not too curious and uncomfortable." Zuo Si bowed politely.

"Haha, if you say that, Ghaunadaur, the ooze god, will be unhappy." Tiamat teased with a chuckle.

Zuo Si spread his hands in an indifferent manner: "So what? Does he still dare to come to trouble me? If such a thing really happens, then I don't mind killing another god. Anyway, Guan Nader also has few allies, and its own existence is almost universally spurned by the gods."

"Hahahaha! As expected of the Prince of Hell chosen by Asmodeus himself.

I have to admit that you are indeed closer to the devil's nature than most lords.

No wonder the hell plane likes you so much and even gives you such great power, blessing and authority.

So do you know why I suddenly invited you here? "

Tiamat walked gracefully on the ground paved with gold bricks. From time to time, she bent down to grab a handful of gold coins or something valuable and threw it into the sky above her head, listening to the falling of these things. The pleasant sound it makes.

As the God of Dragons, she obviously possesses the fascination and greed for treasure of all colored dragons.

And the golden mountain in this huge cave is the best proof.

No one knows where so much wealth comes from.

There may be donations from believers, and there may be some treasures that were collected by the dragon after it died, but the vast majority should come from the astral bandit Githyanki.

Even though this group of notorious guys didn't have any decent strong men, they actually robbed countless worlds, and they even completed the feat of killing gods more than once.


You read that right!

It’s the God of Killing!

Apart from the queen, the Githyanki, who don’t even have a single strong person above level 16, managed to defeat several gods in the material world.

Of course, this is inseparable from the psychic technology and magic ship fleet they master.

You must know that the Astral Plane is where the corpses of gods lie. God knows what the Githyanki dug up in there that could restrain the gods, and then made god-killing weapons based on it.

Zuo Si watched Tiamat's every move, and tried to analyze the other party's behavior and intentions in his heart. After a full minute, he shook his head expressionlessly: "Sorry, I can't guess, and I don't want to." Guess.

Because this is not an issue I should consider in the first place.

The prerequisite for cooperation is mutual trust.

My coming all the way from the material plane to your kingdom has reflected my attitude.

Now...it's your turn to say something! "

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