A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 580 Brave New World (a 10,000-word chapter please subscribe)

The Wandering River is close to the foot of Bariskell Bridge on the side of the High Forest.

This is the place where Cyric’s famous battle took place in the Year of Turmoil, and it is also where he killed the god of murder Baal with the help of the god-killing sword transformed from the god of thieves Mask.

It is precisely because of this that the originally clear river water left from the upper reaches becomes black, turbid, and exudes a disgusting smell from here. It only becomes slightly lighter when it goes south through the tidal flat near Troll's Claw. , showing a brown-red color like dried blood.

The locals affectionately call it "the water of Baal".

Although the water is no longer poisonous as long as it is some distance away from Baliskell Bridge, it will still cause a curse that lasts for one day to the drinker.

Some mages and scholars believe that this phenomenon may mean that after the Saint of Baal was killed, part of his evil and filthy divinity and power was left in the river forever, which is why this terrible scene occurred.

However, some mages and scholars believe that the polluted river water is simply a side effect of the divine blood blending into the river water.

Otherwise, if it had divine power and divinity, a mortal would be instantly wiped out in ashes after just one sip.

In short, there are different opinions on the strange water flow of the Wan Ting River near Barry Scale Bridge, but no one has conclusive evidence to prove their speculation.

What's even more outrageous is that some people who worship Baal as the god of fertility even believe that this polluted river water has aphrodisiac properties.

So I traveled thousands of miles to come here from far away places just to take a sip of the sewage that smelled so bad that I could spit out my last night’s meal, so that I could go back and regain my glory...

Facts have proved that there is basically no big difference between men in this regard, whether on earth or another world.

And I don’t know if it is really useful or has a psychological effect. According to the feedback from users, the effect is actually quite good.

Of course, these are not issues Zuo Si cares about.

At this moment, he was standing under the Baliskel Bridge, staring at the almost completely clear river water, and said in a slightly playful tone: "The essence of Baal's power left here has completely disappeared.

I have to admit that this diversion is really well done.

He used the noise created by other Sons of Baal, including the Five Descendants, to successfully attract our attention, and then secretly found another way to create a clone of himself.

This also means that the God of Murder has chosen the container for his resurrection, and it is a son of Baal who has never been within our sight. "

"You mean...the place under the Wanning River Bridge where the Saint of Baal fell really contains the essence of Baal, as many people have speculated?"

An expression of shock and disbelief appeared on Balthazar's face.

"Haha, why, do you think it's weird?

The saint of the turbulent years is no ordinary saint, but contains the entire divine essence of a god.

Therefore, when they suffer devastating damage in the saint form, they will truly die.

Wan Ting River has always been one of the most direct means of resurrection that Baal can use.

However, I always think that he should choose someone like Aberdare or other Five Descendants as a carrier to draw power from the water of this river and ultimately achieve his own resurrection.

But the God of Murder found another way and secretly hid a son of Baal as his final trump card.

Maybe he has successfully resurrected in the body of his own heir, but he has not yet returned to the Throne of Blood to regain all his power. "

After that, Zuo Si bent down and picked up a puddle of water in the almost completely clear river, feeling the evil power inside that had almost completely dissipated.

He was not too surprised that there were still sons of Baal left in the world.

After all, Melissa did her best to travel around Faerûn, gathering together the identified Sons of Baal in large numbers, and then created a tragic massacre to collect divine power and divinity.

But due to the quantity and breadth of Barr's seeds back then, it was almost impossible to catch them all in one go.

Not to mention her, even if all the three gods of death were successfully resurrected more than a hundred years later, there are still sporadic fish that slipped through the net.

And as long as there is a Son of Baal alive in the world, there is a possibility that the God of Murder will come back.

"Then what are you going to do next?"

Balthazar frowned, obviously quite anxious about this situation.

He is very afraid that his father Baal will be completely resurrected and use the evil and filthy power in his body to affect him.

Zuo Si pursed his lips and replied in a slightly playful tone: "No matter what the God of Murder is planning, the empty Throne of Blood is right there.

What I want to do is to directly trigger the final battle and attract all those who are spying on the throne to show up.

There are countless lies, deceptions, and illusions in this world that can confuse a person and cause him to make wrong judgments.

But there is only one thing that can never be faked, and that is visible and tangible strength.

So please convey a message to the last five descendants for me. In ten days, let us end this farce completely in front of the Blood Throne in the Kingdom of Baal. "

Hearing these words, Balthazar's expression changed slightly, he raised his eyebrows and asked tentatively: "Do you want to declare war on them?"

Zuo Si shook his head meaningfully: "No, not just them, but all the sons of Baal who want to become new gods. I will destroy them mercilessly in this battle between gods, and then take what I want. thing."

"Are you crazy? Those two guys are now full-fledged demigods, and there is also my father hiding in the dark and watching covetously."

Balthazar obviously didn't quite understand this sudden change in attitude and strategy.

In his opinion, it is safe to take a long-term approach to dealing with Abazig and Melissa, and at least separate them and defeat them one by one.

"It doesn't matter. They are just demigods with weak divine power. Even if they unite together, how much of a threat can they pose. Don't you think so?"

With that said, Zuo Si turned his attention to the Sun Knight Davian who was following him.

The latter immediately understood and hurriedly put one hand on his chest and bowed deeply.

"Don't worry, I will show all my strength in this divine battle to prove myself."

Seeing Zuo Si and Davian showing such strong confidence, Balthazar naturally couldn't say anything more, so he could only nod in agreement and then turned around and left.

However, he did not completely trust this ally, but he was also prepared to participate in the final battle.

This legendary and determined monk showed no fear of death.

Because as early as when he learned about his life experience and bloodline, he made up his mind to sacrifice himself when necessary in exchange for the world no longer being threatened by the evil god of murder.

Moreover, Balthazar secretly prepared a trick that could seriously injure or even kill the demigod in an instant.

In this way, with Zuo Si's return, the decisive battle for the Blood Throne finally begins and enters the final countdown.

The gods of Toril also cast their gazes over, wanting to see who could have the last laugh.

Since the God above the gods sent out the Blazing Gods under his command, they had given up the idea of ​​continuing to intervene and intervene.

After all, the Year of Turmoil has not passed long, and Io's dissatisfaction with the gods' frequent interference in mortal affairs is still in his ears. No one dares to blatantly cause trouble at this time.

Just as Balthazar stepped forward and Zuo Si was about to teleport back to the Mage Tower, he suddenly saw a strong man with a thick beard appearing out of thin air.

He wore slightly worn armor, and his eyes were covered with white cloth strips. His right arm had no palm, only the same white bandage wrapped around his wrist. He also had a very bright and dazzling halo on his forehead, exuding a strong energy all over his body. The light of the highest good.

Tyr, the god of justice?

Zuo Si recognized the person's identity in an instant, and a very surprised look appeared on his face.

Because in his opinion, he and the God of Justice really have nothing in common, and their previous cooperation was all done through Ilmat, the God of Suffering.

He really couldn't figure out why the other party came to incarnate at this time.

"Hello, young man, would you mind taking some time to chat with me?"

Tier took the initiative to extend the invitation.

It is not difficult to tell from the not very obvious fluctuations in divine power on the body that this is not a fighting incarnation, but the lowest and most inconspicuous ordinary incarnation, the kind that can even be captured and imprisoned by mortals.

"Of course, it's an honor."

Zuo Si agreed very simply, and gave a signal to his entourage to go back first, and followed him directly.

The two of them headed southeast along the road connected by Baliskel Bridge, and finally stopped when they saw the city walls of Soba, as well as the merchants coming in and out to engage in trade and the soldiers patrolling on horseback. .

Tire stared at the direction of the city with his eyes covered with cloth, and after a full minute he asked without looking back: "Your goal is to build a prosperous and powerful magic empire in this world, right? ?”

Obviously, although his eyes were completely blinded and there was nothing in the eye sockets under the cloth strips, just two black holes, it did not affect his vision.

Because gods and mortals are different.

They do not rely on any organ to sense their surroundings.

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "Yes, I have never hidden my ambitions and ideas about this. Because I want to show a possibility, a social structure and governance method that has never appeared in Faerun. "

"I'm starting to feel this.

You created an unprecedentedly large and complex bureaucracy, allowing them to replace the traditional aristocrats in management and taxation;

At the same time, we also use the power of the church to build a judicial system of mutual checks and balances to restrict and deter the bureaucrats who hold power, and to minimize the occurrence of graft, corruption, and money and power transactions.

In addition, a large number of new technologies and magic have been applied to daily life, bringing unprecedented convenience and benefits to millions of civilians.

Those public schools and examination selection systems that have invested huge sums of money have given the poor at the bottom the hope of completing a class jump upwards.

To be honest, I still can't believe that this was all done by a big devil who tends to be lawful evil.

What's even more interesting is that instead of suppressing kindness and fairness, you encourage my paladins and priests to teach people to be good.

If you don't mind, can you tell me what the ultimate goal of all this is? "

When he said these words, Tyr's tone revealed strong curiosity.

Because he has been observing the West Coast Empire for a long time, and has even witnessed the judicial trials of this huge emerging country more than once, as well as the overall operation of society.

It can even be said that the overall condition of the West Coast Empire is much better than that of Neverwinter, which has the God of Justice as its main belief.

You must know that Neverwinter City has a large number of nobles who control a large amount of wealth, land and power.

Even Lord Nasir has no good way to deal with them.

After all, the privileges of the nobility have long been written into the city's code.

After several generations, many aristocratic families have long lost their ancestors' precious qualities such as bravery, fearlessness, responsibility, and dedication, and have become both selfish and self-interested, like a rotten thick sore hiding in the glamorous city of Neverwinter. Expanding in the shadow cast by the exterior.

This is why, when the plague broke out in Neverwinter, the entire city fell almost instantly, and many areas fell into anarchic riots. Even the leadership of the church of the God of Justice was of no avail.

Because more than half of the city's upper ruling class has long since rotted away from its roots.

If it had been before, even Tier wouldn't have been able to do anything good about this.

After all, noble lords are the foundation for maintaining rule and order in this world.

Without them, those ignorant civilians would not know how to organize production, build an army, and defend against threats from the wilderness, alien planes, and evil forces.

But now, with the establishment of a large-scale bureaucracy and supervision system in the West Coast Empire, everyone and even gods can see another possibility.

Everyone suddenly realized that it turned out that noble lords were not necessary.

And compared with the primitive and backward feudal system, parliamentary system, and governor-general system, a huge professional bureaucracy can maintain the smooth operation of an extremely huge empire.

The ability to mobilize and allocate resources for terrorist organizations brought about by this strong centralization of power can completely outlast the former.

Especially with the ongoing large-scale infrastructure and water conservancy construction, there is no third country in the entire Faerûn continent that can do it except for the two magic powers Ser and Halrua.

However, Ser and Halua mainly rely on a large group of spellcasters for infrastructure construction and water conservancy construction, and Ser may also add countless slaves and undead creatures.

But the West Coast Empire uses real people.

Although there are also some undead workers and constructs, the proportion of living people is far more than 50%.

No resistance or rebellion broke out during the entire process, and every worker received a generous salary.

In the eyes of the outside world, the West Coast Empire can organize hundreds of thousands of people to work collectively, so it can naturally organize the same or even larger number of people into a well-disciplined army.

What do hundreds of thousands or millions of rigorously trained troops mean in Faerûn?

Just look at the map and you will know.

It is even larger than the total population of many regions combined.

As the saying goes, laymen watch the excitement, while insiders watch the door.

Neighbors in the surrounding areas of the empire, especially countries like Tumis that were completely surrounded on land, had already begun to tremble for fear of any big movement on the border, and the ruling class was even more frightened.

There is no way, this is the tragedy of being in a small country surrounded by a big country, there is no sense of security at all.

As for the economic erosion, it is even worse.

The dumping of various cheap goods has almost completely destroyed its domestic small handicraft workshops, and social conflicts caused by unemployment and poverty have emerged one after another.

As the emperor of the empire and the founder of the trade alliance, Zuo Si was well aware of the situation in his country and neighboring countries, and he immediately responded with a smile: "I actually don't have any clear purpose.

I simply want to implement some of my own ideas and concepts.

You can understand it as a social experiment on the development of civilization.

I wanted to prove that the successes of my homeland could be replicated in a world of magic and gods.

And I love the satisfaction that comes from building, growing, and thriving.

In my opinion, most of the world is too far behind.

Although it has powerful magical power and convenient technology, it has never been able to bring about a leap in productivity in daily life.

Since others couldn't do it, I had no choice but to do it myself.

Judging from the current situation, I seem to be doing pretty well. "

"Social Experiment..."

Tier keenly grasped a key word.

“Yeah, a social experiment.

Otherwise what do you think it is?

Don't forget, what is recorded in the first line of the Empire's Supreme Code is that as the emperor, I have the supreme power to override all laws. I can add or delete any law and pardon even the most heinous criminals.

Therefore, no matter how fair and just the other clauses at the back of this code may seem, they are essentially tools used to implement rule.

It's just that I rarely use this power to interfere with the entire judicial system, so some people think it represents fairness and justice.

I am a dictator, a tyrant, and that has never changed. "

After that, Zuo Si showed his identity by showing the tyrant gloves worn on the devil's hands.

He is a voter of Bane, the god of tyranny. He believes in the highly centralized governance concept of "I am the country" and believes that strongman politics is the foundation for national progress and development.

After all, it has been proven more than once in the history of the earth that only under the leadership of political strongmen can a backward country complete reforms in a short period of time and become a powerful country.

This was true in ancient times, and it is also true in modern times.

Even the beacon of humanity, which claims to be the freest and most democratic, actually emerged from the Great Depression, won the Second World War, and laid the foundation for becoming the world's most powerful country in the future under the iron-fisted rule of political strongmen.

It can even be said that without those political strongmen, many countries would not have been able to reach the heights they later achieved.

Tyr saw Tyrant Glove's body stiffen obviously, and then asked with a frown: "So... Bane got the latest ideas about tyranny and rule from you?"

Zuo Si smiled and nodded: "That's right. I was the one who told the Dark Lord that as long as there are classes, there will be oppression and exploitation, and where there is order and superior-subordinate relationships, there will be tyranny. This view is interesting, isn't it? ?Because it fundamentally denies the existence of lawful good."

"You hate lawful good?"

Tyr turned around and stared at the young planeswalker who was close at hand with his empty eyes covered with cloth.


No, I just think it's highly irrational that it exists.

Because if a person is lawful, he cannot be completely good, and a person who is extremely good cannot be completely lawful.

The two are in conflict with each other.

I once read a very interesting book called Brave New World, and the story in it illustrates this point very well.

And I very much like the world described in the book where there is no worry about food and clothing, no worries, no burdens, and everyone's desires and happiness can be satisfied cheaply and quickly. "

With that said, Zuo Si raised his hand and used his ability to make the book out of thin air, and handed it directly to the God of Justice.

Tier subconsciously took it, released his divine power and read the entire book in an instant. The expression on his face immediately became very strange, and he asked in an uncertain tone: "Is this the world of your hometown?"

"No, it is just based on my hometown as a prototype, and I created it based on fantasy.

In this world, people no longer have birth, old age, sickness, and death, and there is no distinction between beauty and ugliness.

Because through genetic modification technology, all humans have perfect bodies and looks that are in line with the aesthetics of the time, and they will never age or get sick throughout their lives.

When the life span is exhausted, it will die quickly and painlessly.

They don't need to start families, take on responsibilities, reproduce and reproduce because all of that has been replaced by artificial insemination and genetic modification.

The only thing you need to do is to complete your daily work, and then you can enjoy physical and spiritual satisfaction, and you can even change partners every day without any burden.

Once you have emotions such as anger, hatred, anxiety, etc., you can also take drugs to relieve them and gain pleasure.

There is no contradiction at all between people. They uphold the spirit of everyone for one and one for everyone.

To some extent, isn't this brave new world the perfect social form that many lawful good gods strive for? "

When saying these words, Zuo Si had a sarcastic smile on his face.

Because the so-called "brave new world" he talks about is actually not beautiful at all. Instead, it is a terrifying world where classes are extremely solidified and everyone's destiny is determined from birth.

Through genetic adjustment, people in this world are divided into four levels starting from fertilized eggs.

The highest-level ones are trained as the uppermost ruling class, while the second-level ones are trained as the elite class, the third-level ones are trained as ordinary people, and the lowest ones are trained as those who engage in heavy manual labor and do not need to learn too much knowledge. Direction training.

What’s even more frightening is that this kind of cultivation is not only genetic adjustment, but also some domestication methods in infancy.

The latter two lower classes, for example, are sent as babies to a room filled with a variety of books and brightly colored toys.

Once they become interested in books and bright toys and crawl towards their location, they will immediately receive a slight electric shock.

Pain and discomfort can instantly cause a baby to feel distressed and cry.

After repeated several times, babies will subconsciously associate books, curiosity and pain, and when they grow up, they will instinctively reject learning and exploring the unknown, and eventually grow into the class range for which they were designed.

The first two classes will also be instilled with a lot of subtle education in their infancy, making them think that they should be born to be superior to others, and that they should be born to manage and direct the other two people who are lower than themselves.

Finally, coupled with the fact that all desires and happiness can be satisfied in a cheap way, a society with completely solidified classes and extremely stable society was born.

Each class believes that they are happy and can gain a sense of satisfaction and achievement from their work.

Obviously, if you compare this brave new world with Heavenly Mountain, you will find that the two are strikingly similar.

Perhaps the only difference is that Paradise Mountain still has some class mobility, and angels can be promoted through continuous accumulation of good deeds.

But this just proves that Heaven Mountain is not lawful enough!

Because absolute order itself means absolute class solidification, Brave New World is the most perfect in this regard, just like the mechanical realm.

There is no doubt that the "Brave New World" sent by Zuo Si instantly silenced Tyr, the God of Justice.

He kept picking it up and flipping through the contents, carefully feeling the fantasy world described in words and the protagonist's evaluation of everyone in the brave new world - "a group of soulless walking dead". It took him a long time before he smiled bitterly. The author exclaimed: “It’s really an excellent work.

It inspired me a lot.

I'm curious how you see this protagonist in your eyes.

He clamored to retain his right to choose to be unhappy and left the Brave New World, coming to the seaside to live a life of seclusion and poverty alone. In the end, he committed suicide in despair while others did not understand and ridiculed him. "

Zuo Si touched his chin and thought for a moment, then shook his head gently: "I'm sorry, I may disappoint you, I don't have any opinions about this protagonist.

Because this was originally an extremely painful and contradictory person.

His mother was a second-class elite born in the Brave New World, but she became pregnant due to an accident and gave birth to him. She lived in a reservation with completely different values, ethics and morals for a long time.

The values ​​and ethics of the reservation are relatively close to our real world, especially in terms of sexuality.

But the protagonist's mother has long been accustomed to the concept of "I am for everyone, everyone is for me" and never refuses any man who wants to have a relationship with her.

This also means that in the eyes of the residents of the reservation, this mother is a prostitute who can have sex for free.

Countless men will want to take advantage of it, or regard it as a cheap tool to vent their desires.

Therefore, the protagonist who grew up in such an environment of discrimination, ridicule and contempt must have strong anger in his heart.

And this anger and the values ​​​​from the reservations soon produced a series of backlashes after entering the Brave New World.

Especially when he discovered that his beloved goddess was actually a bitch like his mother who would have sex with a man as soon as he asked for it, he finally couldn't stand the outburst anymore.

In a way, the protagonist is like a seed of chaos, thrown into a brave new world of absolute law.

I'm not sure if his final decision was an impulsive choice made under strong stimulation.

But what is certain is that this person does not have extraordinary willpower, nor is he in a state of mind capable of withstanding all kinds of ridicule and insults and facing them calmly.

He is just an ordinary mortal, a wretch who has been a complete tragedy since birth. "

"Okay, now I finally know where some of your thoughts and ideas come from.

Thank you for this book and the society in it that is very close to the ideal state of lawful good.

Brave New World?

Perhaps it is indeed an ideal country for those mortals who have endured too much suffering and want to be freed.

At least people living in this world, regardless of their level or job, are spiritually happy and satisfied.

But equally, they have never experienced any pain, nor have they tempered themselves in suffering, and their hearts and souls are so empty.

I hope the empire you build doesn't end up like this. "

After saying that, a faint smile appeared on Tier's face, and then the book in his hand turned into a ray of light and disappeared without a trace.

Obviously, through the brave new world described in the book, he has roughly understood what the ideal country that leftists want to build looks like.

At least you must be very rich in material terms, and be able to satisfy most people's desires and happiness needs in a cheap way.

Zuo Si stood there and watched the God of Justice leave, then chuckled and said, "Is this a test?

Or do you want to draw some inspiration from me?

I hope that the society depicted in the book Brave New World will never irritate the God of Justice.

Otherwise, it would be very interesting if he and the other two members of the Three Holy Alliance jumped from lawful good to neutral good. "

Obviously, Zuo Si had ulterior motives when he took out the book Brave New World from the beginning.

In other words, he was conducting an experiment to see if he could deflect a god's camp by exerting influence.

If the experiment on Tyr is successful, then you can try to do something with other gods.

On the other side, in the center of the Aenook Desert, which is the ruins of the former Netherese Empire in the far north.

A huge floating city has just left the shadow plane, and is now standing thousands of meters in the sky, looking down at this land that has been completely deserted.

You don't need to ask to know that it is the City of Shadows that finally returned to the material world after sufficient preparations.

Although the midday sun at this moment is very fierce, hanging over the desert and scorching everything on the ground.

But Yinhun City is always shrouded in black shadow and negative energy.

No matter how bright the light shines, it will be absorbed by the thick black fog that permeates the surroundings, and cannot penetrate and illuminate the buildings of the floating city.

After all, after staying in the shadow plane for so many years, many residents of the floating city, especially arcane and divine spellcasters, have long since transformed themselves into semi-shadow creatures to extend their lifespan.

It would be okay if it were illuminated by sunlight full of powerful positive energy.

Although it won't be wiped out in a matter of minutes like a low-level vampire, it is almost certain to be severely damaged.

Therefore, Yinhun City has already prepared corresponding large-scale magic, drawing energy through the shadow magic network to create an ultra-wide barrier.

As long as you hide in the barrier, you don't have to worry about being harmed by the sun.

As the supreme city lord, Telamant Tanshur is standing on the top of the mage tower at the moment, staring at the barren and backward scene of this once rich land, his eyes full of regret and anger.

Especially the desert nomads whizzing by below, they don't have the slightest bit of wisdom and pride that the remnants of Netheril should have. They are fighting each other like barbarians, snatching the extremely scarce water sources and oases, without noticing at all that they are overhead. I don't know when a huge city appeared.

"Father, do you need me to take people down to deal with these barbarians and capture this oasis?"

Yada Tanshur asked cautiously.

As a ghost prince, from the moment he returned to the material world, his ambition began to expand uncontrollably. He was eager to conquer more lands with the recruited people and then establish his own kingdom.

And this group of nomads with simple minds and well-developed limbs happened to be the perfect candidates for recruitment.

As long as you can defeat and control the opponent, you can immediately obtain a cannon fodder force of thousands of people.

But Telamant Tanshur refused very simply: “No, it’s not necessary.

We return to this land of Netheril, not for those little oases, but to restore its former glory.

This barren land has no value to be conquered and occupied again.

Now let's go to the place we selected in advance and use the power of magic to create an area where we can barely settle.

After the construction is completed, turn around and conquer the barbarians living in the Eno Oak Desert as soldiers. "

As he spoke, the great arcanist began to control the floating city to move south, and it didn't take long before he arrived near the Scimitar Peak Mountains.

Looking at the almost completely dry lakes and basins below, Telamant Tanshur directly gave orders to the mage group of Ghost City without even a word of nonsense.

In the blink of an eye, thousands of mages left the floating city and landed on the ground under his leadership.

Using the knowledge preserved from the Netherese era, they quickly carved a large number of symbols and patterns related to conjuration magic around the basin.

After doing all this, everyone quickly and orderly entered the designated location and began to chant spells and guide the energy in the shadow magic network.

When the critical point is reached, all the symbols and patterns on the ground begin to glow, followed by the faint sound of water crashing like a roaring mountain and a tsunami.


The next second...

A huge wave that was hundreds of meters long emerged directly from the center of the circle and began to flood all around.

When the mages saw this, they immediately stopped concentrating on casting spells, and blessed themselves with flying skills to fly high into the sky.

It can be clearly seen from above that these pure water flows from the water element plane are rapidly gushing out and spreading to all directions.

In about ten minutes, most of the basin was flooded, and the original taste of the salt lake continued to fade. In the end, there was no salty taste at all.

Eventually, the entire U-shaped basin formed by the Scimitar Peak Mountains was filled with water, leaving only a small amount of land near the foot of the mountain for future planting and grazing.

And this lake that emerged out of thin air in the dry desert was named by Telamante Tanshur himself - the Sea of ​​Shadows.

Immediately afterwards, the City of Shadows also descended from the sky and docked in the north of the Sea of ​​Shadows, using barren materials to begin building the capital of the New Netheril Empire.

The tribes that originally lived here and relied on taking salt from the lake that was about to dry up were all buried under the water without exception.

The roaring huge waves did not leave them any warning or time to escape.

Fortunately, their bodies after death were not wasted. Instead, they were pulled up under the influence of the necromancy magic of the Mage from Shadow City and became free labor.

Obviously, building a capital from scratch, even with the help of magic, still requires a lot of labor.

So the slave catching team, led by several ghost princes, quickly went out in all directions to capture the nomads living in the desert.

Not even the demi-scorpions and Formia ants hiding under the dunes could escape.

The Formian ants, in particular, are notoriously good laborers. One of them can do the job of several human slaves, even the undead who don't need to rest.

The City of Shadows only needs to capture and control the queen ant to make the entire group obey its orders.

However, while these guys were engaged in construction, they did not realize that there was a person on the edge of the southern desert who was paying close attention to their every move.

"Telamant Tanshur, are you really back?"

Staring at the busy scene presented in the crystal ball, the undead Ovo slightly raised the corners of his mouth, showing an expression of disdain, contempt and ridicule.

From the pale, swollen and fat face, it is easy to see that he sincerely despises this guy who has degenerated into a lackey of Shar, the goddess of the night.

However, considering that the construction of the floating city he currently controls is far from complete, Owo is not in a hurry to take action, but plans to see what the other party wants to do.

Just when he was considering whether to go over and say hello, a lich suddenly walked in quickly from outside and offered a transparent crystal with his hands.

"What's this?"

Owo picked it up and asked casually.

"It's a list of materials assigned to us by Master Soth, as well as an image of actual combat testing of various weapons. As far as I know, he seems to have used another floating city to launch a war and tested a large number of weapons in the battle."

With that said, the Lich released a spell on the crystal.


The spectacular scenes of various weapons being tested in the Floating City of Plantia were projected inside the crystal.

All kinds of strange explosions, energy releases, and force field impacts immediately aroused Ovo's curiosity.

He asked without raising his head: "Are these weapons also in the list of allocated materials?"

"Yes, Master. Although the number is not large, I think it should be enough to support us in a war."

The Lich replied in the affirmative without hesitation.

Hearing this, Owo immediately laughed happily: "Hahahaha! I knew that Soth would not disappoint. In this case, let's make a good plan to bring more benefits to Ghost City and Terraman A big surprise for Ter Tanshur..."

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