A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 528 The optimal solution to the hostage problem (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

As a traditional military fortress used in the Amn region to curb the intrusion of monsters and bandits, as well as to control surrounding lands and villages, the area of ​​​​D'Arnisburg is not large.

At least it is much smaller than the lake castle that Bernard originally gave to Zuo Si, probably only about one-tenth of the latter.

On weekdays, only Sir De Arnis himself, his widowed sister Desia Kane, the only female heir Naria, and his adopted son Isiah live here.

In addition to this, there is a housekeeper, a guard captain, about a dozen relatively strong soldiers, and an equal number of male and female servants. The total number may be less than forty.

There are also several fierce dogs specially used for hunting and early warning in the courtyard within the castle walls.

This is obviously different from the Lake Castle owned by Zuo Si, which often has an army of 200 people stationed there, and can easily form a militia of thousands of people by combining with the surrounding estates.

However, this is also the most common scale of castles and fortresses built in rural areas with families as the core in Amn and even the entire continent of Faerûn.

After all, the soldiers and servants living in the castle needed to be supported by the owner of the castle, the lord of the nearby land.

In a non-war situation, the lords would naturally save as much as they could and retain the most basic protective capabilities of the castle. There was no need to spend too much money to feed so many soldiers.

With the help of the strong walls of the castle, the narrow and intricate passages inside, and various deadly traps, a dozen soldiers can easily withstand the siege of hundreds of orcs, half-orcs, goblins, gnolls and other monsters.

What's more, Sir De Arnis participated in adventures when he was young. With his warrior strength and the magic weapons and equipment on his body, he could rush into the midst of dozens or twenty monsters and attack them one after another with the flail of time. smashed into pulp.

Unfortunately, he clearly misjudged the situation this time.

Due to the presence of Isiah, Deanis's internal structure, weaknesses and traps have already been clearly understood by the enemy.

In addition, the mind flayers are not ordinary monsters. Their powerful psychic powers and charm abilities can easily control the thinking and will of anyone in the castle. It only took them a very short time to break down the resistance of the defending soldiers.

The trusted captain of the guard was directly charmed and became a glorious leader.

Currently, deep underground in the castle leading to the second floor, six mind flayers are surrounding a circular pond shaped by magic. They are constantly opening the skulls of the monster slaves under their control one by one and removing the tender flesh inside. Pour all the brains and brain matter in.

In the blink of an eye, the huge brain tissue floating in the center of the pond quickly extended its tentacles, sucking out the brain with the most concentrated neurons in the brain and the most nutritious part for the mind flayer through the weird fluff-like tissue on it. gray matter.

Although its size can be considered huge compared to the brain of an ordinary person, it is much smaller than other mind flayer master brains that have existed for decades or even centuries. It is obvious that it has only recently been successfully transformed. Completed.

When a dozen brains were completely absorbed, the new mastermind immediately issued orders to several other mind flayers through psychic abilities.

“I sensed new intruders in the castle and immediately went to catch them.

Several of these people had very well developed brains that could be used to replenish the psychic energy I had lost during the transformation process.

I prefer the brains of humans, elves, gnomes, and halflings to eating the nutritious orc and troll brains.

Especially the brains of mages, which are not only delicious but also provide a lot of arcane magic knowledge. "

"As you wish, great mastermind."

One of the mind flayers bent down and bowed, then turned around and disappeared with three others of his kind at the end of the spiral staircase leading to the surface.

Not long after they left, the mastermind turned his attention to Sir De Arnis, who was tied to a pillar and captured.

At this moment, this noble-born warrior no longer had the stern toughness he had before, but was replaced by pain, despair and deep sadness.

Because not far away, his adopted son Isiah was clearly standing on the side of the monsters. He was telling a mind flayer how Naria had escaped in the chaos, hoping that the other party could help catch her. return.

It would be best to just put on a permanent slave collar and completely turn it into a puppet at your mercy.

In this way, Isiah can not only easily annex the property and land of the De Anis family, but also play with the long-coveted eldest daughter of the De Anis family.

If given another chance, Sir De Arnis vowed that he would not be overly compassionate and would bring this devil's son back to raise him.

Instead, they will allow the vengeful wild elf tribes to kill the Ronoll family who captured and traded slaves.

Unfortunately, it's too late now.

Witnessing the tragedy of all the servants and soldiers in the entire castle being captured by the Mind Flayer, and then prying open the skulls and devouring the brains one by one, Sir De Arniss' mental state and heart were close to collapse, and he fell into crazy hatred. Inextricable.

Whenever there is the slightest chance, he will not hesitate to pounce on the opponent and bite the opponent's throat with his teeth to avenge the tragic death of the soldiers and servants.

But what Sir De Arniss couldn't understand was that the Mind Flayer had obviously eaten almost all the soldiers and servants in the castle, but why hadn't he eaten his own and his sister's brains yet?

Could it be that he and Deshia Kane were looked down upon because their intelligence was too low?

Or are these guys planning to use their identities to plot some unknown conspiracy?

Just when Sir De Arnis was puzzled, the mastermind's voice suddenly echoed in his mind.

"I think you must be wondering now why you are still alive and not eaten, right?"

"What do you mean, monster?"

Sir De Arnis asked through gritted teeth.

"I just want to tell you one answer before you die.

The reason why I didn't eat you and your sister right away was so that your daughter could recruit more adventurers to carry out the so-called rescue plan.

And the smartest mages among these adventurers will become the most important food for me in my infancy after I get rid of becoming the mastermind.

Today, your daughter has successfully completed this task.

So neither you nor your stupid sister has any use value now.

The next time I feel hungry, it will be the moment you die. "

The mind flayer mastermind didn't hide anything and bluntly stated the plan he had made.

Obviously, the soldier who ran back to deliver the message was actually let go on purpose.

In the eyes of this terrifying creature, except for the other mind flayers who follow him, all other humans and monsters can be directly equated with words such as slaves and food.

But poor Isiah didn't know anything about it. He thought he was a partner and ally, and he still kept trying to bargain with the mind flayer.

Just a second later, the impatient latter waved his tentacles and grabbed the idiot's head, then opened the skull with a click, opened his mouth and sucked the brain and brain matter inside without mercy.

The horrific scene is enough to make any normal person feel numb and have nightmares for weeks after seeing it.

After the mind flayer had eaten and drank enough and pushed the empty head away, Isiah's body fell to the ground with a plop, his hands and feet still twitching slightly under the control of the central nervous system of his spine.

It is easy to tell from the shock, fear and despair remaining in his eyes that he never understood what he had done wrong until his death.

"Drag the corpse of this loser and feed it to the trolls!"

The mind flayer gave straightforward orders to the monster next to him who had received the charm.

Without saying a word, the orc dragged the body toward the dungeon where the trolls gathered outside.

Not long after, creepy sounds of tearing and chewing came from the dark dungeon.

It has to be said that Isiah's sudden and tragic exit made Sir De Arnis, who had been betrayed and deceived, feel a little relieved, but at the same time, he also showed unprecedented nervousness and anxiety about the arrival of his daughter.

After all, he had personally experienced how powerful these mind flayers and the monsters they controlled were.

Especially the mastermind in front of him, who can deprive himself of his will and all ability to resist with just one thought.

What's even worse is that the soldier who was deliberately sent back to report for help had no idea what happened next.

Sir De Arnis was worried that his daughter and the adventurers would be captured by the Mind Flayer and the Overmind like himself, and eventually become food for each other.

But what he didn't know was that the adventurers Nalia had found were not ordinary people. There were three Sons of Baal who contained terrifying killing divinity and divine power in their bodies. At this moment, they had sneaked in along the secret passage in the cellar. Lobby.

More than thirty heavily armed orcs, trolls, and gnolls were all killed in a surprise attack without even a splash of water.

Especially Aberdare, who has mastered martial arts, is more and more embarrassed every time when dealing with powerful spellcasters such as legendary lich and demilich.

But when he does the job of abusing vegetables, he is like a god coming down to earth.

Often a "super powerful slash" can split the enemy's weapons, armor and body, causing blood and internal organs to scatter in all directions.

The face filled with bloodlust, brutality and endless desire to kill can also make enemies feel terrified.

Although Minsk is not as crazy as Aberdare, he is still a strong man with violent abilities.

When the berserk mode is turned on, he almost doesn't recognize his relatives. If he encounters a living creature, he will rush forward and kill him. Even his teammates must stay away after seeing it to avoid accidental injuries.

In addition, there are three mages in the team, Sancho, Imoen and Naria, and the field control ability can be said to be almost full.

Many monsters were frozen in place by various spell effects before they had time to react to what was happening.

After the battle, Jaheira, a druid, and Viconia, a priest, basically didn't take any action, and they also didn't need any treatment.

Looking at the pile of mutilated and bloody corpses on the ground, Imoen couldn't help but whisper: "Do you two really need to make it so bloody?

To simply kill the enemy, just cut off the head or pierce the heart.

The production of so much plasma and minced meat now will definitely alert some monsters with a keen sense of smell. "

"Ah! Sorry, I didn't think much about it just now. I just wanted to vent my previous depression."

Aberdare scratched his head a little embarrassedly.

But Sancho shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "It doesn't matter.

Anyway, our whereabouts should have been noticed by the other party after entering the castle shrouded in psychic energy.

It doesn't really matter whether you hide it or not now.

The important thing is to minimize the number of monsters before the enemy can react.

After all, mind flayers are not easy to deal with.

In some places they are even more dangerous and difficult to deal with than lichs. "

"Then according to what you say, we can kill without restraint?"

Aberdare's eyes shone slightly, and he subconsciously made a motion of licking his lips.

There is no doubt that the killing just now greatly stimulated the divinity and power belonging to Baal in his body.

Although this guy is trying to restrain that instinctive impulse, if he continues to kill, it will only be a matter of time before he transforms into a killer.

After experiencing the disaster of facing Kangas, Sancho obviously had his own judgment about this older brother. Instead of choosing to stop him, he encouraged him meaningfully: "You are right.

From now on, we need to split up and quickly clean up all the monsters we encounter in the castle.

In this case, the mind flayers will be confused and unable to accurately determine our exact location, thereby buying more time.

Aberdare, you and Jaheira are in charge of the first floor.

Minsk, go to the outer courtyard and city wall with Imoen and Nalia.

I went to the second floor with Viconia.

Remember, if you are pursued by a large number of enemies led by the Mind Flayer, don't hesitate to fight. Just turn around and rely on the complex terrain in the castle to escape.

Anyway, until the effect of the mind-blocking potion disappears, the psychic abilities of those mind flayers cannot pose much threat or impact to us in a short period of time.

In addition, another point is that you must not rescue Sir De Arnis recklessly.

I suspect there is a powerful psychic user hidden somewhere in this castle, most likely the mind flayer mastermind.

So before we are ready to face it, we must first clear away other possible interferences. "

"I understand, then let's split up."

Jaheira was the first to speak out in agreement.

She could feel that the most reliable person in this team besides herself was the boy in front of her who had already developed into an "inhuman monster".

As for the original team leader Aberdare...

The half-elf druid subconsciously turned his head and glanced at the other person, only to find that this guy was peeking at his chest, butt and thighs through the gaps in the armor, without showing even the slightest sense of crisis.

Although this was not the first time this happened, she still felt very angry and disappointed.

But at the same time, there was a little unusual turmoil in Jahila's heart, and she recalled what Zuo Si had said before, "His attitude towards you is not just that of a friend or an elder."

The most important thing is that due to the death of her husband Khalid, the only barrier that existed between the two disappeared.

If she wanted to guide Gillian's adopted son to the right path, perhaps the best choice would be to start with emotions and use this as a bond to bind the blood of Baal, the God of Murder, in her body.

This is not uncommon within the Harpers.

You must know that being able to rely on love, friendship, and family affection to save a soul that is about to fall into evil is a commendable thing from every aspect.

What's more, Jaheira has always felt that she has an unshirkable responsibility for Aberdare.

Just like this, with a little struggle, a little resistance, and a little expectation, the two quickly walked through the hall and swept the rooms on the first floor one after another.

The remaining two groups rushed to the courtyard outside the castle, while the other group climbed to the second floor.

There is no doubt that Sancho's strategy directly dumbfounded the mind flayer who came with the monster slaves to support and capture the intruders, and was slightly confused about the situation.

Especially the ambush the boy set at the entrance to the second floor, which directly detonated the explosion trap and a large area of ​​​​Death Cloud Technique.

Dozens of low-level monster cannon fodders lost more than 90% of their casualties in an instant. Even the trolls with powerful regeneration capabilities fell to the ground screaming and turning into charred corpses as they burned in flames.

The injured Mind Flayer didn't even stay for a second, turned around and fled underground to report the situation to the mastermind.

After all, they cherish their lives and will never leave the battle easily before the slaves are consumed.

“Well done!

It seems that after experiencing this ambush, the mind flayers should have become extra cautious and did not dare to send people to search the entire castle.

This also means that Aberdare and Minsk have plenty of time to sweep away the monsters on the first floor, the courtyard outside, and the walls.

Moreover, the corpses of slain monsters can also be controlled using necromantic magic, becoming the most powerful weapon against mind flayers.

By using some means to convey information, and then using the enemy's psychology to achieve your own goals, you are now behaving more and more like your master. "

Viconia raised the corners of her mouth and praised without hesitation.

But Sancho didn't show any joy at all, he just shook his head expressionlessly: "No, he is far worse than my mentor.

If it were him, there would definitely be more methods and strategies that could be used.

Okay, don't just stand there, use your magic to pull up all the corpses that are still usable.

I want to see what these mind flayers are up to.

What about that weird psychic whisper. "

"As commanded."

Viconia bowed slightly, then raised the holy symbol high and began to chant a spell.

After a while, a large number of skeletons and zombies were awakened one after another under the influence of negative energy.

In the end, about thirty or forty low-level undead creatures were successfully controlled.

Since he is a priest who believes in the Great Devil and is equipped with evil magic items related to necromancy, Viconia can control more undead creatures than his priest level limit.

To be precise, due to Zuo Si's in-depth research and proficiency in necromancy, all priests who believe in him will not only obtain exclusive divine magic, but also can control the number of undead three times that of ordinary priests.

It is precisely because of this that Sancho dared to formulate this plan.

Otherwise, even if the other three mages in the team join forces to create undead creatures, they can only control less than forty lowest-level zombies and skeletons at best.

But now, Viconia alone can control an undead army with the help of [Undead Lieutenant].

Coupled with several four-ring [Dead Manipulation] wands held by the boy, it can directly transform all monsters under the control of the mind flayer around the castle into undead souls that sound the death knell for the enemy.

As we all know, when dealing with terrifying creatures like the Mind Flayer, the simplest and crudest way is to recruit enough undead creatures and then push them straight through.

Since the undead have no minds, they can ignore all charms and psychic attacks, directly eliminating the mind flayer's greatest advantage.

Many mind flayer strongholds were basically destroyed by undead creatures summoned and created by mages or priests.

In addition to undead, constructs that are also immune to psychic attacks and charms are also good choices.

However, the construction cost of constructs is usually very expensive, and it is obviously not the first choice for those who are not very wealthy spellcasters.

In contrast, low-level undead can be produced in large quantities as long as there are corpses.

And it can be supplemented with the corpses of dead Mind Flayer slaves during battle.

So Sancho decisively chose the strategy of gathering the undead.

In order to avoid conflicts of opinion with his teammates, especially Druid Jahira who believed in nature, he would definitely object to awakening the undead on a large scale, so he split the team up for action.

In this way, unnecessary quarrels can be avoided and plans can be turned directly into established facts.

Obviously, Sancho, who has learned the lesson of failure, has completely changed his way of thinking. He no longer chooses to discuss with his teammates as he did before. Instead, he regards all opponents as chess pieces, and his own brain is responsible for command and control.

In his view, only in this way can casualties be avoided to the greatest extent and the chance of defeating a powerful enemy increased.

With this thought in mind, the boy and Viconia pulled up all the corpses of the monsters they had killed without the knowledge of the other members of the team.

After the number of undead reached a certain level, Sancho immediately issued an order to sweep the entire second floor.

Under the fierce attack of an astonishing number of zombies, skeletons and ghouls, the goblins, trolls, ogres and snakemen left on this floor by the mind flayers to guard and defend were all killed or injured before they could even react to what was happening. Almost exhausted.

A LV11 snake mage tried to sound the alarm and then opened the portal to escape.

But just a few syllables into his spell, Sancho completed the counterspell, and at the same time Viconia jumped out of the darkness, swung the mace and knocked it to the ground with a bang.

By reading the captives' thoughts and memories, they quickly realized that they were facing a community of mind flayers led by a new mastermind, and there were about twenty adult mind flayers.

"Damn it!

It turns out that this group of mind flayers captured the castle in order to find a relatively safe place to transform the mastermind.

What do you think we should do next?

You must know that the mastermind of the Mind Flayer is not an easy character to deal with.

The psychic abilities and arcane magic it masters are extremely powerful and cannot be matched by ordinary mind flayers. "

Viconia became visibly nervous.

As a dark elf who grew up in the Underdark, she is no stranger to the mind flayer species.

The first family in Menzoberranzan, Baenre, has reached some unknown deals with the mind flayers. Occasionally, caravans controlled by the mind flayers can be seen in the city visiting and selling some of their own products. stuff and buy a lot of slaves at the same time.

Because of this, most dark elf noble families will teach their descendants never to provoke these octopus heads easily, let alone approach their cities.

Otherwise, once captured by the mastermind, even the dark skin full of magic resistance cannot save him.

“There is no other way, now we have to bite the bullet.

After all, the duration of the potion is about to expire, and we have awakened so many undead that we have to try to launch an attack.

If it really doesn't work, it's not too late to retreat. "

Sancho thought for a moment and made a decision immediately.

Because of time constraints, he did not wait for other teammates to come and join him.

"Well, I hope these undead creatures can play a certain role."

After that, Viconia began to use magic to strengthen the various abilities of these undead, and then gave the order to the selected undead lieutenants to move forward.

Under the command of these slightly more advanced undead, more than two hundred undead creatures composed of zombies and skeletons poured into the stairs leading to the lower level.

After only a few minutes, the roars and screams of unknown monsters came from the bottom of the stairs.

You don't need to ask to know that they are already at war with the monsters controlled by the mind flayers.

I saw a large number of undead and monsters strangled together crazily on the only way to the dungeon and brain pool under the castle.

Since one of the two parties is not afraid of death at all, has no fear, and has no pain, while the other is completely crazy in the state of charm, the battle can be said to be quite fierce.

Almost every ten seconds, a monster or undead would be destroyed and fall to the ground motionless.

Sancho hid at the entrance of the stairs where the undead were already firmly occupied and carefully observed the situation ahead. At the same time, he kept waving his wand to pull up the dead enemies into battle.

In this tug of war, the undead creatures inevitably gradually gained the upper hand and began to advance steadily.

The monsters were retreating steadily, even if the mind flayer later sent his most powerful earth giant monster, it was of no avail.

After all, undead creatures are completely immune to negative energy and poison damage.

Therefore, Sancho only needs to throw negative energy spells and death cloud spells into densely populated areas of enemies to easily cause huge damage, without having to worry about accidentally injuring the undead creatures controlled by Viconia.

But the mind blast and charm used by the mind flayer are of no use to the undead.

Even if a few mind flayers with psion levels could occasionally cast damaging spells, it would be a drop in the bucket against so many undead creatures.

Just when the boy felt that he could use these undead to push all the way to the location of the mastermind, a mind flayer suddenly appeared in the passage not far ahead with two humans and shouted bluntly in common language: "Stop! Let us Let’s negotiate.”

"Negotiation? Do you think you have such qualifications?" Sancho sneered and mocked.

"Of course I have the qualifications.

See these two humans?

One of them is Sir De Arnis, the owner of this castle, and the other is his sister Desia Kane.

In other words, one of the purposes of your trip is in our hands.

So if you don't want these two prisoners to die in an ugly way, it's best to accept the offer of negotiation immediately.

Otherwise, I would be more than happy to pry open the skull and eat their brains right in front of them. "

The mind flayer issued the death threat very simply.

Obviously, things have developed to this point far beyond his expectations and even the mastermind behind it.

At first, these octopus heads thought that those who invaded the castle were just a group of ordinary adventurers.

But who knew that not long after, the other party had killed all the monsters stationed outside the castle, and even pulled up the corpses to form an undead army that restrained itself.

At this rate, it will take about ten minutes at most to reach the room where the main brain is located.

Therefore, after weighing the pros and cons, the new mastermind immediately chose to sacrifice the hostages in order to escape intact through negotiation.

After all, the reason why I chose to capture De Arnisburg as a stronghold was to obtain a relatively safe place that was easy to defend but difficult to attack to complete the transformation ceremony. By the way, I could get more smart human brains as food to survive the most vulnerable period of the new life.

Now that the goal has been achieved, and the enemy is so difficult to deal with, there is no need to continue fighting.

You must know that both the mind flayers and their masterminds are extremely calm and rational creatures. They are rarely disturbed by emotions and can always make the best choice under the current situation.

But unfortunately, the Mind Flayer obviously got the wrong person to negotiate with this time.

Perhaps Narya would have compromised for the lives of her father and aunt in her presence.

But Sancho didn't know Sir De Arnis at all, and he didn't care about the other person's life or death. He just wanted to find out how this new mind flayer mastermind was able to bless the spiritual whispers throughout the castle.

So after showing a weird smile, he directly used the super magic skill - Silent Spell to secretly complete the hugely lethal magic, and aimed at the mind flayer who stood up to negotiate and shot an eight-ring necromantic magic [Abida Strange Withering Death Technique].


Centered on the mind flayer, all creatures within a radius of almost nine meters felt a terrifying high temperature that could not be described in words.

After just one second, their water quickly evaporated, and they turned into mummies like mummies before they even had time to scream.

A full three mind flayers died suddenly on the spot under the influence of [Abidaqi Withering Technique].

Until their death, they never imagined that Sancho could be so cruel and vicious and didn't care about the life or death of the two important hostages.

Deshia Kane, who did not have any professional level and usually had an extremely harsh attitude towards civilians, naturally died completely as expected.

Sir De Arnis, who has a very high warrior level, luckily managed to survive with his strong physique and vitality.

Moreover, due to the sudden death of the Mind Flayer and the severe physical pain, he successfully got rid of the controlled state, struggled to get up from the ground, first glanced at his sister's body, and then stared at him with disbelief. A cold boy appeared in the distance and asked in a slightly trembling voice: "Why... why do you do this? Aren't you the adventurer hired by Nalia to drive away the monsters and rescue us?"

"Sorry, Sir.

I don't think there's anything to talk about with a bunch of monsters that feed on the brains of intelligent beings.

Could it be that they are using your life as a threat to ask us to lay down our weapons and surrender? Should we do the same?

If it is really done, what is the difference between committing suicide?

So there is nothing wrong with the choice I just made.

As for your sister's death, all I can say is that I'm sorry.

Now please drink this bottle of healing potion and rush in with us to get rid of the culprit who caused all this tragedy.

Only in this way can the soul of Ms. Deshia Kane rest in peace. "

With that said, Sanqiao pretended to take out a small bottle with the same color as the healing potion from his pocket and handed it over.

Not sure whether it was because his body had lost a lot of water or because he was immersed in the grief of his sister's death, Sir De Arnis subconsciously took the medicine bottle, opened the cork, raised his head and drank it all in one breath.

Just as he was licking his lips to savor the unusual sweetness, an uncontrollable anger surged out of his heart and dominated his brain at a speed that ordinary people could not imagine.

He didn't understand what happened at all, he just felt a fire burning in his heart, and he was crazy about killing and revenge.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!!!!!!"

Accompanied by roars and howls like wild beasts, this powerful warrior picked up the weapon that fell on the ground and rushed directly to the room where the mastermind was, regardless of his own safety.

Along the way, whether they were monster guards or mind flayers, they were chopped into pieces under his fierce attacks.

"What did you give him to drink?"

Viconia's eyes flashed with an evil and cruel smile, and she asked in a low voice.

Sancho shrugged his shoulders and answered the hostage problem casually: "Nothing, a magic potion that can temporarily greatly enhance combat effectiveness by overdrawing life.

I added a little of my own blood to it, as well as the liquid energy that my mentor brought back from another world.

Therefore, mortals simply cannot resist the power it contains.

Sir De'Anis saw me use magic to kill Deshia Kean, so there was no way he could survive the battle.

I needed him to die, and die heroically and with value.

Having said that, those mind flayers were really stupid enough to think they could hold me hostage.

My mentor has warned me more than once that if I encounter a similar hostage problem, the easiest way is to kill the hostage before the other party does.

If the hostages are valuable, they can just find a way to resurrect them later.

It would be foolish to accept the threat and hand over the initiative and even your own destiny. "

You don't need to ask to know that Sancho's performance at this moment made Viconia, who was born in the dark elf, look up to him with admiration. He even thought that this operation was simply amazing.

Whether he did not hesitate to release [Abidaqi Withering Technique] to instantly kill the mind flayers and hostages who came to negotiate, or used potions to let Sir Deanis die on his own, all of them showed the selfishness that an excellent mage must have. , cold, calculating and other excellent qualities.

Even in Menzoberranzan, a city where conspiracies and assassinations abound, the boy's current performance would definitely make him stand out and become a talent valued by the matrons.

Just when Viconia was about to say something, several figures suddenly rushed out from the corridor behind her.

The leader was none other than Nalia, the daughter of Sir De Arnis.

She was obviously attracted by the beast-like roar just now. She didn't care about the undead creatures who were fighting monsters. She grabbed Sancho's hand and asked excitedly: "I heard my father's voice! He...he is here Where? You saw him, right?"

"Calm down, Nalia.

I did see Sir de Arnis.

However, because he witnessed the death of Ms. Deshia Kane with his own eyes, he fell into a rage and madness. He did not listen to anyone's dissuasion and rushed directly towards the enemy's lair.

The only thing we can do now is to clear out these monsters as quickly as possible and then catch up with him. "

Sancho made an explanation while avoiding the important points.

He was very smart and did not lie, but selectively told part of the truth, thereby misleading the thinking of other people in the team, making everyone think that Deshia Kane died at the hands of the Mind Flayer.

You don't need to ask to know that this is what I learned from Zuo Si.

"What? Auntie is dead!"

Nalia was stunned for a moment, but soon noticed that the mummy wearing a luxurious dress not far away was her most hated relative. She tried to squeeze out some sad tears several times, but failed in the end.

There was no way, it wasn't that she didn't want to cry, it was just that she really didn't cry at all.

To be precise, anyone who knows and understands Deshia Kane will feel that she is a woman who is both bitter and mean, and also lacks the most basic education and courtesy.

Often a few words can give people the urge to throw them into a pit and drown them alive.

Her attitude towards civilians is like treating livestock and even vermin, and she unscrupulously carries out insults and personal attacks to satisfy her sense of superiority as a noble.

When the servants in the castle prepared meals and drinks for her, they would secretly spit in them or add some ingredients to vent their uncontrollable resentment.

When such a person dies, people can't help but applaud, and how can they feel sad.

What's more, Deshia Kane has always been dissatisfied with Nalia's behavior of interacting with commoners and poor people on an equal footing and respecting each other. She thinks that it loses the face of the Deanis family and makes her unable to look up to her when interacting with other nobles. Get started.

The sharp conflict between the two can be said to have accumulated for at least ten years.

Just when Nalia looked complicated and wanted to explain her relationship with her aunt to her teammates, she suddenly heard painful screams coming from the deepest room under the castle.

"No! It's father! He seems to be injured!"

The noble girl's expression suddenly changed, she grabbed her sword and wanted to rush forward.

But before he could take two steps, he was grabbed by the kind-hearted Jahila and scolded sternly: "Are you crazy? Didn't you see that there are so many monsters blocking the way ahead? We have to clear them out. keep going."

"Then move quickly!"

Nalia roared impatiently, and immediately took out a fireball scroll and activated the magic stored on it.

boom! ! ! ! !

With the dazzling fire and explosions in the narrow corridor, several trolls and the undead they fought were killed.

Seeing that the girl had obviously lost her mind, the others could not say anything more and joined the battle to launch a final siege against the few remaining monsters.

Taking advantage of the gap between releasing the magic, Jaheira came to Sancho and asked in a low voice: "You separated us all just to pull up the corpses of all the monsters to use as undead to deal with the Mind Flayer?"

"That's right.

Because I know that as a druid, you will definitely not agree.

But the problem is that this is exactly the optimal solution, which can greatly reduce the probability of casualties.

From now on, I will use my own way to lead the team forward and strive to let everyone survive until the final moment of fate. "

Sancho replied in the affirmative very bachelorly.

Looking at his slightly childish but extremely determined face, Jaheira immediately fell into silence, recalling her dead husband in her mind.

In her opinion, the reason for the boy's transformation must be related to the tragic death of his companions while he was imprisoned by Irenicas, as well as the previous disastrous defeat in the battle with the demilich.

This is the result of the strong stimulation from the outside world and the tragic fate of the sons of Baal, which is full of blood and killing.

However, this was obviously not the time for a heart-to-heart talk. Jaheira forcibly suppressed the idea of ​​lecturing, tried to avoid those undead souls that exuded strong negative energy and were extremely "unnatural", and quickly harvested the few remaining monsters.

With the concerted efforts of everyone, the passage to the deepest point was finally cleared.

When the undead creatures poured in through the entrance under Viconia's command, an astonishing psychic shock suddenly spewed out from inside.


Many skeletons and zombies were torn to pieces under the violent impact. The team members were also pushed back by an invisible force. Imoen, who was relatively light, flew back seven or eight meters and was hit hard behind. He grimaced in pain on the rocky wall.

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