A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 600 Stratholme (10,000-word chapter please subscribe)

For a group of devout and fanatical believers, nothing can make them feel more excited, excited and satisfied than witnessing the arrival of gods and listening to their teachings.

Even if this god brought bad news that couldn't be worse.

However, Lanni and other higher-level priests did not announce the arrival of Zuo Si to the outside world. They only elevated the status of the young man he possessed and informed all believers that he was God's chosen person and represented God's will.

Although the other pastors and believers didn't quite understand what was going on, they did not show any dissatisfaction. Instead, they were all very happy.

After all, the so-called Church of the God of Contract has only been established recently.

And the reason why most people are willing to join is out of gratitude for the life-saving grace, or to take revenge on the cursed sect and the undead creatures they control. Their thoughts and ideas are relatively simple, and they don't have too many intrigues or fights for power.

But it’s hard to say what it will look like as it continues to grow and develop in the future.

You must know that in the face of huge interests and power, it is difficult for ordinary people to maintain their true intentions and not be tempted for a long time.

Of course, in Zuo Si's eyes, it doesn't matter what the church eventually becomes.

Anyway, this is just a tool for him to enter Azeroth. If it rots and deteriorates, just throw it away.

As the team sets off again, Arthas is getting closer and closer to the crossroads that determines his destiny - Stratholme.

Although the wheat fields on both sides of the road are already showing a large golden color, it is about to enter the most important harvest season of the year.

But no one felt happy or joyful.

Because under the influence of undead natural disasters and plagues, many villages suffered heavy casualties, and only half or even fewer of the lucky ones received treatment and survived.

Some villages were completely dead, with not a single living person in sight.

It is foreseeable that even if the wheat ears in the fields are mature, there may not be so many hands to harvest, dry, thresh, and grind flour, and many crops will even rot in the ground.

Obviously, the Lich King and the Cursed Sect under his command have indeed achieved quite good results in killing civilians and reducing the population.

According to conservative estimates, at least 500,000 rural people have been completely transformed into undead creatures after this round of plague spread.

Due to the lack of medical and defensive forces in the countryside of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, they could not withstand the doomsday scenario of the plague and the siege of the undead army. Basically, wherever the plague spread, large areas would die.

Compared with the well-known "Stratholme Massacre", these neglected farmers are actually the most miserable.

No wonder Arthas was so angry, extreme, and even completely irrational when facing the Dread Lord Mal'Ganis, and was easily provoked to do such crazy things as racing to massacre the city.

Whoever it is, after witnessing their once rich and prosperous country being ruined like this, with thousands of people slaughtered, and even the corpses desecrated, they will inevitably become crazy and very eager. revenge.

Not to mention that this man also has a strong sense of responsibility and mission in his heart. He believes that the king and the crown prince are inherently obliged to protect their people from foreign enemies.

Zuo Si ordered the church people to leave some of them behind to harvest the ownerless farmland to store food in preparation for the upcoming trip south by boat.

When they arrived at the outskirts of Stratholme, there were only more than 120 priests left in the originally huge church accompanying the army, and 3,000 militiamen who had undergone simple training and had fairly good weapons and equipment.

Although these people cannot compare with the Royal Guards of Lordaeron, their combat effectiveness is quite good with the blessing of religious fanaticism.

At least in the eyes of the prince, they are qualified to be used as a reserve team.

Arthas had obviously accumulated a lot of experience in fighting the undead, and immediately instructed his adjutant to build a strong military camp so that the soldiers could have a safe place to eat and sleep no matter what they encountered.

At the same time, make sure you don't get stabbed in the butt by enemies that suddenly appear.

Obviously, at this moment, he has become a qualified, even an excellent commander.

Just as soldiers and church members began to cut down trees and dismantle old houses to build military camps, there was a sound of horse hooves and a slight vibration coming closer and closer.

About a few minutes later, everyone followed the direction of the sound of horse hooves and saw an elite cavalry wearing silver-white armor.

You don't need to ask to know that in the entire Kingdom of Lordaeron, the only one with such luxurious equipment and well-trained cavalry is the famous Knights of the Silver Hand.

After repairs, Lightbringer Uther finally came over with his people.

He himself immediately got off his horse and walked straight towards the cold-looking prince.

"Glad you're still catching up, Uther."

Arthas greeted in an emotionless tone.

"Please pay attention to your attitude. Although you are a prince, I am still your mentor."

Uther obviously noticed the dissatisfaction and disdain in the other person's eyes and tone, and his expression instantly became serious.

He obviously didn't like the prince's current attitude and his crazy eyes.

But Arthas sneered and retorted: "Ah, I can't forget this without you reminding me. Forget these meaningless pretense, we have more important things to do. Listen, Uther Er, now let me tell you the specific situation about the Curse Sect and the Undead Scourge."

While he was talking, the prince climbed onto a hill outside the city, intending to use the height advantage to cross the city wall and check the situation inside the city.

Since he had been suddenly attacked by undead villagers when he entered villages and towns before, he had to be extra cautious.

After all, Stratholme is not a small town. The number of residents there is more than ten times that of the army.

If all of them were transformed into zombies and ghouls, if they entered rashly, they would be completely wiped out, leaving no room for negotiation.

Just when Alsace was feeling uneasy and hoping that he was not late, he suddenly saw civilians coming and going on the street, as well as a scene of peace and tranquility.


His hanging heart was finally relieved, and he even had the illusion that he had finally been saved.

When Uther saw this scene, his originally sullen face gradually softened a lot.

Because this paladin knew that the prince's impatience, anger, and hatred were all due to excessive concern for the safety of the people.

Small mistakes like this, committed with good intentions, can undoubtedly be forgiven and condoned.

As a result, the two quickly put aside their previous little unhappiness and began to exchange information about the cursed sect and the magical plague.

Jaina let out a long breath, sat aside and watched the master and apprentice get back together, and dozed off on a stone in the distance with a tired look on her face.

In order to calm Alsace's emotions and prevent him from completely losing control along the way, she basically didn't get a good night's sleep.

Not only must he often go to the prince in the middle of the night to provide a channel for him to vent, but he must also find ways to comfort him when he is angry.

In addition, the mage was not known for his physical strength, so he was already reaching his limit.

To be fair, everything Jaina has done for Alsace along the way can definitely be regarded as a "model girlfriend" and a "good wife and mother".

He even tolerated the latter's rude behavior when angry, as well as a large number of excessive remarks.

You must know that she is not an ordinary commoner, but the princess of Kul Tiras. She was pampered and pampered since she was a child.

This kind of woman is considered quite well-educated if she doesn't take the initiative to lose her temper, let alone tolerate others losing their temper towards her, even if the other person is the Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

So Jaina's love for Arthas is unquestionable.

Only such strong and sincere feelings can make a person with a proud heart like her take the initiative to put down her body to cater to the other person.

It's a pity that the two of them are destined to be together.

From the moment he was targeted by the first Lich King Ner'zhul, Arthas' tragic fate was doomed.

Zuo Si did not intend to interfere in this matter.

Because he knew that this was an important node in the timeline that the Bronze Dragon Legion was concerned about.

Once a problem occurs, bronze will immediately appear to correct the so-called "error."

Before the true body arrives, it is not a wise choice to collide head-on with these guardian dragons who control the power of time.

So Zuo Si just handed a cup of tea mixed with Golden Thorn Grass and Ningshen Flower in front of Jaina.

The latter suddenly woke up after smelling the smell, and hurriedly rubbed his face, which looked dull, and took the tea cup with both hands and forced a smile: "Thank you. This is exactly what I need.

I noticed that you guys seem to be really good at finding and using various herbs.

Not only can you prepare magical potions with completely different effects that have never been seen before, but you can also make functional drinks with effects such as refreshing, eliminating fatigue, and accelerating the recovery of life and mana.

Is this also the knowledge imparted by the God of Contract? "

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "That's right. If you like it, I can make a recipe list later. In this way, even after returning to Dalaran, you can still drink your favorite Golden Thorn Tea. "

"Give me the formula?

you sure?

You must know that these things are valuable in Dalaran.

I think any mage would be more than happy to pay a hefty price to get them.

Moreover, they can also submit a patent protection application to the Kirin Tor Council, and then exclusively produce and sell it, using the knowledge monopoly for several years to earn huge profits. "

When saying these words, Jaina's eyes flashed with strong curiosity.

Because so far, the performance of this church established by Zuo Si's bluffing and deceiving has been too perfect.

Whether he is saving civilians affected by the plague at all costs and never charging any fees, or sharing his exclusive knowledge and technology without reservation, he seems to be so pure and kind, and there is no trace of it from beginning to end. Blemishes and blemishes.

"No, no need.

God loves the world, so He teaches us to help each other and learn to share.

If there is a hungry person who needs food, provide it;

If someone who is cold needs clothing, provide clothing for them.

By the same token, when someone needs these recipes, we are more than happy to make them public and share them with everyone.

Only in this way will the suffering in this world be reduced and become a better place.

What's more, money cannot bring real happiness and happiness at all, nor can it bring true friendship, family affection, and love. "

Zuo Si obviously understood Gianna's current psychological state and mental and ideological flaws very well, and easily won the other party's great favor.

To be precise, this "daughter of the sea" was quite naive in terms of politics and stance before she turned black, and her mind was full of unrealistic idealism.

For example, in an attempt to keep the blood feud between the tribe and the alliance forever peaceful, he did not hesitate to sell his biological father, Alliance Navy Marshal Dai Lin, to Thrall.

Another example is that he repeatedly tried to use his personal friendship with Thrall, the chief of the tribe, to mediate the conflicts and contradictions between the two camps. As a result, he became a human being inside and out, and there was a lot of opposition even within Theramore. By.

So what is most attractive to a naive idealist?

The answer is very simple.

They are just another group of idealists with lofty ideals and great beliefs who are incompatible with cruel reality.

"Does reducing suffering make the world a better place? You and your God are so admirable. If you need my help in the future, please be sure to speak up. I swear that I will never refuse as long as I am able. "

Jaina solemnly made her promise.

She was completely unaware of the series of insidious and cunning calculations behind it.

After all, if you want to transport a large number of people from Lordaeron in the north to Stranglethorn Valley in the south, the first thing that needs to be solved is the safety issues of ships and along the way.

And among the entire alliance, who has more ships and a more powerful navy than Kul Tiras?

At least before Jaina performed the good show of a loving father and a filial daughter, she only needed a letter to ask the huge fleet led by Dai Lin to do a small favor.

Just when Zuo Si was pretending to express his gratitude, the smell of wheat baking suddenly wafted from Stratholme City in the distance.

It is easy to tell from the smoke constantly rising from the chimneys of several large bakeries that the bakers are baking and providing daily staple foods to the residents of the city.


Arthas, who was talking to Uther one second, was shocked the next second.


We are too late!

Those...those breads were baked from plague-contaminated grains!

Now the entire Stratholme is full of infected residents!

Look, they are coughing slightly, and it will not take long before they become undead. "

"Damn it! How could this happen?" Jaina stood up suddenly, her face suddenly becoming extremely pale and bloodless. "I remember Archmage Anthony said that this terrible plague should be caused by psychic magic, so as long as we can decipher the mystery, we can create an antidote to save everyone."

"Creating an antidote with magic takes time! But we don't have time anymore!"

As he said that, Alsace turned around and looked at Zuo Si, Lanni and other priests.

"I need your help! More than ever!"

"Hug... I'm sorry, Your Highness. We have too few manpower to save all the residents of Stratholme. We may not even be able to save half or a third."

Lanny covered his face in pain.

At this moment, he finally understood why the god he believed in asked all believers to take a boat to the southern Stranglethorn Valley to settle down.

In the face of a plague outbreak of this magnitude, even if the pastors in the church are collectively overdrawn, it will be a drop in the bucket.

The prince was obviously not surprised by this answer. He subconsciously clenched the warhammer in his hand and responded in a cold tone: "I know. You can save as many as you can, and I will take care of the rest."

"What do you want to do?"

As the closest couple, Jaina was obviously the one who knew Arthas best among all the people present, so she immediately sensed something was wrong.

"It's very simple! I want to purify Stratholme. Instead of watching countless civilians turn into undead, it is better for me to end their lives with my own hands."

Arthas had no intention of hiding anything and stated his intentions directly.

"What? Are you crazy?"

Uther's eyes widened and he couldn't believe that these words came from the mouth of a paladin who swore to protect the weak and maintain justice and justice.

Jaina also tried to dissuade her: "Don't be impulsive! There must be many people in Stratholme who have not been infected by the plague. You can't kill them like livestock because you are afraid of the spread of the plague."


This is not an impulse on my part, but a conclusion I came to after careful consideration.

If this is not done, those who are infected by the plague and cannot be treated will become undead and will kill the remaining people.

And those who are killed will rise again and become terrible enemies.

Even those who were rescued would be attacked and suffer heavy casualties.

Only by following my method can we maximize the survival of some residents.

Think about it, if those residents knew that they would become undead and attack and harm everything they loved in life, what ending would they choose?

Should he calmly accept this painful and despairing ending, or should he die with dignity as a sane person?

If it were you, what choice would you make? "

Arthas made his point in an almost growl-like manner.

He didn't realize at all that when faced with this typical tram problem, he had fallen into the trap set by the Dread Lord from the moment he made his choice.

In other words, from the beginning, the Lich King has been forcing him to make difficult choices, breaking through the bottom line of psychology and morality again and again.

After each choice, Arthas will slip a lot towards the evil camp.

The Stratholme massacre was the most important step across the line between good and evil.

From here, there was no turning back.

"Of course I would choose the latter.

But the problem is that no one has the right to make choices for the residents of the city.

And when you can only save a small number of people, how do you decide who gets to die and who gets to live?

Can you guarantee fairness?

Can we guarantee that everyone will accept this result?

no, you can not.

We are like prisoners trapped in a cage, and whatever we do is wrong. "

Speaking of the last few words, Jaina showed an expression of frustration and sadness.

The smarter a person is, the more powerless they will feel at such times. They know the outcome but can't change anything.

But Alsace could no longer care about so much at this moment, and said categorically: "Since you can't do it, then let me do it! We must not let the undead escape Stratholme and continue to spread the plague throughout the kingdom. That will only leading to more deaths.”

"Please give me some time! In just one or two days, I can teleport back to Dalaran and request an emergency meeting for the archmages to think of a solution..."

Jaina finally tried to get her prince to give up his crazy idea of ​​massacre.

But before she could finish her words, Alas interrupted impatiently: "There is no extra time!

Those infected may have only hours or even minutes to live.

Once the transformation begins, the entire city will turn into a purgatory.

At that time, people who could have been saved will also be killed in the chaos.

Have you forgotten what happened in Hearthglen?

Without a miracle from heaven, the results would have been disastrous. "

After being silent for two or three minutes, Uther couldn't help but retorted: "How could you have such an idea? That's crazy! There must be other solutions."

"No! No more! Any hesitation and indecision will lead to more serious consequences. Uther, as the future king, I order you to clean up this city!"

Arthas began to yell as if possessed.

He didn't understand anything so obvious. Why didn't the two people in front of him understand?

It is clear that what he does can save more people, and can also restore peace to the kingdom that has fallen into turmoil and chaos.

As for the residents of Stratholme who were about to be slaughtered, they were only necessary sacrifices made under necessity.

I believe that after learning the truth, they will also understand the difficulties involved.

"You are not my king yet. What's more, even if you are, I will not obey such an order."

Uther refused without hesitation.

As these words blurted out, the scene immediately fell into silence.

The solemn atmosphere made the air solidify.

Lanny, who was born as a civilian and had never seen such a scene, kept swallowing to relieve the tension in his heart.

Only Zuo Si remained calm, enjoying the famous scene in front of him as if he were watching a cartoon.

Especially after experiencing Arthas' psychological journey up close, he could understand why Azeroth's most dutiful son would make such a choice.

In fact, most people in modern society would probably make almost the same choice as Alsace if they had not known the plot in advance.

The Dreadlord Mal'Ganis made full use of the kindness, responsibility, anger and hatred in human nature, and bit by bit forced the prince of Lordaeron to the fate he had arranged for him.

In the end, Alas, who had lost his mind during the quarrel, declared Uther treason, which directly led to his betrayal and separation from his relatives.

Not only did Uther and Jaina choose to turn around and leave, but even the knights and soldiers under his command felt that the order to massacre Stratholme was too outrageous, and they all chose to abandon the prince.

Staring at the retreating figures of hundreds of people, Alsace felt as if his heart was pierced by a sharp sword, as painful and desperate.

There is nothing more frustrating and full of frustration than knowing you made the right decision and not having it understood by those close to you.

But soon, he discovered that no one from Zuo Si's church had left, but chose to stay without exception.

This made Alsace's originally despairing heart sparkle of hope again. He turned around and asked, "Why didn't you leave? An order like this to massacre the city should not be in line with your beliefs."

"No, you misunderstood, Your Highness.

We stayed not to participate in the massacre, but to save the lives of as many Stratholme residents as possible.

We will not give up our responsibilities just because of a little difference of opinion.

Not to mention sitting back and watching living lives die one by one if they have the ability.

So please and your soldiers please try your best to send out those who can still be saved, and we will take care of the rest. "

After saying that, Zuo Si put one hand on his chest and bowed to the prince who had not been completely swallowed by the darkness.

Although there are many controversies surrounding the massacre of Stratholme, both technical and moral.

But it is undeniable that Alsace is the only person who is willing to sacrifice his personal reputation at this time and stand up to bravely bear responsibility and infamy.

You must know that he is the crown prince, and there is no need to take such risks. He can leave the problem to Uther and make himself as pure and flawless as a white lotus.

So no matter what the outcome is, the courage to take responsibility alone is worthy of admiration.

At least a hundred times better than those guys who always want to hide, lie, and shirk responsibility as soon as something happens.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

When Alsace heard these words, he immediately covered his eyes and burst into laughter. In the laughter, you could vaguely see some moisture in the corners of his eyes.

But he quickly controlled his somewhat out-of-control emotions, took a deep breath and said: "Thank you, thank you and your gods for not abandoning me at this time. I hereby swear that when I become a king one day, I will definitely Support you to replace the Church of Holy Light as the only legal faith in Lordaeron."

"That's very kind of you, that's what we should do."

After saying that, Zuo Si gave a hint to Lanny beside him.

The latter understood the idea and immediately began to instruct the priests and accompanying believers to build simple beds, prepare herbal medicines, and use magic to create holy water...

They even used wooden fences to create a separation wall to prevent the bodies of some seriously ill infected people from quickly turning into undead and harming other people after they died.

Seeing this, Alsace also ordered each of the soldiers to carry a portion of holy water to prevent being infected by the plague, and then entered the city through the main entrance.

After a while, frightened residents began to escape from inside one after another. Some of them still had blood stains on their bodies. They were generally under forty or over six years old, and their symptoms were not very serious.

Because only these people have a higher chance of being cured after taking herbs and holy water.

As for those who were too old, too young, and those who were seriously ill, you knew that they would be killed without mercy without asking.

The prince completely abandoned morality and law, and used the most extreme utilitarianism to screen the entire residents of Stratholme.

Almost at the same time, he also launched a bloody and cruel competition with the dreadlord Mal'Ganis.

Suddenly, killing, death and redemption began to take place in the city.

When the undead discovered that a large number of residents infected with the plague were being properly treated in the camps on the outskirts of the city, and some even recovered quickly, they immediately launched an attack here.

Tens of thousands of ghouls, zombies and skeletons came over like a tide.

Since most of the soldiers had been brought into the city by Alsace, the church could only bite the bullet and let the militia go up first, relying on the previously built defenses to block the attack.

Almost a third of the priests even stopped making herbs and holy water and instead fought alongside the militia to ensure that the fragile defense line did not collapse.

Many refugees who escaped from Stratholme also took up arms and joined them.

They are not fools, and of course they know that if the defense line is breached, there is only one fate waiting for them and their families.

If you don't go all out at this time, when will you go all out?

"Spearmen prepare! Stab!"

"Damn it! Our crossbows are out of arrows!"

"Then hit him with rocks!"

"Hold on! Don't be afraid! Apart from the large number of these undead, it's not a big deal at all. Thinking about the family behind us, we have no way out."

"I will fight with you! Kill!!!"

Accompanied by hoarse roars and roars, everyone burst out with unprecedented power.

At this moment, the intensity of the battle outside the city was not much worse than inside the city, or even worse.

"Great...great God! What should we do now?"

Lanni felt his mouth was dry, his heartbeat was racing, and he didn't know what to do.

If it hadn't been for the attraction of some merchants, squires and nobles along the way, it would have been in chaos by now, and there would be no way to organize any defense.

Now it is they who are responsible for the organization and scheduling.

Zuo Si responded calmly: "Don't be nervous, we are defending quite well now.

As long as you arrange to take turns to rest, it shouldn't be a problem to last for a while.

And as time goes by, more and more people infected with the plague will recover and become a new force.

When Prince Alsace defeats the enemy's leader, the crisis on our side will naturally be resolved. "

While the two were talking, a militiaman standing on the watchtower suddenly shouted in panic: "No! The undead seem to have brought siege equipment! And... there are several twisted corpses A giant stitched monster!”

"What? They also prepared siege weapons!"

"It's over! This kind of wooden wall can't stop the sling at all. Not to mention the sling, even the bed crossbow can pierce it."

"What should I do? Are you going to kill me?"

"Stop joking! You'll die!"

Just when countless people were frightened by the new weapons of the undead army, Zuo Si had already levitated with the help of magic. Following the direction his lookout hand was facing, he saw a row of advancing meat grinding trucks, densely packed with bloody meat. corpse.

Unlike just being a long-range siege weapon in the game, its role in reality is much greater.

Not only can you project rocks to cause damage to the city walls, but you can also throw plague-laden corpses, or use psychic magic to make them explode with a bang after landing.

Anyone killed by a corpse explosion will turn their bodies into undead within a very short period of time.

In addition to the meat grinder, the huge abomination is also a very terrifying enemy. It can directly knock over the wooden wall with its own weight and rush in to kill.

Based on the level of the militia, it is estimated that even if dozens or hundreds of people die, they may not be able to kill a single abomination.

Most importantly, behind these elite units is an Azerothian version of the Lich.

"Haha, are you discovering that the plague can be cured in the camp, so you all come out to eliminate the threat? It seems that Ner'zhul is not as stupid as you thought. He knows what threatens you the most..."

Before he finished speaking, Zuo Si raised his hand to guide the holy light energy through a spell.

During these days on the road, he had already learned how to use the Holy Light energy from Lanny, and had practiced it repeatedly, so he was not unfamiliar at all when using it.

After all, the undead creatures are the main enemies at this stage, and the Holy Light can just restrain them, so naturally they must be mastered first.

With his powerful talent, Zuo Si instantly shaped the released huge holy light energy into a golden arrow shape, and then suddenly pointed forward.

The next second...

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

The overwhelming rain of energy arrows covered the place where the Lich was, and the violent explosions and dazzling light produced when they hit the target even turned everything in front of them white.

Any undead creature that is irradiated will immediately have more or less burn marks on its body surface.

The weaker skeletons fell down in pieces.

By the time everything calmed down, the meat grinding truck that was approaching with great momentum had all turned into pieces that could not be recycled and reused.

Almost half of the Abomination was shattered into pieces and turned into puddles of bloody and foul-smelling flesh.

Such a terrifying spell effect not only caused the survivors of the disaster to burst into cheers after a brief silence, but also caused a lag in the overwhelming undead attack.

Just when everyone thought that with such a protective god standing guard, no matter how many undead souls there were, it would be impossible to attack, the biting cold suddenly broke out without any warning, centered on Zuo Si.

Snapped! ! ! ! ! !

A crystal clear prismatic icicle suddenly appeared out of thin air and shattered in less than a second, forming a huge killing radius.

One of them was like a sharp blade, cutting off the wooden piles supporting the watchtower, causing the entire tower to tilt sideways, almost hitting the militiamen below.

There are also relatively small ice fragments that, after flying a certain distance, may cause cuts or frostbite to the unlucky person who was hit.

Fortunately, there are enough priests, and after a simple treatment, there will be no life-threatening danger.

As for Zuo Si, who was at the center of the explosion, he was not injured at all.

Before all the ice blades could get close to him, they were blocked by the ring of hot flames surrounding them and evaporated instantly.

There is no doubt that the frost magic just now was the iconic [Frost Nova] of the Lich of Azeroth.

Ever since the lich was confirmed, Zuo Si had been on guard against the opponent's frost magic, so he was fully prepared in advance.

After all, this temporary container is not as good as his own body, and it must be used with care, otherwise a small injury may cause it to be damaged in a matter of minutes.

"First the Holy Light Magic! Then the Fire Magic? Who are you?"

Accompanied by a low and hoarse voice, the Lich finally emerged from its invisible state and appeared in an open space more than thirty meters away.

From the time of the bombardment of holy light arrows just now, he had sensed the danger in advance and secretly used invisibility magic to hide, intending to kill this human who was suspected of being a senior priest through a sneak attack.

But he never expected that the other party could not only use such a powerful holy light spell, but was also very proficient in fire magic.

Especially the ring of fire, which looks very similar to the lava armor, but is much more powerful.

Normally, a young genius like this should have become famous in the magical city of Dalaran and even the entire human world.

It's a pity that Zuo Si obviously had no intention of talking. His hands instantly erupted with dazzling orange-red firelight and a heat wave hit his face.

Pyro... Pyroblast? !

As a high-level mage who came out of Dalaran, the Lich could obviously feel the power of spells from the fluctuations in magic power, and immediately wanted to interrupt the opponent's spell casting.

But unfortunately he was too slow.

In other words, Zuo Si's spell casting speed is too fast, far beyond what most magic users in this world can understand.

In just two seconds, he completed the fire magic that took others at least four seconds to complete.

Before the Lich had time to react, a super fireball with a radius of two meters was thrown directly.


The Lich instantly hung up a protective flame barrier on himself, and at the same time avoided the attack to the side as much as possible to reduce possible damage and impact.

Only half a second later, the super pyrotechnic fireball exploded on his body.

boom! ! ! ! !

The violent explosion and fire directly enveloped the area within a dozen meters.

The terrifying ultra-high temperature even caused slight signs of melting on the stones and soil on the ground.

But the lich is indeed a lich, even though half of his body is almost burned into black carbonized material, he is still alive.

You don't need to ask to know that this must be the protective flame barrier playing a key role.

The severely wounded Lich didn't hesitate at all and directly released the Death Pact at the abomination not far away.


The death energy supporting this behemoth was completely captured and injected into the Lich's damaged body, repairing the damaged parts and returning to the original state in just two seconds.

However, as he recovered, he was obviously wary of this young man who suddenly appeared. He did not dare to take the initiative to attack again. Instead, he stared at the two cold lights in his eyes and observed carefully, trying to find out the opponent's flaws.

As soon as Zuo Si makes a move to cast a spell, the lich will immediately teleport a certain distance, or summon undead cannon fodder to stand in front of him. Anyway, it will not fight you head-on, but will instead delay and consume you.

Zuo Si obviously didn't have any good ideas for this despicable tactic.

Because the magic energy that his container can control is very limited, it is impossible to consume it endlessly with the other party.

So after trying a few rounds of attacks with no effect, they simply stopped casting spells and just stared at him, no one dared to act rashly.

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