A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 556 The Perfect Spy Master (10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)



Mortals deceived by those so-called great gods!

Please open your all-seeing eyes and see clearly the nature of the entire universe!

Use your smart heads and think carefully!

If these so-called gods are as omnipotent as they claim, why do they need the faith and worship of mortals?

Will they die for various reasons, and even fight with each other like children?

All the gods today are nothing but a bunch of liars and impostors!

Maybe there is indeed one or several real gods behind all of this, but they must be transcendent from everything, and are not even existences that mortals can understand, let alone be easily observed.

And these hypocritical false gods are just channels connected to the supreme true god, so they can give priests and sacrifices the power of divine magic.

Their identity is just a group of mortals like you and me, but they have some secrets, knowledge and abilities that we don't know.

With the knowledge and ability to master these secrets, anyone can do this.

And not only these guys who claim to be gods, but also the outer planes such as hell, abyss, and mechanical realm are all lies.

Wake up!

My dear brothers and sisters!

Let us embrace the cruelest truth in the universe together, and then explore the secrets hidden behind it.

Once you become one of us, you gain the power to fight against the gods..."

Accompanied by an impassioned voice, a hybrid man suspected of being a demon and an angel was standing in the downtown area of ​​Ascaltra, raising his hands in the air and giving a speech to the passing crowd.

From listening to the content, you will know that she is 100% a senior member of the "Godless God Society", and even her own existence will be regarded as a blasphemous existence by both good and evil parties.

This woman of unknown age has a face as beautiful as an angel and a sexy figure like a succubus. Half of her wings are white wings and the other half are devil's bat wings.

The skin on the front part is as white as milk, and the back is covered with black spikes and carapace like a succubus.

One of the two feet has normal toes, while the other looks like a sheep's hoof.

It is estimated that only a place like Sigil, which is very "tolerant" and where all kinds of weird ideas meet, can such a mixed-race child be born.

There is no doubt that in the continent of Faerûn, where belief in gods is the mainstream idea, the concept of gods instead of gods is undoubtedly quite deviant, and even direct physical destruction on the spot is not an exaggeration.

Fortunately, Ascaltra, the capital of the West Coast Empire, is one of the few cities where religious freedom has been practiced for a long time.

As long as it does not cause substantial threats or damage to society, generally speaking, no one will care what you are promoting.

This is why Blind Eyes can successfully establish a church here and encourage more ignorant civilians to dig out their eyes to believe in themselves.

Not to mention beholders, even devils can conduct business and hold various activities in a semi-public manner.

So even though the statement that gods are not gods is a slap in the face of all gods, the major temples really have no good way to deal with it.

After all, they do not claim to be gods, nor do they ask mortals to believe in themselves or some evil monster or abstract concept. Naturally, they are not considered a cult, they are just expressing a philosophical point of view.

Many scholars and young people who came into contact with the organization for the first time showed great interest, and occasionally some people even came to debate with it.

But unfortunately, although Toril is considered an important main material plane in the entire universe, it is still far behind the psychopaths in Sigil in terms of knowledge and debating skills.

Even the chief high priest of Ogma, the god of knowledge, was speechless by this half-demon, half-angel guy.

What’s more, facts speak louder than words.

It is true that non-gods who are not members of the divine association can resist divine power to a certain extent, and can also completely invalidate many divine spells.

After seeing this scene, ordinary people were quickly attracted by its unique cosmology and values, and even took the initiative to join it and become a member of the organization.

But since the churches of the gods began to unite and use other means to fight back, the non-god churches no longer had the same glory as they did at the beginning.

the reason is simple.

Anyone who joins or intends to join this organization will be followed and watched 24 hours a day by members of the church of Helm, the god of guardianship, and Bane, the god of tyranny.

No matter where you go, you will see a pair of eyes that are either serious and vigilant, or cold and evil, staring at you.

It would be strange if this mentality didn't explode.

Among them, the Church of Helm sent out the Vigilance Knights, who were known for their strict law enforcement and never showed mercy, while the Church of Benn sent out the Dark Guards, who were known for their brutal methods of suppressing various riots.

Looking at the empty scene around the podium at this moment, you can tell the attitude of the people of Askatra towards this foreign sect organization.

Few idiots would give up their current comfortable and comfortable life for a relatively novel point of view.

Even if there are ignorant people who don't know what's going on and want to go over and listen, they will soon be persuaded to retreat by the fierce vigilance knights and dark guards.

After all, the Capital of Gold Coins is the most secular and materialistic place in the entire Faerûn continent.

Wealth is what the natives desire most in their hearts.

If you have the time and risk being punished for listening to such a deviant speech, it would be better to work two more jobs to make money and improve your life.

Of course, compared to the Godless Society, the situation of the Doomsday Guards Order a few streets away is much better.

Because they are not destructive maniacs in nature, nor do they advocate being enemies of gods, countries, and government agencies. They simply like to obtain pleasure and satisfaction from the process of the decline of all things.

Therefore, it was not targeted too seriously. People could be seen coming in and out of the temporary headquarters door sporadically.

However, due to the obvious chaotic evil tendencies of their philosophical views, there are also paladins of the Order of the Burning Heart and a group of guards stationed there.

In short, the officials responsible for managing Ascaltra are very wary of these outsiders, and they have no idea what they want to do.

But what they don't know is that this kind of inexplicable psychotic behavior is exactly the characteristic of the major factions in Sigil.

In a special place like Sigil, which has portals to all planes of the universe, if you want to become powerful, you must abandon reason and logic and plunge yourself into a state of hysterical madness.

Looking at the leaders and major figures of the major factions in Sigil, not one of them can be called "normal".

They are either downright paranoid or psychopaths who often do things inconsistently.

But only one thing is certain, that is, they firmly believe in the philosophical views of their own faction.

Seeing the non-Godly members of the Guild of Gods speaking nonsense on the podium, Kaidong, the senior paladin who was responsible for leading the team to maintain law and order and prevent bloody conflicts today, couldn't help but sigh slightly.

“Sigh—I’m really getting old, and I feel a little unable to keep up with the rapid development and changes of Askatra.

Whether it was the expanding urban area, the streets dotted with high-rise buildings, or the forging hammers and looms driven by water conservancy on both sides of the river, it seemed as if more than ten or even decades had passed in a flash.

Especially the group of sects from Sigil City in front of them, each one is more troublesome than the last.

I don’t know how long this bloodless confrontation can last. Maybe a fierce conflict will break out tomorrow.

I hope City Hall and the courts will kick them out as soon as possible if they can.

Otherwise, it will only be a matter of time before a fight breaks out. "

"Sir, why haven't the city hall and the court signed a decree to expel them? Especially the association of gods and non-gods, which has obviously involved blasphemy."

A young trainee paladin next to him asked with a puzzled look on his face.

Kaidong smiled bitterly and explained: "Because according to the current legal system of the empire, these sects have not violated any laws.

What you think is blasphemy is really just a denial of the sanctity of the gods, not their existence.

Therefore, there is no way to expel them if we follow the normal process.

The only thing we can expect now is direct intervention from His Majesty the Emperor.

Only he, and he alone, is above all rules and laws.

Okay, stop talking nonsense and pay more attention to what’s going on around you.

Never allow crowds to gather, otherwise the consequences will be very serious if they are incited. "

"Don't worry, there are vigilance knights and dark guards hanging around, no one dares to get close."

Another female trainee paladin, also young, complained in a low voice.

As the oldest unofficial law enforcement agency in the entire Amn region, the Knights of the Burning Heart are quite dissatisfied with the division of power in their hands after the establishment of the Empire.

After all, they used to have a series of functions such as investigation, evidence collection, law enforcement and trial.

As long as no nobles or wealthy businessmen are involved, every paladin is equivalent to a mobile court, which can handle various disputes and cases of all sizes at any time.

The most important thing is that the Knights of the Hot Heart believe that they have brought justice, justice, kindness and order to this land. Only they can enforce the law impartially and protect the rights and interests of vulnerable groups without being affected by corruption and money and power transactions.

But now, their power has been diverted by the Black Guard group of the Bane Church and some other church institutions of the lawful camp.

Only when the court issues a commission order can the paladins go out to the designated place to resolve disputes.

Moreover, sentencing must be carried out strictly in accordance with corresponding legal provisions, and there is no power to pardon on one's own initiative.

For this reason, many paladins of the Knights of the Burning Heart are quite complaining.

As an old man, Kaidong had obviously learned Zuo Si's methods when he went to Luskan. In addition, he was getting older and lost his previous vigor. He didn't say much about this young and energetic idea. Yes smiled and shook his head.

Just when he was about to spend his own money to buy a few hot cocoa drinks from a stall not far away to reward these young people who were willing to show up for a just cause, he suddenly saw a figure rushing out of the temporary headquarters of the Gods and Gods Association. come out.

Due to the speed, passers-by felt only a gust of wind passing by.

But about two or three seconds later, seven or eight more guys whose race and bloodline were quite difficult to distinguish came out from behind.

The leader of the Cambion Demon even shouted at the top of his lungs: "Hurry up! Don't let Doakes escape! He just eavesdropped on our conversation!"

"Don't worry! I've locked this guy! He can't run away!"

A wind genasi mage instantly completed a prophecy spell, and then the figure in front began to emit a faint red light.

"He's there!"

A strange humanoid creature with a lion's head keenly caught the flash of light in the crowd, and without saying a word, he took steps and started running wildly.

His feet have a structure like that of a big cat, so his instantaneous explosive power is far greater than that of a horse, and even the fastest ones have afterimages.

A pedestrian failed to dodge and was knocked out on the spot. He hit the wall of a building and vomited blood.

It was easy to tell from the painful look on his face that he must have broken several bones, and perhaps his internal organs had begun to bleed profusely.

During the chase in the next few seconds, the lion's head hit almost ten passers-by one after another, causing widespread panic and chaos.

What's even worse is that the guys hiding in front are obviously deliberately using pedestrians as cover to sneak into crowded places.

"Damn it! Anomen! Take a few brothers to rescue the injured! The rest of you will follow me to punish these lawless outsiders!"

When Kaidong saw this, he didn't bother to buy a drink. He immediately pulled out his family sword and gave orders to the trainee members of the knights around him.

As a paladin, he would never allow this group of outsiders to trample on law and order so unscrupulously, and also hurt so many innocent pedestrians.

"No! I want to come with you! Let others do the task of treating the wounded."

The face of the young man called Anomen was full of excitement and excitement.

Because since he was allowed to go out to perform official duties as a trainee knight, he has basically done odd jobs, patrols and other tasks that are not difficult or challenging.

How could he let it go so easily when he finally encountered an opportunity to use force this time?

But Anomen's attitude obviously made Kaidong very dissatisfied, and he immediately glared at the young relative.

However, he had no time to preach now. He could only assign the responsibility of treating the wounded to another female paladin in the team, and he quickly ran to catch up with the members of the non-god organization.

Joining the pursuit were the Knights of the Burning Heart, the Vigilance Knights of the Helm Church, the Dark Guards of the Bane Church, and the guards stationed in the city responsible for maintaining law and order.

Suddenly, a series of chases took place in the originally bustling streets.

Needless to say, the gods from Sigil who are not members of the Guild are basically masters with a large number of spell-like abilities. Ordinary soldiers and even dark guards and paladins cannot stop them.

And these people have no interest in wasting time with a group of "main material plane guys", they just chase XZ's figure hiding in front of them.

The two sides chased from the space port in the new city to the Xinqiao area expanded along the river, and finally stopped near the mouth of the river.

At this moment, the figure finally took off his hood, revealing a slightly gray and pale human face.

"Doakes! Why did you betray the organization!"

The leader, a member of the Non-God Guild, asked sternly.

"Betrayal?" The human mage known as Doakes pursed his lips and revealed a contemptuous smile. "You have no idea who I am, do you?"

"What do you mean? Are you a spy planted by other factions?"

The strange humanoid creature with a lion's head narrowed its eyes and moved seven or eight meters to the right, blocking the target's only escape route from behind.


The human mage who maintained a arrogant attitude one second started laughing like a madman the next second, laughing and mocking: "Spy?

No, no, no, what I did was not that lowly.

In fact, I'm a member of fifteen of Sigil's most important factions, and the Ungods are just one of them.

In addition, I am a member of the Believers of the Source, the All Nothingness Society, the Doom Guards, the All Death Society, the Destiny Society, the Brotherhood of Order, the Free Federation, the Harmony Society, the Mercy Extinction Society, the Revolutionary Alliance, the Personal Mark Society, and the Sensation Society. , Transcendental Society, Chaos Society and other organizations..."

"This is impossible! No one can pass the test of all factions! Especially when two philosophical views conflict with each other, you can only choose one." Lion Head frowned and retorted sharply.

As he described, joining a faction in Sigil does not mean joining if you want to, but rather proving that you agree with the faction's views from the bottom of your heart.

Its most typical external manifestation is that whichever faction's philosophical philosophy you believe in, you will obtain additional spell-like abilities provided by the corresponding faction.

For example, if you join the Brotherhood of Order, you will definitely not be able to join the Brotherhood of Chaos.

Because there is an essential and irreconcilable conflict between order and chaos.

This means that it is simply impossible to win the trust of a high-level faction through lies and deception.

Simply identifying your own faction's spell-like abilities can go a long way toward preventing spies from other opposing factions.

Doakes, who had been laughing wildly just now, instantly became extremely indifferent and responded in an emotionless tone: "This may be true for you idiots who can only accept one world view, values ​​and philosophical ideas.

But this is not the case for geniuses like me or us.

I am open to a dozen or even dozens of new and competing viewpoints at any time if I so choose.

After all, the reason why most people cannot accept two opposing logics is that their thinking and consciousness are not broad enough, and they always like to limit themselves to a narrow and absolute line.

But I am different. I have classified my subjective consciousness into fifteen personalities, and each personality adopts the thoughts of a Sigil faction.

In this way, I can pass the test of all factions and successfully join them.

I am the individual of my creature and the collective of our personalities.

Since one of my personalities sincerely agrees with the purpose of the Divine Society, there is no such thing as betrayal. "

Upon hearing these words, everyone present was stunned, as if they couldn't believe their ears.

Because just passing the assessment of fifteen factions in Sigil at the same time and joining one of them is outrageous enough.

Not to mention that the way to achieve this is to directly split fifteen personalities, each of which accepts a faction's philosophy.

No wonder, in just a few minutes of conversation, Doakes' expression and attitude had made several 180-degree turns.

After a full minute, the leader, a member of the non-god society, came back to his senses and asked with a puzzled look on his face: "Why are you doing this?

Or what is your purpose for doing this?

Do you want to climb to the leadership position among the fifteen major factions at the same time, and then secretly control the operation of the entire Sigil City? "

"No, only a fool would try to take over Sigil.

That would definitely attract the attention of Ms. Pain, and it would be no different from committing suicide.

I simply want to achieve a more comfortable and comfortable life in this way.

It's like now that I have one of your secrets, I can naturally pass it on to other interested factions.

When one day I master their secrets, I will also bring them back to you.

It was never a betrayal, but I was following the loyalty of each of my personalities to the faction.

And do you think you caught me?


What you have captured is the identity of Doakes!

I can change my identity and personality next time and join the Godless Society. "

When he said these words, Doakes' tone was full of seriousness and seriousness, without the slightest hint of ridicule or joking.

It's easy to tell from this guy's mental state what a crazy and abstract place Sigil is.

Even members of the Godless Society felt that the logic of the mage in front of them was quite outrageous.

Just when the lion head was about to ask something, a portal suddenly opened out of thin air, and Zuo Si's figure immediately appeared next to the guardrail near the river embankment not far away.

He had obviously noticed the sudden situation here from the beginning. He looked up and down with slightly curious eyes at the ruthless people who dared to join the fifteen important factions in Sigil City. After a while, he asked with interest: "You He split his personality into fifteen parts and accepted so many extreme and mutually opposing ideas at the same time. How did you prevent them from fighting?"

"It involves a unique understanding of self. Sorry, this is personal privacy, I am not comfortable telling you."

Doakes obviously had another personality now, one who was not only very polite but also personable.

Since he had been with Isadora for so long, Zuo Si was quite experienced in dealing with such mentally abnormal people. He just nodded slightly: "Okay. Since it is your privacy, I won't inquire more. .

However, you rampaged through the streets of Ascatra and caused at least ten serious injuries and thirty minor injuries.

At the same time, there were economic losses of more than 60,000 gold coins.

Is it time to settle this account now? "

As the last word blurted out, Zuo Si instantly activated the rainbow apprentice's professional ability and created a magic wall filled with orange out of thin air, blocking these guys in the alley on the spot.

The iridescent wall can cause a large amount of acid damage to anyone who tries to pass through, and can also block all long-range magic attacks and missiles and rays created by spells.

As for teleportation, it has been completely banned from the moment Zuo Si appeared.

"Are you from the Masked Mage Guild?"

The expressions on the faces of the leading members of the non-god society changed slightly.

When they entered Ascaltra and established their headquarters, they conducted a survey on the power of the entire city and knew that there were three forces in the capital of gold coins that needed to be extra careful about.

Of course, the churches and temples of the gods are one of them. Another one is the official guards, troops and knights from the government. The last one is the arcane spellcasting management organization that hangs over the entire Amn region - the Masked Mage. .

After a series of transformations and manpower placement by Zuo Si, although today's masked mages are still not as good as top-notch spellcasting organizations like Ser and Halua, their overall strength is no less than that of Silver Moon City and Deepwater. The city's mage group.

There are as many as six core lichs of the Arcane Society who have crossed the legendary threshold.

In addition, several disciples and juniors of the great arcanist Owo also joined in, and were mainly responsible for the education and management of the magic academy.

Therefore, the God-Not-God Guild is still wary of the Masked Mage Guild.

Zuo Si responded meaningfully: "Strictly speaking, I am indeed a member of the Masked Mage Guild.

But that's not the point.

The point is, are you ready to surrender and accept legal sanctions?

Or do you plan to fight stubbornly and then be dealt with one by one by me?

Remember, your choice is related to whether the Society of Gods and Non-Gods can continue to exist in this city. "


All the gods and non-god members present noticed that something was wrong, and at the same time they also felt a strong sense of crisis.

The lion head and the Cambion Demon looked at each other, and soon understood each other's thoughts, and immediately launched attacks from the left and right with lightning speed.

Among them, the former, in order to attract attention, first jumped up high, stepped on the wall of the four-story building, turned around, swung the huge scimitar in his hand and chopped it down hard.

The Cambion Demon used a two-handed sword, and very insidiously chose to attack the lower three routes.

One of the two comes from the top of the head, and the other comes from the visual blind spot on the back. It is obvious that they have a tacit understanding and have cooperated countless times.

Normally, if you look up and focus on the lion's head, you are bound to miss the Cambion Demon, and vice versa.

Several other members of the non-gods association also joined in unintentionally after seeing their companions choosing to take action.

The genasi's mage directly used an astonishingly powerful innate ability to create a powerful tornado out of thin air to obscure Zuo Si's vision, so as to create better attack opportunities for his companions.

"Did you really choose to resist? It seems that I shouldn't have any expectations for you guys who are seriously irrational."

Zuo Si sighed helplessly and put his hand on the hilt of the sword hanging at his waist.

The next second...

The two swords were instantly unsheathed and drew graceful arcs in the air.

One of the large scimitars that was close to the lion's head opened it up, and then slashed on his neck as if he was in no one's land.

The huge head immediately flew out due to the impact of the body's blood pressure. The body also fell to the ground with inertia and staggered a distance and fell to the ground.

At about the same time, Zuo Si's body seemed to be dancing, with graceful and light steps under his feet, letting the Cambion Demon's two-handed giant sword stick close to his abdomen to stab him, and then backhanded him with another sword. chest.


The extremely sharp blade passed through the chest on the spot, and then it was lifted upward and tore a terrifying gash from the heart to the neck.

Normally, an injury like this would have killed an ordinary mortal long ago.

But Cambion is a hybrid of the first generation of demons, demons, yugoloths, and humanoids, so it has extremely tenacious vitality.

Not only did he not die immediately, but he endured the severe pain and tried to perform a horizontal slash to cut off his opponent in half.

It's a pity that Zuo Si had obviously expected this. He used one of his swords to block the sharp blade coming from the two-handed giant sword. At the same time, he put the other sword back into its sheath and raised his free finger to aim at the opponent's side. With a ferocious and terrifying face, Zhang instantly fired a deadly beam of light through a super magic technique - a spell.

After the Cambion Demon was hit, its entire body began to disintegrate instantly, eventually turning into a puddle of green powder without any sign of life.

Six-ring magic [dissociation]!

As a spell that can cause a lot of damage and destroy corpses, it is undoubtedly too good.

Zuo Si himself likes to memorize an instant dissociation technique to give the opponent a small surprise during close combat.

After taking care of the two most powerful leaders, the rest of the gods who were not members of the Divine Society naturally posed no threat and were quickly eliminated by him with ease.

After finishing all this, Zuo Si quickly turned his gaze to the elf who had not moved from beginning to end, and asked with a smile: "Why didn't you take advantage of the chaos just now to escape?"

"Because I don't want to die. If I had chosen to escape just now, I would have turned into a corpse like them by now." Doakes answered very honestly.

Zuo Si nodded approvingly: "Smart! It seems that your ability to pass the test of the fifteen factions in Sigil City is not just a matter of luck, but that you do have very keen insight and judgment."

"What are you going to do with me?" Doakes asked cautiously.

Although he has not been able to confirm the identity of the young man in front of him so far, his long-term experience in Sigil City and his keen sixth sense have begun to sound alarms.

"It's simple.

I just need a spy who knows Sigil well enough and can help collect information about the various factions.

Since you have such a unique advantage, you might as well work for me.

Of course, this is not asking for your opinion, but just informing you. "

Having said that, Zuo Si put away his weapon and suddenly stepped forward without warning, grabbed the opponent's neck with the hand wearing an iron glove, and hit his head hard before Doakes had time to activate his spell-like ability. Hit the ground hard.


With the help of excellent physical "anesthesia", this man with fifteen personalities fainted half-dead on the spot.

To be precise, the huge impact even shattered the entire skull, and a small amount of brain matter flowed out from the cracks.

It is estimated that the damage to the brain is quite serious. Not to mention fifteen personalities, even one hundred or one thousand personalities are useless at the moment.

Zuo Si unceremoniously activated his spark power and made this talent he caught by chance into a summoning creature card.

[Creature Card: Elf—Shadow Elf Spy]

[LV5 multi-color cards (upgradeable)]

[Card quality: precious]

[Effect: Summon a supernatural shadow elf spy from the main material world of Mystara to serve you.

His original name was Farrow, and he was a thief with a not too high level.

Later, due to long-term espionage activities, the remaining fourteen completely different personalities were gradually created.

Among them, the identity in the Sensation Society is a female tiefling mage named Aza Dowling;

In the Harmony Society, he is a male paladin named Josbert Bram;

A male human warrior whose identity is Triz Danrod in the Order of the Doom Guards;

His identity in the Order Society is that of a low-level secretary named Mellon Mo...

Farrow's greatest characteristic is that he can infinitely create a personality that is invisible to those around him, perfectly blending into any environment and penetrating into the other party's organization.

Even if the thoughts and memories are read, it is absolutely impossible to expose them.

And the professional level and power possessed by each personality are independent.

When a personality takes control of the body, the professional level and abilities possessed by that personality will immediately appear.

In addition, he also uses a disguised transformation ring that can change his race and gender at will]

[To use this card, you need to pay two mana points of each of the five colors, or ten general mana points]

[When the summoned Faro is killed, the card will automatically enter the graveyard to wait for rebirth for five days]

Looking at the newly created summoned creature card in his hand, Zuo Si was surprised even though he had seen many big scenes.

Because according to the memory in his mind, this spy named Farrow should be the trump card of Shemishaka, the biggest intelligence dealer in Sigil City, the Yugoloth demon.

It is precisely because of the Shadow Elf's terrifying ability to split personality that she is able to grasp the movements of the fifteen major factions in Sigil City and sell information on mutually hostile factions at high prices.

"It turns out that Doakes is Farrow's identity lurking in the Society of Gods and Ungods... I really hit the jackpot this time."

The corners of Zuo Si's mouth rose uncontrollably, and there was an expression on his face that would only come from winning the lottery jackpot.

If Isadora's split personality stems from fear and her powerful ability as a psychic, then Farrow's infinite split personality to disguise herself is equivalent to the adaptive ability that was forced to evolve in a cruel living environment.

Although the latter is not worth mentioning in terms of combat effectiveness, the professional level of most personalities is only below LV10, and the higher ones will not exceed LV15.

But when it comes to breaking into the enemy and stealing intelligence, he is simply a master.

Just when Zuo Si was wondering whether he should use up some reserve energy to upgrade this card to the top level, Kaidong finally came over with young people from the Knights of the Burning Heart and a large number of guards.

When he saw the corpses everywhere and Zuo Si standing motionless, he quickly realized what had happened and hurriedly asked: "Your Majesty, were these people executed on the spot by you?"


These non-gods not only resisted arrest, but also attempted to attack me.

No matter from any angle, they are unforgivable.

Now, as the emperor of the empire, I declare that from now on all activities of gods and non-gods in the empire will be banned.

Please take someone with you to take down the organization's headquarters in Amn now.

Anyone who resists will be killed without mercy. "

Zuo Si had no intention of holding back at all, and directly sentenced the Shen Ming Fei Shen Society to death.

After all, just denying the concept of gods themselves would not work in Faerûn at all.

Not to mention the large number of priests who rely on gods for their livelihood, most of the druids who can obtain power through nature worship rely on the magic of natural gods.

What's more, based on the performance of these guys today, it can be basically judged that they are a group of lunatics, and it is impossible for them to obey management and discipline.

In this case, it must be completely nipped in the bud, and it must not be allowed to develop freely.

"What about the believers? I remember that many young people were bewitched by this sect and began to hold secret meetings in private." Kaidong probed very cautiously.

Zuo Si answered straightforwardly: "Catch him first and educate him.

If they are still stubborn, let the masked mage send someone to erase the memory of this in their minds.

The opinions and ideas of gods and non-gods must not be spread within the empire.

It is too dangerous, too uncontrollable and destructive.

What's more, this is also the result that the gods most want to see.

If the Knights of the Burning Heart are unable to carry out such an order, I can ask the Black Guards of the Church of Bane to do it. "

Hearing the words "Dark Guard", Kaidong's face suddenly became a little ugly, and he immediately promised: "No, we can do it. Leave this matter to the Knights, and I promise to make this sect disappear completely. "

You don't need to ask to know that the reason why this old paladin gritted his teeth and accepted a task that was not in line with his own morals and values ​​was because he was afraid that the Dark Guards would come and kill him indiscriminately.

In that case, quite a few people will be implicated.

After all, the essence of the Dark Guard is the sharp blade used by tyrants to suppress those who disagree with them.

They don't care whether the person being arrested is innocent or not. All they can think about is to severely sentence those involved in the case in the most drastic way to ensure that the result has a strong enough deterrent effect.

"Very well, then I will leave this matter to you, Sir."

After saying that, Zuo Si gave Kaidong an encouraging look, then activated the teleportation magic and disappeared.

As soon as he walked away, the duty officer from the Masked Mage Guild came behind.

These guys are not here to help solve the case, but to pack up the strange races from Sigil and bring them back to clone them, and then do various magical research.

After they left, the goblins responsible for handling the scene and cleaning up the garbage began to deal with the blood stains.

As for Kaidong, he led a large number of people to the temporary headquarters of the Shenming Feishen Society and issued an ultimatum to the remaining personnel.

The battle broke out unexpectedly in about ten minutes.

Although these mentally disturbed lunatics were not afraid of death at all, with all the elites from all major temples in Ashcatla, it was no surprise that the entire army was annihilated, and even the magic ship was confiscated.

In particular, the churches of several gods from the evil camp came simply for the massacre, and had no intention of leaving anyone alive from the beginning to the end.

The followers of the god of tyranny Bane and the god of storm Talos were like a natural disaster, and many corpses became charred and mutilated.

Even the souls of the dead could not escape, and were imprisoned in gems or crystal prisms and taken back for horrific sacrifices.

After all, the biggest difference between evil gods and good gods is that they can devour souls to strengthen themselves.

Especially Bane, he had devoured a large number of believers' souls more than once during the Year of Turmoil.

So this kind of sacrifice has always been a traditional repertoire for him.

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