A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 515 There is no scene in my script where you appear (please subscribe to the 10,000-word cha

Bright and dazzling magic lights...

Tens of thousands of spectators cheered, roared and shouted around the high platform...

There are also various complex terrains and obstacles specially designed for combat in the large arena...

All of this made Aberdare, who was extremely eager to kill in his heart, feel excited, as if he was in a world full of dreams.

He didn't even know how he walked the distance from the passage to the center of the arena. He just felt that his mind was almost blank, and the most primitive and instinctive violent factors in his subconscious were being quickly awakened.

It wasn't until he was less than five or six meters away from his opponent that the son of Baal slowly stopped and began to look at the previous champion not far away with the eyes of a warrior.

Similarly, the war trolls were also looking at this famous Sword Coast hero and Son of God with very cautious eyes.

As a subspecies transformed by magic and alchemy, he is not dominated by strong hunger and eating instincts like his stupid and ignorant counterparts.

Quite the opposite!

This guy has an intelligence level far beyond that of ordinary people, and has even learned to read and write in at least three languages.

Not only can he bow, salute, and eat elegantly like a nobleman who has received etiquette training, but he also knows many special skills to please rich and powerful women or men on the bed.

After all, gladiators are essentially sports stars, not slaves who undergo cruel training and inhuman torture every day as many people imagine, and have to fight with their lives on the line.

If this is the case, the players who enter the arena will inevitably be passive and slow down, and the battle will inevitably not go well.

Only when they can get enough benefits and feel that they are fighting for themselves will they risk everything to fight with their opponents until they fall in a pool of blood and take their last breath.

Therefore, for any gladiator who is slightly famous, his or her agent will ask professionals to package it in an all-round way, teaching them how to interact with customers and fans who can bring huge benefits, and how to satisfy those hungry ladies or men. They imagine strong and brutal gladiators, and maybe occasionally play some games such as role-playing games.

In short, this war troll is very satisfied with his current identity, status and popularity, so he does not want to lose everything he has gained so hard.

To keep it all, the only thing he can do is to keep winning, keep the title of regional champion, and then participate in the annual competition for the highest honor.

In order to achieve this, and also to win the support and love of more viewers, the War Troll modified and magically transformed its original ugly appearance.

Nowadays, except for his green skin, his facial features and body shape are very close to human beings. His height has also dropped from the original two meters seven to about two meters four, but the length of his arms has not been reduced.

This also means that he has a longer wingspan and attack range than other fighters.

Especially the sharp sword with serrated teeth in the hand. If it is accidentally scratched or rubbed, it will immediately cause a terrifying wound.

After the two sides looked at each other for about ten seconds, the war troll took the lead and said in common language: "Human, you will die. If I were you, I would choose to surrender now."

"Death? Many people have said this word to me, but the problem is that I am still alive and well. Guess where those people who said this word have gone now?"

Aberdare grinned with an excited and bloodthirsty smile.

Judging from the eagerness to try, it was obvious that he could no longer control the bloodline belonging to Baal, the God of Murder, in his body.

"I hope your mouth can stay this hard."

Seeing that he could not persuade the opponent to give up, the war troll retreated decisively and opened a short distance, getting ready to attack.

Aberdare was more straightforward and rushed forward without even a word of nonsense.

Like all fighters who like to use two-handed weapons, his specialty is the classic powerful jump chop, which forces the opponent to defend and ensures that he firmly grasps the initiative in the battle.

But unfortunately, this reckless man obviously forgot that his opponent this time was not an ordinary human or other humanoid race, but a war troll with nearly infinite regeneration ability.

The latter did not choose to parry, block or dodge at all. Instead, he turned his head and planned to resist the blow with his shoulder. At the same time, he grabbed the hilt of the sword with his backhand and made an upward movement.

not good!

Aberdare, who was in mid-air, instantly realized that he was careless and immediately made a standard pressure-down defense.

The next second...


The two two-handed giant swords collided together, shooting out dazzling golden sparks.

Since the strength attributes of both sides of the battle were almost the same, Aberdare, who jumped up, took advantage of it and forced the dangerous serrated sword to the ground.

But just before he landed and stood still, the war troll suddenly made a withdrawing movement, causing his center of gravity to become unstable and he took several steps back.

The war troll seized this opportunity. Instead of wielding the heavy two-handed sword, he rushed forward and raised another sandbag-sized fist, hitting the son of Baal hard in the face.


Following the violent impact near his nose and mouth, Aberdare suddenly felt that the flow of time in the entire world had slowed down, and his body could no longer remain standing. He began to move backward uncontrollably, soared into the air, and then fell heavily to the ground.

Especially the broken bridge of the nose, which was like a faucet that was turned on, constantly flowing out a mixture of blood and nasal mucus.

You don't need to ask to know that the hero of the Sword Coast and the descendant of Baal, the god of murder, was stunned by the punch.

After all, most of the battles he participated in before were encounters and team battles in which teammates cooperated with each other. He did not understand that one-on-one battles in a fair environment were actually very different from adventures.

But war trolls are different.

He has lived in this environment since his creation.

He started out as a slave gladiator in Dragonlance Castle, and later obtained the status of a freedman from the establishment of the West Coast Empire. He and his agent came south to Ascatla to continue their old trade.

Therefore, this war troll has mastered many fighting skills against humanoid creatures.

This is why he can become the champion of this big arena.

You must know that although the arena will also host many battles between gladiators and monsters, the finale and most popular one is always the battle between top gladiators and gladiators.

In this regard, Aberdare obviously suffered a big loss.

But he was lucky. In order to please the audience and make the game more exciting instead of ending it suddenly in a few seconds, War Troll did not choose to rush forward immediately to finish the damage. He raised his hands high and let out a deafening roar. Roaring, in this way, shows one's strength and fearlessness.

In the stands in the distance, Mrs. Lesswin, who was about forty years old and wearing a bright red low-cut dress, witnessed her lover's brave gesture of killing everyone. A blush suddenly appeared on her fair face. Her whole body was under the strong external stimulation. Clamp your legs and keep blowing kisses.

The ladies sitting next to her smiled knowingly, and began to discuss privately whether they should spend a sum of money to invite the champion to the VIP room for a "melee" after today's game.

By the way, let's try whether the champion can still be as brave as ever on another "battlefield".

There is no doubt that as the West Coast Empire under Zuo Si's rule is rising and taking off at an incredible speed, all kinds of goods, materials and entertainment activities are unprecedentedly abundant, and the desires of the wealthy upper class living in the capital Ascatla are also rapidly increasing. swell.

In the past, the reason why they actively restrained this desire was to maintain their dominance.

But as participation in politics and the privileges enjoyed are stripped away bit by bit, wealthy people will inevitably turn their attention to other areas, such as enjoyment.

Especially in order to avoid being on the blacklist and prevent the family from being forcibly split up, many people are trying to find ways to spend money and control their profits and asset size.

This has also led to the rapid spread of luxury and excitement.

The current game between ladies and gladiators is only the tip of the iceberg.

The various private clubs scattered in the streets and alleys of the city, the various service industries that can satisfy various XPs, as well as the booming sales of sex toy stores and drugs that increase body sensitivity, all foreshadow the corrupt private lives of the rich.

Of course, all of this was the atmosphere secretly encouraged and deliberately created by Zuo Si, the emperor of the empire.

On the one hand, it is to allow these people to sink in the sea of ​​desire, continue to become more corrupt and depraved, and eventually become sinful souls that reach "excellent" in the quality rating of Baator Hell;

On the other hand, it is to promote consumption and employment, circulate currency and social wealth, and prevent wealth from being concentrated in the hands of a few people.

Whether it’s buying services to vent your desires, or spending sky-high prices on antiques, artworks, and luxury goods, in short, rich people must be able to spend their money and feel that it is worth their money.

Then, secondary distribution of wealth at the social level is achieved by levying heavy taxes on these industries.

In this regard, Zuo Si can be said to be quite knowledgeable.

The gladiatorial competition industry chain initiated by him and quickly covering the entire empire was naturally a weapon for cutting off the wealth of the rich.

Especially the upper-class ladies who are accustomed to being polite in daily life and are often ignored by their husbands, how can they resist these strong men who exude hormones and wild aura from head to toe.

As long as you taste it once, you will immediately become addicted like taking narcotics, and you will be willing to spend a lot of money for it.

The shouts of the women at the scene undoubtedly made the war troll feel extremely excited.

Just when he turned around and wanted to perform some more gorgeous and entertaining fighting skills, Aberdare, who had fallen on the ground, suddenly got up without warning, his eyes flashing with a terrifying red light, like a wild beast. He threw away his weapon and rushed forward.

Because it was so fast and happened so suddenly, the war troll had no time to react and was knocked down on the spot.

Immediately afterwards he felt a sharp pain in his shoulder.

Turning around, he saw that the son of Baal had bitten off a piece of flesh from his body alive with his teeth and swallowed it like a madman.

The war trolls were completely stunned!

He even couldn't help but want to ask, are you a troll or am I a troll?

Shouldn't the action of biting the opponent's flesh and blood like this be my patent?

Unfortunately, the war troll quickly kicked him away and cut off one of his hands or legs when he picked up the sword.

But Aberdare's thinking and reason had obviously been controlled by the blood power of the God of Murder, and his whole body became extremely flexible while lying on all fours.

When the serrated sword swept over, he immediately retreated to avoid the fatal blow. At the same time, a large number of mysterious and complex symbols began to appear on the surface of the body, as well as sharp bone spurs growing from the joints and spine.


Everyone present who knew anything about Baal realized what had happened to the young man.

Tempus, the God of War, asked with great interest: "Is this the son of Baal you are paying attention to?"

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "Yes. He is very special, isn't he?"

"It's more than special. I even smell the divine power of an old friend in him."

The goddess of wealth, Wojin, pursed her lips with a meaningful expression.

As the only evil god in all of Toril who dares to attack the Earth Mother Goddess Changdea, Baal's reputation is quite resounding.

At least he is famous among the gods.

Before Cyric, the Prince of Lies, went crazy, he was almost the cruelest and craziest god.

In addition to spreading unrest, killing and death, its church organization has not had even the slightest positive effect on society. It is a typical example of people hating others and dogs hating dogs.

In order to prevent Baal from taking advantage of him, many gods have made targeted defenses.

Especially the goddess of wealth, Woking, has always hated the destruction of business order by the god of murder and his followers. They can be said to be old enemies.

Through Aberdare's performance, she could easily tell that it was probably the dead Barr who was behind this.

"Among the three gods of death who fell in the Year of Turmoil, Bane, the god of tyranny, has been successfully resurrected and has easily returned to a powerful level of divine power. Are the remaining two also planning to return from the star realm?"

Tempus, the god of war, raised his head and stared at Zuo Si, with a hint of amusement in his tone.

Although he often appears as a warrior and a reckless man, he can defeat so many gods of war and become a powerful god within this crystal wall. Naturally, he cannot be a fool. He clearly understands the role of the young planeswalker in front of him.

In particular, the Church of Benn recently announced a redefinition of tyranny and tyrants, directly knocking those city-states and countries that advocated so-called freedom and democracy to the ground. Many countries with enlightened monarchies have also experienced a certain degree of cognitive confusion.

Many scholars have begun to classify tyrant and tyranny from derogatory terms to neutral terms.

Some people in chaotic areas even feel that it would be a good thing if a tyrant could end the chaos and restore order to society.

Although Ben has never disclosed that Zuo Si is his chosen one, anyone who is not blind can see the close cooperation between the two.

Many priests and black guards of the Church of Bane have joined the West Coast Imperial Army and law enforcement agencies, and have become the sharp blades used by the central cabinet to suppress rebellions and carry out devastating massacres against monster groups.

These guys basically took care of the dirty work that the paladin and the priest of the good god who advocated justice and kindness were unwilling to do.

Zuo Si smiled and replied: "You are worrying too much. Let's not mention Melkor, the second-generation god of death. At least I have no good impression of Baal, the god of murder, and I will never allow him to complete his resurrection from the dead."

"I feel relieved when I hear you say that. After all, there are already enough gods in this world, and there is no need to bring back those losers who have already died."

After saying that, Tempus stood up and disappeared into a stream of light.

He is clearly not interested in the battle between the Sons of Baal and the War Trolls.

The reason is simple.

There was nothing fair about this fight, and there was no glory in it.

Because no matter how hard the latter tries, the final result will only be failure and death.

A god, even a god who has been dead for several years, is definitely not something that mortals can defeat.

Compared to the God of War, the Goddess of Wealth, Woking, obviously didn't care about fairness or unfairness at all. She looked at the two sides fighting in the big arena below, raised the corners of her mouth and joked in a half-joking tone: "It seems that there are a lot of bets on tonight. Anyone who wins the championship will probably lose everything."

"No way, this is the consequence of participating in gambling. No one can win all the time. If you choose to become a player of this game, you must be prepared to lose everything."

Zuo Si picked up the cup and took a sip of the steaming tea. There was no sympathy or pity in his black pupils, only coldness without any emotion.

With the rise of gladiatorial games and other entertainment projects such as horse racing, cockfighting, dog fighting, bullfighting, etc., many speculators in the West Coast Empire have become full-time gamblers.

They will try to obtain inside information through various channels, and then obtain the highest return with the lowest risk.

For these guys, Zuo Si has always tried to trick them once and for all, and he will never show any mercy.

"That's true. After tonight, I think the number of Taimora's believers will be reduced by more than half in an instant. Because those who have lost money will never donate even one gold coin to the Church of Lady Luck."

When he said these words, there was obviously a hint of schadenfreude in Watkin's tone.

After all, with the rise of the gambling industry, it is almost inevitable that the influence of Taimora, the goddess of luck, will increase.

In this regard, there is a certain degree of competition between the two goddesses, although it is not vicious.

Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "Luck is the most elusive and difficult to control force in the world.

Because of this, the group of followers of Goddess of Luck has always been very unstable, and piety is out of the question.

So I think her power will increase with the prosperity of the empire, but that's it, there is no way to make a qualitative leap.

This goddess is no enemy and equally unlikely to be an ally. "

The goddess of wealth, Wojin, nodded slightly: "I understand what you mean.

At this stage, our main goal is to suppress the Oak Father and his theory of the balance of nature.

Ensure that all resources within the empire can be fully mobilized, promote technological progress and cultivate a sufficient number of arcane magic users, laying the foundation for the next stage of take-off.

Before completing this plan, you should not make too many enemies.

But I'm curious, how do you plan to pull down the powerful god who represents the endless wilderness from his throne? "

"Haha, it's very simple. Of course it is to redefine the concept of nature and then support a new god of nature to take over."

Zuo Si gave the answer without thinking.

"You mean to let Talona..."

Wojin's eyes instantly shone, and a shocked expression appeared on his face, as if he understood something.

But before she could finish her words, Zuo Si gently put a finger on his lips to silence: "Shh! Don't say it, because this plan is closely related to the Sons of Baal. I don't Hopefully there will be too strong an opponent in this game.”

"ok, I get it.

Finally, I wish you can finally get what you want, and at the same time deal with that goddess who has a strong jealousy.

To know Talona's intentions towards you, even an outsider like me can clearly feel it.

If you don't satisfy her, it may become a problem later. "

The goddess of wealth left a smile that was full of infinite reverie, and then turned into a stream of light and disappeared without a trace.

Seeing that the two gods had left, Zuo Si turned his attention to the nervous faces of Imon and his group at the edge of the arena, touched his chin and murmured to himself: "Then how will I end it?"

The words have not yet been spoken!

The two sides, who were evenly matched just now, finally experienced a major change.

Since both the war troll and Aberdare, who transformed into a killer, have powerful regenerative abilities that ordinary people cannot imagine, although the battle between them became very bloody, it did not appear to be one-sided. Instead, the audience was hooked.

But with the infusion of some evil and filthy power into the latter's body, the balance of victory and defeat finally tipped to one side.

Aberdare, who was growing in size and becoming more and more terrifying in appearance, even more terrifying than the Abyss Demon, suddenly created several white bone daggers out of thin air around his body, and then controlled them all. Shoot at your opponent.

Although the war troll blocked most of them with his serrated sword, the rest still pierced his body and limbs.

One of the legs, eroded by the evil power of the dagger, quickly shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye, and turned into a limp.

The dagger that stabbed the body also released a biting chill, freezing the surrounding muscles, blood vessels, and internal organs.

Not even the troll's near-infinite regenerative abilities had any effect.

"Damn it! Is this the difference between a son of God and a mortal?"

The war troll limped back while cursing in a low voice, obviously panicked.

After all, his ability to become the champion of this region relies on his powerful regeneration ability that can heal no matter how severely injured he is after a period of time.

Countless orcs, gnolls, bugbears and giants who also had warrior levels of not less than one fell to his feet one after another.

But now, a kind of divine power that overrides the ability to regenerate appears out of thin air, allowing this guy to taste for the first time what it feels like for those who died under his sword.

The war troll wanted to beg for mercy to save his life, but at this moment, Aberdare had obviously lost his mind and could not understand any language at all. He grabbed the opponent's shrunken leg and used brute force to forcefully pull it away. Pull it off.

puff! ! ! !

Dark red blood suddenly splattered in all directions.

Although the audience in the stands had seen many similar bloody scenes before, this was the first time that a thigh was removed with bare hands. They immediately let out deafening roars and cheers, and loudly encouraged the Sons of Baal to continue. It is to tear it into pieces with your bare hands.

The desire for violence and blood did not show any mercy just because the War Troll was the previous champion, but instead became even more exciting.

The desire for death among countless mortals undoubtedly strengthened the power of Baal, the god of murder.

In order to maintain this power and become the nourishment for his own resurrection, Baal drove his descendants to move forward, intending to carry out a massacre full of religious overtones in public, and then loudly announce the return of the God of Murder.

Just when the war troll closed his eyes and prepared to welcome death, Zuo Si, who had watched the show for a long time, finally took action.

He obviously would not allow Baal to spread the seeds of faith here, so he teleported directly to the center of the large arena, and hit him with an instant powerful and extremely effective [Bigbye Shattering Palm].


Realizing that his good deeds had been interrupted, the God of Murder, who extended his will to Aberdare through the astral realm, immediately let out an angry roar.

It's a pity that if he were alive, this kind of roar might still make Zuo Si feel afraid.

But now he is just a dead god, and the essence and essence of the god are still in the star realm, posing no threat at all.

"Sorry, there is no scene for you in my script."

After saying this, Zuo Si unceremoniously began to extract Baal's divine power from the killer's body.

After a while, after the divine power was drained, Aberdare slowly returned to his human appearance.

This sudden change instantly confused the audience in the stands, but they did not dare to make any sound, let alone boo.

After all, the person who took action was the Emperor of the Empire, the most powerful, powerful, and prestigious monarch in the entire continent, a dictator who openly admitted that he was a tyrant.

The entire state machine revolves around this person.

After confirming that Barr's will had completely disappeared, Zuo Si took out part of the previously collected Barr's power and injected it into Aberdare's body.

After finishing all this, he turned around and said to the frightened war troll: "You lose this game, is that okay?"

"Of course... of course, Your Majesty."

The war troll nodded vigorously.

He was not blind. He could see how the monster that almost tore him alive was pinned to the ground by an invisible force field hand and could not move.

Regardless of his status as the emperor of the empire, this magical power alone is enough to scare most people.

No hesitation!

The war troll climbed up with one leg, and then loudly announced the result of his defeat, putting an end to tonight's gladiatorial performance.

Although many people who lost money were very dissatisfied with this and even cursed, they did not dare to have any objection to this fact and could only admit that they were unlucky.

But no matter what, the story of the Son of Baal transforming into a killer in the grand arena began to spread as the game ended.

Coupled with Zuo Si himself personally suppressing it, all kinds of rumors and speculations quickly filled the streets and alleys of taverns and hotels, becoming the talk of people after dinner.

As all the irrelevant personnel left, Aberdare and his party were the only ones left in the huge arena.

Looking at the familiar faces, Zuo Si couldn't help but sigh slightly and asked: "Since we are all in Ascatla, why don't you just come to the Mage Tower to find me, but come to a place like this to participate in a gladiatorial competition?" ?

Don't you know the state of Aberdare?

For him to participate in a competition full of killing and death like this is simply making fun of everyone's lives.

If I hadn't happened to be here, the arena would have been filled with blood by now. "

"I...we got lost. By the way, how is he now?"

Jaheira asked with concern on her face.

With the death of Gillian, she has actually been stepping into the role of "mother", wanting to protect and guide the son of Baal onto the right path.

Unfortunately, Aberdare obviously didn't think so. Instead, he regarded this beautiful half-elf as an object of lust.

"I have temporarily expelled Barr's consciousness. I estimate that there won't be any big problems in the short term, but it will be difficult to say as time goes by." Zuo Si replied half-truthfully.

"What do you mean? Does it mean that the God of Murder is going to be resurrected with the help of Aberdare's body?"

There was obvious tension and anxiety in Jaheira's tone.

Zuo Si nodded first, then shook his head and explained: "Yes, and no.

The main reason for Aberdare's out-of-control situation is that his soul was torn apart by some evil magic, and his divinity and power were deprived of him.

To put it in a more understandable way, someone usurped his destiny.

And this incompleteness of the soul is the key to causing the consciousness of Baal, the God of Murder, to awaken in his body.

By the way, the ability to transform into a killer is best used sparingly.

Because with the loss of his divine power and divinity, he is now actually burning his own life by using this power.

If you use too much, you will most likely die suddenly. "

"Damn! It turns out that this is the real purpose of the evil mage named Irenikas to capture us!"

Aimeng suddenly understood and couldn't help but shiver.

She simply couldn't imagine what a terrifying and desperate experience it would be if the other party chose herself instead of Aberdare.

Jaheira couldn't help but continue to ask: "Then how can we regain the lost divinity, divine power and soul?"

"It's very simple! Find this mage, then defeat him completely and take back everything you lost."

Zuo Si gave the only solution straightforwardly.

Through the complete experimental notes brought back by Viconia, he knew very well the methods used by Irenicas to seize these powers, as well as the huge hidden dangers involved.

From the moment the magical ritual was completed, an interesting connection emerged between Irenikas and the soul of Aberdare.

As long as they are close enough, when one defeats the other, there will be a transfer of divine power, divinity, and even vitality and magical power between them.

"How much time do we have?"

The expression on Jaheira's face was a little solemn, and even her breathing became very rapid.

But this is not difficult to understand.

In her eyes, the adopted son of her old friend Gillian was almost her only living relative.

“Maybe a few months to half a year.

I just injected a small amount of Baal's power into Aberdare, which can help him survive for a while.

Also, I have some southern news for you about the Sons of Baal.

This is not the place to talk, so let us return to the Mage Tower first. "

With the last word blurted out, Zuo Si opened a portal and motioned for everyone to go in.

In this way, the entire team, with the strongest Minsk carrying Aberdare who fell into a coma, walked through the portal and arrived at the interior of the Mage Tower.

In the next hour, Zuo Si told the news about the gathering of the sons of Baal in the Marching Mountains, and also told the other party some information about the "Five Descendants".

The suffocating feeling of an impending storm immediately made Imoen and Sancho, both sons of Baal, feel nervous.

Although they are young, they have experienced a lot and understand that there is an invisible big hand behind the scenes that is controlling everything.

And the owner of this big hand is the God of Murder who is still lying dead in the star world.

Baal is driving his descendants to kill each other, using himself as a sacrifice in exchange for his resurrection.

Also feeling suffocated was Jaheira.

For the first time, this member of the Harper Alliance felt firsthand what it meant for a mortal to be involved in a situation set by the gods.

Perhaps it won't be long before she, like Gillian, Khalid, and Danai, becomes an insignificant name on the list of victims.

Only Minsk and his Bubu didn't feel any pressure at all. Instead, they enjoyed snacks and drinks from another world.

From time to time, he would raise his head and extend his thumb, with a silly smile on his face.

Maybe as the saying goes, mentally retarded children have more fun.

After the conversation ended, the exhausted members of the adventure team went to take a shower and found a guest room to sleep.

Only Sancho, the smartest in the team, did not leave. Instead, he tried in an uncertain tone: "Teacher, do you know Irenicas?"

"Oh? Why do you ask?"

Zuo Si raised his head and looked at his apprentice with interest.

“Because when we were imprisoned, Imon and I did not suffer any abuse, which is completely different from others.

If Irenekas was trying to gain divine power and divinity, there would be no chance that Imoen and I would be spared.

What's more, even Jahira, Khalid, Minsk, and Danai could not escape the fate of becoming experimental subjects.

But we have been staying in the cell and we have three good meals a day. This is not normal in any way.

So there is only one explanation, and that is that our identity makes Irenicas feel afraid, so that he does not dare to do evil easily.

I roughly thought about the similarities between Imon and I, and found that we both have a relatively direct and close relationship with you.

In addition, the dark elf who let us out is also very suspicious. Could she be your subordinate? "

Sancho simply stated the results of his analysis.

Hearing these words, Zuo Si immediately showed a pleased expression and praised: "Not bad, there is progress.

I admit that your analysis just now is almost very close to the truth.

In fact, there is a deal and a bet between Irenekas and I.

Your being caught is part of this gamble. "


Sancho frowned subconsciously.

"I don't understand. Didn't you say that Aberdare is the one with the best chance of inheriting the Blood Throne among all the sons of Baal?

Then why bother him like this?

Moreover, both Jahira's husband and the witch guarding Minsk died in the process. "

Zuo Si responded patiently: "Because this was the disaster they were destined to suffer.

Do you think this team could have escaped this disaster without my intervention?

Believe me, Irenicus will only get worse, and even Imoen will suffer unimaginable torture.

Therefore, their deaths have no causal relationship with me.

What's more, if Khalid did not die, how could Aberdare have a chance to capture Jaheira?

You must know that this is a destined pair. "

"You mean...all this is part of the future? You can peek into the future!"

Sancho suddenly stood up from his chair, his eyes wide with an expression of shock and disbelief.

"So, even if it's only a small part.

Remember, my dear disciple, from now on the fate of all the Sons of Baal begins to accelerate.

A vast chaos, carnage, and death will grip everyone, including you.

If you don’t want to be someone else’s nourishment, then start learning to do whatever it takes.

In this regard, I found you a good teacher. "

With that said, Zuo Si raised his hand and snapped his fingers.


With a crisp sound, a beautiful and petite figure slowly walked out of the darkness.

"It's you! Are you the drow priest who freed me from prison?"

Sancho stared at Viconia, who was so close, and finally realized that from being captured to escaping from the Tower of Dulag, his whereabouts had been under the surveillance of the teacher.

"Hello, Master Sancho, I hope I didn't leave any bad impression on you when we first met."

With a joking smile on her face, Viconia bowed in a very elegant manner.

However, Sancho ignored him and turned to Zuo Si and said, "Teacher, are you sure you want her to be a member of the team? Jahira has seen her before!"

"Don't worry, a situation like this only requires a small transformation spell to cover up the past. What's more, you currently lack a priest in your team, and Viconia can just fill this gap."

Without saying a word, Zuo Si directly cast an advanced transformation magic, directly turning the dark elf into the appearance of a moon elf, and even his facial features also underwent some changes.

Not to mention Jaheira, even Sancho couldn't connect the beautiful moon elf girl with the dangerous drow priest from before.

After settling this matter, Zuo Si crossed his legs and said to the disciple in front of him: "In order to fully prepare you to face the five descendants with quasi-god strength, I think it is necessary to give you a small A little test.”


Hearing this word, Sancho's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

Because during the last test, he had a fight to the death with an ogre magician in a secret room, and the Tianling Gai was almost blown open by the opponent's thing called a "staff", which was actually a heavy-duty city-breaking hammer. .

Thinking about it now, I can't help but feel scared.

"Yes, test.

Underneath an old house in the original dock area of ​​Ascaltra, there is a sealed demi-lich named Kangas.

Your task is to find his golden torso and limbs, open the seal and defeat him.

One last reminder, the golden torso and limbs are also guarded by two elemental lichs respectively.


You actually need to kill three lichs with a casting level above LV25.

How about it? Isn’t it surprising and exciting?

Come on, I'm looking forward to your performance. "

After saying this, Zuo Si stood up and patted the boy's shoulder to encourage him, completely ignoring the latter's pale face and trembling lips.

Kill three legendary lichs above LV25?

And there is also a terrifying demi-lich?

Sancho only felt that life was so gloomy that it would be happier to commit suicide now.

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