A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 532 The Devil’s Power Struggle (Please subscribe to this 10,000-word chapter)

The realm of clear water is an independent space that is independent of the outer planes.

Like the Palace of Knowledge and the Heart of Spells, it is a place created out of thin air by gods with the help of huge power of faith. Its camp tendency depends on the creator himself and the changes of mortal believers.

These planes and kingdoms are located between the various outer planes, created by the gods, and will naturally collapse when the corresponding gods fall.

Especially the Heart of Mantra, it has actually collapsed twice.

The first time was when the first-generation magic goddess chose to commit suicide to save the magic network, and the second time was the disaster caused by the second-generation magic goddess being hammered to death by the guard god Heim.

No matter which collapse occurs, it is extremely scary for other gods and petitioners living in this plane, and it may be wiped out in ashes if they are not careful.

Fortunately, the Clear Water Realm is a place that typically tends to be neutral, and most of the gods who built their kingdoms here are indifferent to the world and will not attract overly powerful enemies.

Among them, the fire-haired lady with powerful divine power and Shuna, the god of love and beauty, are the biggest cornerstones of protecting this plane from outside interference.

But just a few days ago, another goddess living in the Clear Water Domain was suddenly promoted from medium divine power to powerful divine power.

She was none other than Watkin, who had just returned to the sight of the gods of Toril.

Especially the rapid expansion of belief and influence of this goddess of wealth during the rise of northern civilization, which shocked many gods and made them unbelievable.

Because before this, there had never been any god who could sweep such a large area in such a short period of time and make his thoughts and doctrines become the overwhelming mainstream.

Similarly, the gods also saw how Zuo Si used the greed engraved in the bones of mortals and the yearning for a better life in the process to help his allies deliver a divine assist.

At this moment, Wojin, the goddess of wealth who has just been promoted to a powerful god, is slowly separating her kingdom from the realm of clear water, and then moving closer to the ninth level of Baator Hell.

Through this period of observation and profound understanding, she has realized that business and wealth are never neutral.

In other words, mortals who engage in these activities and regard them as lifelong pursuits can never be neutral or kind.

Basically one is either lawful evil or neutral evil.

Among them, lawful evil accounts for the vast majority, while neutral evil only accounts for a small part.

After all, commercial activities and property security require a strong order to be considered secure.

Only under the protection of order can people in this group enjoy everything brought by huge wealth and massive resources unscrupulously.

So after becoming a powerful god, one of the choices Wojin made was to leave the realm of clear water, which tended to be neutral, and move his hometown to the ninth level of Baator Hell, ruled by Zuo Si.

In this way, she can gain the blessing of the lawful evil plane, allowing herself to gain greater power in the kingdom.

Although this decision was discouraged by many former allies and even the God of Love and Beauty himself.

But the goddess of wealth knows very well that this is related to future positioning, development and a series of plans, so she decisively chose to go her own way.

When she successfully separated the kingdom from the realm of clear water, many of the Toril gods who were paying attention to this scene couldn't help but sigh helplessly.

Especially those gods who tend to be kind and neutral are regretting that another god with strong influence in the material world has fallen into the embrace of evil.

But there are more gods who believe that Woking is just complying with the prayers of a large number of believers, and it is no big deal.

Just like this, while the gods were discussing this incident, the Goddess of Wealth calmly completed the work of splicing her kingdom with the ninth level of Baator Hell.

When the two huge territories of the ground collided and merged, all the devils felt the cheers and excitement coming from the hell plane.

After all, this is the residence of a powerful goddess, which represents a certain inclination of the rules of the universe, and also means the expansion of influence and more souls.

As the Lord of Hell, Asmodeus personally led the team to hold a grand welcome ceremony.

Tens of thousands of demons lined up in neat lines to play music and loudly recited words praising Watkin. Some of the disgusting flattery sounded so hard that people couldn't help but get goosebumps all over their bodies.

In addition, the huge cyberpunk city has also started carnival mode, with discounts and promotions on various neon lights and billboards to welcome the goddess of wealth to move in.

Its intensity and wide range of influence are no longer limited to Toril.

Instead, it spreads rapidly toward other material planes in the universe.

This is also one of the reasons why Woking can quickly be promoted to a powerful god.

The source of her faith is no longer limited to Faerûn, but has branches in other material worlds, just like Ogma, the god of knowledge.

After the plane connection was completely completed and the entire country gradually stabilized, the goddess, whose whole body was filled with golden light symbolizing wealth, slowly walked out and bowed slightly to Asmodeus, who had been waiting for a long time with one hand on his chest. .

"Hello, great Lord of Hell, I hope my relocation will not cause too much trouble to you and the hell you rule."

"Hahahaha! How could it be! It's not even late for me to welcome you. It is an honor for all devils, including me, to be favored by a beautiful goddess like you."

Like a hospitable human noble, Asmodeus laughed and bent down to return the favor.

Followed by dozens of still-infant lust demon lolita, they flew forward holding baskets filled with golden petals and swayed them into the air with all their strength.

The remaining demons use their innate magical abilities to create beautiful and gorgeous fireworks scenes.

There is no doubt that this kind of warm welcome from the Lord of Hell in person made Woking, who already had a good sense of hell, feel at home.

After all, the most feared thing in everything is comparison.

Think about the humiliating treatment you received from demons in the Abyss, and then look at the enthusiasm, courtesy, and respect of the demons in hell now.

Anyone who is not stuck in the door will choose the latter directly.

What's more, the reason why Watkin chose to go to hell was to form an alliance with the devil and use the other party's power to avenge Graz'zt, his mortal enemy who had humiliated him.

Only by killing "Six Fingers" could the hatred and anger she held in her heart be released.

Finally, at the kind invitation of Asmodeus, the goddess of wealth boarded a luxurious car made entirely of gold and densely inlaid with countless gems. Head to the heart of the cyberpunk city.

At the ninth level, the castrated oil has become a very common and widely used cheap energy source, and it is inexhaustible.

Sitting on the soft back seat, Woking looked through the car window with great interest at the bustling streets on both sides of the road, as well as the intelligent creatures chasing wealth and indulgent pleasure, and asked without looking back: "This How big are megacities now?”

"I don't know for sure, but it must be the combined area of ​​several Faerûn continents.

After all, Soth transformed all the souls that descended on this level into residents, instead of sending them directly to the torture chamber to squeeze energy like other levels.

Rather than simply and crudely squeezing them, he seems to prefer to let these fallen souls continue to sink in desire, increasing happy memories through the ultimate enjoyment of the senses.

In this way, when the soul undergoes repeated degradation and precipitation, it can often squeeze out at least five to ten times more energy than before.

And the speed is very fast, often it can be completed in a few months.

Coupled with the large number of mortals who come here to visit, it is estimated that this city will soon replace Sigil as the most well-known place in the universe. "

Asmodeus pursed his lips and introduced with a slightly proud tone.

You must know that in all levels of Baator Hell, when squeezing a soul to generate sacred energy, the first thing to do is to "pay taxes" to him.

Following the second level is the turn of lords at all levels, then the nobles of all levels and officials with real power, and the last remaining point is the turn of the low-level devil himself who is responsible for conducting business and signing contracts.

Faced with this layer of exploitation and oppression, every low-level devil who wants to obtain promotion permission must work hard and accumulate merit and energy bit by bit until he meets the stringent standards.

During this period, you have to keep flattering your boss to avoid being tricked, and be wary of colleagues' reports and plots.

It can be said that every devil who can stand out from the bottom and climb up is a talent.

Especially those who are sent to the material plane to carry out business may be killed by local righteous people if they are not careful.

Fortunately, this cruel living environment has been greatly alleviated with the expansion and development of huge cyberpunk cities.

Nowadays, low-level devils no longer need to be sent to the material world in large numbers.

You only need to gather in the city to select visitors from the material world, and use their desire for more money to purchase goods and services with a little guidance, so that they can willingly sign their names on the contract of selling their souls.

Not only that, you can even use the newly promulgated secondary contract to allow the other party to return to the material plane and develop independently, and then pass it on level by level to form a huge expansion network.

As long as there are enough downlines, the upline can not only gain more wealth, strength, social status and power while alive, but can also be transformed into a more advanced devil form after death.

Relying on this new policy, many low-level demons have made a magnificent transformation in a very short period of time, becoming high-level demons such as pit demons, snake demons, horned demons, burnt offering demons, servant demons, and false demons.

In addition, they can also participate in the elections held in the cyberpunk city at regular intervals by forming and joining political parties.

Once you obtain a relatively high-level position, you will immediately obtain the corresponding mid-to-high-level devil form.

But the disadvantage is that if you lose the next election and are ousted, you will be knocked back to your original shape in minutes.

Therefore, the emergence of the ninth level is not just as simple as increasing the number of souls in Baator Hell and squeezing out the sacred energy.

It also slightly loosened the strict class barriers that were originally a backwater. Countless low-level devils saw the hope of rapid promotion, which in turn stimulated their enthusiasm for work and made the entire huge ruling system of hell active again.

Therefore, the more prosperous this place is, the more it will improve the overall strength of Hell, and the more profits and benefits the Lord of Hell can get from it.

In Asmodeus's view, if the lords of other levels can learn from Zuo Si's experience and skills in this area, then the devils will not need the help of other external forces at all, and can level the bottomless abyss by relying on their own development. The demons were outnumbered and firmly held the advantage on the frontal battlefield of the bloody battle.

As one of the first gods to enter the ninth level, Waking could almost be said to have witnessed the rise of this huge city with his own eyes. He was also very aware of its terrifying commercial potential, so he quickly smiled after a moment of silence. He tried: "If you don't mind, I would like to recruit some believers among the devils, is that okay?"

Asmodeus nodded without thinking: "Of course.

In fact, we devils also attach great importance to wealth accumulation and business development, and have been committed to building a huge trade network that can accommodate more forces to join.

Whether it is souls, precious metal currencies, magic items, gems, or slaves, they can all be used as currency in Baator Hell.

If you and your followers can bring us more souls through trade, then I guarantee that the devils will take part in your vengeance on the Six Fingers. "

"Oh? Is this a promise?"

A golden light bloomed in Wo Jin's eyes.

“Yeah, it’s a commitment.

To tell you the truth, as the forces of hell continue to expand in the first few levels of the abyss, the day is not far away when the bloody battle will begin again.

In this regard, both me and Soth and other lords have a very clear understanding.

At that time your enemy will be the enemy of all devils.

Given the opportunity, we would not hesitate to chop off Graz'zt's head and give it to you as a gift as a symbol of our friendship. "

As he said these words, Asmodeus grinned an evil, cold and cruel smile.

Although from a personal standpoint, he actually liked Lord Darkness, whose behavior was very close to that of the devil, and even secretly made more than one secret deal with him.

But from the perspective of hell, Graz'zt's death will undoubtedly break the balance of the three giants of the abyss, allowing Demogorgon and Orcus to no longer have to worry about the interference of a third party and directly go to war to compete for the throne of the strongest demon monarch. .

At that time, just the internal fighting among the demons will greatly weaken their power.

The devils can take the opportunity to advance a few more levels and establish a stable line of defense to slowly digest the occupied territory and resources.

"Then I wish us a happy cooperation!"

Waking stretched out his right hand very simply.

“Happy to work with!”

Asmodeus also stretched out his right hand and held it tightly with the goddess, without concealing the joy in his heart.

With the addition of a powerful god, he is now full of confidence in the bloody battle that is about to resume.

Less than half a minute after the covenant was reached, the goddess of wealth seemed to suddenly remember something and asked again: "By the way, where is Soth? Why hasn't he appeared yet? Normally, as a lord of the ninth level , he should at least show up now."

"Unfortunately, he is currently dealing with some troubles related to the political struggle within Hell and cannot escape for the time being."

Asmodeus gave the answer with a half-smile.

"Political struggle within hell?"

Waking raised his eyebrows and showed an extremely surprised expression.

As the goddess of wealth, it is of course impossible for her not to be aware of the devils' frighteningly complex political games and power struggles.

I never expected that Zuo Si would get involved so quickly.

But Asmodeus shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "Yes.

After all, as the newly appointed layer lord and the prince of hell appointed by me, Soth has undoubtedly aroused the jealousy and suspicion of other layer lords.

These guys were not willing to be ridden by a newcomer, so they all wanted to test his quality secretly.

There are also some big devils who want to use him to support themselves, so as to defeat their competitors and win in the power struggle.

This happens all the time in hell, no big deal.

Soth himself understood this and had to take action in response, otherwise he would be seen as weak and vulnerable.

In fact, he made a pretty good plan and knew how to play the game of thrones within the rules.

If it succeeds in the end, I believe you won’t have to worry too much about provocations from lords from other levels for a long time. "

"It sounds like it's going to be very troublesome."

Realizing that it was an internal matter among the devils, Watkin decisively ended the topic.

Asmodeus kept an enigmatic smile and sent the Goddess of Fortune to the hotel where the banquet was held. Then he delivered an impassioned speech in public before returning to his own territory.

The moment his figure appeared in the palace, the steward Martinot, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately stepped forward and bowed deeply.

"Master, the power struggle on the fourth level has entered the final critical moment.

Nowadays, most of the devils who hold real power at this level have taken sides.

Only the commander of the last remaining army has yet to make his position clear.

And his choice will be directly related to whether Ms. Philna can successfully seize power, or whether she will continue to be suppressed by Archduke Bilaire and become a puppet in name only. "

"Haha, everything sounds like it's going very well, doesn't it? Where is Soth right now?"

Asmodeus sat on the chair and asked casually.

Martinot replied without thinking: "He has arrived at the sixth level of your daughter Grand Duke Gracia's rule not long ago.

Many devils in the outside world are speculating on the purpose of his trip.

But the problem is that no definite news has come out until now.

If nothing else, the sixth level is now firmly under its control using the authorization letter you gave it. "

"You mean he is using Gracia's power to exert influence on the fourth level and force some devils to re-align?"

Asmodeus poured himself a glass of wine and stood in front of the window looking out at the magnificent scenery of fire and rain falling from the sky. He looked very relaxed and comfortable, and did not pay attention to the ongoing political turmoil at all.

“I think it’s very likely.

But what is puzzling is that Mr. Soth has not made it clear who he supports so far.

It was his series of strange actions that made both parties on the fourth level extremely nervous, but they did not dare to make any moves. "

Martinot raised his head, glanced at the face of the Lord of Hell, and carefully analyzed it.

As one of the few devils who are lucky enough to serve Asmodeus at close range, he will never forget that before the Great Reckoning was launched, the master he was loyal to was still as calm as he is now.

Because the plans, actions, and reactions of all the lords had been completely anticipated before the civil war broke out, without even the slightest error.

In the game of power struggle, no one is Asmodeus's opponent. This is the consensus of most devils in hell.

Therefore, Martinot believes that no matter how much trouble his lord makes, he can easily settle it as long as his master takes action.

Unfortunately, the Lord of Hell obviously had no intention of giving any explanation. He just stood on the edge of the window and drank up all the wine in the glass in one sip. He stood there without saying a word, like a sculpture.

The other side is located in the sixth level of hell - Malboji's huge skull palace.

Zuo Si, who maintained the attitude of the great devil, was sitting on the throne that originally belonged to the Queen of Desire. He spoke condescendingly to the envoy who was kneeling in front of him with a nervous look on his face waiting for a reply: "Please go back and tell Grand Duke Bilaire why I am here. It's not that I want to do anything to the fourth level.

She was merely fulfilling the tasks assigned by the Lord of Hell, teaching Grand Duke Gracia the rules of political operations in hell, and preventing her from continuing to destroy the mutual trust and cooperation between the lords.

Regarding the power crisis that is erupting on the fourth level, my personal suggestion is that both parties remain calm and restrained, and then resolve the problem through negotiations under the mediation of a third party.

After all, the great purge caused by the previous civil war should be enough for all the lords to understand that a real fight would not lead to good results.

No matter who loses or wins, they will eventually face the judgment of the great Asmodeus.

Remember, we are the demons of lawful unity, not the mad and chaotic demons of the abyss.

Here order and law are sacred rules that cannot be violated.

Anyone who violates it will be severely punished. "

"Understood! I will convey your words to Archduke Bilaire intact."

The corner of the devil's mouth twitched slightly, then he bent down, bowed, turned around and walked out under the leadership of the demon guard.

Judging from the expression on his face, he obviously didn't believe a word of what he just said.

In other words, this is diplomatic nonsense that sounds very correct but has no substance at all.

After all, anyone who is not a fool knows that Lord Gracia, who rules the sixth floor, is a close ally of Ms. Fierna, so she will definitely support the latter in the power struggle.

As the ninth-level lord, Zuo Si holds a letter of authorization signed by the Lord of Hell, which can directly deprive Gracia of her power and decide who is the final winner in this battle.

If he deliberately allowed Gracia to send troops to join the battlefield, then Archduke Bilaire might be defeated by internal and external cooperation.

At that time, as the nominal lord, Ms. Fierna only needs to announce that her father has launched a rebellion, and Gracia is the reinforcement she invited. Basically, she does not have to worry too much about being punished too severely.

Even if he failed, Zuo Si could quickly deprive Gracia of her power, and then pretend to imprison her in the palace for a period of time, blocking the mouths of other lords in advance so that they could not attack.

Therefore, the external pressure currently facing Archduke Bilaire is very high.

As time went by, many devils who were originally loyal to him began to waver, and even secretly passed on information to hedge their bets to prevent being liquidated after defeat.

Watching the envoy disappear at the end of the corridor of the palace, Gracia, who had been standing aside for a long time pretending to be a good baby, immediately opened her arms and put her arms around Zuo Si's neck from behind, pretending to be a little bird clinging to him, and raised the corners of her mouth. Asked in a low voice in the ear: "Dear Soth, you are really a cunning and cunning bad guy.

At this moment, you are still deliberately trying to whet Billel's appetite, making him think you are neutral.

Tell me, when are you going to reveal the truth and end this game?

You know I couldn't wait to see the look of horror and despair on his face. "

"Don't worry, I will save this suspense and mystery until the last moment.

Imagine if we entered the fourth level as allies, and then suddenly launched a backstab when Archduke Bilaire thought he had a chance to win, causing him to fall just one step away from success. Wouldn't it be more dramatic? ?

What's more, by maintaining this state, we can get more benefits from it.

For example, the Pain Gem that the messenger just sent as a gift is a pretty good treasure. "

As he spoke, Zuo Si slowly raised the black crystal in his palm that exuded a dazzling light.

It is about the size of a date, and its entire body is translucent black. At first glance, it may be no different from those high-quality black diamonds and ink jade.

But in fact, if you get closer, you can hear the painful wails and screams coming from the gem.

Ordinary people will begin to fall into a trance after listening to it for a few minutes at most, followed by hysterical madness.

Because this gem is made from the strong emotions left behind by millions of fallen souls before they died, it is a raw material that can be used to create evil artifacts in a real sense.

If it is embedded in a weapon, the weapon will gain a powerful curse effect and cause additional mental damage to the target.

If used to make armor, the armor will gain the ability to reflect damage, causing extreme mental pain to anyone who hits the armor.

Since Grand Duke Bilaire's research on pain is the best in Baator Hell, only he can create this level of pain gems.

"That's it! No wonder my father wants me to learn from you. It seems that you do have a lot of uniqueness in playing with people's hearts."

Gracia stuck out her tongue and licked her seductive red lips, with a strange light shining in her eyes.

Although at the beginning, she was full of resistance to this semi-forced cooperation, and she even had a rebellious mentality and wanted to cause some damage.

But after witnessing with her own eyes how Zuo Si used a series of operations to force the cunning Bilaire to stop all actions, and even took the initiative to send envoys to deliver gifts, the hell princess finally realized Asmodeus's painstaking efforts.

Because these skills of using limited means to play political games within the scope of the rules are what she lacks most and needs to observe and learn the most.

So Gracia's attitude made a 180-degree turn. She not only actively cooperated, but also made her subordinates completely obey Zuo Si's orders.

Ever since, a scene appeared that frightened the lords of all other levels of Baator Hell.

Zuo Si easily took control of the sixth floor with a power of attorney, and became the decisive factor in the ownership of power on the fourth floor.

The most important thing is that nothing he has done so far has violated the laws of hell, showing his evil and lawful tendencies that are even more devilish than most devils.

This is simply two completely different extremes from the previous first-level lord Zariel who liked to mess around as he pleased.

Noticing that the Queen of Desire next to her was eager to try, Zuo Si immediately stretched out a finger to correct him: "What your father wants you to learn is not about playing with people's hearts and other conspiracies, but how to deal with laws and rules." Complete the confrontation and competition with other lords within a certain period of time.

Your previous actions were too chaotic and did not look like what a devil should do.

And do you think that the benefits you gain from constantly breaking unspoken rules do not really require you to pay any price or bear the corresponding consequences?

The real situation is that in the entire hell, except for me and your ally Ms. Fierna, other lords have begun to unite to deal with you.

The wise Asmodeus noticed this, so he gave me the authorization letter and asked me to come forward to help handle this matter. "

"Don't worry, I have learned my lesson, am I not learning from you seriously?"

Gracia turned around from the back of the throne to the front, and sat on Zuo Si's lap with an elegant and seductive movement.

Although she was over three meters tall, she still looked so petite in front of the latter's larger devil form.

Especially those eyes that emitted strange colors. Even the scorpion demon standing not far away lowered his head and tried to avoid any direct sight contact.

Because once you come into contact, you will immediately feel as if your soul is frozen, and your thoughts and movements will stop instantly.

Just when Zuo Si was about to get rid of the hell princess who kept trying to seduce him and have an intimate relationship, a sexual demon guard suddenly walked in from outside, knelt down on one knee and reported: "Her Majesty the Queen, Fierna The lady’s messenger has arrived. Would you like to invite her in?”

"Ms. Philna's envoy has also arrived? Who is it?"

Gracia stood up abruptly, not caring to continue playing the flirting game, and pursed her lips with a playful smile.

"It's Gramir, the culprit who triggered the powder keg of power struggle on the fourth level."

The desire demon hurriedly gave the exact answer.

Since the schism on the fourth level has been going on for some time, the existence of this particular pleasure demon is already known to the demons slightly closer to the center of power.

Neither her identity nor the forbidden blood flowing through her body is a secret anymore.

The reason why Gramiel is still alive and has not been assassinated is entirely because his status as ambassador of the ninth level protected her.

Otherwise, if it were any other devil, he would have died countless times.

After all, as long as she dies, the political situation on the fourth level will tend to ease, and both sides can sit down again and negotiate to divide power and spheres of influence.

"Bring her in."

Gracia's mood obviously started to become a little joyful, even exciting.

Taking advantage of the opportunity for the escort of the pleasure demon to leave, she couldn't help but turn around and test: "If I remember correctly, this interesting pleasure demon Gramir should be your secretary, right?"

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "Ah, yes.

To be precise, it was a gift from Ms. Philna to show her sincerity.

According to her idea, it would be best for me to use the blood flowing in Gramir's body to perform a magical ritual at the most critical moment of the power struggle to impose a terrible curse on Archduke Bilaire, thus weakening my father's power.

But I didn't do what she wanted.

After all, Gramiel has very good working ability and is a pretty good and capable subordinate.

It's not in my interest to let her go to waste as a disposable item. "

“Is it just about excellent work ability?

How did I hear that she inherited Fierna's beauty and was still a virgin.

Could it be that this makes you feel excited and possessive? "

When saying this, Gracia raised her chin slightly and showed a teasing smile.

"Whatever you think, I don't think I need to explain anything on such a boring thing."

Zuo Si spread his hands nonchalantly and continued to play with the pain gem in his hand, thinking about what kind of artifact he could process it into.

"You are so boring!"

Seeing that the other party didn't take the bait at all, Gracia immediately rolled her eyes and at the same time felt a strong sense of frustration in her heart.

Because she found that the tricks she used to deal with the third-level lord, Viscount Maman, were of no use at all.

Whether it is seduction, teasing, or a very straightforward invitation, the reaction of the young man in front of him is always so cold and rational, as if he will never be disturbed by other emotions and various desires.

In about a few minutes, the demon guards finally brought Gramir to the palace hall.

From the tired expression on the latter's face and the nervousness shown in his movements, it is not difficult to see that this pleasure demon has been having a very bad time recently.

Whether it was the pressure and danger from the outside world or the persecution from her biological mother, she felt exhausted and even wanted to escape back to the ninth level and hide.

Unfortunately, like most of the devils in Baator Hell, Gramir is just a pawn. He has no choice but to bite the bullet and continue to move forward on a dangerous road.

The moment she saw Zuo Si sitting on the throne, she immediately took a deep breath and knelt down to report: "Lord, as per your request, I have completed my work. What's next? Any other instructions?"

Zuo Si shook his head very simply: "No, you did a good job. I will give you the reward you deserve later. Next is Gracia's performance. By the way, Ms. Philna sent you here Is there anything you want to say?"

"My mother asked me to tell you that she hopes to chop off her father's head with her own hands to ensure that there will never be any turmoil in the fourth level of power."

There was a hint of nervousness in Gramiel's voice.

After all, Grand Duke Bilaire was not only Philna's father, but also her father.

She was not mentally prepared for this scene of "a loving father and a filial daughter."

I don’t even know what the fourth level will look like after Archduke Bilaire is killed.

Will he be besieged by those demons who are clearly loyal to Archduke Bilaire, and eventually become a victim of this power struggle?

Zuo Si undoubtedly sensed this uneasiness.

Just when he was about to appease Secretary Pleasure Demon, Gracia suddenly started laughing like a madman. While laughing, she clapped her hands and praised: "Hahahaha! Philna finally got the idea."

If she had listened to my secret recruitment of subordinates and found an opportunity to kill Bilaire, she would have successfully seized the control of the fourth floor, and there would be no need for the trouble to be like this.

Fortunately, it's not too late to wake up.

Soth, I think it's time to take action to put an end to this.

Otherwise, the longer it takes, the greater the chance that other lords will choose to join in.

Maman, in particular, was the first to abandon his alliance and surrender to his father during the last great purge. He completely lost the trust of other lords and has been actively looking for and cultivating new allies.

The power struggle on the fourth floor is definitely a rare opportunity for this guy. "

“In that case, go and gather your army.

Try to make the noise as loud as possible so that everyone knows.

As for you..."

Speaking of this, Zuo Si suddenly paused, stood up and walked straight in front of Gramir, stretched out his dragon-like claws and gently touched the beautiful and delicate face of the pleasure demon, and whispered in his ear: "You He went directly to Grand Duke Bilaire and told him that he actually preferred his father to his mean mother.

Most importantly, tell him you've successfully convinced me.

Later I will order Gracia to assemble the army and prepare to attack Fierna.

When Grand Duke Bilaire hears this news, he will definitely accept the surrender of your biological daughter. "

"But...but if I'm exposed in the end, I will die!"

Gramir raised his head, revealing a pair of eyes filled with fear and despair.

"No, it won't.

Believe me, this just gives you a chance to enjoy the wonderful performance up close without any danger.

Never forget, you are mine.

And I have no idea of ​​changing the lord’s secretary yet.

So go with confidence and boldness, feel the madness and heat brought by power, and understand the deepest essence of hell politics.

Because I have high expectations for you. "

After saying that, Zuo Si lowered his head and kissed the pleasure demon gently on his forehead.


Gramir seemed to understand something. He quickly regained his composure and showed his usual shrewd and capable appearance. He picked up Zuo Si's huge claw in his devil form and kissed it lovingly.

"I swear, I will never let you down."

After saying this, she stood up and left the Skull Palace resolutely, using teleportation magic to go to the fourth floor to complete her final work.

Gracia witnessed the whole process with great energy, and learned some skills in controlling her subordinates.

You must know that she used to treat her subordinates either with evil and cruelty or with generous rewards, so she was immediately full of strong interest in Zuo Si's obviously high-level mental manipulation.

At this moment, the Hell Princess no longer rejects the teacher arranged by her father, but can't wait to dig out more useful knowledge and experience from the other party to make up for the huge gap with those veteran level lords.

Following Gracia's order, the entire sixth level of devils was quickly mobilized, forming one formidable and powerful legion after another.

And her unabashed action also triggered a series of chain reactions...

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