A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 570 The Eye of Vecna ​​(a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)


Look at my house!

my store!

My goods!

This is already the sixth time in half a year!

On average once a month!

Your damn experiment doesn't earn you even a single gold coin, except for causing destruction, fire, and explosions!

An idiot paid for your invention a month ago, only to be blown up before he could even get out of the black market.

The people responsible for collecting the bodies and garbage complained to me that it took them four hours to clean up the broken body parts and blood stains. "

The male dwarf grabbed the female dwarf by the collar and roared angrily.

The former was obviously not young anymore. He had a beard that was as long as a human being's and was almost completely bald on the top of his head. He only had some hair on the back of his head, but he was also badly burned in the explosion.

In contrast, the latter looks quite young, wearing a garment that looks a bit like a robe with a lot of hard leather and rivets sewn on it, and has a faint arcane aura under magical vision.

You don't need to ask to know that it was her weird clothes that protected her from any harm in the explosion.

Moreover, he also wears a helmet like a flying leather hat and crystal goggles on his head.

"You can't blame me last time! It was the idiot who didn't follow the instructions! And my invention is very useful, but no smart people have discovered the potential of these formulas yet."

The female dwarf called Manab retorted loudly without any sign of weakness.

However, the older male dwarf had obviously had enough of this kind of fearful life all day long. He pushed his fellow dwarf to the ground and shouted angrily: "I don't want to listen to your sophistry!

I’m not interested in those bullshit inventions either!

Now you're fired.

Get away from me as far as you can.

You will never be allowed in my store again.

I really regret that I was so obsessed with it that I agreed to take in such a dangerous person like you. "

"Bah! Old stubborn, one day you will regret what you did today. My invention will make a lot of money one day."

Manab struggled to get up from the ground, spat rudely at the old dwarf, then picked up some undamaged things that belonged to him from the rubble, and limped away into the darkness with a heavy backpack on his back. At the end of the small waterway, the lonely back looks quite desolate.

But considering the damage caused by the explosion just now, she deserved it to a certain extent.

The quarrel between the two dwarfs obviously attracted the attention of many people in the black market, but no one stepped forward to interfere. They all just watched from a distance.

In addition, the gnomes in the world of Greyhawk, like the continent of Faerûn, are born with unique talents in illusion magic and creation.

Especially like the black market, gnome wizards and craftsmen can often make very useful things.

For example, arrows and small repeating mechanical crossbows that can be filled with different magic effects after hitting them, or special props that can produce smoke, poisonous gas, strong flashes, etc. when thrown, or carefully prepared incandescent glue, Acid bottles and magic potions.

Many members of the Thieves Guild will buy points for emergencies when performing dangerous missions.

Therefore, all dwarfs who can gain a foothold in the black market have close cooperation with local gangs, and no one dares to cause trouble with them easily.

Just as Zuo Si was analyzing the cause of the explosion with great interest, the young thief who had disappeared for a while finally returned with a coin carved from red crystal.

Without saying a word, he directly handed the coin to his employer and whispered in a low voice: "In fifteen minutes, take this coin to the tavern on the west side of the black market and give it to the thinnest-looking waitress, and then she I will take you to the auction venue. Be careful, I heard there will be many ruthless characters in this auction."

"Magic item?"

Zuo Si fiddled with the crystal coin in his hand and showed surprise.

Although it is only the lowest level of magical creation, as a permanent and constant enchantment, its cost obviously cannot be too low.

What's more, this thing has no actual use at all, it is just used as an anti-counterfeiting mark.

“You have a good eye.

It is indeed a specially crafted magic item.

Generally speaking, the black market will only use this red crystal coin as an entry ticket when there is an auction item of very high value.

The admission fee of hundreds of gold coins can also weed out the poor with insufficient financial resources and allow powerful sellers to bid.

The most important thing is that the organizers of the auction will use the power of magic to hide the identity of each buyer to ensure that no desperado will take the risk and choose to kill and steal goods after the auction is over.

So it's theoretically safe and you don't have to worry too much. "

The young man lowered his voice and introduced some of the rules of the black market and auction.

Although he looks to be only fifteen or sixteen years old, both of his hands are covered with calluses from holding short swords and daggers for a long time, and his eyes occasionally flash a fierce look. He has obviously killed people long ago, and There are at least a dozen or twenty of them.

"Do you think I'm worried about safety?" Zuo Si asked with a sneer.

Hearing these words, the young man was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help laughing.

"Haha, yes, how can a guy like you who likes to do mischief worry about his own safety.

After all, more than half of the rich and powerful men in Greyhawk City want to kill you, and the other half have begun to secretly take action.

The accumulated reward amount alone is almost fifty thousand gold coins.

To be honest, I really don't understand how you are still alive today.

Under normal circumstances, if an average person offended any of those families, their bodies would have been eaten by the fish in the moat by now.

By the way, how do those beautiful ladies and ladies from famous families feel?

Now there are rumors outside that you have made some of them pregnant, so those men are so angry. "

Seeing the curiosity and gossip revealed in the young thief's eyes, Zuo Si immediately chuckled and shook his head: "Don't listen to the rumors outside.

My communication with those ladies and ladies was limited to pure language and spiritual communication.

Otherwise, their fathers, husbands and suitors would have brought trouble to me through legal means.

As for your interest, I can only tell you that apart from the extra sense of conquest and possessiveness brought by identity, status, education, and family, these ladies and ladies are not much different from the young and beautiful women among the common people.

Of course, considering that sexual interest is very spiritual in nature, everyone's XP will be slightly different, so the actual feeling can only be known after you try it yourself.

How about I take you with me to the next banquet?

There are several older ladies who like you, a handsome boy who is young and has a bit of wild aura.

Then you won't have to lick blood like you do now. As long as you satisfy their desires, you can easily get rich rewards. "

"No, thank you. I don't want to be stabbed for no reason one day, and then the body appears in the sewer or the moat."

The young thief shook his head vigorously and rejected this tempting offer without hesitation.

What a joke!

Although this kind of work sounds easy and exciting, it is actually many times more dangerous than working in the black market today.

Once caught, those families who want money and power will inevitably choose to kill to vent their anger.

After all, for a cuckolded husband, killing a wife who has the same status as himself may cause a series of serious consequences, but killing a "boy" who has no identity or status is quite easy.

The young thief didn't dare to bet that he could be as lucky as Zuo Si.

What's more, he had already inquired about the reason why no one from the underground forces in the city dared to accept the high reward yet. In fact, it was most likely a warning from Master Baye.

In this world, few people dare to ignore the words of Baye, especially the supreme leader Mordenkainen.

"Hahaha! I like your caution. It allows you to avoid many dangers and live longer in a crisis-ridden environment."

Zuo Si laughed and patted the young man on the shoulder, then walked straight towards the tavern where the auction house was located.

Since the sewers in this area have long been dug into a maze-like underground town, they do not stink like normal sewers. There is not even sewage. Instead, there is a thick layer of soil on the ground.

Some house owners will also use magic light sources to plant a small number of plants and flowers in front of and behind their houses.

As for domestic garbage and sewage, they are transported by another pipe to the garbage pipe next door.

If it is the first time a visitor comes to Greyhawk City, it may be difficult to imagine that there is a small town with thousands of people living under this prosperous and wealthy free city.

With dark vision, Zuo Si saw the illegal transactions going on in those corners, as well as the crimes that would make ordinary people feel horrified.

A necromancer even directly picked out a few scrawny guys in the iron cage where slaves were kept, and then killed them directly after paying, and resurrected them into zombies or ghouls under his control.

Others bought the corpse of a four or five-year-old child with a sealed soul, and made it into a small undead creature similar to a familiar to obey their orders.

The most frightening thing is that the people around him have no reaction at all to this kind of behavior. They have obviously become accustomed to it and don't realize there is any problem at all.

Just like in hell, whether it is the devil or other creatures, they often use souls as currency when buying things.

Obviously, this fully illustrates the point that the Greyhawk Council, which holds the highest power, is like many city rulers on the continent of Faerûn. The scope of its real control is very limited, and most neighborhoods still rely on autonomy.

The emptiness of the grassroots power structure will give birth to various guilds, especially the thieves guild that makes a living from crime.

When these gangs and criminal organizations are fully integrated with the local community, they will quickly settle down and become part of the city's economy and order ecology.

At that time, if anyone wants to touch them, it will cause very serious social unrest, and even cause the civilian class to join in the fierce resistance.

Because these civilians are most likely to rely on the work and order provided by gangs and criminal organizations to eke out a living.

This is why, during the expansion of the west coast empire, Zuo Si almost every time he occupied a city, the first thing he did was to attack the local thieves guild.

And they would rather fight until bloodshed than compromise with the people who joined the resistance. Instead, they would be treated as peripheral members of the Thieves Guild.

Only this most bloody, violent, and cruel cleansing can completely remove the internal cancer without leaving any consequences.

Otherwise, as the city develops and grows, the power of those criminal organizations will also expand, eventually penetrating into all aspects of society and becoming a member of the ruling class who is qualified to sit on the table.

But unfortunately, Mordenkainen obviously did not realize this, and did not take advantage of the war to clean up Greyhawk internally.

Of course, it is not ruled out that this underground town is part of the "great balance" he advocates and has been deliberately preserved.

After walking along the not-so-narrow pipe for about seven or eight minutes, Zuo Si finally arrived at the designated tavern.

It is different from the shabby and old ones as imagined.

This two-story masonry building built on an entire section of pipe is not only covered with tiles that flash blue, green and red fluorescent tiles on the outside.

Moreover, there were several men and women wearing revealing clothes or wearing nothing at all, standing at the door twisting their bodies and doing various suggestive and provocative movements.

Half of them are humans, and the rest are elves, half-elves, tieflings, etc.

Maybe it's because what Zuo Si did in Greyhawk City recently was too explosive, or maybe it's because there's a huge bounty on his head...

Anyway, when he walked to the door, everyone stopped moving, their eyes widened as if they couldn't believe what they saw.

"Excuse me, I want to go in and participate in today's auction. Thank you very much."

Zuo Si held the red crystal coin between the index and middle fingers of his right hand and waved it in front of the opponent's eyes, then carefully squeezed between the two women with bulging fronts and backs, while deftly avoiding the initiative of another half-elf lady. thigh.

After entering the tavern, the first thing he saw were more than twenty tables made of hardwood, and more than forty soldiers sitting nearby, either wearing armor, holding weapons, or wearing armor. A robed, cloaked, and hooded spellcaster.

But the interesting thing is that these guys neither drank nor chatted and bragged like ordinary guests. Instead, they sat on the stools very quietly without saying a word, staring at each other with vigilant eyes, and they were obviously in a state of high alert.

With Legilimency and other magic to read memories and thoughts, Zuo Si easily figured out that the people sitting in the tavern at the moment were all ruthless characters such as bodyguards and mercenaries.

Their mission is to protect their employer from taking back the treasures he bought after attending the auction.

"Welcome, guest, would you like something to drink?"

Just when the atmosphere in the tavern was becoming more and more depressing and tense, a thin woman over 1.5 meters tall near the bar forced out a smile and asked proactively.

"I think you recognize this?"

Zuo Si handed over the crystal coin in front of everyone, without any intention of hiding it.

His behavior instantly attracted the attention of everyone present. The thin woman standing in front of the bar froze in place. After a full minute, she raised her head and said in a very complicated tone: "You are really like this." As bold and fearless as rumored.

He is indeed a lunatic who dares to seduce the female members of twenty of the most powerful families in the city at the same time.

I'm curious, what is your relationship with Mordenkainen?

Why would he be willing to warn everyone in this city again and again not to take action against you?

It's not at all like his character to be so protective. "

"Maybe you won't believe it, but Mordenkainen is actually not protecting me, but those who want to take action against me. Because once they take action against me, this city will be a river of blood."

While saying this, Zuo Si looked around the entire tavern with a slightly playful look, especially those mercenaries whose eyes were filled with greed and murderous intent.

Obviously, these guys are very jealous of the tens of thousands of gold coins on the black market, and they want to rush up and chop off his head to exchange for money.

But the problem is that no one knows whether they can escape the pursuit of powerful mages such as Mordenkainen and Baye after doing this.

"Rivers of blood? What a sense of humor you have."

The woman obviously felt that the young man in front of her was bragging, so she rolled her eyes angrily, and then walked straight out of the bar, waving her fingers for Zuo Si to follow.

The two walked along the narrow corridor through the kitchen and wine cellar, passed through several doors and rooms, and finally came to an empty secret room deeper.

She just handed the coin to a man with a goatee and whispered something into his ear.

A flash of shock suddenly flashed in the latter's eyes, and he glanced in Zuo Si's direction, and finally nodded to indicate that he understood.

After the woman left, the man with a goatee came over with a cloak and mask, smiled and said: "Before entering the auction site, please wear a magic cloak and mask that can hide your identity."

But Zuo Si waved his hand and refused: "No, no need. I don't think there is a need to hide my identity."

"Are you sure? You must know that if your identity is exposed, once someone with malicious intentions focuses on you and the things you bought..."

Before the man with the goatee could finish his words, Zuo Si interrupted bluntly: "I said there's no need. I just happen to be a little bored recently. If some reckless guy dares to catch my attention, it's just a good way to pass the time. Boring time.”

"Well, since you insist, I have nothing more to say."

The man shrugged helplessly, then raised his arm and pointed at the black velvet curtain on the right side of the room.

Zuo Si turned away and walked in without saying a word.


He noticed that more than a dozen eyes were looking at him at the same time.

The owners of these eyes were obviously here to participate in the auction, and each of them wore magic cloaks and masks to hide their identities.

They were obviously very surprised that someone dared to walk in without any cover.

Fortunately, the organizers did not give buyers too much time to observe and test each other.

With the arrival of the last person, the secret underground auction soon begins.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for your honor.

In order to save your precious time, I will cut off any further talk and go straight to the first item for sale today, a ring with powerful magical power.

Although it looks very ordinary, just like a silver ring with rough craftsmanship, if you look closely, you will find that there are eight stars shaped by arcane power on it.

According to expert identification, this should be a Seeker's Signet Ring, belonging to Mordenkainen's former enemy, Eli Tomoraster.

After wearing it, you can cast Legend of Mastery once a day.

The current base price is five thousand gold coins, and each increase in price must not be less than one thousand gold coins. "

The host is a male tiefling who wears a gorgeous dress and has a slightly shrill voice.

He obviously knew that people who came to participate in this kind of auction often had a strong purpose. He did not need to make any exaggerated description of the items for sale. He just read out the name of the first item for sale according to the script, and its origins and possible uses, and then the bidding begins.

"Five thousand!"

"Eight thousand!"

"Ten thousand!"

"Fifteen thousand!"

Along with the rising and falling voices, the price of the ring was soon raised to around 25,000.

After a while, it was finally sold for twenty-eight thousand.

And this is almost the same as the market price of the Seeker's Signet Ring, which is only a few hundred gold coins.

However, Zuo Si felt that the person who bought the ring was betting that its previous owner, Eli Tomorast, might have hidden some secrets in it.

This was a well-known ruthless character in the world of Greyhawk. He had fierce conflicts with famous archmages such as Mordenkainen and Bigby, and eventually died at the hands of Mordenkainen.

But later there were rumors that he was resurrected by the priest of Yeenoghu, the King of Gnolls.

As for whether it is true or false, it is not yet certain.

After all, there is a very important law in the universe where Toril is located, that is, the more important a person is, the more difficult it is to completely eradicate him. Even if he dies accidentally, there is a high probability that he will be resurrected at some time in the future.

Therefore, the hidden value of the Seeker's Signet Ring and the Seeker organization behind Eli Tomoraster are the real highlights.

And casting Legend of Mastery once a day is just a bonus.

But Zuo Si was obviously not interested in this, so he didn't even bother to bid.

The second auction item is a +3 broad sword made of the special magic material "Made at Night".

This is a very evil material, and anyone of good alignment will immediately gain a negative level just by touching it.

There is no way to bring it back except by letting it go.

In addition, creatures killed by this weapon cannot be resurrected by ordinary means, except by wish or miracle spells.

The origin of the "Night Made" material is probably that it was dug out near the destroyed Temple of Evil Elements in the world of Greyhawk.

This weapon was eventually bought by another mysterious buyer for a high price of 60,000 gold coins.

The third item was said to be a magic book once used by Vecna's apprentice, Acerelac. It contained a large number of evil and terrifying necromancy spells, and was eventually sold for 80,000 gold coins.

The reason why the price is so low is mainly because there are a lot of traps and curses attached to the spell book.

No matter who wants to crack it, they must take huge risks.

The fourth item is a vampire hand.

According to the host, it belonged to Keith, Vecna's adjutant at that time. It contained amazing necromancy power and was an artifact comparable to the Eye of Vecna.

But Zuo Si sneered at this.

Give me a break!

Do you really think that an artifact master can make anything from cabbage on the street?

When Case betrayed Vecna, he split three artifacts and a high-level magic item in one battle.

The three artifacts are the Eye of Vecna, the Hand of Vecna, and the Ear of Vecna, while the high-level magic item is the Robe of Vecna.

Yes, you are not mistaken.

These things were not voluntarily donated by Vecna, but were chopped off when they were betrayed and destroyed by his men.

Later, he became a god, and these things naturally received additional power and blessings and became artifacts or sub-artifacts.

However, compared to the famous eyes and hands, not many people know about Vecna's ears.

But one thing is certain, that is, this vampire hand does contain quite amazing negative energy, which can increase the duration and power of necromancy magic.

I have to say that these guys who rule the underground black market in Greyhawk City are indeed a bit wild.

Almost every auction item has reached a very good quality. No wonder even the admission ticket dares to sell for one hundred gold coins.

Just as Zuo Si was watching other buyers competing to bid, the penultimate auction item was finally brought up.

It was an eyeball that had completely shriveled up, leaving only an oval lens, and a little weathered optic nerve could be seen at the end.

Through magic vision, one can clearly see the dazzling arcane aura that symbolizes necromancy magic, as well as the undisguised evil aura.

Anyone who can dig out their own eyes and stuff them into their sockets will gain extremely powerful magical power in minutes.

But similarly, their minds, thoughts, and consciousness will continue to be affected by Vecna, and eventually they will completely become what the hidden god wants.

And the more you do this, the more powerful you can get from your eyes.

"Everyone, I believe that this famous artifact no longer needs any further introduction. Let us directly enter the bidding process. This time there is no reserve price and no restrictions."

The host carefully raised the tray containing the Eye of Vecna ​​so that everyone could see it clearly.

Just a second later, Zuo Si raised his hand and shouted: "Two hundred thousand gold coins!"


The entire auction site fell into silence.

Whether it was the dumbfounded host or the surrounding sellers who had just made crazy bids, they all showed expressions of disbelief.

Because he had never made a bid before, many people thought that this young man who did not hide his identity probably paid for a ticket to watch the fun.

But no one expected that he would actually aim at the Eye of Vecna, assuming that he was bound to win.

After a brief silence, the host immediately shouted excitedly: "Two hundred thousand gold coins! Someone has already offered two hundred thousand gold coins! Is there anything higher?"

"Two hundred and fifty thousand!"

A guy with a deep and hoarse voice quickly followed up.

He raised his head, and his eyes hidden under the mask and hood seemed to flash a cold light, as if issuing some kind of warning.

"Half a million!"

Zuo Silian didn't even have a chance, and the opponent directly made a super double.

After all, gold has long become a meaningless number to him, but there is only one Eye of Vecna, which is very valuable for research.

"Are you sure you can afford that much money?"

The mysterious buyer with a deep and hoarse voice sneered and questioned.

"Are you doubting my financial strength?"

With that said, Zuo Si raised his hand and snapped his fingers.


With a crisp sound, an interdimensional portal was opened instantly, followed by piles of gold coins leaning out from the other side like a tide, colliding with each other and making a crisp and sweet sound. After a while, they were piled up on the ground. A small golden mountain was built.

Although it doesn't look very high or very big, anyone who has an idea of ​​the density of gold will understand that the number of gold coins here has definitely exceeded one million.

Many countries do not necessarily have this much money in their coffers.

For a moment, many people were staring at the golden light and swallowing their saliva, but no one dared to act rashly.

Most of them have identified that the interdimensional portal just now is the [Gate to Another World] in the nine-ring conjuration system.

As for whether it is a divine spell or an arcane spell, it is unclear why there are no incantations and spell-casting actions.

Able to cast nine-level spells, he is definitely the most powerful spell caster.

Moreover, the magic of [Gate to Another World] is not only as simple as connecting two planes, but can also summon legendary creatures such as the Balor Fire Demon and the Hell Fiend.

"What, are these enough?"

Zuo Si picked up a few gold coins and threw them to the host.

The latter quickly caught it and made a simple identification of the casting process, weight and gold content. After a few seconds, he nodded with slightly shining eyes: "Of course! The quality of the gold coins you provided is very good. We Very happy to accept.”

"In that case, let's continue."

After saying that, Zuo Si deliberately stared at the guy competing with him for the Eye of Vecna ​​with a slightly provocative look.

The latter was silent for a long time, and finally said nothing more, let alone continued bidding.

Because he obviously couldn't afford millions of gold coins, he could only choose to remain silent and give up.

After continuously confirming that no one was bidding again, Zuo Si finally won this artifact, which was quite famous in the entire universe, at a high price of 500,000 gold coins.

He ignored the host's almost flattering flattery, but carefully examined the magic eye and the power contained in it.

As expected, as long as an ordinary person replaces this eyeball, the first and second level spell slots will be doubled immediately, and the magic resistance and saving throw will be greatly improved, and the person will be immune to instant death spells.

And as time goes by, the effect of doubling spell slots will gradually increase from the first and second levels to the third and fourth levels...

It is not yet known where the upper limit is.

But if it is used by Zuo Si himself, he can instantly get the effect of doubling the spell slots of levels one to six, and it can be doubled for both the mage and warlock professions at the same time.

In addition, this eye can also see and recognize many words related to magic.

The only problem is that to equip it, you need to dig out one of your own eyes, and not only once, but every time your soul and consciousness change bodies, you need to dig out the eye and replace it.

In addition, this eye is also suspected to have some kind of connection with Vecna, and it needs to be cut off first.

Just as Zuo Si was rubbing his chin and thinking about how to use this artifact, he suddenly felt a black shadow filled with chaotic evil power appear behind him out of thin air.

Before he had time to react, he heard a familiar voice in his ears.

"Relax! Don't be nervous, it's me."

I saw a stunningly beautiful dark elf woman walking out of the darkness and putting her hands on Zuo Si's shoulders.

She is obviously none other than Lolth, the spider goddess who monopolizes the faith of the dark elves.

"How did you come?"

Zuo Si raised his eyebrows in surprise and noticed that the goddess obviously used some kind of ability to block the perception of other people around her. Neither the buyer nor the host noticed her arrival.

"Haha, have you forgotten the gift you mentioned when we last met?

I have successfully deceived all the informants and sneaked it into this auction.

Now all you have to do is buy it.

Remember, no matter the cost.

Otherwise, once it falls into the hands of others, the world may be completely destroyed, and even the gods will be powerless. "

The corners of Rose's mouth turned up slightly with a playful smile, and she pointed at the book wrapped in a piece of silk on the table.

You don’t need to ask to know that this is the highlight of today’s auction.

"what is that?"

Zuo Si asked in an uncertain tone.

Because the silk almost blocks all the arcane aura and aura of the book, not even a trace is leaked.

Rose replied meaningfully: "That is a fragment that carries the supreme will of the bottomless abyss.

It is filled with knowledge and power that you cannot imagine, and it is a taboo that the gods cannot touch.

I really want to know what happens when you touch and open this book.

I believe it must be very, very interesting. "

Looking at the anticipation and bad taste in the Spider Goddess's eyes, Zuo Si frowned subconsciously.

Because the main body is still sleeping, and it is just an insignificant projection at the moment, he is not sure whether the power of this projection alone can handle the Book of the Abyss.

Just as he was stunned, the host once again walked up to the front desk, very carefully picked up the silk-wrapped books placed on the table, and explained with a smile: "The next is the last treasure to be auctioned today.

Although so far we don't quite know what it is and what kind of power it has.

But the outermost layer of silk alone is invulnerable to water and fire, and neither physical nor magical attacks can cause even the slightest damage to it.

So we have reason to believe that this book must contain amazing power. "

In order to prove his statement, the host directly grabbed a dagger with an enchantment level of +2 and stabbed it hard into the silk.


The moment the dagger touched the silk, his whole body was ejected backwards by an invisible force, and then hit the wall behind him hard.

This scene immediately aroused strong curiosity in people who were originally not interested.

After all, even if the book inside is worthless, the silk wrapping it can definitely be used to make the most powerful and perfect armor.

"Look at these ridiculously ignorant mortals.

They had no idea how dangerous and terrifying the thing wrapped in that piece of silk was.

Once the silk is opened, with the power of the abyss contained in that book, the city can be completely transformed into the abyss in a few hours at most.

It will take two or three weeks to assimilate the entire continent, and in about half a year, the planet will be dragged into the abyss and become a new level.

At that time, all humans and other intelligent creatures will become part of the devil. "

Rose mocked in a gloating tone.

"So you're looking forward to seeing the destruction of this world?"

Zuo Si asked casually, finally understanding why the other party did not choose to trade in Faerun.

Such a dangerous thing would not be allowed by the God of God Io to enter the crystal wall he created and managed.

Rose stuck out her tongue and licked her lips, and responded in a slightly excited tone: "No, I just want to simply appreciate the powerful and unrivaled power of the will of the abyss. A guy like you who tends to be lawful, I will never understand the joy and beauty of chaos.”


Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders and did not continue to dwell on this topic.

Because he knew that Rose was one of the very few gods who truly understood the true meaning of chaos, and it was precisely because of this that she won the favor of the will of the abyss.

You must know that even the demon prince Demogorgon is still unable to confirm what the will of the abyss is.

But the Spider Goddess can already negotiate and trade with herself on behalf of the will of the abyss.

While the two were talking, the price of the book had officially exceeded the three hundred thousand mark.

Especially the previous buyer who was vying for the Eye of Vecna, obviously aware of the extraordinary nature of this book, and began to pay any price.

It was even negotiated with the organizers to mortgage some magic items and other properties.

Just as the auction was about to enter its final climax, there was a sudden violent vibration above the head, followed by several people wearing blood-stained armor who rushed in, shouting out of breath: "No. ...It’s not good! They are the followers of the old...old man Iuz! They suddenly rioted collectively and came towards this direction."

"What? Believers of Iuz! Why? Aren't we always on the same page with them?"

The host was obviously panicked, and subconsciously wanted to touch the thin sword hanging on his waist.

Unfortunately, before he could pull it out, a sharp arrow suddenly shot out from a dark corner.



He fell to the ground, clutching his pierced chest in an attempt to stop the blood flowing from it, and then looked to the other people next to him for help.

Unfortunately, this cold arrow has completely disrupted the order of the scene.

After realizing that the danger was coming, the buyers almost immediately chose to escape. No one cared about the life or death of a mere host.

Only Zuo Si stood there without moving, but asked the Spider Goddess beside him directly: "Why did a believer of Iuz suddenly appear in Greyhawk City? Could it be that you disclosed some information to him that should not be disclosed?" "

"You are so smart, you guessed it right away. In order to add a little fun to this game, I put a lot of thought into it and built a spacious enough stage. How about it, do you like it?"

Rose picked up the thick book wrapped in silk and stuffed it into Zuo Si's hand, and whispered in the latter's ear: "If I were you, I would summon the body right now, otherwise a projection alone would do the trick. We can’t deal with so many enemies…”

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