A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 665: The natural disaster of the undead that became cannon fodder in a bloody battle (a 10,0

The forty-sixth floor of the Bottomless Abyss, which was originally connected to the forty-fifth and forty-seventh floors to form a triple realm, was the territory of Grazt, the Lord of Darkness, one of the three giants of the abyss.

But since it was ravaged by three Eldrazi Titans, it has been drained of energy and turned into a useless white land.

At first glance, one feels only deep despair and emptiness.

Not to mention living here for a long time, ordinary people may become depressed, go crazy, or even want to commit suicide to find relief even if they stay here for a little longer.

Especially after Graz'zt himself was abducted by Wojin, the goddess of wealth, as revenge, the demons who flocked here to participate in the bloody battle completely lost their last restraints and let themselves go, building hundreds of large and small temples on top of the ruins. Fortresses and fortresses.

Some of them took orders from other demon lords, and some simply declared themselves kings and declared themselves the lords of the lands around the fortress, and forcibly captured many low-level demons as their subordinates.

They obviously saw that there was a vacancy in the position of the Big Three, so they tried to defeat the devil and reoccupy the three realms to gain the favor of the will of the abyss, and then replace Grazt as the new demon lord.

Perhaps the only thing that has not changed is the famous "Salt River" that runs through three levels.

It got this name mainly because the river water sparkles with a crystal-clear sheen like liquid salt particles.

However, like most rivers and oceans in the abyss, although the water looks very clear, it is actually highly poisonous.

Anyone, including demons, who tries to drink or soak in it will die a miserable death.

It can be said that poison is the easiest thing to obtain in the bottomless abyss.

But if you want to use it to kill a demon, you are definitely overthinking it.

This is because ninety-nine percent of demons have long since developed a body structure that is immune to most toxins in such a harsh environment, and can even drink a small mouthful of salty river water that is fatal to them until they die.

Of course, the river has now become a new dividing line on the bloody battlefield.

The side near the abyss is the devil's territory, and the other side is the devil's territory.

The two sides are fighting day and night around this poisonous river that runs through the entire three levels. The continuous fortification group and long-range covering fire strikes are enough to disintegrate all forms of attacks in the long middle death zone.

So as expected, the war once again fell into a cruel and lengthy back-and-forth.

From the lowest cannon fodder to the senior commander of a legion, the only meaning here is to be continuously consumed by the huge millstone of flesh and blood.

Although the devils have the help of Shimmering Oil, which can bring back the mangled corpses and various scrapped weapons and equipment on the ground for reuse, the devils have also sacrificed new types of demons that incorporate the characteristics of Eldrazi creatures.

The latter is not only immune to the infection of shimmering oil, but can even draw energy from shimmering oil to strengthen itself.

And the devil represents chaos, and chaos means having great creativity.

They took the weapons seized from the devil back and studied them, and it didn't take long to create some messy replicas of poor quality.

Although some situations such as self-destruction often occur, the overall technical gap between the two sides has been greatly narrowed.

At least in terms of long-range firepower delivery, they can fight back and forth without being unilaterally crushed.

As one of the two highest-ranking commanders of Hell's forces on the front line, Zariel, the Angel of Khorne, has been stationed in a huge steel fortress called the "Heart of War" since arriving on the front line.

Although the name is a fortress, it is actually a huge defensive fortification complex stretching for hundreds of kilometers.

Not only are there tens of millions of demon legions, but there are also massive glittering oil creations that have derived the attributes of the hell plane. There are more than 300,000 electromagnetic cannons and magic heavy cannons that can shoot thousands of kilometers away.

Just one saturation attack can directly wipe out all enemies in a large area from the map.

In addition, there are the newly cultivated Infernal Dragons, strange-shaped aerial fortresses and large aircraft that are also scattered in the airspace overhead, supporting the entire battlefield at any time when needed.

Zarrell obviously doesn't care at all about the abyss demon's crazy counterattack in recent times.

Because she knows that with the firepower, troops and logistics she currently has at hand, even if the number of enemies is increased three times, she will not be able to take advantage, let alone destroy the entire carefully built defense line.

Even if occasionally a crazy demon who is not afraid of death is sent directly to the rear to carry out sneak attacks and sabotage, the second line of defense established by the lord Bayer on the first level can easily annihilate it.

Although Zarrell has always looked down on this guy who once relied on conspiracy and conspiracy to gain his position, he also admitted that the opponent is indeed an expert in shrinking defense, and can often achieve an exaggerated battle loss ratio with only a few resources. .

Therefore, the current situation on the bloody frontline can be said to be as stable as an old dog.

The most important thing is that with Zuo Si's crazy expansion in the universe where the planet Azeroth is located, the number of souls pouring into Baator Hell, especially the ninth level, has skyrocketed.

Those Burning Legion soldiers and commanders who were captured during the war were forcibly transformed into members of the devil's army.

This also means that the abyss demons can no longer directly kill the elite demon army with a numerical advantage of more than twenty times as before.

If it weren't for the fact that the territory in the rear area had not yet been transformed and digested, Zarrell would have even wanted to launch an attack, directly tearing a hole in the devil's chaotic front, and then use the advantage of high-speed maneuvers to quickly complete the penetration and wrap a big dumpling. Destroy hundreds of millions of enemies.

In terms of offense, she is famously crazy and does not care about casualties, just to win one brilliant victory after another.

Just when this devil Duke, who has a holy appearance like a celestial creature, but is full of violence and killing in his heart, is staring at the real-time dynamic projection of the battlefield sent back by countless detectors on the wall and thinking about the next tactics, A killing angel who had shrunk his body to "only" four meters tall walked in from the outside. He first put one hand on his chest and bowed, and then opened his mouth to report: "Your Majesty, Your Excellency Soth has specially sent you a gift." The new batch of troops has now arrived at the barracks in the rear, how should we arrange it?"

"New army?"

Zariel had a confused look on his face.

Because her army has been constantly depleted and replenished.

Under normal circumstances, there is no need to notify yourself about such a small matter. The staff officers and generals below will naturally send troops to the theater with heavy losses to supplement them.

"Yes. This army is mainly composed of undead, and it should be pretty good in terms of strength. The commander-in-chief is called Arthas, and he is a death knight with a divine weapon."

The Killing Angel told everything he knew.

As the most powerful and highest-level unit in the Mechanical Angel Legion, she is almost completely wrapped in a hard metal can from head to toe, and her physical and magical defenses are extremely terrifying.

If fully released, it can even transform into a behemoth more than ten or twenty meters tall.

Once put into the battlefield, it is the humanoid Gundam.

However, unlike the violent angels who pursue ultimate destructive power, the killing angels pursue the efficiency of killing enemies, so their weapons and abilities tend to be more quantitative, miniaturized and intelligent.

They are equivalent to the brains on the battlefield, allowing the surrounding soldiers to exert 120% of their combat effectiveness.

In contrast, the Cruel Angel is more like a powerful assaulter, responsible for tearing apart the toughest and most difficult-to-gnaw defense lines.

"Death Knight Arthas? Ah! I think I know who he is."

A hint of amusement flashed in Zariel's eyes, and he instantly controlled the complex combat platform in front of him, successfully capturing Alsace, who was looking around with a blank look on his face, through a detector located near the barracks.

The young death knight had not yet realized how dangerous the place he had arrived was. Instead, he was very curious about the various strange races in the barracks.

Since Baator Hell has inherited the tradition of recruiting mercenaries, the barracks here not only have a large number of devils of various shapes, but also a considerable number of mortals and otherworldly creatures.

Some of them come for their faith, some of them are from the ultra-lawful camp to combat the spread of chaos, and some of them come simply to make money or because they owe too much debt to the devil and were caught, so they can only come to the front line of the bloody battle to serve as cannon fodder.

Anyway, in the huge barracks, you can almost see creatures from all planes of the universe, from elements and giants in the inner plane to alien creatures in the outer plane.

After completing the registration, the cannon fodder among these cannon fodders will be immediately assigned to different lines of defense to become glorious "line-filling babies" to fight against the swarming demons.

If you are lucky enough to survive until the end, you can naturally win a large bounty, and even have the opportunity to become the commander of a foreign mercenary army.

Because in Baator Hell, military promotion on the bloody battle front is the most strictly enforced system.

Even the immediate boss would not dare to take away the credit of a low-level devil easily.

Otherwise, Asmodeus and the Hell Court may intervene in the investigation at any time and give the most severe punishment to those who dare to reach out.

Of course, none of this has anything to do with Alsace.

Because he had just passed through the portal and couldn't understand the situation at all, and was even very surprised why the living people around him were not afraid of him, but stood there boldly and pointed at the thousands of undead of the Scourge.

What's more, there was a group of weirdly dressed guys who took advantage of their unpreparedness and snatched control of hundreds of abominations, giant skeletons, gargoyles, and four frost dragons, and then fled with the loot.

It's okay to prostitute the Scourge for free!

This scene made Alsace furious on the spot. He almost chased after him on Invincible, cut off the opponent's head, and then transformed them all into undead creatures.

But fortunately, the steady Kel'Thuzad caught this impulsive young man in time and comforted him in a low voice: "Don't get excited. We don't know anything about the situation in this world now. It's best not to provoke it rashly." trouble."

"But those damn bastards dared to ignore me! They directly stole control of many undead creatures through unknown magic!"

Alsace's tone was obviously full of anger.

During the rise of the Scourge, he personally destroyed Lordaeron, the most powerful human kingdom. He then captured Silvermoon City and the Sunwell, trampling the pride and dignity of the high elves under his feet, and finally entered the city. The magical kingdom of Dalaran is protected by a powerful barrier.

It can be said that the people everywhere they passed were frightened by the news, and they would tremble with fear just hearing the word undead.

But look at the group of "tricksters" in front of them. Not only are they not afraid of the undead army that is waiting for them, but they also dare to rush up to harvest the wool.

How could the arrogant Alsace endure this?

But what he didn't know was that at the junction of the evil hell and the abyss in the outer plane, things like the undead were really not that rare.

Just take the necromancers and evil priests who were just prostitutes for free. They can easily pull out a lot of them at any time.

Not to mention that Orcus, one of the three giants of the Abyss, is known as the "Lord of the Undead".

The undead army under his command is far superior to the Scourge Army in terms of quantity and quality.

Many demon lords also have considerable numbers of undead cannon fodder at their disposal.

So no one here would have any fear of the undead.

Just the opposite.

Since the undead are very susceptible to certain divine spells and magic, they are not only useful cannon fodder but also the best enemy to deal with in the eyes of the devil.

In addition, the number of the Scourge Legion is relatively large, and the number of high-level undead with independent consciousness and sanity is not large, which will naturally attract a large group of free prostitutes.

Obviously, Alsace, who had just arrived, was given a solid lesson as soon as he arrived at the military camp.

He didn't see the fear and panic he expected at all, only a pair of eyes full of greed.

"I swear! Sooner or later, those bastards will have to pay the price!"

The death knight held Frostmourne tightly, with a twisted and angry look on his face.

Just when Kel'Thuzad wanted to persuade him a few more words, a portal suddenly opened out of thin air, followed by Zariel's figure walking out from the other side.

She looked at it with great interest first, and then asked: "Are you the prince who personally completed the feat of killing his father and destroying his own country? I have to say that the first impression you gave me was quite bad. Regardless. Is it an impatient personality or an unruly attitude?”

"Who are you?"

Alsace asked with his eyes filled with cold light.

“You can call me Zarrell, or you can call me Lord Duke.

I am the commander with the highest authority on the bloody front line, and I am also your immediate boss.


You lowly maggots have no business asking any questions from now on.

The only thing required is to obey orders.

do you understand? "

Zariel raised his chin slightly in a cocky and arrogant posture.

To be precise, this is how she was originally arrogant and arrogant.

Before Zuo Si arrived, Zariel basically looked down on everyone except Asmodeus, the Lord of Hell. He felt that all those lords were idiots and mentally retarded, and they were not worthy of licking his toes.

"Maggot? How dare you call me maggot!"

Arthas had never experienced such humiliation. All the anger he had accumulated during this period suddenly burst out. He suddenly raised Frostmourne and wanted to kill the "birdman" in front of him.

But the next second...


This sword, which had always been sharpened like clay, actually shot out shining ice flowers the moment it collided with the silver mecha. The sharp blade could only leave a white mark on it.

The crisp sound of the metal collision seemed to be mocking something.

"This...how is this possible!"

Alsace was completely stunned.

Because he never expected that Frostmourne, whom he looked down upon, would be unable to deal with a pair of armor.

Of course, if he had known the thickness of the power armor, the magic metal used and the magic-like protection ability, he would never have had the delusion of splitting it open with just a rune sword.

What a joke!

The outer mecha thickness of Zariel and many advanced Killing Angels and Violent Angels has reached almost the same level as the armor of modern main battle tanks.

Moreover, they are all made of high-strength, high-hardness, and high-toughness magic alloys, and a large number of protection with deflection force fields are attached to them.

In addition, there are also the blessings of spell-like abilities.

Especially Zariel, as a secondary-level lord, his whole body, including his body and equipment, has been strengthened by the power of divine blood. Even Zuo Si can't guarantee that he can break through the defense at once, let alone Alsace, who can't even explode stars. The little death knight who can't do it.

Before Kel'Thuzad on the side could react to what was happening, Zariel suddenly grabbed Alsace's wrist with his backhand. The oil engine in his body suddenly began to roar, and his eyes were flashing with a terrifying light. Hellfire.



The hand holding Alsace's sword and the Saronite iron wrist guard, which was said to be able to defend against all physical and magical attacks, were abruptly broken off and folded into a strange ninety-degree right angle.

However, because undead creatures cannot feel pain, Alsace's face only showed shock and astonishment, instead of screaming like ordinary people.

Zariel, who has experienced hundreds of battles and even fought against powerful gods, did not give this little death knight any time to react. He directly snatched Frostmourne from the opponent's hands, then pulled him off the horse and threw him violently. Put another foot on the ground.


After a heavy muffled sound, Alsace's pale and handsome face was stepped directly into the soil on the ground. The huge impact even caused severe deformation of the bones and stiff muscles.

"Your courage is commendable! But your strength is a little weak, and your brain is not very good."

Zariel raised the corners of his mouth and commented in a sarcastic tone.

Seeing that its owner was being controlled, the skeleton war horse Invincible immediately let out a harsh neigh and raised its front hooves in an attempt to kick this terrifying enemy away to help rescue him.

But unfortunately, before it could lift its hoof to the highest point, the tyrannical angel descending from the sky grabbed it and threw it hard at the hard stone fortress in the distance.

Accompanied by a loud noise and violent reloading, Invincible instantly transformed from a handsome skeletal war horse into broken bones scattered on the ground.

Seeing the supreme commander of the Scourge Legion being humiliated like never before, all the undead present began to become agitated.

Especially those loyal death knights, without exception, drew out the rune swords they wore, and seemed to be ready to charge just for an order.

Faced with this situation, a normal commander should first calm the emotions of the army, and then find a way to slowly dismantle it.

But Zarrell is obviously not an ordinary commander, but an out-and-out war madman, and also an extremely arbitrary person.

She just glanced at the Scourge with contempt, then raised her arm and made a gesture.

The floating fortresses and large aircraft that were hovering overhead immediately began to flash with dazzling light, and then a vast army of demons and mechanical angels descended from the sky, as well as tens of thousands of purgatory dragons, destroying less than a million. A large army of undead surrounded three floors inside and three floors outside.

A large number of black cannon muzzles and amazingly powerful magic rituals also targeted them one after another.

If anyone dares to make the slightest move, what awaits the Scourge Legion will be their complete disappearance, leaving not even a single residue behind.

At this moment, Kel'Thuzad finally recovered from the shock and hurriedly yelled at the high-level undead who took actions without authorization: "Insolent! Who allows you to dare to be disrespectful to the great Duke Zariel?"

Seeing the second-in-command in the command line of the Scourge Legion speak, and also because of the overwhelming and undisguised force deterrent above their heads, the restlessness of the undead quickly subsided.

After all, although they are not afraid of death, they do not want to be eliminated in such an insulting way.

Especially after many high-level undead have begun to gradually get rid of the brainwashing control of the Lich King, they have begun to have their own little thoughts in private, how could they be willing to die in vain at such a time.

People like Sylvanas regarded Arthas as an enemy. She couldn't even applaud him when he saw him being humiliated, so how could he step forward to help.

So standing at a high place, you can clearly see that the current Scourge Legion has been split into three parts.

One part of them is the rebel faction led by Sylvanas who is waiting to make Arthas pay the price, the other part is the die-hard faction who still obeys the Lich King's orders and is loyal to Arthas, and the last part has restored its freedom. The neutral party whose will is not yet sure how to choose.

Facts have proved that without the blessing of the Helm of Command, the so-called Scourge Legion is nothing more than a ball of loose sand.

Zariel undoubtedly noticed this and said in a warning tone: "Little Lich, you'd better be careful and don't let such an unexpected situation happen again.

Otherwise, I don't mind crushing you all to death like ants.

You need to remember that this is the front line of a bloody battle.

As for you people, at best, it can only be considered a waste of a few hours on a certain front. "

"Understood. Please rest assured, I swear on my soul that I will never do any disobedient behavior again, and I will 100% obey every order you give me."

Kel'Thuzad knelt on the ground and bowed to the devil in front of him in a humble posture to apologize.

Because he has always been very sensitive to energy, he can clearly feel that Zariel's power is hundreds of times that of the Lich King Ner'zhul.

The terrifying aura bred from the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood can only be compared to Archimonde, who also destroyed an unknown number of planets.

Zarrell nodded with satisfaction: "Very good! Then you should immediately take people to station in Defense Area 42. I hope to see you come back alive in a few days."

"As you wish."

Kel'Thuzad did not dare to bargain. He lowered his head very humbly and bowed deeply once again. He did not look at Arthas, whose entire face was trampled into the dirt and struggling desperately.

As one of the few smart people in the entire Scourge, he has already realized what will happen to this undead army that has set off huge waves in Azeroth. He also understands that if he still wants to save his life, he has the only way to do so. Just cooperate honestly.

As for Alsace, who was arrogant and wanted to get rid of control, there was no chance now.

After all, not being able to hear the Lich King's voice for such a long time can already explain a lot of problems.

Watching the densely packed natural disaster army march towards the designated area, Zariel raised his feet and lifted Alsace up from the ground like a little chicken. He looked at the opponent's eyes full of anger and hatred and said: “Open your eyes and understand the form!

Who do you think you are?

Is he still the prince who is loved by thousands of people in the Kingdom of Lordaeron?

Or are they the Scourge Warriors chosen by the Lich King?


You are nothing now!

Your parents were killed by your own hands, your kingdom has long been destroyed by natural disasters, and even the Lich King who lured you into darkness is now just a plaything in the hands of your father.

As for yourself..."

Speaking of this, Zariel paused deliberately, then suddenly took out a whip from the huge weapon rack behind his back, and slapped Arthas hard on the face, causing a burst of ear-piercing laughter.

"Hahahaha! You are my dog ​​from now on. So feel free to be angry, roar, and resist, because the more you do this, the more satisfaction I will get from taming you."

"No!!!! Don't even think about it!"

Hearing that the mad woman in front of him wanted to tame him as a dog, Alsa suddenly struggled like crazy.

But unfortunately, the power gap between the two sides is really too big.

Zariel didn't even use divine power. He simply relied on the strong power provided by the shimmering oil engine to easily suppress it. He also ordered someone to make a shameful collar and put it around the death knight's neck, holding the iron. The chain patrolled the crowded streets of the fortress.

Whenever Alsace tried to stand up, he would be kicked to the ground immediately.

The only choice he had was either to lie on the ground and crawl like a dog, or to be beaten half to death and dragged around like a dead dog.

There is no doubt that Zariel is completely destroying the death knight's will by trampling on his self-esteem and personality.

For a man who exuded pride from the very core, nothing could be more painful than this.

Even Sylvanas, who had a deep hatred for Arthas, felt that letting Arthas live with such humiliation was a hundred or a thousand times more painful than dying.

At the beginning, when faced with Sylvanas' constant ridicule, the latter would fight back with vicious words.

But as time goes by, he is becoming more and more desperate and numb, and even his cold eyes are rapidly losing their luster, as hollow as a body that has lost its soul.

Looking at Alsace who was tied up motionless in the innermost room of the castle with several hellhounds, Sylvanas, who had just rushed over from outside, couldn't help but sigh slightly: "This guy has been completely ruined by you. Your Majesty the Grand Duke."

Zariel sneered and shook his head: "No, you underestimate Arthas's will.

The reason why he is showing this half-dead look is actually to show weakness deliberately so that I can relax my vigilance.

As soon as I removed the collar from around his neck, he immediately looked for an opportunity to escape.

The best way to tame this fierce dog is to spend time slowly.

But it doesn't matter, I have plenty of time to spend with him anyway.

On the other hand, you have participated in the bloody battle for so many days. Do you have any experience?

You know that your father has very high expectations for you. "

Sylvanas immediately smiled bitterly and shook her head when she heard this: "I'm sorry, I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you.

The scale of the bloody battle was far beyond the limits of my imagination and understanding.

It was unlike any war I had experienced before.

No matter the number of participating parties, or the overwhelming bombardment of spells and long-range weapons.

To be honest, I simply can't imagine how you can command such a large army in such an orderly manner.

If you had asked me to do it instead, everything would have become a mess in half an hour at most. "

“Don’t be so modest.

Before I became a big devil, I also observed bloody battles for a long time, and then I gradually understood the profound meaning it represented.

What's more, the commandos you led successfully penetrated one after another, causing huge damage to the supplies of the demon army.

It seems that you are already better than many devil commanders in small-scale mobile warfare.

If you were a devil, I would even be willing to use the power at hand to grant you promotion. "

When saying these words, Zarrell did not hesitate in his praise at all.

"I don't understand why existences with god-like power like you and Mr. Soth pay special attention to a little banshee like me?"

After Sylvanas was silent for a long time, she finally asked the question that had been bothering her.

Zarrell smiled and replied: "Because my father is about to launch a huge plan.

To do this, he needed apostles who were both capable and trustworthy.

And you are the closest candidate to becoming a qualified apostle.

Not only you, but many other people have also been selected and are undergoing corresponding trials.

And you have to understand that my father has never been a stingy person.

He has always been very generous to his own people, even to a point of being generous.

As long as your performance can meet his expectations, whether it is power, knowledge, or eternal life, you will have it at your fingertips.

Sometimes I really don't understand, why are you still hesitating?

Don't you want to be resurrected and regain the fresh life and beauty you once had?

If you don’t want your lover to get rid of that rotting body, can you give you a warm hug and kiss? "

"I... of course I want to! It's just that these are too precious to me, and I am extremely afraid of losing them again after getting them."

Sylvanas spoke the truth that had been hidden in her heart with a slightly trembling voice.

Because in a way it's her greatest weakness.

The Queen of Darkness knows very well that once either she or Nathanos is resurrected, the reborn person will do whatever it takes to resurrect the other, even if it costs his life or even his soul.

If someone takes advantage of it, then through a series of operations, one of them can be resurrected and the other one "accidentally" dies, and the surviving person can continue to work for him.

The most important thing is that Sylvanas never felt that she had any leverage to exchange with Zuo Si.

This seriously unequal relationship made her feel very uneasy.

"Haha, you are indeed as interesting as my father described you, and I like your independent and self-reliant character.

But you have to understand that this is not a transaction at all, but closer to a gift.

You have certain qualities that interest the Father, so he chooses you.

What you have to do is not to think hard about what you have to give, but just accept it calmly.

After all, you have become the twisted undead you are now, what else do you have to lose? "

Having said that, Zariel walked up delicately, gently held the Dark Queen's cold face that had been severely eroded by death and shadow energy, and suddenly released the suffocating power of the great devil without any warning.

The impact directly aimed at the soul immediately caused Sylvanas's spirit to fluctuate violently. Not only did Sylvanas's whole body begin to release a rich black mist, but at the same time, one could vaguely see something like... Tentacle-like spiritual power is squirming.

There is no doubt that this is her true form as an undead banshee.

Sylvanas would only appear like this in a real critical moment, or when her body was out of control.

Fortunately, Zariel did not continue to force the opponent. Instead, after showing his strength, he let go and let Sylvanas fall to the ground in horror.

The latter finally realized in this brief gaze that if the famous Angel of Khorne in front of him wanted to destroy his soul, he didn't even need to do it himself, he could easily do it with just a thought.

Even Zariel can do this, so how powerful must Zuo Si, who created her, be?

Sylvanas's psychological defense completely collapsed at this moment, and her desire for resurrection became stronger.

But Zuo Si obviously didn't know that "good daughter" Zariel had done him a big favor and was now standing just a hair away from the front line of the bloody battle.

No matter how ferocious and intense the fighting there is, devils and demons will never cross the invisible line and burn the flames of war into this open area.

The reason is very simple!

Here stand the three sealed Eldrazi Titans, Emrakul, Ullamog, and Kozilek.

Since they have seen their terrifying destructive power and the terrifying sight of no grass growing in their path, even the celestial beings from the upper plane who sent out troops to protect this place from intrusion have built their stations far away.

Even those aloof gods dare not approach easily.

But Zuo Si is obviously an exception.

When he appeared, neither the Alien Divine Attendant nor the Blazing Heaven Divine Attendant had the slightest intention to stop him. They just stood in the distance and stared with vigilant eyes.

They obviously knew very well that if Zuo Si thought wanted to open the seal, they would have no way at all, let alone stop it.

After all, until now, no one has been able to crack the huge crystal stones floating in the sky.

Seeing how "well-behaved and sensible" these angels were, Zuo Si did not make things difficult for them. He went directly to the head of Emrakul, who was like a giant devil, and manipulated the crystal stones to slightly open a gap in the seal.


This powerful void life that condensed the concept of "self" in the hive consciousness once again appeared in the spiritual world.

Only this time, it used the image of a blazing god of unknown gender, and asked directly: "Do you want to sign a contract with us in exchange for the knowledge and power of the dark void?"

"Yes, I have thought about it. But there is a premise, that is, I must control what can be eaten, what cannot be eaten, and how much you eat."

Zuo Si proposed the exchange conditions extremely seriously.

He obviously knew what he was dealing with, and he also understood the huge dangers involved.

But the problem is that if you don't do this, it is impossible to catch up with the elder dragon brothers Nicol Bolas and the spiritual dragon Ugin in a short time.

Especially the understanding of the dark void is too little.

“You should know full well that this cannot be done.

Because I am the only Eldrazi titan with a self and reason.

Ulamo and Kozilek still operate based on primal instincts and hive mind.

They don't know how to restrain their desire for energy at all, and will only wildly devour everything around them to strengthen themselves.

Not even I can control or stop it. "

When saying these words, a very strange and twisted expression appeared on the face of the image of Emrakul's blazing god, as if he was laughing at Zuo Si's overestimation of his abilities.

But Zuo Si had obviously expected this result, and explained calmly: "Then I will sign a contract with you alone. As for Ulamo and Kozilek, I will only wake them up when necessary."

"Oh? You want to separate the three of us?"

There was a hint of surprise in Emrakul's tone.

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "That's right. I hate having too many uncontrollable factors in transactions. Since you are the only Eldrazi Titan with self-awareness and rationality, then it must be you. After all, I You can’t expect them to abide by the agreement if they are still following their instincts, right?”

"Haha, your words remind me of Wu Jin back then. You are all equally arrogant and think that you are special and that you can surpass everything with your clever minds."

There was obviously a hint of mockery in Emrakul's eyes.

"Wu Jin did this back then?"

Zuo Si was obviously taken aback, but after just a second or two, he showed a thoughtful expression.

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