A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 521: Boarding the Pirate Ship (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

"His Majesty, the Great Emperor of the West Coast Empire, please allow me to express my most sincere greetings and respect to you on behalf of Serge and all the red-robed mages."

Kalaya bluntly said the opening remarks that had been brewing for a long time along the way, without any restraint that diplomats should have. She even knelt down on both knees instead of the common kneeling.

Although she tried hard to stay calm and kept her head down to avoid eye contact.

But you can still see the arms hidden in the wide red robes trembling slightly, obviously frightened by the terrifying energy stored in the high-level planeswalker's sparks.

After all, the education that the red-robed mage received from an early age was to bow to the strong who he could not offend, obey the orders given by the other party, and do his best to enslave and exploit those weak who were inferior to him.

As for face and dignity, nothing else matters. Only by surviving to the end can you become a winner.

Since she has always had a flexible moral bottom line, Kalaya didn't care whether this kind of kneeling would make herself embarrassed on behalf of the red-robed mage and even the entire Ser.

She only knew that the person in front of her was something she could never afford to offend.

Zuo Si looked at the red-robed mage in front of the throne with great interest. It took a full minute before he asked: "If you don't mind, can you tell me what you just saw?"


Kalaya's entire facial expression and body became extremely stiff. She slowly raised her head and stared into her two blood-red eyes. She responded with a slightly awe-inspiring tone: "I saw the dazzling sun in your body. Magical energy. This is a spectacular sight that I have never seen from other chiefs, and it also proves that you are much more powerful than them."

"Your interesting eyes can see the magical energy contained in other people's bodies?"

Zuo Si obviously had a strong curiosity about this messenger.

If the identity of the messenger was not a little sensitive, he might have taken the person and sent him to the Mage Tower for research.


This was a small accident when I was summoning an alien creature. As a result, my eyes were exchanged with the eyes of another unknown evil creature.

From then on, I can capture the magical energy contained in all living things, even the ubiquitous magic network. "

Kalaya didn't dare to hide even a little bit, and explained her abilities very simply.

At this moment, the look and attitude of the emperor in front of her frightened her.

Because she knew many red-robed mages who often showed similar expressions when preparing to use slaves for experiments.

"I see, I think I understand what's going on."

Zuo Si nodded thoughtfully, and at the same time stretched out his right hand as a gesture of invitation.

There is no doubt that judging from the other party's description, this is probably an unexpected result of a magic ritual that was interfered with by an unknown person.

This is not uncommon in conjuration-type summoning spells and magical rituals.

For example, some mages wanted to summon a demon, but ended up summoning a devil or a yugoloth inexplicably.

Although the probability of occurrence is not high, it always exists.

According to the research of many great mages, similar situations are not due to any errors in spells or magic rituals, nor do they have anything to do with wild magic fluctuations.

It's just the chaotic attribute contained in the original magical power that plays a certain role in the moment the spell is formed.

This means that everything related to magic has a certain probability of causing unexpected situations.

Either it simply fails, or something changes, or it creates a terrible disaster.

No matter how high the level of the spellcaster is or how in-depth the mastery of magic knowledge is, at best it can only reduce the probability of accidents, but cannot completely avoid them, even if the goddess of magic herself comes.

Because this is caused by the chaos of original magical energy, which can also be called chaotic characteristics.

It is precisely because of the infinite possibilities of raw magical energy that thousands of spells of different types and shapes can be created.

It must be said that Kalaya is very lucky.

Because in this accident, she obtained a pair of magic eyes that although looked very scary, were actually very practical.

The vast majority of unlucky people who encounter this situation are very lucky to survive, and some simply change their race or even species, or even change from living people to dead objects.

In fact, civilians in many areas of Faerûn are afraid of magical power not simply because of ignorance, but because it has too terrible destructive power and randomness.

You never know what dangerous experiments the mage living next door is doing at home, whether he will suddenly blow up his house and the entire street to the sky, or teleport to the bottomless abyss or Baator Hell.

Realizing that the look Zuo Si was looking at her was no longer as scary as before, Kalaya breathed a sigh of relief, stood up slowly, and handed the parchment scroll she was holding tightly to an attendant next to her.

After taking it, the latter first sent it to the throne for the emperor to take a look at, and then sent it to the important ministers of the Imperial Council for them to circulate it too.

Soon, the entire cabinet, including Chancellor Shaud Tarovan, couldn't help but become excited.

Because they saw that among the negotiation terms given by Serge, one of them was to cede the province of Araul.

Although these are just two small islands in the eyes of outsiders, they guard the easternmost traffic artery of Falling Star Sea, like a nail firmly controlling the sea areas in the four directions of east, west, north and south.

Whoever controls this place will be able to control the maritime trade and transportation of Sayre in the north, Mulhorand in the east, and Unther across the Lamb Inner Sea.

If you include Aglalon, who is about to join the Trade Alliance, the West Coast Empire can build a complete island chain from west to east.

The westernmost starting point is Ximen Port on the Dragon Coast, followed by the Pirate Islands in the center of the Sea of ​​Fallen Stars, then to the east is the ally Aglalon, and finally the province of Araul, which is inserted between the three countries.

As long as a golden waterway can be established based on these islands to ensure the safe passage of merchants, then the taxes alone can add a large amount of extra revenue to the imperial treasury.

In addition, the Sel red-robed wizard's initiative to surrender will also bring about a series of political, military and economic expansion of influence.

Therefore, in the opinion of many important cabinet ministers, this treaty can be signed immediately, and then an army can be sent to the Araul Province immediately.

But Zuo Si didn't know why he wasn't anxious at all. Instead, he touched his chin and asked, "Is the content of this treaty what Sazastan meant, or is it the result of the Chief Council's discussion? Or to put it another way, Which faction within the red robe mage was responsible for this small act of inciting rebellion?"

"I'm very sorry, but I can't answer your question.

After all, I am just a messenger and I have no idea what the chiefs are thinking, let alone their plans.

But there is one thing I can tell you.

That is, His Excellency Sazhastan, the chief of the Necromancer Faction, is very angry about the private actions of some people this time. "

Kalaya hinted calmly.

"So... Sazastan didn't do this?"

Zuo Si's eyes flashed with amusement.

Since it's not Saznarstan, it's most likely his political opponent - Aznar Srul.

Since he had had a face-to-face contest with the latter, his impression of Aznar was that of a typical "people addicted to food", and he had no idea that this guy would be Sazastan's opponent.

If it weren't for the fear of being replaced by a guy who is more difficult to deal with, Sazastan's character would have solved this trouble long ago through assassination and other means.

In fact, it is different from the outside world's belief that only eight faction chiefs in the top ranks of the red mage are legendary casters or close to legends.

There are also senior members within the organization who are second only to the chief.

Their common characteristic is that they have arcane spell casting levels of LV20 or above or LV18 or 19.

Once a certain faction chief dies, one of these guys will take over through a series of games.

Generally speaking, there are at least two successors behind a chief executive.

Therefore, the total number of legendary mages and archmages who are only one step away from the legendary mages should be about twenty-four.

This is the truly powerful foundation of the Red Robe Mage Organization.

In addition, Sazastan also hides a group of undead lichs who are as powerful as the chief.

Coupled with some remnants of ancient times, such as the secret city of Saluk and the remnants of the people who fled here when the Imasca Empire collapsed, the water in Cyre is deeper and deeper than it appears. Mudier, more complex, more dangerous.

However, Kalaya didn't know Zuo Si's inner thoughts, and responded mysteriously: "I don't think there is any need to answer this question, because you should know best."

"Haha, it seems that Sazastan has found a smart person to be the envoy this time. Well, since the conditions are pretty good, I agree to reach a settlement with you."

With that said, Zuo Sichong waved to the attendant, who immediately understood and would send over a parchment scroll filled with treaties.

In a matter of seconds, a legally binding contract was signed.

Kalaya was obviously relieved after completing the first task of this trip. She put one hand on her chest and bowed deeply: "Thank you for your kindness and generosity. I promise that from now on, anything involving the West Coast Empire and you will Chiefs will definitely consider this matter carefully before making a decision."

Regarding this boring verbal promise, Zuo Si obviously didn't believe a word of it, and directly laughed and mocked: "It's better to save the beautiful words.

As long as the internal fighting among you red-robed mages does not stop, private actions like this will never end.

Because as long as one chief supports everything, there will definitely be another chief who opposes.

This is caused by the natural flaws of the parliamentary system and polyarchy, and cannot be easily changed with a few words.

Compared to the current chaotic Ser, I am more looking forward to seeing what actions Sazhastan will take to end everything after getting tired of these endless political struggles. "

Hearing these words, Kalaya suddenly remembered her mentor's prediction of the future situation before leaving. She immediately felt a sense of awe for the young man in front of her and hurriedly suggested: "If you don't mind, I Can I talk to you alone?"

"Talk alone?"

Zuo Si raised his head slightly unexpectedly and glanced at the other party.

Because he was wearing equipment that blocked charm and psychic spells, he was unable to read the other person's thoughts and memories. He was a little confused about what other matters this woman wanted to discuss with him privately even though she had already completed her mission.

Kalaya nodded quickly: "Yes. I want to give you a small gift, but it is not convenient to display in public. If possible, it is best to find a place with no one around for a hundred meters."

"Come with me."

Zuo Si stood up from the throne and walked straight towards the harem.

Since he did not like to keep a large number of concubines as a means of showing off like the traditional men in Kalin shirts, many places in the originally huge harem were semi-abandoned.

The two of them came to a courtyard covered with moss and weeds.

Although it can be seen from the clean floor that people come here to clean it every day, it is just a simple cleaning. No one lives there, and there is not even a small animal around.

Zuo Si stopped, stood under a shed shaded by greenery, and said very simply: "It's very quiet here, and almost no one will approach. Now you can take out that little gift."

"As you wish."

Kalaya took a deep breath, quickly reached into the dimensional bag she carried with her, and took out the crystal that her mentor had given her before leaving.


Under the influence of the twisted black spot in the center, the surrounding magic network began to be greatly strengthened rapidly.

Zuo Si only felt that he was closely connected to the deepest core of the magic network at an unprecedented speed.

Just a second later...

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

The dazzling silver fire spurted out directly from the body, covering the whole person from head to toe.

At this moment, he felt as if he was the incarnation of the magic network surrounding the palace, and even had some powers that only the goddess of magic had to a certain extent.

"This is?!!!!!"

Zuo Si raised his eyebrows in disbelief, staring at the gadget in the other person's hand that caused all this.

“This is Serge’s national treasure, an artifact fragment that can greatly strengthen the power of the magic network.

The mentor says that only the Chosen of the Goddess of Magic can maximize its power.

In addition to representing Ser, I also have another identity, that is, I am a disciple of one of the current chiefs, Demetra Vlas.

The mentor hopes to establish a secret alliance with you to help her deal with the increasingly fierce fighting within the red mage.

And the fragments of this artifact are her gift to you. "

After saying that, Kalaya resisted the greed and desire to take it as her own, and reluctantly offered the crystal with her hands.

Along the way, she was actually engaged in a fierce ideological struggle in her mind. She even wanted to hack away the fragments of this artifact several times. After completing the diplomatic mission, she immediately chose to flee and never return to Serre to see herself. That mentor.

With the benefits brought by this artifact fragment, this young talented red-robed mage is confident enough to cross the threshold of legend before the age of thirty and become a formidable and powerful spellcaster.

But all these thoughts disappeared after seeing Zuo Si himself.

Because she understands that she may be able to escape the teacher's pursuit, but it will be difficult to escape the planeswalker who can travel freely between different planes and even time and space.

When the other party learns that someone has stolen something that should belong to them, they can easily come to their door in a matter of minutes with the help of powerful magic power and the help from gods.

Being able to restrain the greed in his heart and make the most informed choice is the reason why Demetra Vlas chose to let Kalaya become the secret messenger.

Otherwise, if it were a guy like Edwin who couldn't control his desires at all, he might not consider the consequences at all and just take the artifact fragments and run away.

I don’t know how this guy is doing now after his complete sex change.

Have you adapted to your new identity and started to do some evil things by taking advantage of being a woman?

Along with the intense burning of the silver fire, the small piece of twisted black metal particles in the center of the crystal seemed to sense something and quickly melted into a liquid state that continued to flow in the bubbles.

Zuo Si lifted it up and looked at it carefully through the sunlight, feeling the incredible power contained in it, and asked without looking back: "You said it is Serge's national treasure?"

"Yes, without this artifact, there would be absolutely no way there would be so many mages in Serre today, let alone the ability to continuously manufacture so many magic items at a low cost."

Kalaya quickly explained everything she knew.

Although she herself was skeptical about this legend, it was indeed true that Sere's magic network was more stable and less prone to collapse than other places in Faerûn.

Especially when making things like magic tattoos, they can often be completed at a very small cost.

"Saruq witch...the unknown artifact...and the goddess of magic. This is really an incredible secret. According to what you said, there should be similar fragments of artifacts all over Ser."

There was a strange light in Zuo Si's eyes, and he was obviously very interested in this.

Because maybe for other people, finding dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of artifact fragments of similar size in the huge Ser is simply an impossible task.

But as a planeswalker, he is naturally very sensitive to energy changes. Coupled with the effect of silver fire, he can still find most of them as long as he is willing to spend a little time.

Kalaya didn't know that someone had already begun to plan to dig up Serge's roots, and responded with a wry smile: "I advise you to give up this idea.

Many chiefs in Sale know this rumor.

But only my mentor was lucky enough to find one, and it was still in a deep underground mine.

As for the rest, they have basically been buried deep underground.

Even if the location is confirmed, just digging and searching will take months or even years.

Compared to this, I think it is better for you to consider how to respond to your mentor's alliance invitation.

After all, I can't stay in the West Coast Empire for too long, otherwise the other chiefs will become suspicious. "

"As for the alliance, you can go back and tell Demetra Vlas that I agree. However, I will not participate in the internal battle of the red robe mage. I only promise to come here when she is in danger. Take refuge.”

Zuo Si's mind at this moment was obviously completely attracted by this interesting artifact fragment, and he casually stated his conditions.

Calculating time, the conflicts between Sazastan and other red-robed chiefs should also begin to enter the stage of concentrated outbreak.

This also means that when the civil war begins, countless civilians, businessmen, soldiers, and mages will choose to flee with their families, completely leaving this land that may be shrouded in war for decades or even hundreds of years.

Yes, you read that right, a civil war that lasted for hundreds of years.

Because the war between the red-robed wizards will not stop when the population dies to a certain extent.

If there are no living people left, they can still use dead people. If the corpse is blown up by spells, they can also summon elemental creatures, demons, demons and other otherworldly creatures to continue their work.

In short, with many mages, the war can completely ignore the issues of logistical supplies and resource consumption.

As long as their number does not drop significantly, it will not be a problem to fight for a thousand years, let alone a hundred years.

With the two islands in the Araul province that had just been ceded, the West Coast Empire could take advantage of this unprecedentedly brutal civil war to suck blood from Ser. While providing weapons to both sides of the war, it also absorbed a large number of refugees to accelerate its own development.

After decades of fighting, Sazastan will be surprised to find that the number and quality of mages on the other side of the Falling Star Sea have far exceeded his imagination.

And many of them defected from the Red Robe Mage Organization.

"Understood, I will take this sentence back intact. If you have nothing else to do, I will leave here."

Kalaya bowed again, intending to end this short and dangerous journey as soon as possible and return to Ser to return to his mentor.

But just when she was about to turn around and leave, she suddenly saw Zuo Si taking out a rather heavy notebook from somewhere and throwing it over.

Out of a subconscious reaction, the young red-robed mage immediately caught it with both hands and blinked in confusion.

Just as she was about to ask, Zuo Si took the lead and asked in a meaningful tone: "Have you heard of the Netherese Scrolls?"

Kalaya nodded without thinking: "Of course! It was these golden scrolls that created the era of Netheril, and also laid the foundation of today's magic system."

"What you hold in your hands now is part of the knowledge from the first volume of the Netherese scrolls.

You can think of this as a return gift, a return gift only for you.

Because I am a generous monarch, I will never be stingy in giving rewards to those who have meritorious service.

Best of all, I have a full set of Netherese here.

I believe you should know what they mean to a mage, don't you? "

As the last word blurted out, Zuo Si deliberately took out the Netherese scroll given to him by the goddess of magic Midnight and waved it in front of the other party's eyes.

The next second...

Kalaya's breathing instantly became rapid and heavy.

As a person with special magical vision, she can almost distinguish those golden scrolls that exude strange energy at a glance. They are the famous Netherese scrolls, which record countless coveted knowledge and magical mysteries.

It doesn't take much, just reading one or two of them can benefit any arcane spellcaster greatly, thereby widening the gap between others.

No mage can remain calm in front of a full set of Netherese scrolls, let alone an ambitious red mage with an endless thirst for power.

But within more than ten seconds, Kalaya suddenly thought of herself and broke away from the emotions of desire and greed. There was a strong fear in her eyes, and she cautiously asked: "What do you mean?"

Zuo Si put away the Netherese scroll, stretched out his right hand to hold the opponent's pointed chin, and stared at those disturbing red eyes and replied: "It's very simple, I think you are working for your mentor while also serving for I serve.

As long as you can provide me with the information I want, you will continue to benefit from me.

Not only Netherese scrolls, but also magical knowledge from other planes, time and space, and even distant universes..."

Speaking of this, Zuo Si paused deliberately, leaned forward slightly and whispered in the red-robed mage's ear in a very ambiguous manner: "It even includes how to be promoted from a mortal to a god!"

In an instant!

Kalaya's pupils suddenly dilated to the limit, and the emotions and desires that had finally calmed down were once again aroused.

The pale skin that has not been exposed to the sun for a long time has become a little red due to the rapid beating of the heart and accelerated blood flow, and the bulging cyan blood vessels on the neck can be clearly seen.

The reason for such a big reaction was that she knew that the other party was not lying, but that he was really capable of doing all this.

It is precisely because it is not out of reach that it is particularly easy to be tempted.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The two of them maintained this ambiguous posture that was very easy for outsiders to misunderstand. They could even feel each other's breathing, heartbeat, temperature and the smell of each other's bodies.

Finally, after being silent for a long time, Kalaya, who returned to her senses, slowly took a step back, bit her lower lip and said, "You are tempting me to betray my mentor! Betray the entire Serge and the Red Robe Mage Organization!"

"Ha ha ha ha!

What, what's the problem?

I have always believed that men are loyal because the stakes for betrayal are too low, and women are loyal because they are not tempted enough.

Don't tell me that you are loyal to your mentor and the Red Robe Mage Organization and would rather die than betray you.

Because of the education you received since childhood and the values ​​you established while growing up, you have long been accustomed to betrayal and betrayal.

Loyalty now is just to get a better price.

So give up your indifferent reserve, because I know deep down in your heart you have already agreed. "

After that, Zuo Si's hand holding the opponent's chin slowly moved downwards, and he poked his chest with the tip of his index finger, directly defeating the last psychological defense of the young red-robed mage in front of him.

"Damn it! You are really a devil who is good at playing with people's hearts.

Okay, I admit that I was intrigued from the beginning.

But the problem is that being a spy in Serge is not an easy task.

Once exposed, I might become a living being worse than death.

So I need guarantees, I need help, I need funds and chips to operate. "

Kalaya directly took off the disguise to express her attitude.

She obviously doesn't mind betraying and becoming a spy, and she doesn't mind selling the inside information about her mentor and the red-robed mage for a good price, especially when her employer is a thick and strong thigh.

"Don't worry, I have prepared enough helpers for you. Your task is to insert them into the red robe mage, and then try to arrange as many opportunities as possible to make meritorious deeds."

After saying this, Zuo Si clapped his hands twice with a smile.

Before Kalaya could react to what was happening, seven undead creatures exuding strong negative energy appeared out of thin air from the other side of the portal.

Five of them are lichs, one is a dracolich, and one is a vampire.

"He...they are..."

Kalaya opened her mouth in shock.

Due to her special magical vision, she could almost tell at a glance that the undead creatures in front of her were all arcane casters who had crossed the threshold of legend.

Seven legendary mages or warlocks completely unknown to the outside world?

At this moment, the young red-robed mage finally understood why the chiefs chose to surrender rather than launch a counterattack to expand the scale of the war.

The opponent actually has too many trump cards. In a real fight, Serge has a greater chance of losing than winning.

“Let me give you a little introduction.

From left to right are Lagon, Kartak Spelser, Plamon "Frostmark" Rakeisk, Sapuhurakta, Selesha, Muratel, and Rein.

They were once the leaders of a secret society called the Tangled Talisman, which secretly ruled Calimshan for hundreds of years.

Now they will assist you in infiltrating the red robe mage's interior.

How about it? With these helpers, you should feel a little more at ease, right? "

A hint of teasing and playfulness flashed in Zuo Si's eyes.

The corner of Kalaya's mouth twitched slightly uncontrollably, and she secretly complained crazily in her heart.

Peace of mind?

Peace of mind!

Perhaps ordinary people have never even heard of the name of the organization Tangled Talisman, but the red-robed mage in Serge has secretly had close contact with it.

Almost all Talisman Masters possess powerful magical powers comparable to those of the Chief.

This time, the seven talisman masters were thrust in not so much to help, but as a warning and surveillance.

If Kalaya makes any unusual move, she may be arrested in minutes, or even subject to magical manipulation, brainwashing and memory deletion.

But there was no way, she was on the pirate ship now and couldn't get off, so she could only force out a smile: "I feel a lot more at ease indeed. With so many experienced seniors to guide me, I think it should be easy to get Hong Kong out." Master Robe dug out all the secrets from top to bottom."

"Haha, young man, you are very good at talking."

The vampire Xeleisha suddenly appeared behind her out of thin air at some point. One of her hands gently touched the white and slender neck of the red-robed wizard, and her sharp nails like sharp knives accurately traced the location of the aorta.

Kalaya was so frightened that she didn't dare to move at all, nor did she dare to trigger or release protective spells.

Because she knew that with the gap in spellcasting level and experience between the two parties, there was no chance of her escaping at all, and the sweat on her forehead began to slide down her cheeks.

There were goosebumps everywhere where the sharp nails scratched her.

But the vampire calmly stuck out his tongue, licking up the neck of the female mage under his control to her cheeks, and finally bit out a small mouth on the sensitive earlobe, enjoying licking the oozing blood. After about half a minute, he reluctantly let go, opened his seductive red lips and moaned.

"Ah - this is the smell of fear, ambition and greed mixed together. Little cutie, if you weren't still useful to the master, I really want to rip your throat out and drink it right now."

Under this naked and undisguised threat of death, the muscles all over Kalaya's body had already tightened and stiffened, and she could only look at Zuo Si standing aside for help.

"Okay, stop scaring her."

Zuo Si waved his hand to drive the powerful vampire mage away, took out a handkerchief from his pocket, and used very gentle movements to wipe the sweat from the red-robed mage's forehead and face, and then cast a healing spell. Surgery to heal wounds on ears.

After doing all this, Kalaya got rid of her frightened state and even leaned forward as much as possible.

Because she suddenly realized that compared to this group of vicious talisman masters, the new loyal master in front of her was the one who could protect her life.

As the saying goes, there is no harm without comparison.

Although at the beginning, Kalaya felt that Zuo Si was an insidious and cunning devil who could see through people's hearts and was good at playing with human nature. She must be more careful in the future.

But after seeing with her own eyes how dangerous the Lord of the Seven Symbols was, she suddenly felt that Zuo Si was simply an amiable, kind-hearted and good person.

At least the emperor of the West Coast Empire will give benefits when he asks people to work, and the benefits are very generous.

But the powerful vampire lord just wanted to tear out his own throat and drink blood.

Ever since, in this stark contrast, Kalaya unknowingly completed a change in her mentality and began to feel that Zuo Si was a person worthy of reliance and trust.

But what she doesn't know is that all this is an atmosphere deliberately created by the latter using psychology, and a close and stable relationship is established through subtle influence.

This is also one of Zuo Si's best skills.

Due to being too young, Kalea inevitably fell into a trap specially woven for her despite her extremely high level of intelligence.

By the time the red-robed female mage embarked on the journey back to Sere with the Lord of the Seven Symbols, Zuo Si had already returned to the deepest part of the mage tower through the portal, and without hesitation crushed the black metal used to imprison him. Granular crystal.


With a crisp sound, the crystal suddenly fell into pieces.

As the small piece of metal particles fell, it was directly caught by the released silver fire, and was instantly transformed into a liquid with no fixed form.

Through continuous burning, this metal particle is gradually shaped into a very thin wire that seems to break with just a slight pull.

Next, Zuo Si took out the Demon Moon Blade and repeatedly wrapped the silk thread along the blade to form circular patterns that exuded silvery light.

When the last bit of it was consumed, a two-meter-high silver fire burst out from the sword blade, continuously absorbing energy from the surrounding magic network.

Gradually, the silver fire began to become smaller and smaller, and finally condensed into a layer of edge composed entirely of silver fire energy.

It looks like a silver or mithril coating wrapped around the blade.

If used by others, then this thing will only have a certain demon-breaking effect at best. When it hits an enemy, it will randomly destroy the opponent's protective spells and magic items. Occasionally, there will be a certain probability of absorbing and reflecting the spells released by the enemy.

But if it is in the hands of the chosen one who possesses silver fire, the magic goddess can use the artifact fragments blessed on the sword to directly affect or even control the magic network within a range of less than a hundred meters.

Whether it's strengthening your own and your allies' spells, or weakening your opponent's spells, you can do it easily.

Unless the other party has a way to bypass the magic network and cast spells, they can directly force the designated target to disconnect from the network like the goddess of magic.

Feeling the twice-strengthened artifact in his hand, Zuo Si pursed his lips and whispered in a voice that only he could hear: "I have now become a veritable nemesis of spellcasters.

No mortal spellcaster would have the slightest ability to resist in the face of this weapon.

And as long as I carry this sword with me, all my arcane magic spell slots will increase by two when I reach the ninth level, and it will also have the effect of metamagic skills - spell upgrades.

In addition, it can also greatly strengthen the power of silver fire.

A fragment of an artifact can have such an effect. I really don't know how powerful it is before it is used.

No wonder the goddess of magic chose to consume it to strengthen the magic network.

Otherwise, if it falls into the hands of others, especially if it accidentally falls into the hands of the owner of the Shadow Magic Network, it will definitely affect the goddess's absolute control over the Magic Network to a certain extent. "

Just when Zuo Si put away his weapon and was about to turn around and leave, Succubus Loli suddenly emerged from the darkness and reported in a slightly nervous tone: "Master, your good apprentice Sancho is ready to go find Half The lich Kangath faces a decisive battle."

"Oh? So fast?"

Zuo Si was stunned for a moment, then asked: "Could he have tampered with that golden skeleton?"

Succubus Loli nodded quickly: "Well, yes.

Sancho secretly stuffed many gem bombs inside without damaging the gold skeleton structure.

With just one triggering action, the gems hidden in the bones will instantly release amazingly powerful positive energy.

According to his calculations, this energy is enough to destroy a demilich, or weaken it to a near-death state.

In order to cope with the demilich's soul-capturing ability, he also purchased ten bottles of targeted protective potions on credit. "

"Sounds good. What's making you nervous?"

Zuo Si rubbed Atona's tight little face with a smile.

Succubus Loli sighed helplessly and replied: "Because Sancho wants to take these two fools Aberdare and Minsk with him.

You know, even the Mind Flayer would shake his head in disappointment and leave after looking at these two people's brains, or even show disgust.

I feel that adding two completely uncontrollable and unpredictable factors to the battle will not only fail to improve the overall strength of the team, but will inevitably create a lot of surprises and troubles.

Especially Aberdare, who may transform into a killer at any time, is like a time bomb.

So I think it is necessary to inform you.

At least then you'll be able to clean up the mess when things get too overwhelming. "

"Pfft hahaha! Okay, I understand. Don't worry, I will watch your performance the whole time."

Zuo Si laughed and bent down to kiss the succubus Loli on her forehead, and then said a few words of encouragement.

About half an hour later, the heavily armed Sons of Baal adventure team went straight to the dock in the old city, intending to lift the cap of the demi-lich Kangas in one go.

Since before that, they had already used their own power to defeat another lich guarding the golden skeleton, so it can be said that their morale is high and they are full of confidence...

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