A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 564: Yagasura suddenly wakes up (please subscribe to the 10,000-word chapter)

There is no doubt that building a mythical lock from scratch that can cover a large city with a population of hundreds of thousands is definitely not an easy task.

Especially for Zuo Si, who is very ambitious and tries to completely get rid of the restriction of the elves that they can only rely on the two gods Mysrien Seret and Corellon to cast the Mystic Magic, and establish a new theoretical basis of their own. people.

The difficulty is basically equivalent to that of some electronics professionals rubbing a chip by hand without any tools or outside help.

After all, the bottom and core parts of the small local area network - Magic Lock created by the elves based on the Magic Network have already been built by the gods. All they need is to follow the operating instructions to complete it step by step.

And those complicated high elf magic rituals are the steps that must be experienced to achieve this result.

In other words, the process of the elves creating the mystery lock is equivalent to starting and running some programs on a computer that already has a complete operating system.

These programs are the magical effects that can be produced within the scope of the Mystery Lock.

It still relies on the magic network that is the source of magic in this world. In other words, the existence of the magic network is equivalent to the hardware of the computer and is absolutely indispensable.

The anti-magic force field can suppress the Mystic Lock within a certain range, which is the best proof of this.

What the two gods Corellon and Mythryn Seret gave to the elves was an operating system based on the hardware of the Magic Network.

This is why there are three large-scale magic enchantment systems called "Mystery Locks" in the continent of Faerûn, but only the Elven Mystery Locks are the most famous and well-known.

Because only their Mystery Locks are the most cost-effective and run more efficiently, and can grant many incredible top-level magical abilities.

As for the other two types, one is a large-scale magic barrier created by the Netherese people. Strictly speaking, it cannot be included in the category of mythos, and it cannot be compared with the elven mythos created by God.

There is also the True Spell Mystery Lock, which is the kind of highest-level knowledge that has a very high threshold for learning, and even many legendary mages may not be able to understand, understand and apply it.

Just the initial learning of true spells is often enough to consume the entire life of a short-lived race like humans.

In addition, Mysuo can be said to be the master of protective magic.

In the process of research and experimentation, Zuo Si's understanding of this faction's magic has become more and more in-depth, and he will become more advantageous in using all protective and enchantment magic, whether it is arcane or divine magic.

Offensive protective magic such as confinement and disintegration are particularly difficult for enemies to resist and save. Defensive energy absorption and spell reversal are not easily dispelled by the enemy's dispel magic effects.

However, after struggling for a few days, he finally failed to successfully construct a complete mystery lock. It could only be regarded as a simple barrier to protect and purify Askatra.

But in the process of constant attempts, Zuo Si has gradually figured out some tricks. As long as time goes by, he will be able to create his own Mystic underlying operating system, and then build a work on top of it that can rival or even surpass the Elf Mystic.

Even after realizing this, Midnight immediately came to the avatar, had a conversation with him for several hours, and promised to give him the greatest support.

As the third-generation magic goddess, she hopes more than anyone else to see Faerun's native magic civilization surpass the elves, rise again, and establish a powerful magic empire.

Especially creations related to the magic field, without exception, will make them feel extremely happy and joyful.

Not to mention the new theory that the mystery lock is extremely difficult, and once successful, it can immediately raise the overall magic level in the country to a higher level.

As for the knowledge, ideas and concepts that Zuo Si copied and pasted from the artifacts hand-made by the God of Elf Magic, Mysrien Seret...

Midnight simply chose to ignore it.

After all, it is completely normal to learn from each other in the field of magic.

As the goddess of magic, she never encourages her followers to keep their discoveries and creations to themselves.

Rather, we hope that mages can communicate and share various discoveries and even inventions with others, and ultimately achieve the goal of improving the overall level of magic.

Just when Zuo Si was obsessed with how to come up with the underlying structure of a magic mystery lock, an unexpected visitor suddenly interrupted his almost crazy research enthusiasm.

It was none other than the construct creature that he had successfully repaired not long ago and returned to the mechanical realm alone to report on the progress of the work - the Instructor.

At this moment, this metal lump with an independent soul, will and thinking looked extremely depressed, drooping his head made entirely of fine gold, and the twinkling light in his two eyes became quite dim, not at all like before. An indomitable spirit to achieve the goal.

In fact, he caused quite a commotion when he entered Ascaltra.

After all, constructs are clearly defined as "dangerous weapons" in the West Coast Empire's Magic Items Management Act.

All mages who own golems must go to the Masked Mages Guild for inspections every few years to ensure that the golems will not suddenly run rampant and hurt people in densely populated commercial areas due to some hidden dangers caused by inadequate manufacturing processes. , destroy buildings and property.

If you want to take the golem on the streets, you must apply for a corresponding license and pay a large deposit.

Fortunately, the consciousness of Mage Tower discovered this in time and directly teleported the person responsible from the city gate, avoiding an unnecessary conflict.

"Have you not returned to the mechanical realm?" Zuo Si asked, staring at the metal lump standing motionless.

During the repair process, he had already learned a lot of the unique construct manufacturing techniques of the Machine Realm through dismantling, so he did not force the other party to stay.

But who would have thought that not long after this, the construct that insisted on doing things according to the preset rules would come back on its own, and it seemed that it had encountered some problems after returning to the mechanical realm.

A faint light flashed in the eyes of the person in charge, and he replied in a tone without any emotion: "I did return to the place where I was created in the Mechanical Realm.

But when I was examined, they found that my core had been contaminated and replaced, and I was no longer capable of maintaining order and contracts.

Some people even suggested that I be completely dismantled and thrown into the garbage dump full of discarded body parts.

This is not my destiny.

So I escaped, but I didn't know where to go. "

"So you thought of coming to me?"

Zuo Si touched his chin and looked at this increasingly humanized construct with interest.

As the person who restored it, he obviously knew very well why the person responsible for it became what it is now.

The reason is very simple, that is, the dark void energy and matter leaked when the Crystal Prison exploded, causing irreversible impact and damage to its core.

Although most of the contaminated areas were later replaced with other parts during the repair process, the erosion of the soul was irreparable.

As we all know, the Dark Void is characterized by chaos, disorder, and nothingness.

The characteristic of the mechanical plane is absolute lawfulness.

The two are almost completely opposite at their roots.

Therefore, when those who created the Responsible Person find that his soul has been infected and is no longer an indifferent task-executing machine as before, and even has a sense of self and freedom similar to that of a mortal, they will inevitably choose to destroy it.

From the perspective of the mechanical realm, it is perfect order to have no self-awareness and to be absolutely subordinate to a great whole like a machine.

Any flaw that leads to imperfection will become an inducement and potential danger to deviate from the lawful alignment.

"Yes. Apart from the Mechanical Realm, this Mage Tower is the only place I have stayed for a long time. And I really, really want to find out what happened to me back then?"

After saying that, the person in charge raised his head with an expression that was mixed with confusion, confusion and longing.

Unlike those ordinary low-level constructs, his metal face can make various complex expressions and expressions.

The main reason why there was no expression in the past was that the absolutely lawful soul suppressed the instinct and desire of the creature.

But now, as the energy and matter of the Dark Void has irreversibly affected it, this powerful construct is becoming more and more like a "human".

If I had to describe it more appropriately, it would be a bit like the curse of flesh and blood that the ancient gods of Azeroth next door put on the Titan creations, which eventually evolved into humans, dwarfs, dwarves and other races.

He will start to worry about his own life and will have his own thinking, consciousness, values ​​and even ideals.

This is also the situation that the Machinery Realm cannot tolerate the most.

Zuo Si was obviously very interested in the changes that had taken place in the person responsible.

This helped him understand the nature of the dark void, its significance to the real universe, and what happened to those void creatures, so after a moment of silence he quickly responded: "You should still remember to release the body of the God Killer, That’s what happened at the moment when the black hole connected to the different-dimensional channel exploded, right?”

The person in charge nodded slightly: "Yes, I still remember.

It was an unprecedented spew of terrifying energy and matter.

My body was hit on the spot during the retreat, and then the protective magic and body were all shattered in an instant.

A lot of unknown information poured in.

When I woke up, I was already working on this mage tower.

It was you who saved me and helped repair my broken body.

I owe you a favor in this regard.

Since then, my thoughts and consciousness have been different from before.

To be precise, the self is becoming more and more intense and begins to feel more emotions, including anger, tension, fear, anticipation, etc.

The reason I chose to run away was out of fear of death.

Otherwise, if it were before, I wouldn't have cared if I would be dismantled and scrapped. "

"Then do you think this is a good thing or a bad thing?" Zuo Si asked, minding his own business.

The person responsible fell into a minute-long silence, and finally shook his head slightly: "I don't know, and I can't understand it.

If it was due to the intentions and programming of the creators, this should be a pretty bad result.

Because I deviated from absolute order.

But I don’t know why, but there is a kind of ecstasy in my heart, a kind of excitement and pleasure brought by breaking a certain bondage.

I don't want to die, I want to continue living and find the meaning of my existence. "

The person responsible had obviously not learned to lie or cover up yet, and spoke his truest thoughts very frankly.

It has to be said that this idea is quite "deviant" for a construct born in the mechanical realm.

But Zuo Si couldn't help laughing and applauded: "Hahahaha! Congratulations, you have unknowingly acquired the instinct that most creatures have, and a certain degree of free will."

"Instinct and free will?"

The person in charge immediately raised his head, and a trace of emotion appeared on his expressionless face.

"That's right!

Instinct represents the most primitive and basic desire of a creature, and it is also some of the activities necessary to maintain survival.

For example, they will feel extremely happy when they reproduce, mate and give birth to offspring, and when they taste fine wine and food.

But if you see your relatives, friends and similar people around you die, you will feel fear and sadness.

Although you are a construct and are unlikely to experience the joy of eating and reproducing, you have already vaguely felt the fear of death.

Your disobedience and defection from the creator this time just proves that you have free will. Otherwise, how could ordinary constructs have a sense of resistance? "

Speaking of this, Zuo Si paused deliberately, stood up and walked to the window, looking down at the bustling crowd on the street in the distance outside, without looking back at the confused construct, and elaborated: "In In most worlds and planes of this universe, it is actually very rare and rare for people like the mechanical realm to eliminate individual consciousness and desires as much as possible and submit to the whole, making every living thing like a part on a huge machine.

Look at the city below. It is made up of completely independent individuals.

These independent individuals have their own ideas and will fight with others for their own interests or ideas.

But at the same time, they are also part of this huge group. In order not to be excluded by society and not sanctioned by laws and rules, they will also choose to compromise at the appropriate time.

So in my opinion, individual consciousness and lawfulness do not conflict, but are a whole that is both antagonistic and harmonious.

There is absolutely no need to feel anxious or guilty about the changes that have happened to you.

It's not your fault that you are different, it's your destiny.

Since you can't return to the Mechanical Realm, why don't you consider staying here with me?

At least I can give you enough time to slowly find the meaning of your existence. "

"You...are willing to take me in?"

The person in charge had a look of surprise on his face.

After all, he was used to a one-line life of accepting orders from his creator and then executing them across planes.

Now suddenly homeless and without the master who gave orders, I have no idea what to do next or where to go.

Zuo Si smiled and nodded: "Of course. I'm also very interested in what happens to you, so it doesn't matter if you stay here as long as you want.

As for the work, let's start by defending the safety of this magical tower from intruders.

If there are any other tasks, I will notify you temporarily.

In addition, if you are interested, you can also go for a walk on the street and observe the daily life of those short-lived mortals up close.

I think this may be of great help to you in thinking about life. "

"Thank you very much. From now on, you are my master, and I am the faithful executor of your orders."

After saying that, the person responsible stood up and put one hand on his chest and bowed gracefully, then turned and left the room, intending to use half a day to visit the entire mage tower from top to bottom.

I will officially take up my duties starting tomorrow and patrol and inspect along the passage every day.

Listening to the heavy footsteps gradually going away and disappearing, Zuo Si couldn't help but smile and sigh: "Is it a construct life that awakens its self-consciousness and escapes from the mechanical realm? This universe is really wonderful! No wonder it always happens. Weird combinations like succubus paladins, mind flayer paladins, fallen angels, and beholder monks were born.”

"Father, are you sure you want to take in this weird construct golem? He seems to give me a somewhat dangerous feeling."

Nimidona, the God of Nature's Attendant, appeared out of thin air in an instant, with a hint of caution in her tone.

The reason why she reacted like this was mainly because she sensed the power of the dark void in the body of the person responsible.

And no one knows what kind of terrifying monster this extremely uncertain chaotic force will eventually create.

You must know that the dog that Zuo Si transformed with dark void energy and matter has now become more and more abstract, terrifying, and indescribable because it has devoured too many random creatures. There is not even a dog at all. Characteristics and outline of this animal.

It has no head now, and only a large, round flesh ball is left.

The surface of the flesh ball is covered with eyes that emit a creepy light, and there are more than a thousand tiny tentacles between the eyes.

All of these eyes can shoot rays with a variety of different magical effects just like a real beholder, while the tentacles can grapple and capture enemies while protecting the eyes.

As for the body, due to the continuous expansion, it has turned into a hard lump of flesh that seems to be covered with a hard carapace.

Below is the muscle tissue that continuously secretes viscous liquid like a snail, moving forward or backward by peristalsis.

Whenever an enemy or food approaches, the squirming body underneath this monster will suddenly open, revealing a large mouth full of fangs to tear the prey into pieces and devour it.

What's even worse is that it has also begun to possess the special ability to absorb energy.

And this is precisely one of the most typical characteristics of void creatures.

Perhaps the final result waiting for this experimental subject is to be completely distorted by the energy and matter from the dark void, turning it into half or an entire void creature.

It is precisely because she has seen the horror of the power of the dark void that Nimedona is particularly vigilant towards those responsible who have also suffered from pollution.

But Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "There's no need to worry.

I left a small insurance in his body.

So no matter what happens to him, I will know and respond immediately.

On the other hand, you have been staying in the mage tower recently. Are you tired of dealing with the Druids who worship the God of Nature?

If so, I can consider changing your job. "

Nimidona quickly shook her head and explained: "No, I am not dissatisfied with my current mission, I just feel that it lacks a little challenge."

"Challenging? Are you planning to find some excitement and fun?"

Zuo Si stretched out his hand and caressed the cheek of the blazing god servant intimately, feeling the skin of this powerful divine creature that was as smooth as silk.

"If possible, I would like to take the time to travel to the outer planes and feel the vastness and depth of the vast universe."

Nimedona took the initiative and revealed the longing that lay deep within her.

She obviously enjoyed this intimate interaction and even took the initiative to close her eyes and let out a slight moan.

Zuo Si pondered for a moment and quickly gave a positive answer: "Okay.

In principle, I will not stop you from exploring the planes that interest you.

But remember to be careful.

Although there are not many creatures that can threaten the Blazing Sky Divine Attendant, it is not impossible.

Once you find something is wrong, immediately find a way to teleport back. There is no need to take huge risks to fight with the opponent head-on.

Especially those gods with evil intentions. "

"Understood, I will be careful."

After saying that, like a little girl whose wish had just been fulfilled, Nimidona came closer and kissed her creator happily on the cheek, with a strange look in her eyes, and then quickly cast teleportation magic and disappeared. .

As soon as her front legs left, a golden divine light fell from the sky on her back legs, and another female Chi Tian Divine Attendant appeared out of thin air in front of Zuo Si.

The latter obviously possessed some incredible power, and passed through all the protection and warnings of the mage tower silently, without alerting anyone at all.

Out of a subconscious first reaction, Zuo Si instantly activated the power of the mage tower, directly blessed himself with more than twenty protective magics, and tried to reveal one of the trump cards to imprison the opponent.

But before it could be activated, the God of Blazing Sky took the initiative and said: "Please calm down, Your Excellency Soth, I am not an enemy. On the contrary, I serve the order of His Majesty Io, the God of Gods, to convey a message to you. "

"Your Majesty Io? Information!"

Zuo Si stopped all movements instantly, with an extremely surprised expression on his face.

In his impression, Ao Ou has always been a standard hands-off shopkeeper.

Unless a major disaster or accident occurs in Toril, such as the loss of the Tablet of Destiny, or the murder of the Goddess of Magic causing the Magic Network to lose its manager and go berserk, it will basically not show up.

Even if they want to interfere and maintain balance, they will only do some small and unknown actions in secret.

"That's right. Since you also control part of the power of the late God of Murder, I think that to some extent you should be considered a member of the Sons of Baal and are eligible to participate in the fight for the Blood Throne."

Chitian Divine Attendant stated his intention straight to the point.

Her criteria for judging the Sons of Baal are very simple. One is divine power and divinity, and the other is the power an individual possesses.

Zuo Si obviously already possesses both.

Just from the massacre against the Sons of Baal not long ago, Zuo Si secretly stole a lot of power.

"So you think I can join in the game?"

Zuo Si raised his eyebrows in disbelief.

After all, he never thought that he had anything to do with his identity as "Son of Baal".

He doesn't even think that the stupid God of Murder, Baal, is qualified to be his "father".

But Chitian Divine Attendant didn’t think so, and nodded without thinking: “Yes!

If Melissa is qualified, why not you?

What's more, if you want to get the huge divine power contained in the Death Priest and the Blood Throne, you have to win until the end.

These are the rules of the game set by His Majesty Ao, and no one or god can violate them.

As for whether you want to become a new god afterward, or convert the prize into other forms of power, it is all personal freedom.

I just came here to inform you, that's all.

In addition, His Majesty Io is very satisfied that you have eliminated some of the threats posed by Pandrim the God-Slayer.

He hopes that you will continue your efforts to eliminate the consciousness in the other crystal prison.

That's all I have to say at this stage.

The next time we meet, we should already be in front of the Throne of Blood. "

After saying these words, Chitian Divine Attendant turned into a golden light and disappeared on the spot again.

There is no doubt that Zuo Si can basically confirm two things through a brief conversation with her.

First, every move he makes in Toril is under the watchful eye of the god Io, and there is no privacy or secret at all.

In other words, everything that happens in the crystal wall system cannot escape this person's eyes.

Second, Io didn't have any objections to Zuo Si taking away the black hole body of God-Slayer Pandrim, nor did he care that he built the void sword that killed gods. Instead, he felt that he had eliminated a huge threat.

After the consciousness and spirit are sealed together, Bao Buqi will give some generous rewards.

As for the ownership of the Sons of Baal and the Blood Throne, it is the last and least important part.

The only good news is that Zuo Si now has an identity that can lead him to an upright end in person, and there is no need to engage in agent mode while carefully avoiding the sight of the gods.

Thinking of this, he immediately couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly, and cast a remote observation spell on the crystal ball placed on the table.

Just one second later, the scene of the tragic battle outside Saladuxu City was projected.

Since Yagasura and Davian were immortal, they had been fighting here for several days without stopping.

Therefore, the entire forest near the north shore has been completely burned, leaving only a piece of black-gray scorched earth and hundreds of large and small lava pools that have cooled down.

Right now they were tearing and biting each other in a deep pit full of magma, completely like two wild beasts rather than intelligent creatures.

As for the defenders, soldiers and civilians in the city, as well as the fire giant legions and mercenaries stationed in the camp outside the city, they were just eating melons and watching the show, and did not dare to make any move at all.

After all, anyone with any brains would realize after seeing such a terrifying battle that this was no longer a war between mortals, but a game involving the gods at a higher level.

Instead of getting on the pole and dying, it is better to wait and see the outcome and then wait for the opportunity.

"The great Yagasura will tear you apart! Bath him in your hot dragon's blood!"

The son of Baal, who transformed into the form of a killer, roared fiercely.

With his giant claws attached to divine power, he tore open the dragon scales and bones on the flame dragon knight's chest, allowing the blood inside to spurt out like liquid flames.

But Davian immediately counterattacked without fear, also inserting the dragon's claw into the enemy's abdomen, and smashing organs such as intestines, kidneys, and bladder to pieces.

At this point in the battle, the two of them were no longer as focused as they were at the beginning, and could make stunning moves and high-speed transitions between offense and defense.

The competition now is who has greater tolerance for pain and can recover from injuries faster.

Zuo Si had no interest in admiring this kind of battle that had no technical content and only contained violence, brutality and bloodthirsty.

Just when he was wondering what his good apprentice was doing, and why he hadn't found Yagasura's heart that had been placed on the flames for so many days, the originally evenly matched situation suddenly changed.

To be precise, the bruised wound on Yagasura's abdomen did not heal immediately. Instead, blood mixed with intestines and other internal organs flowed out.

Not only was he stunned by such a strange situation, but Davian and other onlookers were also dumbfounded.

"No! No! No! This is impossible! I am immortal! I have dug out my heart and put it on the magic flame to keep roasting!"

The son of Baal was obviously panicked. He no longer dared to continue to exchange injuries with his opponents as unscrupulously as before. Instead, without saying a word, he turned around and rushed towards the location of his own military camp. He ran for the road while shouting loudly for the firepower of his men. Legions of giants, mercenaries, and mages came to help hold off Davian.

Unlike the latter who is truly not afraid of death, the reason why he is brave and fearless is entirely based on the premise that he will never really die.

But now, this prerequisite has been eliminated, and the cowardly and selfish side of his heart is immediately revealed.

It's a pity that there are few real fools in the world.

When they saw that the unrivaled leader was actually defeated, even lost his proud immortality, and ran away like a lost dog, the first ones to choose to flee were the mercenaries who couldn't afford to do anything early.

These guys fight to earn commissions and plunder the wealth of captured towns.

So when they found out something was not going well, they were the first ones to run away.

However, the fire giant legion was not much better, and then they turned into birds and beasts and scattered, and in the blink of an eye, most of them were lost.

Only a handful of confidants, or those who worshiped him as a potential god, mustered up the courage to rush forward with a roar, trying to stop Davian's pursuit.

As a result, he was easily taken away by the dragon's claws, teeth, tail and wings in the blink of an eye.

Seeing the opportunity to win right in front of him, how could Davian choose to let the other party leave.

What's more, he has a pair of huge dragon wings, which can take off into the sky and fly at low altitudes.

Before Yagasura could run a few steps, he was knocked to the ground again.

Davian opened his mouth unceremoniously, bit hard on the muscles on the back of the giant killer, and tore off a large piece of it.


The wound suddenly started bleeding profusely, and you could even see the white spine and shoulder blades underneath.

"Ahhhhh!!!!!! Get away! I don't have time to fight with you now!"

Yagasura screamed and struggled to turn over and lift the flaming dragon off his back.

Unfortunately it was too late.

Davian, protected by the Blazing Death Sword, possesses extremely terrifying lethality, whether it is black teeth or claws.

Every time a wound is created, an astonishing amount of black mana will be injected into it, causing rapid festering around the wound and even leading to instant death.

It might not be a big problem when you have an immortal body, but once it loses its effect, it will show up immediately.

Yagasura only felt that his strength had suddenly dropped a lot, and his body seemed to be getting weaker and weaker. He could not push the huge flame dragon at all.

And the more he struggles, the faster he bleeds, and his vitality is constantly decreasing as the blood flows out.

"Weren't you very arrogant just now? Didn't you say you wanted to tear me apart and bathe me in my dragon's blood?

Why run now?

Could it be that without your immortality, you don’t even have the most basic dignity and pride as a warrior? "

Davian quickly bit off both of his opponent's arms, and then used the huge dragon claw on his right to hold down the opponent's head, with a naked and undisguised disdain in his eyes.

Because as a warrior, he despised the kind of garbage who likes to rely on some kind of power to crush weak opponents. Once the advantage he is proud of loses, his prototype will appear in minutes.

“Dignity and pride?

What it is?

I am the Son of God!

I absolutely cannot die!

Please let me go, please?

I vowed never to trouble this city again.

And after returning, I will immediately give all the treasures and slaves I have plundered over the years to you and your master.

As long as I can live, I am willing to accept any conditions, even if it means becoming a humble slave. "

Yagasura quickly released the killer state, and without any hesitation began to crawl on the ground and loudly beg for mercy.

Davian immediately showed a disappointed expression when he saw this: "It's really sad. It turns out that this is the real you, a shameless villain hiding behind great power. Fortunately, I still enjoyed the bloody fight with you."

But Yagasura obviously didn't care about this kind of ridicule. Instead, he behaved extremely humblely, trying to make himself look more non-threatening and gain a chance to survive.

After all, he used this method to deceive his adoptive mother, the swamp witch Niali. Not only did he successfully learn the secret technique to obtain immortality, but he also stole the latter's heart, and finally completed the counterattack and obtained the fire giant army. of leadership.

But it is a pity that Yagasura apparently ignored the strange thing that he suddenly lost his immortality.

Just when he was about to say something, a portal suddenly opened out of thin air, and Sancho, who had disappeared for several days, appeared out of thin air and threw two hearts that had been burned black by magic flames. on the ground.

Along with the heart, there is a female head that looks very old and ugly.

"What, don't you think these three things look familiar to you?" Sancho pursed his lips and asked meaningfully.


You actually killed her!



He must have told you the secret of immortality!

She has been holding a grudge and wanting revenge from the moment she was betrayed by me! "

Yagasura raised his head suddenly, his eyes blazing with anger and hatred, as if he might jump up and take back the heart that belonged to him at any time.

"You guessed it right, it was indeed this old woman who told me the secret of immortality and the story of your betrayal of her.

But the really interesting thing is that when I brought these two hearts back to her, she actually started a war with me to protect you.

In other words, she has always loved you in her heart and regards you as the only one in her life.

But you have always regarded the person who loves you most as your enemy, and you have tried your best to get rid of them.

Tell me, Yagasura.

Is it really that important to you to seize the Blood Throne and become the new God of Murder?

Can you even sacrifice everything and give up everything for this? "

Sancho stepped forward and stared at the half-fire giant brother as he tortured his soul.

Yagasula fell into silence for a moment, staring straight at the head of his adoptive mother Niali, trying to find something from her old and wrinkled face and eyes that were no longer focused.

In just a few seconds, a large number of childhood memories came to his mind, flashing before his eyes, and his body began to tremble slightly uncontrollably.

As a saying goes, in the mortal world, there are never purely bad people or purely good people.

Even evil people like dark elves often have a small piece of their own pure land in their hearts.

The main reason why Yagasura betrayed his adoptive mother was because he felt that the other person, like everyone else, wanted to control and use him, so he didn't feel any guilt at all when he betrayed her.

But now, when he learned that this old mother died at the hands of another son of Baal to protect him, and that she had always loved him deeply, the psychological defense he had established to protect himself collapsed instantly.

The coldness, cruelty, and selfishness were replaced by strong emotional emotions in just a few seconds, and he held the bloody head with trembling hands.

I opened my mouth several times to say something, but in the end nothing came out.

No tears!

No crying!

No hysterical wailing!

Some are just more and more empty gazes, and a terrible silence without saying a word.

As a man who is good at observation and analysis, Sancho saw the unparalleled light of divinity in Yagasura's eyes.

At this moment, he no longer pretended to be humble and prayed for life, but instead exuded a frightening and suffocating aura.

Divine power has also become more powerful and dangerous under the catalysis of certain spiritual forces.

When the critical point was reached, Yagasura gently put down Niali's head and said in an extremely sincere tone: "Thank you, my dear brother.

I already feel Niali's love.

Although it is a bit twisted and morbid, it is indeed a mother's unreserved love for her child.

After I become a god, I will definitely be the first to resurrect her.

It was you who made me wake up at the last moment of my life.

For a true god, power is never the most important thing.

The most important thing is the heart, the will, the thought, and the persistence to achieve a unique goal.

As a thank you, I'll make your death a little more pleasant.

Now, let us officially start the real battle of gods. "

As the last word blurted out, Yagasura suddenly opened his arms and released the divine spark to summon a powerful force.

I saw three blood-red light pillars falling from the sky, teleporting Davian, Sancho and him all to the kingdom of Baal, the god of murder.

Obviously, this guy wants to completely and unreservedly release his power like a demigod without any restrictions.

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