A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 588 Are you ready to serve the lord? (A 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

There is no doubt that it is a very novel experience for Yalusel to rule an area personally.

Because she was not the first in line of succession to the Cormyr royal family, she received an education that was completely different from her sister who was the Crown Princess.

The latter's learning content mainly focuses on culture, history, politics, economy and other parts directly related to governance, while the former is trained as the future king's right-hand man in the military field and has never been exposed to government affairs.

Therefore, this Iron Princess has a completely blind eye on the operation and tax system of the entire country.

Maybe it was a deliberately guided relationship, or maybe she wasn't interested in it at all.

Anyway, in the palace of the Kingdom of Cormyr, the real nobles have never thought highly of this so-called "Iron Princess", but regarded her as a low-quality castrated version of the current king Assan IV.

At least Assan IV knew that he had to stop all large-scale military operations when he was running out of money and food, and honestly saved money to replenish the treasury. At the same time, he also knew that he needed to win over the nobles and unite them tightly around the royal family.

But Yalusel has almost nothing except the pursuit of personal bravery and victory on the battlefield, and he does not even have the overall view and strategic vision of his father.

He neither knows how to maintain relationships with other noble families nor has any experience in managing territories, and he is somewhat arrogant and arrogant.

How could such a person please the nobles?

It's just that I don't show it on weekdays for the sake of the royal family.

But this dissatisfaction suddenly broke out with the defeat of Yalusel and the tragic casualties of the members of the Noble Knights.

So much so that Assan IV had to announce that his youngest daughter would be expelled from the royal family as punishment, and even deliberately made her suffer to quell the anger of the nobles.

For a long time, Yalusel didn't quite understand why his father was so heartless, and why he had to compromise with the troubled nobles instead of waiting for them to break out in rebellion, and then personally leading an army to annihilate them one by one. , let the remaining nobles see the consequences of threatening the royal family.

After all, from the time he succeeded to the throne to the present, the legendary King Assan IV still maintains an undefeated golden body.

But now...

The Iron Princess finally understood her father's helplessness and difficulties.

War was not as she had imagined before. It was just about the commander's strategizing and emergency response, but also about the fighting will and training level of the soldiers, as well as the sophisticated weapons and equipment.

The most critical part that determines victory or defeat is actually boiled down to two words: money and food.

With money, soldiers can be paid and purchased sophisticated weapons and equipment. With enough food, soldiers can fill their stomachs and conduct more rigorous and intense training on a daily basis.

When both are greatly satisfied at the same time, any commander who is not a useless person can lead a powerful army.

But if they lack both, then even if they are led by an invincible legendary commander, they still won't have any combat effectiveness.

Taking into account the feudal system of the Kingdom of Cormyr that has been passed down for thousands of years and the nobles with deep roots in the territory, once a large-scale rebellion breaks out, the royal family's finances will inevitably collapse, and more than two-thirds of the tax revenue may be lost immediately.

Without enough food and wealth, Assan IV, let alone leading an army to suppress the rebellion, might even cause soldiers to flee or even mutiny because they could not afford military pay.

As the saying goes, it's hard for a clever woman to make a meal without rice.

Under such circumstances, it is estimated that it will be very difficult to maintain rule, let alone win a war.

So from the king's perspective, sacrificing a young daughter in exchange for the stability of the country is not a difficult choice at all.

The more he learned about finance, taxation and the operation of the state machinery, the more Yalusel felt that he had been really stupid before.

He actually naively thought that all problems could be solved by war and the army.

But in fact, she didn't even know how to maintain an army. She relied entirely on the continuous blood transfusions from the treasury behind her.

The biggest contributor to the Kingdom of Cormyr's invincibility in recent years has never been his father, whom he regarded as a hero, but the man who silently worked hard to raise money and hoard food behind the scenes without causing any heavy losses to the civilians in the country. The tax sister.

Thinking of this, Yalusel couldn't help but sigh slightly, and his heart was filled with self-blame and shame. He asked without raising his head: "The empire has invested so much money to build such a place in front of the red-robed mage Ser." What is the real intention behind this prosperous stronghold?”


Sorry, how could I possibly know this kind of thing.

You should ask His Majesty Soth directly.

For the appointment of you as governor was an order from him himself.

But I guess this may be related to the increasingly fierce struggle among the red-robed mages.

Perhaps it won’t be long before we see the spectacular sight of chiefs tearing off their masks of hypocrisy and going to war with each other.

In time, these two islands will become the first choice for those fleeing war.

Especially absorbing the arcane spellcasters that the red-robed mage organization spent a lot of money, time and energy to train.

Not only can it strengthen the empire's strength in magic, but it can also save the time and money needed to train a talented person into a mage.

In addition, you can also harvest wealthy businessmen and nobles by granting political asylum, selling tickets to the west coast at high prices, and providing food and accommodation.

Anyway, how much money we have invested now will be multiplied by ten times or a hundred times and we will earn it back.

In addition, the influx of a large number of civilians can also solve the shortage of population and labor force in the empire. "

Vera stated her point of view directly.

Although her current position is only that of finance minister, she is already able to coordinate the overall situation from the position of prime minister, and is aware of Zuo Si's intention of planting this chess piece in the eastern part of Faerun.

"What? A civil war is about to break out among the chiefs of the red-robed mages!"

Yalusel's eyes widened in surprise.

Because this is not a trivial matter, and it is not just an internal dispute in Ser's country, but a violent political turmoil that is enough to affect half of Faerûn.

After all, there are too many city-states, countries and regions that are seriously relying on the cheap food provided by Ser and the various low-level magic items sold within the lease of the red-robed mage.

Once there is a food crisis, wars and riots will follow, destroying places where order is already very fragile.

Just look at Sambia, which is still fighting a civil war.

But Vera shrugged her shoulders indifferently: “There’s no need to make a fuss.

This is no longer a secret in the imperial cabinet.

According to the latest intelligence, Sazastan began plotting to kill everyone who opposed him two weeks ago.

At the same time, he did not forget to actively win over those mages with high enough spellcasting levels, promising to elect them as the new chief after the death of the current chief.

If nothing else, when the first chief dies in an assassination, it should be the signal that this turmoil begins. "

"Damn! Do I have to be prepared to intervene in the war?"

Yalusel frowned and continued to ask.


Your duty is to suck blood from the behemoth Serge while selling war supplies to both sides at the same time, trying to keep them fighting for decades or even hundreds of years.

In the end, no matter who wins, they will face a devastated and depopulated country that can no longer pose any threat to the empire.

The Red Robe Mage Organization may also decline or even die because of this.

Remember, there are many ways to destroy your enemy, and military is a last resort.

Because the cost of war is too high and extremely uncontrollable.

Oh, and one more thing, please don't show any meaningless sympathy for the poor and slaves in the future, or even try to give them more convenience by interfering with administration and justice. "

After saying that, Vera stood up and walked to the balcony, condescendingly admiring the prosperous scene of the port and city below.

"Why? Isn't it a good thing to show the kindness of the ruler to the people? At least it can win their support and love."

A confused look appeared on Yalusel's face.

After all, showing kindness and being close to the people has always been the tradition of the Cormyr royal family.

It is precisely because of this that after thousands of years, the Obaischier family is still standing and is deeply loved by the people. No big noble even dares to think of replacing it.

Feeling the sea breeze blowing in her face, Vera gently stroked her long hair hanging down by her ears, and explained patiently: "Because your behavior destroyed the most basic principle of a society's operation, which is relatively fair. environment.

If you give more resources to a certain group, what will other people think and see?

Perhaps at the beginning, most kind-hearted people would have a sympathetic attitude and give more care to these vulnerable groups.

But as time goes by, some people will begin to feel unbalanced and start to think about why the other person can get more care but they can't.

When more and more people hold this mentality, conflicts will begin to intensify, eventually forming serious antagonism and social division.

And there will be a small group of people who take advantage of these vulnerabilities to benefit themselves and their families.

So what you do cannot really help, but instead pushes them into the abyss.

His Majesty Soth once taught me that as a ruler, we should be as ruthless as possible, so that it is good for everyone.

What's more, simple charity and relief can never really solve the problem, but will trigger a series of new crises.

You need to learn to achieve your political goals by developing long-term and sustainable policies. "


These words made Yalusel fall into silence, and he began to reflect on whether his king's father always liked to give alms to the poor, and whether his benevolent actions were really correct.

If it is correct, then why does it cost so much money and food every year, but the number of poor people and beggars in the Kingdom of Cormyr never decreases?

Even if a small number of people escape poverty and hunger through relief, it won't be long before new poor people and beggars appear.

On the contrary to this situation, the West Coast Empire obviously has a better financial situation and astonishing tax revenue, but it basically does not provide charity or relief to the poor and beggars, unless they are young children, the elderly, the disabled, etc. who have lost the ability to work. special group.

Instead, the money was invested in a bottomless pit of roads, ports, urban reconstruction, construction of water conservancy facilities and public carriage systems to provide massive jobs.

The most incredible thing is that there are significantly fewer poor people and beggars here than in the Kingdom of Cormyr.

Is this the legendary way to fundamentally solve problems by formulating long-term policies?

Yalusel seemed to have understood something, and his eyes began to sparkle with strange brightness. He looked at Vera's delicate and beautiful face and asked in an uncertain tone: "Why do you want to teach me these valuable knowledge and experiences?" ?”

"Haha, because His Majesty Soss thinks that your future will not be limited to this.

The two islands at your feet are a testing ground specifically designed for you to exercise your ability to govern.

Keep up the good work, I look forward to your next wonderful performance.

In addition, I don’t think you need to always be wary and hostile to the red robed mage in Sayre.

After all, even if a war really breaks out, the business that needs to be done must continue until the cabinet ban is obtained.

You must understand that the will of the country cannot be based on personal preferences, let alone be measured by moral standards such as good and evil. "

After saying this, Vera turned around and planned to return to Calimport Palace through the newly established Mage Tower portal.

As the Minister of Finance, she is very busy. The fact that she can spare some time to teach the Iron Princess every few days is due to her promise to become the second Prime Minister of the Empire in the future.

But before Vera opened the door and walked out of the room, she heard Yalusel suddenly calling her from behind.

"Wait a minute! Where is the Sossian? Why haven't I heard any news from him recently? I can't even see him?"

"What, you don't know yet?

Not long ago, His Majesty personally killed Baal, the God of Murder who was resurrected from the dead.

This incident has caused shock to all divine churches on the entire West Coast.

Many churches, including the Goddess of Magic, the God of Knowledge, the Goddess of Natural Decomposition and Circulation, and the God of Guards, Heim, have come forward to confirm the news.

There are even rumors that His Majesty Soth has become one of the gods.

But the Askatra Mage Tower denied this.

So don't ask me where His Majesty is currently.

Because he has already surpassed the limits of mortals and stands at a height that we can never reach. "

Vera opened her arms and her tone was filled with naked and undisguised enthusiasm and admiration.

After all, there are too few examples of mortals killing gods in Faerûn, and many of them are due to fluke factors and are not replicable at all.

"Killing God……"

Yalusel clenched his fists subconsciously, and his whole body began to tremble slightly with excitement and excitement. His tall and proud upper body continued to rise and fall with his rapid breathing.

Suddenly, the two women in the room seemed to see the same emotions in each other's eyes, and the atmosphere became ambiguous for some reason.

The Iron Princess didn't know why, but she suddenly recalled what happened with Ayesha before and started to blush involuntarily.

Coupled with the relatively warm and humid climate of the Araul province, I immediately started to sweat a lot and made the white silk top stick to my skin, presenting a looming beauty.

Upon seeing this, Vera immediately smiled meaningfully, then looked at the other person up and down with aggressive eyes, and then turned around and opened the door and walked out with elegant steps.

As soon as she left, Yalusel rushed into the bathroom, took off his clothes and started to rinse his body with cold water, forcing down the evil fire in his heart.

After walking out of the bathroom and changing into another set of clothes, the princess of the Kingdom of Cormyr once again returned to her usual proud posture.

There is no doubt that the West Coast Empire has invested heavily in development and construction on the two islands near Ser, which has undoubtedly touched the most sensitive nerve of the red-robed mages.

After all, the aerial gunboats and the dragon army have not yet withdrawn. They are floating in the middle of the two islands and may launch another attack at any time.

If this had been the case before, all the chiefs, including Sazastan, would have put aside their grudges for the time being and joined forces to resolve the current crisis.

But the problem is, as Sazastan is determined to deal with these "insects" and take full power to lead the country to a more glorious future, both parties have no room for maneuver.

Even for several chief meetings, he did not attend them in person, but randomly sent a deputy.

With such a behavior, the other chiefs were naturally not fools. They all realized that Sazastan might be causing trouble, and one by one they all increased the security forces around them.

That tense and solemn atmosphere almost affected the entire red-robed mage organization.

Even the number of "accidental deaths" has increased by 400 percent in recent times.

Although it is far from the point where everyone is in danger, the strong sense of suffocation and oppression is definitely indispensable.

Kalaya, who at least once went to Calim Port to meet Zuo Si as an envoy and was developed into a mole, now has to bring the stone golem she made even to the toilet.

Otherwise God knows what would have happened.

You must know that going to the toilet is one of the times when people lack vigilance and the ability to protect themselves.

There are quite a few apprentices and red-robed mages of all levels who die in the toilet every year.

And because she was afraid that the identity of her mole would be exposed, Kalaya did not dare to have a long conversation with anyone.

Every time I complete a task, I have to hand in the report in a hurry, collect the reward, and return to my place of residence.

Only in the heavily guarded Mage Tower could she gain a little sense of security.

"Huh - it's really dangerous. I finally came back alive. But the rewards of this adventure are equally rich. I really didn't expect that there would be such a treasure stored in that ancient tomb."

Kalaya slumped directly on the sofa without any image, and took out a piece of metal in a closed test tube from the backpack she carried.


The surrounding magic network began to boil, and countless energy began to gather towards the location of the metal fragments.

You don't need to ask to know that this gadget is Serge's national treasure, exactly the same as the artifact fragment given to Zuo Si last time.

It's just that the size is significantly smaller.

Just when the bald female mage was thinking about using the artifact fragments, a hand suddenly reached out from behind and snatched the test tube containing the artifact fragments from her hand.


Like a frightened cat, Kalaya jumped up from the sofa and activated the [Malicious Transformation] stored in the staff with her backhand.

This is a very well-known five-ring transformation magic. Its function is to turn the target into a harmless small animal, such as rabbits, frogs, squirrels, etc.

Its characteristic is that it can capture the enemy without harming or killing them.

Of course, some evil mages will deliberately turn the other person into a small animal, then put them in a cage or fish tank to play with, and torture and humiliate them as much as possible.

But it is a pity that although the [Malicious Transformation Technique] successfully hit this time, it had no effect.

Because standing behind Shafa is a lich with only skeletons left in his body.

Among the lich's series of immunities is "transformation".

It's just that this lich wears dragon skin gloves on his hands, thus covering up his undead characteristics.

But to be just an ordinary lich, there is no need to be so nervous with Kalaya's current spellcasting level.

But the problem is that the lich in front of him who can pass through many magical defenses silently without triggering any alarm is none other than the leader of the Entangled Talisman - Lagon.

The gap in strength and magic duel experience between the two sides is as big as heaven and earth.

Kalaya even felt that even if she and her chief mentor joined forces, they would not be able to stand in front of this powerful legendary lich for more than ten minutes.

So in just two or three seconds, she immediately put on another face, suppressed the resentment caused by having the artifact fragment taken away, and bowed respectfully.

"Master, when did you come? Why didn't you inform me so that I could prepare in advance?"

"If I had informed you in advance, I might not have seen this small fragment of the artifact."

Ragon fiddled with the test tube in his hand and carefully observed the changing shapes of the metal particles inside.

Although he had heard of this strange substance, he never thought that just a few drops could strengthen the magic network to such an extent.

"How could it be? I plan to hand it over to His Majesty Soth in exchange for more magic knowledge." Kalaya quickly defended herself.

After all, people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

Right now, her every move is controlled by these powerful and terrifying legendary undead creature casters, and she has absolutely no capital to resist or bargain.

What's more, the red-robed mage was taught that weakness is the original sin, and that he would do whatever it takes to survive.

Lagon undoubtedly sensed the truest thoughts in the bald female mage's heart, and deliberately said in a casual tone: "Don't bother me, I will transfer this fragment to the owner for you.

In addition, I must remind you that it is best to stop all long-term outings from today on.

Because Sazastan is about to start a plan to eliminate dissidents.

He will find ways to kill those chiefs who oppose him to ensure that he can concentrate all his efforts and no longer need to spend every day in bickering and holding each other back as before. "

"What? Sazastan is ready to take action? Who is his first target?"

Kalaya's face suddenly became extremely serious and nervous.

Although her teacher had a good relationship with the most powerful chief of the necromancy department, no one could guarantee that he wouldn't suddenly pull a dirty trick.

The internal fights among red-robed mages often rely on surprise.

Many times those who do not appear to be enemies are the murderers who suddenly jump out and deliver the fatal blow.

"Relax, Saznarstan's chosen target is not you and your mentor, but Aznar Srul, who has repeatedly opposed him in the parliament. And I have one thing for you to do."

While he was talking, Lagun took out a few letters and placed them on the table, the meaning behind his words being self-evident.

He wanted to completely muddy the water that was originally not very clean in Serge, and then he could fish in troubled waters to achieve his goal.

On the other side, far away is the most chaotic plane in the universe - the Sea of ​​Chaos.

Gramir, the Pleasure Demon, is suffering from unprecedented weakness and pain, patiently waiting for Shemisaka's arrival.

Not only her, but other devil reaction fluids around her were similar.

At this moment, he was probably cursing and cursing this damn yugoloth in his heart, and wanted to peel off his skin and cramp his muscles to take turns experiencing the art of torture in Baator Hell.

To be precise, anyone who is not of the chaotic alignment will experience strong discomfort in their senses and perception when they come to this place.

The opposing lawful camp is particularly serious.

What's even more terrible is that this unlucky place has undergone three major changes in a very short period of time, so that the surrounding environment has changed beyond recognition.

The devils were not even sure if Shemishaka could actually be found.

In addition, the occasional slaadi passing by in the distance also made everyone nervous.

Compared with this kind of creature that exudes the essence of chaos in its bones, the abyss demon can be regarded as orderly.

After all, the bloody battle lasted for such a long time. The devil could at least effectively transport troops to the front line, and he still had some basic organizational skills.

No one knows how these large humanoid toads will react after encountering a slaad, let alone whether there is a god-like lord hidden behind them.

In short, unknown and unpredictable are the characteristics of the sea of ​​chaos.

There’s never a shortage of surprises when traveling here, and of course there’s also the possibility of shocks.

Probably the only creature that is even friendly is the Githzerai, who are the biological brothers of the Githyanki and their second most hated creature after the mind flayers.

It is said that these guys possess a kind of spiritual power that can temporarily stabilize the unstable matter and energy in the Chaotic Sea to form a habitable area.

But the Githzerai are too few in number.

To encounter him in a place as big as the Sea of ​​Chaos is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Just when Gramir began to wait a little impatiently, the team led by Shemishaka finally appeared.

The latter had obviously made sufficient preparations, not only bringing a large number of tiefling followers, but also many temporarily hired adventurers and mercenaries, numbering in the thousands.

Some of them were still injured, obviously from a fierce battle.

When she saw the devil with an obviously displeased look on his face, Shemishaka immediately put on an attentive look and hurried forward, put one hand on his chest and bowed gracefully.

"Ah! You must be the exclusive secretary of the great Lord Soth of the ninth level of hell, right?

My name is Shemishaka. As you can see, I am a yugoloth. I am currently doing some small business in Sigil.

Thanks to the guidance of the great Lord Soth and the pharmaceutical factory owned by the Succubus Queen Mecanshut, otherwise a small businessman like me would have no chance to make so much money.

This is a trivial meaning, not respectful, please accept it. "

The skill of speaking. The underworld queen of Sigil City took out a dozen soul prisms prepared in advance and stuffed them into the hands of the Pleasure Demon.

She had obviously found out Gramir's identity and status a long time ago, so she knew the price to pay to please a devil of this level.

Although sending so many soul prisms at once made Shemishaka feel a pang of pain, she decisively decided to spend the money.

Feeling the number of souls exuding pain and despair in these prisms, Gramir's originally ugly face finally improved a little, and he said straight to the point: "Tell me, what do you want from me? Let me state in advance that we are here But you never pay on credit, you have to pay enough.”

"Of course. I have purchased many times before and know the rules of the ninth hell. But there is one thing. This time I want to use your secret portal in Sigil to deliver the goods as quickly as possible. No problem, right? ?”

Shemishaka quickly made her request.

As the city of thousands of gates, Sigil can be said to have portals connecting all other planes.

Some of them were formed by accident, and others were opened by the Lady of Pain.

But these portals all have one characteristic, that is, they are very unstable and like to change positions randomly.

Whoever can discover the location of the portal in time can sell it as a commodity to those who need it.

Often you can get thousands or even tens of thousands of gold coins in one transaction.

There are many profiteers and information dealers who have made a fortune by selling portals.

Almost every powerful enough force has at least dozens or even hundreds of secret portals at hand.

And Baator happens to be one of them.

This can be seen from the extremely stable number of devils in Sigil.

Even if a conflict or war causes the number of devils to decrease sharply, they can quickly recover after a few days.

Everything is due to the portal.

"Of course, no problem. As long as you are willing to pay the expensive portal usage fee, what reason do I have to refuse?"

The corners of Gramir's mouth raised slightly, revealing a teasing smile.

In her eyes, this yugoloth demon had been prey with a rope around its neck from the moment it appeared.

What he has to do is to check repeatedly to make sure that the opponent does not have any high-level magic items or even artifacts that can instantly complete cross-dimensional teleportation before taking action.

Shemishaka obviously didn't realize that this was a trap, and immediately laughed happily after hearing that the portal could be used: "Hahahaha! Thank you for your generosity and kindness, I knew that doing business with you would be very pleasant. In that case, how about we sign a contract?"

"You want to sign a contract?"

Gramir stared at the other person as if he were a fool.

"Yeah, is there any problem?"

There was a hint of doubt in Shemishaka's tone.

"Of course there is a problem. Don't you know that in Baator Hell, all contracts must be executed?" Gramir asked confidently.

Her question immediately confused Shemisaka. He stared at his two cunning fox-like eyes for a few seconds, and then quickly reacted and his face suddenly changed.

"You...you have no intention of completing this deal with me? You want to take advantage of it!"

Gramir stretched out a finger and shook it gently: "No, no, no, it's not about taking advantage of others.

Although the soul prism and the astonishing wealth in your hand are indeed very tempting, it is not enough for me to come forward in person.

In fact, we have only one goal from the beginning, and that is you.

Because as long as I control you, it is equivalent to controlling half of the underground world of Sigil City and a huge intelligence network.

Now, are you ready to serve Lord Soth, the lord of the ninth level of hell? "

"Don't even think about it! I won't give in to anyone!"

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Shemishaka immediately began to retreat, and made an attack movement towards a large number of his men behind him.

The next second...

Hundreds of tieflings, as well as those temporarily hired alien creatures, rushed towards the few demons like a tide.

They know that the devils of the lawful alignment will be greatly weakened in the Sea of ​​Chaos.

And no one dares to cast spells at will here. In the end, only the most primitive and bloody hand-to-hand combat determines the outcome.

"Ready to fight!"

Gramir gave the orders to the demons around him without expression.

In the blink of an eye, several Hell Fiends and Insect Demons drew their weapons and attacked, cutting the guys at the front in half on the spot.

Among them, the latter is specially designed for close combat. It is like a heavy tank, rushing into the enemy and causing a bloody storm. You can see a lot of blood splattering, broken limbs and internal organs flying everywhere.

Even a +2 enchanted weapon cannot easily penetrate the thick and hard shell and only leaves a concave mark on the surface.

The insidious and cunning Hell Fiend uses its huge body as a cover to suddenly jump out and launch a surprise attack, killing several more threatening targets before hiding.

With this skillful cooperation, it didn't take long for the tiefling cronies to suffer heavy casualties, unable to break through the solid defense line.

"Damn it! Farrow, follow me back to Sigil City immediately. This time we have to face more than just one or two enemies."

Seeing that the situation was not good, Shemisaka immediately thought of running away, and before leaving, he did not forget to take his ace spy with him.

After all, Farrow is worth as much as anyone else.

As long as he is still here, there is no need to worry about not having information that can be sold at a high price.

But just when the yugoloth demon carefully asked one of his followers to try to activate the interdimensional teleportation item, Farrow, who had no expression and remained silent, suddenly took out a button-sized device at lightning speed. , and threw it directly into the former's mouth.


Shemishaka had no time to react, so she subconsciously made a swallowing movement, and the mysterious device entered her stomach along her mouth and esophagus.

She suddenly became frightened and angry, and asked sternly: "Farrow! What the hell are you doing?"

"Me? I'm just following my master's orders."

The elf gave the answer very simply.

Immediately after Shemisaka opened his mouth to say something, a sharp pain suddenly came from his stomach, accompanied by uncontrollable twitching all over his body.

From the throat, you can vaguely see silver lightning.

You don't need to ask to know that the button-sized device just now is actually a magic item that can discharge electricity.

As long as anyone eats it, the person holding the remote control can activate and release a fatal electric current at any time.

You must know that this is in the internal organs of the digestive system.

Once it starts, it's a life-or-death experience.

In order to facilitate Farrow's infiltration and intelligence collection, Zuo Si specially used his own abilities to make some gadgets used to assassinate or threaten to control others.

But who would have thought that the first one would be used here.

Shemisaka resisted the severe pain, raised his head and asked through gritted teeth: "Master? Do you have a second master besides me? Or have you been deceiving me through disguise?"

"Of course he has a master, and that's me."

Accompanied by a familiar voice, Zuo Si, who had been watching the show in the dark for a long time, finally appeared and confiscated all the suspected magic items from Shemisaka at lightning speed.

At this time, the yugoloth demon completely lost the possibility of escaping, and his whole body was held in his hand by the scruff of his neck like a house cat.

"Are you Soth, the lord of the ninth level of Baator Hell?!"

Shemishaka was obviously not stupid, and he immediately guessed Zuo Si's true identity.

After all, the only one who could cooperate with Gramir in acting was Zuo Si, his immediate boss.

"You are very smart, smarter than I thought, but you are just a little too greedy."

Zuo Si looked at this guy with great interest, who quite conformed to the "Furuikong" aesthetic standards.

Especially when holding the fluffy fur, it feels quite good, and it can even give people the illusion that they are petting a fox.

"What exactly do you want?"

Shemishaka narrowed her eyes and probed carefully.

Zuo Si smiled and replied: "Not really, I just hope you can work for me. But this is not asking for your opinion, but just informing you, that's all."

The words have not yet been spoken!

The planeswalker's sparks suddenly became bright and dazzling, and Shemisaka seemed to feel the huge crisis, and hurriedly tried his best to struggle and resist.

But it's all in vain.

With Zuo Si's current level of planeswalker, which is as high as LV31, it is completely easy to crush a slightly more advanced yugoloth demon.

Eventually, Sigil's underworld queen also became a summoned creature card.

When the followers, mercenaries, and hired adventurers saw their employer disappear, they immediately stopped fighting and dispersed.

The devils followed and chased him until the last one was cut into pieces to calm the situation.

As for the few guys who escaped, they had done their best just to survive in the Sea of ​​Chaos, and there was no way they could go back and spread news or rumors.

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