A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 585: Need to add more money (please subscribe for a 10,000-word chapter)

The ladies' section of Sigil is a tavern that only accepts devils and creatures of purgatory origin.

As usual, the hell fiend Aigsaro was sitting in his own seat in front of the bar, sipping an alcoholic drink with added ingredients while listening to the other devils and purgatory creatures around him chatting about the recent events in Baator Hell. things.

Different from the tension, anxiety and irritability before, he now seems to have regained the calmness and cunning that a high-level devil should have.

The reason is very simple.

This guy successfully stole Shemisaka's most important batch of goods by revealing important information to Titan Zedara, another underground queen who controls a huge "business" in Sigil.

The value of this batch of goods is not a small amount of tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of gold coins, but a huge amount of tens of millions of gold coins.

Although Aigsaro knew very well that the actual cost of the addictive drugs sold in the ninth level of hell was much lower than the selling price, even less than a fraction.

But to the outside world, it is an epoch-making product.

It can simultaneously meet the advantages of cheapness, good effect, fast addiction, low side effects, and the ability to be produced and shipped in large quantities.

You must know that in this universe, although there are many types of similar things, especially the magic medicines created through alchemy, they are definitely far superior to any chemical bliss medicine on earth.

It only takes a little bit to truly make people feel the ultimate relaxation, happiness and pleasure.

Once most people are infected once, they can never get rid of it until they lose all their money and cannot afford it. Then they cannot bear the pain of losing that sense of pleasure, and eventually embark on the path of becoming a heinous criminal, or simply choose to commit suicide. s life.

But the problem is that these alchemical medicines have big flaws.

First of all, anything involving magic cannot be cheap, and the manufacturing process and formula are also very different.

The most important thing is that once an alchemist or spellcaster dies, the buyer will immediately have to find a new supplier, and output, price, and stability cannot be guaranteed.

Secondly, due to the lack of mature formulas and corresponding human experiments, the effects, toxicity and side effects of such alchemical drugs are also uneven.

Some of the "potent" ones often take one dose, or a slightly larger dose, may kill a mortal with a fragile constitution in an instant.

But the ninth level of Baator Hell ruled by Zuo Si is different.

The succubus queen Melcantheut and the lust demons who work for her not only established a modern fully mechanical assembly line pharmaceutical factory, but also conducted at least six phases of clinical trials for each new drug to confirm that the formula is excellent or even perfect. will be mass produced and put into the market.

Therefore, drugs from the huge cyberpunk city, whether they are "entertainment" in nature, can truly cure diseases and save lives, or bring certain magical effects and strengthening properties to the users, have been used throughout the universe. Fame has even become one of the most important export commodities, popular among mortals on all physical planes.

In some worlds where there are no gods or the gods are too weak to bestow magical powers on a large scale, the upper ruling class is even willing to exchange precious metals, magic metals, gems, and slaves of equal value, and also allows the devil to enter their world and use non-violent methods. The method is to trick ordinary people into signing a contract to sell their souls.

Countless caravans took great risks and came all the way to purchase these medicines and bring them back to their hometowns to make a fortune.

Especially for a place like Sigil City that is connected to other planes, the market perception is particularly keen and the response is much faster than other places.

Some of these plane merchants have already started the business of second-level traders.

There is no doubt that this is a typical seller's market, and the pricing power is firmly controlled by the devils in the ninth level of hell.

Shemishakar's batch of goods will not only be sold in Sigil, but also a large part will be resold to other people.

But now, she lost this important batch of goods. She lost not only money, but also her status in the eyes of others.

If the failure to deliver on time leads to a decrease in business credit, those originally neutral merchants will turn to their mortal enemies.

In short, Aigsaro has successfully dug a big hole, and now all he has to do is wait for the underworld queen to jump in.

Once the latter leaves Sigil, what awaits her is to be captured, imprisoned, and eventually become a pawn in the hands of a big devil.

In terms of secret infiltration, the cunning devil has always been much better than the devil.

Moreover, Aigsaro also heard that the bloody battle that had stopped for a while not long ago started again.

If possible, he would prefer to leave this place and go to the battlefield to become the commander of a legion.

After all, fighting a war can lead to promotion much faster than doing intelligence work here.

As long as you make military exploits and are lucky enough not to die, it won't be long before you become a titled noble or even a duke.

Never underestimate the title of nobility in the Hell of Baator.

Unlike the nobility in the mortal world, which only corresponds to power, wealth and status, it also corresponds to powerful power.

They are also pit demons. Generals who hold the title of duke or directly take orders from Asmodeus to direct bloody battles like the Eight Demon Generals must be many times more powerful than ordinary pit demons.

Some of them are out-and-out divine powers, and even higher-level lords must maintain the minimum respect for them.

Therefore, the biggest wish of every devil who is promoted to the level of the Hell Fiend is to obtain a noble title, and then wait for the opportunity to complete the "lower and upper" counterattack like the first-level lord Bayer.

Of course, such a difficult operation as "down to conquer up" is still too far away for a guy like Aigsaro who has not even been able to enter the ninth layer of the core of rule.

At least he didn't feel he was qualified to touch the lord's throne.

Not to mention lords, even subordinate lords like Succubus Queen Malcanthet and Khorne Angel Zariel, and even lords’ exclusive secretaries like Gramir, can easily demote the Pit Fiends with a single order. For the little devil.

It is precisely because of this absolute dominance of superiors over subordinates that all devils feel quite insecure and have to keep climbing up no matter what.

Only the higher you climb, the fewer bosses will have the ability to control your own destiny.

Just as Aigsaro was listening to other devils talking about the current situation in hell and thinking about what he should do next, the originally closed door of the tavern was suddenly pushed open.

Immediately afterwards, a female high-level yugoloth with an appearance between a fox and a jackal walked in with more than thirty tiefling followers.

Although the Barb Demon guard guarding the door wanted to stop him, he was pushed away by a powerful warrior.


The originally lively tavern suddenly became quiet.

The eyes of many demons revealed a vigilant and evil light, and the servant demon responsible for bartending at the bar was even more ready to take action.

This kind of high-level devil is also called "Giro Demon". Its upper body is a beautiful and elegant human woman, while its lower body is completely like a tentacle flower blooming in a dress.

Once any unlucky guy is caught by her, he will immediately be swallowed by the flower of tentacles that spread out from his lower body.

You must know that the servant demon is a typical "hexagonal" high-level demon, with all attributes reaching more than 20 points.

Among them, the melee strength, agility and physique have reached an average of 25 points respectively.

What's more, this is no ordinary servant demon, but a subordinate of Asmodeus, the Lord of Hell. It is said that he has inexplicable connections with several factions within Sigil.

Aigsaro once saw with his own eyes that the Balor Fire Demon who came to cause trouble was dismembered alive by those weak-looking tentacles.

And the devil is not a devil. He has always been known for his unity and lawfulness.

If it really happened, no one in the tavern would choose to stay out of it.

After all, no matter how fierce their internal fighting is, they will inevitably put aside their grudges temporarily when facing foreign enemies.

"Relax, I'm not looking for trouble, I just want to find someone to discuss a business deal with. To express my apology for being uninvited, I will pay for everyone here."

With that said, Shemishaka threw a bag of gold coins in his hand on the bar.

As the underworld queen of Sigil, she is quite calm and sophisticated when dealing with such situations.

In the blink of an eye, the hostility of the devils was successfully resolved.

In line with the principle of not taking advantage of something, all the guests in the tavern began to order the most expensive alcoholic drinks and food on the menu.

You must know that this is a city with thousands of gates connecting all planes of the universe, and its prices are so high that it is simply unimaginable in the material world.

In addition, there are few people farming, grazing, and raising poultry and livestock outside the city. All living supplies are transported from other places by huge caravans. The cost and price are not cheap if you think about it. .

If in Faerûn, an ordinary person only needs a few copper coins to fill his stomach every day, then Sigil needs at least a few gold coins.

Therefore, there is no class of civilians in Sigil City at all.

Even the most inconspicuous beggar on the roadside may have a professional level of LV4~LV5.

Even if ordinary people happen to be teleported to this place, usually they will die in the streets within three days.

Others encountered conflicts between factions, or a group of lunatics formed a group to attack the Lady of Pain. As a result, they were accidentally affected by powerful spells, and in the end even the intact body parts could not be found.

Shemisaka didn't pay too much attention to the blatant behavior of the devils, but went straight to sit next to the hell demon Aigsaro.

"What would you like to drink?"

The servant demon at the bar picked up a cup and asked expressionlessly.

Of course, it was impossible for her not to know the identity of the yugoloth demon in front of her, but she did not give him a good look.

But Shemisaka responded with a smile: "Anything is fine. I hope to have a more private space to talk to this hell fiend alone."

After saying that, she took out another soul prism and placed it gently on the table.

"as you wish."

After confirming the number of souls stored inside the prism, the servant demon finally made a 180-degree turn. Not only did he turn on the smile service mode, but he also mixed a glass of his best cocktail and pushed it over, then turned around and pulled away. There is a distance of at least fifteen meters.

no way!

This underworld queen has given so much.

The tiefling followers quickly formed a circle to protect their employer.

Seeing this scene, Aigsaro couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly, drank the last bit of wine in the glass in one breath, then grinned and showed sharp teeth, and asked with a smile: "What do you want from me?"

Shemisaka nodded slightly: "Of course. I heard that you are the general person in charge of the ninth level of Baator Hell in Sigil City, right?"

"That's right. But I don't remember any friendship or business dealings between us."

Aigsaluo deliberately put on a posture of being repulsive to others.

Because any Hell Fiend who has reached his level has already experienced too much in intrigues and intrigues, and they know very well that at times like this, they must not be impatient, but must whet the opponent's appetite.

After all, it's not him who is in trouble now, but the other party who has lost the goods.

"It didn't happen before, but it doesn't mean it won't happen now and in the future. In fact, I happen to have a big business that I want to talk to you about. I wonder if you are interested."

Shemishaka was obviously a little anxious now.

Because she only has enough stock in those business premises to last another five days.

If the lost living things cannot be retrieved within five days, or if some are brought to the rescue through other channels, the consequences will be very serious.

"Please, I'm listening."

Aigsaro still maintained a lukewarm look.

But secretly, he was already happy, and he couldn't help but want to celebrate his upcoming promotion.

Shemishaka obviously didn't know that the devil in front of him was one of the masterminds behind the scenes, so he directly took out another soul prism and handed it over, lowering his voice and saying: "I hope you can do me a small favor.

Use the special channels at hand to buy some hard-to-find items in the ninth level of hell.

This is a deposit, and I will pay at least five times the remuneration when things are done.

You should have at least one secret portal to Hell, right? "

Staring into the expectant eyes of the Yugoros demon, Aigsaro showed a greedy smile: "Haha, of course I have special channels.

The problem is, the reward you pay is not enough to offset the risk you need to take.

And the things you want are not ordinary goods.


You have to add money, lots and lots of money.

Also, I heard that your caravan was looted by mysterious bandits?

This is no small matter.

There are only a handful of forces in Sigil that can do this. "

Hearing the lion's words, Shemishaka's face suddenly became extremely ugly, and his eyes burst out with a terrifying fierce light. He clenched his fists and tried: "Where did you learn about it? These top secret information?”

"Top secret? Hahahaha!"

Aigsaro couldn't help laughing, and joked while laughing: "I guess you are the only one who thinks that this kind of news can be kept secret.

In fact, Titan Zedara has already secretly informed many forces of this important information.

Otherwise, why do you think those businessmen and major factions suddenly remained silent?

Because they are all waiting to see your good show.

If we cannot survive this crisis, I estimate that there will be many betrayers among your spies. "


What you are saying is that the attack on the caravan was not an accident.

But a long-planned attack on me?

Titan Zedara, this damn bitch, is the mastermind or one of the participants? "

Shemisaka was furious in an instant, his eyes blazing with anger and hatred. He no longer had any of the elegance he usually pretended to do, but instead looked like a bloodthirsty wolf.

You must know that the battle between her and Titan Zedara started a long time ago.

It can even be described with words like "destined opponent".

But the interesting thing is that no matter how the two sides fight and what conspiracy methods they use, they will always end up in a draw. No one can defeat the opponent and win a comprehensive victory.

“Sorry, with the price you’re currently paying, that’s all I can say.

What's more, your demand for those in-demand products is too great.

I don't have that much authority.

But if you are willing to pay a higher remuneration, I will consider helping you connect and contact the senior management who really has the power to make decisions.

But please keep one thing in mind.

Now it is you who need us, not us who need you.

So put away your so-called queen attitude.

In the eyes of the real devil of hell, the little power and influence you have is simply insignificant. "

After saying this, Aigsaro stood up and walked outside without looking back.

Several tiefling followers wanted to please their mistress and stretched out their hands to stop this powerful pit fiend.

But with just a look from the latter, all the devils in the bar stopped drinking and eating, and stood up in unison to surround Shemisaka and her tiefling followers.

Before the tieflings in the way could realize what was happening, several high-level devils moved at lightning speed and tore off their outstretched arms alive.


Blood splattered throughout the tavern, and screams of pain could be heard endlessly.

Aigsaro grabbed one of the poor guys by the hair, pulled him up from the ground, and said meaningfully: "Where do you think this is?

The kind of ordinary hotels and taverns where you can run wild as you please?

A truly obedient dog will only take action after receiving instructions from its owner.

Instead of provoking beings you can't afford to offend in order to please your master like you.

This time is just a warning, you'd better learn enough lessons from it, otherwise it won't be as simple as an arm next time. "

With the last word blurted out, the Hell Fiend casually threw the tiefling, who had lost too much blood and fell into a coma, to the ground, and walked out of the tavern with more than forty of his men.

Shemisaka stared at Aigsaro's back with cold eyes, and began to think about the strangeness of the whole thing. After a while, he got up and disappeared at the end of the street under the protection of the tiefling entourage.

As for those poor people whose arms were torn off, she didn't even pay attention to them and just left them to the devil in the tavern to do whatever they wanted.

After returning to his residence, the yugoloth demon immediately sent a signal to summon his most trusted ace spy, Farrow.

About a few hours later, the latter appeared in front of her silently, bowed respectfully, and asked in an emotionless tone: "Master, what important matter did you have to summon me urgently?" ?"

"How much do you know about Titan Zedara's recent movements?" Aigsaro asked straight to the point.

She obviously didn't know that the ace spy in front of her who was deeply trusted by her had actually been replaced a long time ago.

It can even be said that the most important reason why the caravan was accurately robbed this time was because he was the mole who knew the caravan's route and departure time.

Farrow pretended to think for a moment, and then quickly replied: "Your mortal enemy has rarely appeared in public recently, so I haven't been able to find out any useful information. However, there are a few noteworthy guys who seem to have come from Sigil. Disappeared."

"Disappeared? Go and investigate immediately where these disappeared people have gone and what they have done."

Shemishaka gave the order with a gloomy expression.

Because if this matter was really sent by Titan Zedara, it would mean that a full-scale war would break out among the underground forces in Sigil City.

"Understood! I'll start investigating immediately."

Farrow agreed without hesitation, then disappeared into the shadows.

And Shemishakar began to think about his family fortune in his heart and how to satisfy the greedy appetite of the devils.

After all, things like taking advantage of others and raising prices are completely normal for the forces in hell and are not worth making a fuss about.

The only thing that needs to be worried is whether the Titan Zedara will also intervene and spend money to prevent the devils from making this deal with him for the time being.

As the plan arranged by Zuo Si was officially launched, the entire Sigil City began to become undercurrent.

However, compared to those madmen who work tirelessly to attack and try to kill Lady Pain every day, this kind of secret fighting is obviously not on the table.

At the same time, far away in the Halath plane, which is the most livable place in the Burning Hell Plane, Zuo Si, who had just made a deal with the local Yggoloth demon, was looking for another country established by Baal in this plane.

Yes, you are not mistaken.

Baal, the god of murder, actually established more than one kingdom.

Zuo Si came all the way here just to get rid of the roots and prevent this guy from hiding something in another country.

Like all lower planes, the Burning Hell is a place where evil is the dominant tendency, with neutral evil accounting for the highest proportion, followed by lawful evil, and chaotic evil accounting for a relatively small proportion.

The most interesting thing about it is that the gravity of the entire plane is not vertically downward like most material planes, but presents a weird forty-five-degree angle to the ground.

This means that even if you are walking on flat ground, the visitor will feel that he has been climbing a high mountain with no peak that he can never see.

If someone loses his balance and falls to the ground, there is a high probability that he will roll continuously for several kilometers or even ten or twenty kilometers until he encounters an obstacle or grabs something that can be fixed.

In addition, just by hearing the name of the Burning Hell, you can tell that the power of the fire element dominates, and you can see gushing volcanoes and flowing lava rivers everywhere.

If it falls accidentally, the body will be burned to the point where only a few bone residues remain in a matter of minutes.

The entire Burning Hell is divided into four levels. The first level is Halas, which is also the most suitable place to live. You can clearly see the broad Styx flowing slowly and disappearing at the end of the horizon.

Zuo Si is currently at this level, looking for the second kingdom established by Baal based on the information and clues given by the Yugroth demon.

The sky here is black, and geothermal heat can be seen everywhere evaporating water into the air. The main light source comes from the dark red light emitted on the horizon, and the red light produced by magma and flames.

Following the River Styx, which runs through multiple planes, travelers can travel to the Outlands where Baator and Sigil are located.

As for the other three levels, they are Charmada with the most intense geological activity, Mengos covered with ashes and ice and snow, and Kronges with cold darkness.

In short, the characteristics of the Jiaoyan Hell are that the first two layers are hot and the last two layers are cold.

Although the yugoloths are the main residents here, they are not a native race of the plane, but migrated from other planes later.

In addition to this, the second most numerous are the devils doing business here, and finally there are demons and some unnamed evil spirits.

The only native inhabitants are barrages, the alien creatures that Drizzt killed after he left the Underdark and came to the surface.

For this reason, he suffered quite serious injuries, and even his weapons and equipment were completely scrapped in this battle.

The biggest feature of the dog demon is that it can continue to grow by devouring life.

Every time they devour the corpses of three creatures with the same strength as themselves, their own biological level will rise by one step.

And there is no limit to this evolution.

It is said that the most powerful dog demon is almost as big as an ancient dragon.

However, the harsh environment and strange gravity angle of the Jiaoyan Hell obviously could not cause any hindrance to Zuo Si.

Because he is not walking at all, but flying with the wings of the dragon.

If you encounter a guy who doesn't open your eyes and takes the initiative to attack, just deal with it easily.

Anyway, basically no creatures from the good camp will appear in this plane, so you can freely slaughter cities and towns, and occasionally collect "picture books".

You must know that many of the yugoloth demons are in the form of anthropomorphic animals, so they are quite in line with the aesthetics of Furikong.

While Zuo Si was walking and playing a card game, he suddenly found a person in front of him with blue skin, ram-like horns on his forehead, a third eye on his forehead, and a covering on the back of his buttocks. A beautiful female figure with scales and ending in a snake's head.

She seemed to be running for her life, running at extremely fast speeds and trying to cast advanced teleportation spells.

Unfortunately, I tried it several times without success.

A eros demon?

With the huge knowledge base in his mind, Zuo Si recognized the other party's race and identity almost at a glance.

Although this kind of neutral evil lower plane creature is not as famous as the succubus in the same ecological niche, it is no worse at tempting mortals to fall, and is even a little stronger.

As for hard power, it can throw off the succubus by at least two blocks.

In particular, the special ability [Posture of Love] allows the demon of love to directly transform into the person he desires most in the target's mind, regardless of whether this person is the object of admiration or just out of strong lust.

But what makes Zuo Si feel strange is that there is obviously nothing around, but why is this evil spirit running away in such a panic?

Why do several spellcastings ultimately fail?

Just when he was puzzled, the air and light behind the Demon of Love suddenly became slightly distorted.

Although it was only for a moment, it was still captured by keen eyes.

Just a second later, an invisible cone-shaped force field directly tore apart the ground and all surrounding objects, as if someone had cast some powerful force field spell.

Fortunately, the demon of love ran fast enough, otherwise, even if he wasn't torn apart alive, he would probably have only breathed his last breath.

Power Dragon!

Zuo Si finally vaguely saw the outline of a huge dragon through the dust raised on the ground.

Only the dragon breath breathed out by this legendary dragon can produce such terrifying destructive power.

Moreover, the power dragon is born with invisibility effect, and even his eyes that can see through all illusions and invisible targets are not aware of it at the first time.

The reason is very simple. The power dragon's invisibility uses a special body structure to allow light to pass directly without any reflection.

So this is not an illusion at all, nor is it magical invisibility, it is just natural.

According to the relevant knowledge Zuo Si obtained from books, this legendary dragon is usually arrogant and unwilling to communicate with other "lower" intelligent creatures, and often lives a reclusive life.

But why is this person chasing a demon of love?

Normally, there shouldn't be any communication between the two parties.

Although the Love Demon is very powerful, compared to the Power Dragon, it is just a bug that can be easily crushed to death.

With curiosity and doubts, Zuo Si also blessed himself with invisibility magic and followed from a distance, flying dozens of kilometers in one breath before finally stopping.

Because one of the legs of the Love Demon was hit by the force field breath, he fell to the ground on the spot and lost the possibility of continuing to run.

"Thief! Hand over what you stole, and I can consider letting you die quickly."

Power Dragon was the first to speak and break the silence.

You can tell from the voice that he is obviously very angry and wants to tear the demon of love in front of him into pieces immediately.

After all, the power dragon is not a "nice guy" like the metal dragon, nor is it a neutral dragon with a relatively calm and gentle personality like the gem dragon.

Anyone who dares to provoke them must be prepared to be severely retaliated.

But I don’t know why, but for some unknown reason, I didn’t take action immediately.

"Hand it over? Do you think I am a fool? Once I hand it over to you, I will really be dead."

The Love Demon was obviously a little confident, and did not take the other party's threat seriously. Instead, he struggled to sit up and began to stop the bleeding and treat the wound in an orderly manner.

"Do you think I dare not kill you?"

The Power Dragon opened its mouth and let out a deafening roar.

Because he was born with the ability to create and control force fields, the surrounding ground exploded, as if someone had cut thousands of holes in it with a knife.

But the demon of love was unmoved and answered straightforwardly: "If you dared to do it long ago, why delay it until now. And no one in this world except me knows where that thing is. So. You won’t kill me until you get what’s yours.”

Hearing these words, Power Dragon fell into a brief silence, but soon sneered and said: "It is true that I can't kill you, but that doesn't mean I can't torture you."

The words have not yet been spoken!

He took out a handful of silver coins from somewhere, dissolved them directly through fire magic, and then poured them over the head of the demon of love.


The painful and miserable screams echoed in the sky.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!!!!"

You must know that metal like silver is extremely poisonous to evil creatures in the lower planes.

Both devils and demons should be kept at a distance.

So in just a few seconds, the originally smooth and beautiful blue clothes of the Demon of Love showed large burn marks. At the same time, the third eye on his forehead did not have time to close its eyelids, and he was blinded on the spot. .

What's even worse is that the liquid silver penetrates into the body along the skin in large quantities, causing unbearable severe pain. The originally beautiful appearance and figure are also completely destroyed.

"How does it taste? Believe me, this is just the tiniest part of the big meal I've prepared for you. If you continue to resist, the fun is yet to come."

The power dragon's front paws grabbed one of the Love Demon's arms and lifted it up from the ground.

Unfortunately, this move failed to break the latter's psychological defense. Instead, it made him more convinced that as long as he told the hiding place, he would be killed in minutes.

So the demon of love simply chose to shut up and just continued to engage in non-violent non-cooperation.

It's not that she doesn't want to use violence, it's just that she really can't beat him.

The gap between the two is like a grown man beating a newborn baby.

Even if all the cards are revealed, at best it will just scratch the opponent's itch.

"Damn it! Did you give that thing to some general?"

The power dragon seemed to realize something, and shook the love demon crazily to get a definite answer from the other party's mouth.

The general he mentioned actually refers to General Jiao Yan, the leader of the yugoloth demon group. His status is roughly the same as that of the demon lord on the plane and the more powerful demon lord in the abyss.

If it falls into the hands of such an enemy, the difficulty of getting the lost items back will increase significantly.

"Haha, you can ask the general. I think he will be very happy to give you the answer."

The love demon suddenly showed a strange smile, then lowered his head and continued the silent silence before.

For such die-hards, Power Dragon obviously has no good solution. It can only take the captives and teleport them back to its lair to slowly think about countermeasures.

After one person and one dragon were completely gone, Zuo Si landed to check the power of the force field's breath, and then sighed slightly: "It is indeed the breath of the legendary dragon species.

This destructive power is almost comparable to the breath of several ancient red dragons.

Moreover, force field damage has no attributes and is difficult to resist or save.

But judging from the conversation just now, it seems that the Demon of Love stole some of the Power Dragon’s treasures and hid it, and also involved General Jiao Yan..."

Before he could finish his words, the surrounding air suddenly became slightly distorted.

With his god-like perception, Zuo Si instantly sensed the danger, and at the same time realized that the power dragon had gone and returned.

He didn't have time to think about it and immediately used his wings as a shield to attack.

The next second...


Zuo Si was forcibly knocked back several meters, but he finally blocked the opponent's sneak attack, and his feet made two deep ravines on the ground.

Seeing that the sneak attack failed, the Power Dragon opened its mouth again without any hesitation and spat out a deadly force field from its throat.

boom! ! ! ! ! !

In the blink of an eye, the stones, dust and other materials on the ground were shattered in an instant. The nearby hills completely disappeared under this blow, and countless dust flew into the air and blocked the view.

There is no doubt that this is the scariest thing about the Power Dragon, one of the three legendary dragon species.

Not only can they use fields to destroy and destroy, they can also use fields to protect themselves.

The deflection force field that permanently surrounds the body gives it physical defense that even demon lords cannot match.

Weapons and strength that are even slightly inferior may not be able to leave scratches on the scales of the power dragon.

"Don't you think it's rude to attack a traveler for no reason like this?"

Following a slightly displeased question, Zuo Si slowly walked out of a thick cloud of dust and smoke. The magic robe he had worn for a long time was as tattered as a beggar's uniform, even down to his crotch. It’s all a little bit hard to cover.

Obviously, although he himself had recovered the damage he had just suffered through the blood-locking ability of the astral dragon, the clothes damaged by the force field breath could not be repaired.

And he had no intention of repairing it, but wanted to find an opportunity to use the silk wrapped in the abyss fragments to recreate an invulnerable magic robe or other style of clothing.

As for this one, if it’s broken, it’s broken. Anyway, it’s time to eliminate it and upgrade it.

After all, according to Zuo Si's test of the piece of silk, it can be basically judged that this thing is quite difficult to destroy and destroy.

Especially the physical defense power is simply more exaggerated than fine gold.

Although its thinness and lightness make it impossible to reduce the impact of weapon attacks, it can perfectly defend against slashes and punctures.

Its powerful isolation ability and magic resistance are even more impeccable.

"Who are you? What is your relationship with Louise? Why are you following me sneakily?"

Seeing that his breath failed to kill the opponent, the Power Dragon stopped attacking and wanted to confirm the identity of the creature with human appearance and dragon wings in front of him.

"Is Louise the name of the demon of love just now?

If so, I can guarantee that it has nothing to do with her.

As for following him, it was just out of curiosity.

After all, there are not many power dragons like you.

Now that you have encountered it, naturally you cannot miss it easily. "

As he spoke, the corners of Zuo Si's mouth began to rise slightly, and a malicious glint flashed in his eyes.

The last time he devoured the astral dragon, he realized that the power and divine blood given to him by Tiamat, the evil dragon god, was to continuously devoured other types of dragons to strengthen himself, and then based on this, he finally gave birth to A new generation of invincible dragon army.

So this power dragon in front of you is simply a delicious snack delivered to your door.

What's more, the other party took the initiative to attack me just now...

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