A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 594 A ticket (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

There is no doubt that with the emergence of Shuoyou, the entire world is facing an unprecedented impact.

Whether it is the world of ordinary people or the magical world of wizards.

In just a few days, all ten Shuoyou lakes created by Zuo Si had been discovered.

Except for a very few countries who, after occupying Shuoyou Lake, strictly guarded against secretly making a fortune secretly, most of them chose to issue announcements to the outside world through the media.

On the one hand, their purpose in doing this is to boost the confidence and pride of their own people, and also to hint to the world's only superpower that they are now qualified to sit at the poker table.

On the other hand, politicians are crazy about showing off that they and their parties can win the next election, and they regard the discovery of oil as their own political achievements and keep showing off.

The major mainstream media have also reported on the research progress related to Shuoyou for several days in a row. It is not as quiet as normal scientific research. Instead, it gives people the feeling that the government is promoting propaganda.

Especially the military aspect.

Once a certain super material is discovered from Shuoyou's irregular creation, or the technology can be applied to weapons, corresponding experimental products will be quickly produced, tested semi-publicly, and detailed parameters announced.

Almost every ten or twenty hours, at least one existing cutting-edge technology will be eliminated, it is like engaging in some kind of arms race.

Many military and energy companies that rely on technology monopolies have also begun to use backdoor connections to find ways to get a piece of the pie.

Otherwise, if they cannot obtain technical authorization, they will face the most desperate attack on dimensionality reduction.

In short, the originally ordinary and realistic world seemed to suddenly become science fiction.

At the same time, various versions of alien and prehistoric civilization hypotheses have once again appeared in public view, and have aroused a high degree of attention.

After all, anyone with a discerning eye can see that a substance like shimmering oil cannot be naturally generated.

It is the creation of a civilization with extremely advanced technology.

Of course, these countries that dare to announce the discovery of shimmering oil on their own land are confident enough.

After all, when choosing the location, Zuo Si specifically chose the location on the territory of a world power or a regional power.

Only these countries with sufficient military strength can possibly defend the huge benefits brought by oil.

Otherwise, if it were an ordinary small country, before it could figure out how to use the oil, it would trigger riots, coups, and even tragic civil wars due to the intervention of external forces.

Until the comprador puppet regime was supported in power, it was completely reduced to an economic colony of a powerful country.

On the other side, Dumbledore also brought the shimmering oil to visit many old friends, and invited them to conduct research on the shimmering oil with Nico Flamel, trying to confirm whether there were any potential risks in this kind of thing.

After a full ten days passed, he sent an invitation to the entire magical world as the president of the International Federation of Wizards, and elaborated on what exactly the shimmering oil was that was currently causing a huge sensation in the ordinary world, and what it was. Two spells that can manipulate and destroy it.

Suddenly, all the wizards were in ecstasy because of the news, so much so that thousands of people crowded into the small venue that could only accommodate a few hundred people.

Seeing Dumbledore on the stage dealing with questions from officials and reporters with a tired look on his face, Zuo Si, who was hiding in the corner, couldn't help but smile and joke: "Our principal has really worked hard. I guess he hasn't been here for the past few days. How to have a good rest? You should always rely on taking potions to refresh yourself and eliminate fatigue."

"Is this why you got rid of the mess and hid here to be lazy?"

Nico Flamel, who was yawning hard and also very tired, rolled his eyes angrily.

You must know that in order to study the possible hazards of shimmering oil, he, Dumbledore and many other old friends have been busy for more than a week without much rest.

For a group of people whose minimum age is over 100 years old, this is simply a crime.

The most powerful alchemist in the magic world even suspected that he might lie in bed without waking up for a few more days.

"I'm not being lazy, I just don't want to waste time on such meaningless political and social activities. Especially this kind of organization that has titles and fame, but actually has no power at all."

Zuo Si did not hide his disdain for the position of president of the International Federation of Wizards.

To be precise, he is full of contempt for the chaotic management system of the entire magical world.

Nico Flamel nodded deeply and sighed: "What you said makes sense.

I also don’t like this kind of situation and being surrounded by a group of people asking this and that.

By the way, if you don't mind, could you tell me where Shuoyou's incredible abilities come from?

Now when I think about the tests and experiments I have done these past few days, I can’t sleep. "

"Haha, in fact, Shimmering Oil is not as complicated as you think. Its internal structure is actually very simple. It is a magic furnace that is so small that even an ordinary optical microscope cannot observe it, and a large amount of material and energy mixture transformed by the furnace. .”

Zuo Si selectively told part of the truth.

As for the secrets of spirit, will, and even soul contained in Shuoyou, he would never tell anyone.


Nico Flamel captured the key words keenly.

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "Yes, it's the furnace.

Didn't TV and newspapers in the Muggle world publish a photo taken by an electron microscope?

Those impenetrable black spots in the photo are the magic furnace.

It is through these tiny furnaces that Shining Oil has the ability to create things and give them a certain intelligence.

They will record all valuable information, and then arrange it in a way that they think is the most appropriate and perfect state without external interference.

Very interesting, isn't it? "

"More than just fun, it's a miracle, a miracle that only God can create."

Nico Flamel did not hide his infinite admiration for the creation of Shimmering Oil.

As an alchemist who has lived for hundreds of years and made the first magic stone with his own hands, he understands better than others how difficult it is to create sparkling oil. It is simply an impossible task for humans.

To a certain extent, Shuoyou can really be regarded as a creation of God.

After all, the ancient planeswalker who originally created it was equivalent to a demigod, and Yawgmoth, who later transformed it, was even more powerful than many gods.

As for Zuo Si, he is not the creator of Shuoyou at all, but closer to a transformer.

Just as the two of them were hiding in a corner and communicating quietly, this grand gathering attended by wizards from all over the world finally came to an end.

As expected, the final vote overwhelmingly passed a new bill as historic as the secrecy law.

However, specific terms still need to be negotiated and discussed in the next few days.

After all, laws like this that can affect the magical world for decades or even centuries in the future must be treated with caution.

Especially when it comes to promoting two spells, there is a clear split between the two factions.

One group believes that this spell should be mastered by all wizards so that they can respond to threats from the ordinary world at any time.

The other group believes that strict restrictions must be imposed, such as black magic and the Unforgivable Curse, which only law enforcers are qualified to learn and use.

Otherwise, if another Dark Lord like Voldemort appears, it will definitely cause unimaginable damage to the world of ordinary people.

The two groups of people are arguing fiercely about this issue, and there are a large number of supporters behind them. It is estimated that it is basically impossible to come up with any results within ten days and a half. Maybe in the end, all wizards will have to vote.

There is no way, who makes the wizards in the magic world get used to being free and loose.

They don't even pay attention to the law. Basically, as long as they are strictly investigated, every one of them has done something illegal, even Dumbledore is no exception.

Of course, these are not issues Zuo Si needs to worry about.

Because he has given enough feedback to the Magic Earth, the rest will be left to the people of this world to decide their own destiny.

Unless there is a nuclear war or natural disaster that kills the population on a large scale, they will basically not intervene.

What's more, Zuo Si also wants to see how far human civilization based on technology can go.

Is it a harmonious society under absolute order and hierarchy like Brave New World, a cyberpunk society under the control of big capital and conglomerates, or an absolute dictatorship established by one person and a very small elite class.

Just as he left the noisy venue and came to the garden to enjoy some quiet leisure, he suddenly saw Dumbledore standing near another exit at some point.

The two looked at each other for a second, and then laughed in unison.

Zuo Si even laughed and asked, "Why, are you, the president of the International Federation of Wizards, starting to be unable to stand it?"

"More than just being unbearable, I was so noisy that I almost lost my ability to think. To be honest, this kind of thing is simply a kind of torture for an old man who is over a hundred years old." Dumbledore rubbed his hands. He rubbed his eyebrows and complained in a low voice.

“This is one of the important reasons why I don’t want to get involved.

The decentralized parliamentary system is too inefficient, and there are often quarrels due to differences in opinions.

The wizarding world is pretty good.

At least because of the relatively small population, no fixed political parties have been formed.

Otherwise, this situation of holding each other back will become particularly serious. "

There was a rare hint of admiration in Zuo Si's eyes.

Because if he had encountered this situation, he would have already taken special measures to deal with the opposition.

But Dumbledore was lucky. He actually followed the rules and regulations honestly and never meant to cross the line from beginning to end.

For a wizard who stands at the top of the magic world and wants power, reputation, and followers, such restraint is really incredible.

Dumbledore sighed helplessly and explained: "No way, this is how wizards solve problems.

If you have carefully read the history of magic, you should understand that wizards in ancient times basically operated as individuals or family units, and there was no need for a power organization to manage them.

It was not until around the first millennium AD that loose alliances began to be formed.

These regional alliances later evolved into ministries of magic and parliaments, and were eventually united by the signing of the Secrecy Act to form the International Federation of Wizards.

Therefore, it is only in the past few hundred years that effective management has been formed in the magical world.

Wizards are much later than ordinary people in this regard.

In addition, many things can only be discussed, so it has always been quite loose.

Anyone who tries to forcefully change the status quo through external forces is bound to trigger a fierce backlash. "

However, Zuo Si obviously did not agree with this view.

Could it be that we didn’t push for better reforms when we knew there would be a backlash?

If everyone thinks this way, then does society still need to progress and civilization still move forward?

Looking at the evolutionary history of human society and power structure, it is easy to see that every reform and leap forward in opportunity will trigger a series of serious problems, as well as strong backlash from all directions.

Some of these advanced systems that were beyond the times even brought the country to its knees and led to tragic wars, directly or indirectly causing the deaths of millions or even tens of millions of people.

But it is precisely because of these brave trial-and-errorers that later generations can learn from them and move forward along the path of the former.

In the ancient East, Qin unified the six kingdoms and established an unprecedented system of prefectures and counties:

The same was true of the French Revolution, which brought an end to feudal monarchy in the West;

In addition, there was the gunshot of the October Revolution that resounded throughout the world and made the entire capitalist world tremble.

However, considering the pitiful population of the wizarding world and the fact that wizards live in very scattered places, they usually just sweep away the troubles on their own, so there is really no urgent need for a powerful authority.

Coupled with the fact that magic has greatly reduced their dependence on public facilities and services, it is not surprising that the current situation will eventually remain.

After understanding this, Zuo Si immediately put on a harmless look and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I have no intention of changing the status quo of the magic world, and I won't even stay for too long. It will take a few more days." , I will evaporate again and disappear from everyone’s sight.”

"Are you leaving again?"

A flash of light suddenly flashed in Dumbledore's eyes.

"Well, yes. After all, everything I want to do has been done, and it's time to set off on a new journey again."

Zuo Si answered in the affirmative very simply.

After a few days of rest and relaxation, his body and mind had returned to their best condition.

What's more, as long as the power of the old dragon Nicol Bolas is not successfully seized for a day, the strong sense of urgency will not disappear for a day, and it is also impossible to truly settle down and enjoy a long peaceful life.

"Are you going to a place that is so far away that it is beyond the knowledge of everyone in this world?" Dumbledore continued to explore.

"Well, that's right. If you are also interested in this, I can provide you with a ticket. When you no longer have any attachment to this world, you can start a new adventure as long as you activate the ticket."

With that said, Zuo Si took out a coin-shaped mark that had been prepared in advance and handed it over.

Dumbledore took it and held it in his hand to identify it carefully. After several minutes, he asked in an uncertain tone: "Can you tell me where this ticket leads to?"

Zuo Si's meaningful answer: "A world filled with all kinds of powerful magic, monsters, elves, dwarves, dwarfs, dragons, demons, angels, devils and gods.

There is the most selfless kindness and the most extreme evil.

There are heroes who are willing to sacrifice themselves for a just cause, and there are despicable villains who will do whatever it takes to gain profit.

The bottom line is that even a wizard as powerful as you is still constantly encountering unexpected dangers.

I’m sure this is just the great adventure you’ve been craving, right? "

Hearing these words, Dumbledore's eyes instantly shone, he stared at the emblem in his hand and whispered: "So... you really have the ability to travel to other worlds? Including glittering oil, spell storage technology and those interesting magic items, Are they actually from another world?"

"Almost, but not all. After all, due to changes in the spellcasting environment, I must transform the original knowledge and technology to ensure that it can be used normally in this world."

Zuo Si had no intention of hiding it and chose to admit it openly.

Because with the power he now possesses, he no longer needs to deliberately hide himself.

"You mean that when a wizard from one world goes to another world, all the magical knowledge and power he originally mastered may become invalid, and he needs to learn from scratch after arriving in the new world?"

Dumbledore is undoubtedly a very smart man, and he immediately grasped the key points of this kind of travel across time and space.

Zuo Si sat casually on a bench in the garden, looking at the bright sunshine above his head and responded casually: "Absolutely correct.

You may even need to learn more than one language from scratch, a whole new theory of magic, and a spellcasting environment that adapts to that world.

But I think this shouldn't be too much of a problem for you.

After all, isn’t what you desire most is a great adventure beyond life and death? "

"Hahaha! You really understand me. Yes, who can refuse an adventure in a different world full of unknowns and thrills? Thank you for giving me such an opportunity."

Dumbledore put away the mark as if he suddenly looked fifty years younger, and his whole body was filled with the passion that only young people have.

For a powerful wizard who stands at the top of the magical world, being able to explore another magical world before death is simply the best gift that fate has given him.

Even if you die during this adventure, you will have no regrets.

Compared to death, he is actually more afraid of a peaceful and boring life.

This is why Dumbledore would rather stay at Hogwarts as the principal than take over the mess of the British Ministry of Magic, and he especially likes bold and naughty students.

For example, the Weasley twins almost broke the school rules more than once.

But now, the old man has a better choice, which is also a ticket to a new life.

Zuo Si waved his hand indifferently: "Please don't be polite, you deserve this.

After all, you gave me a lot of help when I first entered Hogwarts.

So now it’s my turn to do something to show my gratitude.

By the way, this is a one-way ticket, once you make your decision you can never come back.

So it’s important that you have everything sorted before launching it. "

"Understood. I very much look forward to meeting you in another world. Ah! Granger is here to see you. It seems that today's pleasant conversation can only end here."

Dumbledore glanced at the bright figure in the distance, quickly showed a slightly playful smile, and then turned around and walked towards the venue where the quarrel was still going on.

Through this showdown, he had gotten what he wanted most.

As for Voldemort, who was hiding somewhere, he was no longer a threat.

After all, as long as Zuo Si showed up every few years, the former would never dare to come out and cause trouble easily, otherwise he would be humiliating himself.

Moreover, a violent girl who uses enhanced magic to complete melee combat has also grown up.

If you take into account the powerful magic equipment and protection, it is not certain who will win and who will lose in a fight between the two.

The most important thing is that the wizarding world now has a means of resurrection from the dead, so wizards do not need to fear being killed by the sudden appearance of Voldemort with the killing curse.

Especially Aurors with law enforcement powers can enjoy free resurrection benefits if they die in the line of duty.

So Voldemort's time has passed.

Although he is still a terrifying terrorist, he can no longer rely on violence and killing to achieve his reign of terror.

Just as Dumbledore returned to the venue, the girl walked across the garden corridor and approached him, offered him a hug and a passionate kiss, and then half-jokingly teased: "How does it feel to be the savior?

You must know that all the media are now rushing to report that you have defended the safety of the magical world.

Several magazines have even listed you as the greatest wizard from the end of this century to the next.

Among them, the cover photo taken by Wizard Weekly has been sold out, and some people are even willing to pay five times the price to collect it. "

Zuo Si shook his head disapprovingly: "To be honest, I feel pretty bad.

In order to avoid the endless harassment from those annoying reporters, I had to use transformation magic to fool their eyes.

In addition, the endless bickering in the parliament gave me a lot of boredom and headache.

If it weren't for the International Federation of Wizards' insistence that I attend, I wouldn't be in this damn place.

By the way, why do you come back to a place like this? "

"Because I will graduate in one year, I need to start thinking about what I will do after graduation. It happened that the Ministry of Magic was recruiting interns, so I signed up to give it a try. This time I came to submit a document to the International Federation of Wizards of."

Hermione raised the scroll in her hand and smiled playfully.

"Are you planning to work at the Ministry of Magic after graduation?"

Zuo Si was obviously quite surprised.

"Well, I've thought about it.

After graduation, he went to work in the Ministry of Magic, and then climbed to the position of minister as soon as possible, or even became the president of the International Federation of Wizards like Principal Dumbledore.

Only in this way can we obtain sufficient power to supervise governments of various countries and prevent the recurrence of tragedies that have occurred in history.

I want to work hard to make this world a better place.

You shouldn't object, right? "

When she said these words, Hermione's expression and tone became extremely serious. It was obvious that this was not a sudden thought, but a matter of careful consideration.

Because she had read too many books about the miserable lives of the common people at the bottom of modern society, her inner conscience and sense of mission had always driven her to do something to change the status quo.

As expected of someone who was able to create an organization like the Society for the Promotion of House-elves' Rights and Interests that goes against the mainstream values ​​of the wizarding world when he was still a student.

In fact, Hermione has always been very enthusiastic about helping others, and even has a bit of a Virgin mentality in her personality, so it is not surprising that she would have such thoughts and ideas.

This can be seen from the fact that the freshmen took the initiative to help Neville find the lost toad when they first boarded the Hogwarts Express and knew no one.

After realizing the girl's plan, Zuo Si reached out his hand and gently smoothed her wind-blown hair around her ears, and said with a smile: "No, of course I won't object. Since this is your ideal, then Feel free to take practical action boldly. No matter what you want to do, I will support you 100%."

"Then will you come to see me often?"

Hermione raised her head and stared into her two big watery eyes.

"Of course. I promise to take at least one day a month to visit you."

Zuo Si gave his promise without hesitation.

He understood that if he wanted to maintain the close relationship between the two, he must give the girl a sufficient sense of security.

What’s more, it doesn’t take much time at all.

Just take a few hours out of a month to have a meal with the other person, chat, and do some exercises that are good for your physical and mental health.

As a time management master, Zuo Si didn't find this difficult at all.

"Thank you! I knew you would support me."

Hermione showed a relieved smile, stood on tiptoes again and kissed her boyfriend's cheek before turning and walking towards the entrance of the venue.

Just when Zuo Sigang took out a piece of tissue and prepared to wipe the lip gloss stained around his cheeks and mouth, a strong energy wave surged along one of the trump cards.


He quickly identified the source of this energy.

Since the incident happened suddenly and there was no time to think about it, Zuo Si directly released the dove of the International Federation of Wizards, teleported back to the Doomsday Bunker and saved the original body.

The consciousness and soul were transferred to another clone's body.

After he was dressed again, he activated the power of the Planeswalker Spark and appeared in front of the red demon judge of New Phyrexia, Wabas, and asked straight to the point: "What happened? Why take the risk in this way?" To get my attention?"

"I'm extremely sorry, I don't want to either, but the problem is that the silver golem Kahn at the core of time and space has awakened."

Wabas quickly gave an explanation.

"Kahn is awake? Has he been finished?"

Zuo Si was obviously very surprised.

Because according to his estimation, with the ancient legacy left by Urza, the father of New Phyrexia can survive for at least two or three years.

“I’m afraid this is difficult to judge.

Personally, I prefer that he has two kinds of shimmering oil in his body at the same time, so he often suffers from memory and thinking confusion.

In addition, with Kahn's assistance and cooperation, Elenon obtained the artifact Tongmu, but she has not yet figured out how to use it.

That's why I activated emergency contact. "

Wabas shook out all the information he had.

Because if Kahn didn't exaggerate when describing the power of Tong Zhao, then this thing that looks a bit like a broken bowl is simply a proper violent star artifact.

Of course, using Tongmei is also extremely dangerous.

The reason why Urza became a planeswalker was because his body was completely annihilated by the same omen. With the newly ignited spark and the two artifacts of the Strong Stone and the Weak Stone, he finally rebuilt a new body. .

In other words, using Tong Zhao basically means showing your trump card and dying with the enemy.

Because he knew so much, Wabas didn't want it to fall into the hands of Elenon.

"I see."

Zuo Si instantly understood why the Red Demon Judge had become so nervous and urgent. He was completely frightened by the power of the activated Tong Omen.

However, he himself seemed quite calm and not worried at all.

The reason is simple!

Kahn was merely the keeper of the Syndrome and had no idea of ​​the spell to activate it.

If you want the permission to use Tong Zhao, you must go to the Coros Cave in Dominaria time and space to find the corresponding spell.

Because it was in this cave that the archaeological team dug it out.

"What action do you plan to take? Do you need me to recruit troops immediately?" Wabas asked in a low voice.

In his opinion, now that the time has come, he must win back Tongzhao and Kahn at all costs.

It would be better if I could kill Elenon and her men as well.

Zuo Si immediately shook his head: "No, there is no need to recruit an army. Just leave the matter of seizing Tongzhao to me."

"No need? Are you sure?"

Wabas' tone was filled with shock and incomprehension.

"Yes, I'm very sure. Neither Elenon nor Karn has the spell to activate the omen. So the artifact is now just a useless decoration."

After saying this, Zuo Si immediately used teleportation magic to disappear from the place.

The next second...

He appeared directly in the core of time and space located in the deepest part of Mirrodin.

It was completely different from the last time I came here, where I saw Kahn being pinned down on a chair and filled with shimmering oil from head to toe.

Now, not only was he clean and spotless, but he was also awake and sitting on the throne to accept the worship of Elenon.

The latter was like the most devout believer, lovingly kissing Kahn's feet made of heavy silver blocks.

There was also a circle of New Phyrexia members who believed in the Mechanic Orthodoxy.

On the table in front of Kahn and Elenon, there was a broken bowl with a very old appearance.

You don't need to ask to know that this broken bowl is the famous artifact - Tongzhao.

Zuo Si carefully avoided those ubiquitous flying detectors, observed the shape and characteristics of Tongzhao from a distance, and then quickly built a three-dimensional model in his brain.

After about a few minutes, he successfully used his own ability to create a fake that was 99.99% similar.

While Elenon and his men were busy carrying out religious sacrificial activities, Zuo Si came up in an instant and dropped the package for Tongzhao.

The moment he held the broken bowl in his hand, he finally understood why Tongsi could release such terrifying and devastating power.

Because this thing does not draw power from a certain person or a certain time and space, but directly obtains the most primitive and pure magical energy from the multiverse connected by the dark void.

This also means that there is no upper limit to the theoretical power of Tongzhao.

As long as the time to absorb energy is long enough, even directly tearing apart a time and space is easy.

However, Zuo Si has not activated the spell with the same omen now, so he can only put it away and wait for some time to go to the Koros Cave to look for corresponding clues.

Just when he was satisfied and ready to leave, he suddenly heard Kahn ask: "How long do you plan to imprison me in this place?"

“Don’t say it so harshly, dear father.

This is also for your own good.

If you leave my sight, you may be attacked by other demon judges immediately.

You know, they don't respect you as much as I do.

Jinji Tasha, in particular, has always wanted to take you apart for various studies. "

Elenon defended herself plausibly.

But Kahn obviously did not accept this trick, and immediately sneered and asked: "So you plan to imprison me here forever?"

Elenon immediately corrected her: "I think the word protection is more appropriate. As the founder of New Phyrexia and the de facto father of all Demon Judges, you have the responsibility and obligation to be with us as a spiritual totem."

"Hmph! Stop making excuses for yourself. You just want to use me to control the entire New Phyrexia and realize your ambitions."

Kahn mercilessly exposed the hypocritical mask of the white demon judge in front of him.




Do not make jokes!

If these guys really worshiped him, they wouldn't imprison themselves in this way, and even wanted to use shimmering oil to keep themselves in a coma without consciousness.

But it's fine now.

As the internal structure of the body is completely completed, the shimmering oil is no longer a fatal poison, but has become a source of power.

"No, you are wrong, Father.

I admit that I am ambitious, but I am always sincere towards you.

Because without you we wouldn't be where we are today.

I'm always grateful for that.

As long as you don't betray New Phyrexia, I will never try to harm you. "

Elenon grabbed the Silver Golem's hand and put it to her lips, kissing it lovingly.

The way she peels off her outer skin to reveal the bright red muscles inside is really chilling.

Especially at close range, I felt goosebumps all over my body.

Kahn sarcastically said without mercy: "Sorry, I don't want to accept such gratitude at all. You should leave it to others."

After saying that, he stood up and tried to push aside the guard at the door and break out.

But unfortunately, just as he got closer, an invisible force acted on Kahn.

In an instant, the huge and heavy body of the Silver Golem flew up and fell hard to the ground, creating a big crater.

Before he could get up from the ground, he saw a hand inlaid with a white porcelain exoskeleton pressing on his chest. The sharp nails even left various marks on the Silver Demon's body.

"Don't move! If you move, it will be regarded as provocation and you will be treated even worse."

Elenon exuded an extremely dangerous aura, as if she would pierce her claws into Kahn's body in the next second.

Just as the two were in a stalemate, the green demon judge Fulin Kai suddenly broke in from outside.

When he saw the situation inside, he immediately used brute force to pick up the heavy silver golem and threw it towards the far wall.


Kahn instantly hit a big hole in the wall like a cannonball.

"Hahahaha! Is this the father of New Phyrexia that you advocate and admire? He is so weak!"

Fulinkai laughed wildly, his laughter full of contempt and disdain for Kahn.

He has always admired primitiveness and brutality, and likes to use violence to solve problems.

If it can't be solved, it means it's not violent enough.

"Damn it! How many times have I warned you! Don't touch Kahn! He is our father!"

Elenon was furious in an instant, pointed at Fulinkai's nose and started roaring.

"No! He is just your father, not ours."

Ferrinkes didn't give the de facto supreme leader of New Phyrexia any face at all.

In fact, among the several Demon Judges, except for the White Demon Judge Elenon, the others have never been very friendly towards Kahn, and some even want to tear him into pieces.

Just when the two demon judges were about to break out into a conflict, Kahn, who was embedded in the wall, finally slowly climbed up while holding on to the wall.

At this moment, the grinning silver golem wished he had no sensory system, so that he would not be troubled by pain.

But the moment he just stood firm, many non-Rui people who cultivated the Mechanical Orthodoxy around him quickly gathered around, and they were on three levels inside and three levels outside.

Not to mention escaping, not even a fly or mosquito could escape.

Seeing that Kahn was fine, Elenon's anger immediately dropped a lot. She did not continue to cause trouble for the Green Goblin Judge, but quickly put on another face.

"Have you done everything I asked you to be responsible for?"

Fulinkai was silent for a moment and replied: "No. But this can't be blamed on me, but the technology at Jinji Tasha is not up to par yet. When he gets it done, I can set off immediately."

"Go and urge him more. Only by completing the first step of the plan can our army go to other worlds to complete the conquest of time and space one after another."

Elenon instructed, waving her nails as sharp as claws.

“Already urging.

Jinji Tasha promised that the results would be available soon.

Compared to these things, have you recently found that something is suddenly and inexplicably wrong with your body, thoughts, or emotions?

Anyway, I had a problem, or even a sudden memory fragment, and it was already a few hours later when I woke up. "

Fulinkai told about the strange situation he had been having recently.

To be precise, the reason why he is in this situation is the result of the battle between the two shimmering oils in his body.

The situation will improve quickly once the new oil replaces the old oil.

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