A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 517 The Empire’s Counterattack (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

Fort Lalhorn, an ancient castle standing in the northwest corner of Calimport city next to the city wall, with high and raised hills below.

It was built three to four hundred years after the collapse of the Shane Empire. At that time, the entire Kalingshan was at its most chaotic and disorderly, with all kinds of careerists, warlords, monsters, and thieves guild leaders taking turns on the stage of power.

It is said that the supreme ruler at that time was afraid of being assassinated and did not dare to live in the palace. Therefore, he ordered the slaves to build such a strong castle to ensure the safety of himself and his family.

It is a pity that the builder of the castle, like all those in power during that time, was either killed by a dagger from behind, or accidentally drank poisoned wine or ate food with spices, and was later captured by new ambitions. replaced by home.

Later, as the Tangled Talisman began to secretly control everything in Calimport, the situation gradually became stable.

The castle gradually transformed from a refuge for rulers to a prison used to imprison heinous felons and political opponents.

Since such people pose too great a threat to rule, they cannot be demoted to slaves and sold off, which would be tantamount to letting the tiger go back to the mountain.

Therefore, Fort Lalhorn, which is indestructible and has only one narrow passage to the outside world, naturally became the most ideal place for imprisonment.

The jailer responsible for guarding the place didn't even need to go in to check the situation. He just opened the iron bars and threw the prisoners in through the entrance, and basically ignored the rest.

There are many ogres, trolls, fire giants, orcs imprisoned inside, as well as some giant spiders and resurrected undead creatures that were deliberately thrown in.

Therefore, ordinary prisoners usually do not live long and will soon become a source of food for the former.

Even if they were lucky enough to survive, within a few days they would be driven by a strong sense of hunger and kill other living prisoners, eating their flesh and drinking their blood.

After all, the jailers here will not provide any food or water to the prisoners. Everything can only be found and hunted underground in the maze-like castle.

For a long time, Lalhorn Castle was the most feared place for the residents of Calimport.

There were even rumors that there was already a considerable army of demons and undead in the huge maze underground of the castle, and they could rush up and kill at any time.

But this situation ended completely with the restoration of Shane VII.

He directly dispatched a large number of undead creatures to kill all the monsters and crazy prisoners inside that had been twisted into humanoid shapes. He also ordered people to transform the huge underground part, turning it into a heavily guarded super-large building. prison.

When the slave liberation movement was launched, more than 7,000 prisoners were imprisoned here at its peak, all of whom were original nobles, slave owners, wealthy businessmen, leaders of the thieves guild, and their loyal men.

With their excellent torture skills, the interrogators easily obtained the properties hidden by these guys, and then confiscated and confiscated them all, turning them into one of the sources of funds for Shane VII's foreign campaigns.

Later, as the original ruling structure was destroyed and new order and law were established, these prisoners had little value in retaining them.

Xia En VII directly released a legendary magic, transforming them all into undead forms with certain intelligence, including ghouls, corpses, resentful spirits, demon corpses, etc.

Most of them were made into summoned creature cards for planeswalkers, and only a handful were left to continue patrolling in the dark prison.

Once the prisoners who are thrown in dare to try to escape from prison regardless of life and death, they will immediately be hunted down by these ubiquitous undead, and will eventually be brutally killed and become one of them.

Later, when the West Coast Empire was established, Zuo Si obtained the ownership of the place and simply left it to the judicial department for the purpose of detaining death row prisoners and serious criminals.

Today, Fort Lalhorn houses approximately 1,700 prisoners.

One thousand of them were thrown in during the reign of Xia En VII, and another 700 were thrown in after Zuo Si came to power.

But just a few days ago, two to three hundred people were suddenly thrown in here, of which about 70% were men and about 30% were women.

In particular, several female bards who were beautiful, young and beautiful, and exuded amazing appeal, immediately drove the male creatures who had been holding back for a long time without a chance to vent, into a frenzy.

All of a sudden, around the former's cell, there were all kinds of obscene words, teasing, and even simply taking off his clothes and pants to do "needle work"...

Anyway, there's nothing you can't think of, and there's nothing these crazy guys can't do.

Since the people imprisoned are basically either murderers or rapists, or devil believers who crazily reanimate people and sacrifice them, one can imagine their aggressiveness and psychological darkness.

Coupled with the cold negative energy emanating from the bodies of the undead jailors who pass by from time to time in the corridor, and the naked and undisguised hatred for living people in their eyes, normal people may completely collapse within a few days.

The civilians who were incited to participate in the riot were completely frightened by this horrific environment. They huddled in the corner, trembling and crying.

As long as a living guard passes by, he will immediately rush up and beg loudly, saying that he knows he is wrong and will never dare to do it again.

But unfortunately, the people responsible for running this place are not the paladins of the Knights of the Hot Heart, but the church of Bane, the merciless god of tyranny, and the followers of the sadistic goddess Lovita who are responsible for interrogation, torture and torture.

Now you know you are afraid to ask for mercy?

What have you been doing!

If it were someone from Benn's church, they would directly kick the prisoner back.

Lauvita's followers would open the door with a smile and take them to a nearby torture room to torture them until the other party became unconscious and incontinent while wail in pain, and then they would be satisfied and put them back.

After a few days, this group of rioters who had been clamoring for trouble began to "repent" and even cursed the bards who incited them.

Similarly, the bards involved in this matter did not expect that the West Coast Empire would respond so quickly, and they had no intention of going through judicial procedures at all, so that even the defense lawyers who had spent a lot of money in advance could not be sent. Useful.

What's even more frightening is that they are now completely cut off from the outside world. They have no idea whether their employer will rescue them as promised, let alone whether their plan to bribe officials will succeed.

Several young and beautiful female bards have obviously begun to have a premonition of what may happen next, and their faces are always very pale and without a trace of blood.

Just like this, in the midst of tension, panic and despair, these guys finally saw Arthur Meier who personally led the team to arrest them and others.

As a dark guard with a very high professional level, the terrifying and evil aura exuding from his body alone caused the temperature of the surrounding environment to drop by five degrees Celsius.

Arthur Meier said nothing nonsense and directly said to the fifty-year-old male mage who was following him: "I will give you five minutes. After five minutes, I want to know the detailed list of the employers behind them. Is that okay?"

"Of course, no problem. For me, who specializes in enchantment, this is as easy as eating and drinking."

The old mage grinned with a joking smile and quickly began to chant incantations and cast spells.

When they realized that he was going to detect the memories and thoughts of everyone present, the faces of the bards suddenly became extremely ugly, and the leader among them even wanted to try to cast a spell to counterattack.

But unfortunately, he apparently forgot that he was wearing magic-forbidden shackles on his hands.

Not long after, the old mage finished casting the spell and took out a pen and paper to write about a dozen names and the forces behind them.

Arthur Meier took it and glanced at it quickly, and immediately nodded with satisfaction: "Well done, this is almost the same as the result we got from the previous torture. It seems that we can go to report to His Majesty Soth."

"What about the benefits you promised me?"

The old mage's eyes shone with anticipation.

"You can pick one now. Anyway, these guys have been sentenced to death. I can let you make use of them within the scope of my authority."

Arthur Meyer shrugged nonchalantly.

Hearing these words, the prisoners in the cell exploded instantly, rushing to the iron fence and shouting heart-breakingly loudly.

"No! You must be lying! We were just incited, and we are not guilty of death at all. It's those bards who deserve to die."

"That's right! You can't do this to me! We have to go to court, see a judge, and hire a lawyer to defend ourselves."

"I protest! You are lynching indiscriminately!"

Appreciating the ugliness of these thugs exposed under fear, Athermeier had a cruel smile on his face and said meaningfully: "I'm sorry to disappoint you.

This was not a lynching, but a direct order from His Majesty the Emperor.

Not only will you be publicly sentenced to death, but your parents, brothers, children, spouses and other immediate family members will also be implicated and sent to the mines or quarries to work as coolies for life.

His Majesty the Emperor wants to use you to serve as a warning to everyone in the empire of the consequences of trying to disrupt order and law through riots.

Do you want to copy other city-states or even countries within the empire and stage riots to force the government to make concessions?

You obviously know nothing about His Majesty the Emperor's character and conduct.

He would rather launch a great purge, kill thousands of people, let blood flow into rivers, and pile up a mountain of corpses, and there would never be the slightest compromise.

So you made a wrong choice and now you have to pay for your actions. "


A young man who had still had high hopes plopped down on the ground and let out a scream of pain and despair.

He couldn't believe that his hot-headed impulse could have such serious consequences.

When he thought that his young brother and sister, as well as his honest parents who had worked hard for half their lives, would become slave workers in quarries and mines from now on, he couldn't help but feel strong regret and guilt.

After all, human beings are social creatures and will have certain social relationships from birth, otherwise it would be impossible for them to grow from babies to adults.

Maybe some guys don't care about their own lives, but they still feel miserable when their social relationships are destroyed.

This is why the implicated system has always been the most deterrent in the judiciary, and it can also strengthen effective control over society.

Even in the so-called "rule of law society" in modern times on earth, this system has still not withdrawn from the stage of history.

It's just that the simple and crude punishments such as death penalty, exile, and slave distribution have been changed to political and other levels of punishment, such as not being allowed to join the army, not being allowed to take civil service examinations, etc.

After admiring the reaction of the thugs in front of him for a while, Athermel suddenly showed a satisfied expression.

In his view, criminal law should have a strong deterrent effect and make prisoners feel extreme pain.

Otherwise, if people do not even have the most basic fear, then the law will be completely ineffective and will not be able to achieve the purpose of maintaining order and social stability.

Just as the powerful dark guard was about to turn around and leave, a man with a distorted and angry expression on his face struggled to get up from the floor of the cell, grabbed the railing and asked loudly: "Where are those bards? Inciting all this What kind of punishment should they receive?"


The bard who had been hiding in the dark and said nothing could not help but hold his breath, and his eyes revealed the fear that could not be concealed at all.

After all, anyone who is not a fool knows that the punishment for the participants is so severe, let alone the initiator.

"Haha, their limbs will be broken, their eyes and tongues will be gouged out, all their teeth will be pulled out, the periosteum of their ears will be pierced, and finally their clothes will be stripped and hung on the west gate dock for public display.

These people will not die easily.

Because death is a kind of relief for them.

Just the opposite.

I will use my body as a prison, and tightly bind the soul of every bard inside, until they go completely crazy under the baptism of time and can no longer maintain their faith in any god.

In this way, when they die, their souls will be hung on the Wall of the Unbelievers and endure unimaginable torture day and night.

Such was the price of challenging imperial rule.

So, are you satisfied with this answer? "

Arthur Mel asked with a half-smile.

The man turned around and glanced at the bards who had been frightened into silence, and quickly nodded with a grin: "Satisfied! So satisfied! As long as these guys get the fate they deserve, I will accept it even if it means death." ."

"As long as you are satisfied. Enjoy the last few days. After three to five days at most, you will be taken to the execution ground and bid farewell to this world."

After saying this, Aselmel ignored no one, took the two lists, turned around and walked towards the entrance to the surface.

Before they could even take a few steps, the bards whose psychological defenses collapsed began to shout and plead crazily, and some even wanted to commit suicide under the control of huge fear.

But unfortunately, the remaining mages easily stopped these behaviors with charm and mind control magic.

Not only that, he also gestured to the jailer with a lewd look to open the cell of one of the young and beautiful female bards, and personally stripped off all her clothes.

While the other prisoners nearby were breathing rapidly and looking forward to watching a R-rated action blockbuster, the mage took out several black eggs from his body and stuffed them into the bard's body through magic.

After about three to five minutes, they saw that the woman's lower abdomen began to swell rapidly, and there were lines that looked like some kind of worms.

What’s even more frightening is that when the heads of these worms are pushed toward the abdomen, the skin on the abdomen will appear like a human face that is extremely painful and distorted.

Even though these felons were all crazy and well-informed, they were still shocked.

Almost at the same time, the female bard also got rid of the control of the charm magic under the influence of severe pain, lying on the ground rolling and screaming crazily, her whole body twitching and spasming uncontrollably.

And this process lasted for more than half an hour. Finally, when she was dying, she finally opened her thighs and used all her strength to squeeze out two or three worms with human faces from the ovary like giving birth to a child. creature.

As if the old mage had found a treasure, he immediately put it in a cage prepared in advance and took it back to his mage tower for research with great interest.

As for the female bard who had been ruined, she was out of danger under the treatment of Pastor Ben.

wanna die?

Excuse me!

Even wanting to commit suicide is impossible in this prison.

After experiencing the gloomy, terrifying and disgusting scene just now, the felons no longer had the urge to look at the naked female bard, but instead felt disgust and disgust.

They had no idea if there was another worm or other monster hidden in this woman's belly.

On the other side, Arthur Meier, who was extremely efficient, had already sent the list to the emperor.

Zuo Si glanced at it twice, then immediately smiled and joked: "This list is really more interesting than I imagined.

There are not only the expected red-robed mage Sel, but also several noble councilors from our neighboring country Tumis, as well as merchants from the Mulhorand Empire, and multiple independent city-states in the north and south of the Sea of ​​Fallen Stars.

Oh, yes, there are also Elminster and his Harper Alliance, as well as the Emerald Court, a druid organization that I have offended to death.

It seems that the rise of the empire and its strong ability to attract money from trade have begun to make rulers in many places feel nervous and anxious.

If nothing else, this incitement is just a test.

Next, they will do their best to try to destroy the trade alliance, prevent us from annexing the scattered towns in the North, and finally gain absolute control of the west coast. "

"Your Majesty, I don't quite understand. Apart from economic reasons, what is their political motivation for doing this?" Arthur Meier frowned and asked.

Zuo Si explained in a slightly playful tone: "It's very simple, they are afraid of the rise of a highly unified, powerful, wealthy country on the continent of Faerûn that strongly supports the development of magical power.

That means that in the face of this superpower, even a traditional power like Serge cannot compete with it, and in the end it can only be reduced to a piece of meat on the chopping board to be slaughtered.

Similarly, they are also very afraid that the power in their hands will be taken away and the wealth accumulated by the family will be plundered.

In short, as we continue to become more powerful, it is not surprising that our overt and covert opponents and enemies will inevitably choose to join forces.

Because from a game theory perspective, they would not be able to compete with the empire if they did not unite.

Especially in the fields of politics, business and culture, we may have to face the siege of more than half of the sea of ​​falling stars.

Maybe they will follow the trade alliance and establish a similar economic organization.

This process is determined by objective factors and does not depend on personal will. "

Obviously, Zuo Si had already been mentally prepared for this situation.

In other words, he knew very well that the establishment of the West Coast Empire would in turn force other city-states and countries on Faerûn to unite or even merge.

This is just like the unprecedented unification process of the Eastern dynasties in the history of the earth. The nomadic peoples in the north were also forced to continue to absorb each other from small tribes, and finally established a relatively unified grassland empire.

When one of the two civilizations competing with each other begins to evolve, the other will inevitably evolve accordingly in order to survive.

Otherwise, the latter will be eliminated by the cruel laws of nature.

The most important thing is that this change is exactly what Zuo Si expected.

He originally founded the West Coast Empire to prove to everyone and even the gods that it was possible.

If the areas around the Sea of ​​Fallen Stars, the most elite part of the Faerûn continent, begin to show a tendency toward unification and centralization, wouldn't that mean that this theory is correct?

This kind of influence derived from changing people's perceptions and beliefs is even enough to give birth to a new and powerful divine power.

But Arthur Meier obviously didn't know what Zuo Si was thinking. After hearing these words, he hurriedly suggested: "In this case, shouldn't we immediately send spies to cooperate with the Zhentarim to incite rebellion and provoke rebellion within each city-state?" Fights and wars between each other?"

Zuo Si smiled and waved his hand: "No, it's not necessary yet.

Because this process does not happen overnight, but requires a long period of running-in.

Don’t forget, many city-states and countries in Falling Star Sea have problems left over from history.

Some of them are competitors or even enemies in trade;

Some are afraid that they will be infiltrated, controlled, and annexed by powerful forces;

Others have suffered aggression from their neighbors and hold grudges.

Just to do this will take a lot of time and energy, and it will also require the joint efforts of a large number of knowledgeable people.

Coupled with the profit-seeking nature of merchants, it is impossible for them to cut off trade with the empire, so there is nothing to worry about.

What's more, how do you know this is a bad thing?

Competition, especially healthy competition, can often promote our own progress and development.

I have always believed that civilization is essentially about learning from and integrating with each other in constant competition and exchanges.

So you have to have confidence in the empire, have confidence in me, and don't be afraid of our competitors joining forces. "

After that, Zuo Si picked up the cup and took a sip of the iced juice. His black pupils became extremely dark and deep.

"So...you mean to take no action for the time being?"

Arthur Mel was obviously confused about his emperor's thoughts.

"No, we still have to retaliate, otherwise how can we show our tough attitude?

What I mean is that there is no need to be so bloody when retaliating. Those secondary targets can be taught a little lesson. The main thing is to deal with the red robed mage and the Mulhorand Empire who are keeping an eye on Cyre.

I'll give you the power to mobilize the gunships and dragoons later.

From next month until the end of this year, I don’t expect to see a single ship from these two countries on the Falling Star Sea.

At the same time, an embargo notice was issued to all city-states and countries.

It is said that due to their active provocation, the empire decided to launch retaliatory actions.

Within the specified time, any ship sailing to Sayre and Mulhorand or coming out of it will be sunk without mercy. "

Zuo Si bluntly resorted to the trade embargo.

The reason why he dared to do this was also very simple, that is, he simply had overwhelming air supremacy.

It doesn't take much, just send three large airships as air carriers, and the dragon knights can control the sea within a radius of hundreds of kilometers from this center.

The three airships spread out and launched directly to the waters north of the Surban volcano to the east of the Sea of ​​Fallen Stars. They would sink one ship after another without even a single fish slipping through the net.

If these two countries with a large number of arcane spellcasters dare to send out mages to fight back, the West Coast Empire will also not be a vegetarian.

Ovo, the great arcanist of the Netheril era, has recently been worried about finding a suitable partner to train his senior apprentices.

"Understood! Please don't worry, I will do this beautifully."

Aselmel's eyes instantly shone, he put one hand on his chest and bowed deeply.

As a believer in Bane, the god of tyranny, he obviously likes this style of retribution.

Especially the forcible blockade of maritime traffic and trade between the two most powerful countries in the east of Faerûn. Just thinking about it made the dark guard extremely excited.

After obtaining the important seals and troop deployment documents, Athelmel went straight to the cabinet to explain the situation to the prime minister and other important ministers.

About two or three hours later, three super-large military gunboats loaded with artillery, ammunition, and dragon riders slowly took off from their home port of Ascatella. Countless pairs of eyes were either confused, shocked, or confused. Flying towards the east under his gaze.

Because military airships are completely different from ordinary civilian airships, the sides and bottom of the pod are densely packed with black and thick gun barrels. It makes people feel scalp numb when they look at it, so it immediately triggered a heated discussion among many people.

After all, with the full cooperation between the West Coast Empire and the Church of Gond, the God of Artisans, many people are no longer unfamiliar with things like muskets and artillery.

Many coastal port cities will invest in building forts to deal with the threats of various fishmen from the depths of the sea.

Therefore, the combination of a large gunboat and a dragon knight is already a terrifying military force that can easily destroy several cities in the eyes of most civilians.

At present, three ships are dispatched at once, which looks like a big war.

As a result, everyone who had connections began to inquire frantically as to which life-hungry fool had provoked the empire or the emperor to such an extent that he started such a big battle, simply hoping to wipe the other party off the map. The posture is gone.

The leader of one of the few who knew the truth, Witheran, was standing at the door of the headquarters of the Knights of the Burning Heart. He raised his head and looked at the three behemoths slowly passing by in the sky, his face full of bitterness and helplessness. expression.

Because he knew that in this matter, although Zuo Si's reaction was a bit extreme, it firmly occupied the word "reason" and was not a random venting of anger.

In addition, blocking maritime traffic and trade in retaliation is not really cruel.

"Stop looking, man, you should know there's nothing we can do."

Sir Kaidong, who was standing nearby, patted his old friend's shoulder and comforted him softly.

Since someone has taken over the branch of the Knights in Luskan, he can finally leave that bitter cold land and return to his warm and pleasant hometown.

If someone asked this old paladin who served in Luskan what he had learned over the years, he would definitely blurt out that it was peace of mind.

Because there is nothing we can do if we are not at peace.

At the beginning, Kaidong was full of enthusiasm and wanted to transform the pirate city full of sin into a model of goodness, so that the people there would believe in the God of Justice, the God of Suffering, and the God of Loyalty and Courage. .

But not long after arriving, I discovered that I couldn't actually change anything and could only do the job assigned to me by Zuo Si within the bureaucracy.

He wanted to train enough paladins to bring justice and justice to the people, but as a result, most of the apprentices quickly fell into the bureaucracy upon graduation and became lawful and neutral law enforcers who maintained rule.

Similarly, Kaidong has expressed strong protest on more than one occasion against the lichs of the Arcane Society using non-legal means to deal with excessively corrupt officials and their relatives.

The response I got was standard bureaucratic delay, and it was delayed again and again, always indicating that everything is still under investigation, so please be patient.

In this way, the jealous Sir Kaidong was finally blunted in Luskan, and he only wanted to help everyone in need to have a clear conscience.

The only thing he was thankful for was that although there were many things he didn't like under Zuo Si's rule, the overall living standards of the people had been steadily improving, and most judicial decisions were relatively fair.

Witherland touched his gray hair and sighed in a low voice: "Time flies so fast. In the blink of an eye, we are all gray-haired and approaching the age of retirement.

To be honest, I always feel like I can’t keep up with the changing times lately.

Maybe it's time to find a successor and let him become the Grand Master and lead the Knights of the Burning Heart forward.

Otherwise, if I see His Majesty the Emperor a few times, I think I might have a premature heart attack and die on the spot.

There is no doubt that he was a formidable tyrant, but his outstanding political talent concealed his tyranny. "

"Are you afraid of Soth?"

Kaidong raised his head and looked into the eyes of the Grand Leader and asked.

Witherland shook his head slightly: "Fear is out of the question.

Because he is not the kind of lunatic who kills people at will just because of disagreements, but he has sufficient reasons and motives for every person he kills.

What I really worry about is his impact on this huge country.

See those pedestrians on the road?

Now the entire Askatra and even Amn have begun to identify themselves as subjects of the empire and are proud of it.

There are also some people who have a strong sense of superiority and feel that except for the prosperous empire, the rest of Faerûn is a barbaric land without civilization.

This kind of arrogance is obviously not a good sign.

If it is allowed to develop, sooner or later, the social atmosphere will inevitably become more and more arrogant, and even make the big mistake that many empires in history have made. "

"Do you think Soth will follow the old path of the Imaskar Empire or Netheril?"

Kaidong seemed to understand something.

“No, I think it could be worse than that.

Because whether it is the Imaskar Empire or Netheril, the rulers have not really gained the power to fight against the gods.

But Soth is different. He has such power, so the disasters he causes may be more terrifying.

I hope this is just my old age and my tendency to think too much.

At least the empire now feels prosperous, and everything is getting better at a speed visible to the naked eye. "

After saying this, Witherland couldn't help but laugh.

Just when Sir Kaidong opened his mouth and wanted to say something, he suddenly saw a boy with short hair and wearing a mage's robe running over from a distance.

Out of the kind nature of the paladin, he immediately took the initiative to ask: "Child, do you need any help?"

"Hello, Sir. I have a very important piece of information that I want to report to the Knights of the Hot Heart." The boy stopped and panted as he replied.

"Important information? How important is it?"

Kaidong was stunned.

Not only him, but also the Grand Leader Witheran on the side also showed an interested expression.

Because anyone who comes to the Knights of the Burning Heart for help usually encounters a lot of trouble, otherwise they can just go to the guards to solve it.

The boy took a breath and responded quickly: "It's an undead creature! I found an ancient coffin in the sewer that exuded terrifying negative energy. There is most likely a terrible lich lying inside."

"What? Say it again!"

Upon hearing the word "lich", the expression on Kaidong's face immediately became extremely serious.

Because he has performed countless similar tasks, he is very aware of the power of this undead creature caster.

Moreover, it can be basically judged from the key words of ancient coffin and sewer that this lich is not a member of the Masked Mage Guild or other spellcasting organizations in the empire.

Otherwise, the other party can openly carry out activities openly instead of hiding in a dark place like the sewer.

"It's the lich! Sir! I found the lich in the sewer sarcophagus in the temple area."

The boy repeated what he just said at a very fast speed.

"Damn it! We must summon people immediately to solve this hidden danger. In this place where the gods watch, such evil things are absolutely not allowed to exist."

Grand Master Witherland made a decisive decision and turned around and walked towards the interior of the knights. As he walked, he shouted to the attendants who were training, asking them to call the senior members over.

Sir Kaidong comforted the boy, and then asked in the softest voice possible about the location of the sarcophagus, the surrounding environment and other details.

The latter answered fluently, and even used a simple illusion to simulate what he saw.

Seeing that the boy in front of him was actually a mage apprentice, the old paladin immediately realized that this matter was extremely true, and it was definitely not the nonsense of a frightened child.

Not daring to show any signs of neglect, he turned around and rushed into the conference room to explain to others.

Due to being in such a hurry, Sir Kaidong didn't notice at all. He turned around and left. A glimmer of pride flashed in the eyes of the boy on the back foot, and then he quickly got into the entrance of the sewer.

"How, did you succeed?"

A young girl's voice came from the darkness, followed by a girl with pink hair sneaking out two or three seconds later. It was Imoen, the son of Baal.

As for the boy who just ran to report the situation, he knew without asking that he must be Sancho, Zuo Si's good disciple and the son of Baal.

After thinking hard for a while, this little clever guy felt that the odds of winning against a legendary lich head-on were obviously not high, so he finally decided to make use of Amn's famous paladins of the Knights of the Fiery Heart.

After all, eradicating threats and undead creatures in the sewers was originally one of the paladin's responsibilities.

In addition, the paladins generally have close ties with the Church of the Good God, and they can recruit priests with high enough levels, which can play a very good suppressive role when dealing with the undead.


Is there anything I can't handle if I take action?


This time we will definitely be able to easily defeat the first lich, and then take advantage of the chaos to get part of Kangas' golden body.

It would be even better if you could get the Lich's phylactery.

We can use the phylactery as a threat to force him to participate in the subsequent battle. "

Sancho raised the corners of his mouth and let out a very sinister laugh.

"The end justifies the means! Yes, you have made progress and lived up to my teachings."

Viconia, disguised as a moon elf, also walked out of the darkness, with an expression of approval and relief on her face.

"When are we going to do it?"

The succubus Loli shook off the green mucus stained on the giant beheading sword and asked casually.

In the sewage behind her, there were densely packed corpses of more than a dozen gelatinous monsters, all of which had obviously been recently hacked to death.

You don't need to ask to know that this four-person team was formed temporarily while Aberdare and Minsk were staying in the mage tower for training, with Jaheira as their company.

The initiator was Sancho who received the task of destroying the demi-lich Kangas.

In order to find out the details of the enemy, the boy used the power of the mage tower to conduct a lot of divination and detection, and soon locked the location of three powerful undead spellcasters.

However, he was very smart and did not rush to contact Kangas. Instead, he planned to get part of the golden body first and then see if he could do anything with it.

And in order to restrain the legendary lich's powerful spell-casting ability, Sancho also specially prepared several anti-magic force field scrolls copied by the legendary mage, intending to give up his spell-casting ability and fight hand-to-hand if it didn't work.

Anyway, in his team there is Succubus Loli, a violent physical output, as well as high-level priest Viconia, and even Imoen has a certain level of thief.

Therefore, as long as the opponent can be enveloped in the anti-magic force field as soon as possible, there is a high probability that the master will be beaten to death with random punches.

As Zuo Si's only disciple, Sancho undoubtedly learned many insidious and cunning tactics from his teacher, and he knew far better than a mage of the same level how to defeat a lich whose spellcasting level was much higher than his own.

What's more, he is still the son of Baal, and the divine power and divinity in his body are rising with the death of many other sons of Baal in the south.

As long as they can continue to kill and harvest the lives of those strong men, their strength will inevitably increase at a rapid rate.

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