A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 681: The Untouchable Lord of Humanity (a 10,000-word chapter, wishing everyone a Happy New Y

"Ah!!!! You damn loach!"

With a scream mixed with roars, Mortarion's power mecha was torn open again, and a large amount of rotten and stinking liquid spewed out.

Just physical damage would not be enough to make the demon primarch lose his temper.

Because under Nurgle's blessing, he has long since become a monster that does not know what pain is, and can even get a strong sense of pleasure from the plagues and diseases carried on his body.

But the problem is that Frostmourne's attacks are not only physical damage, but also tearing directly into the soul.

The more the Evil God Nurgle values ​​Mortarion's soul and does not want it to be taken away by the Lich King Jaina, the greater the pain that the latter will suffer during the tearing process.

And there is no way to shield this severe pain from the depths of the soul, not even to alleviate it.

The crazy Daemon Primarch has begun to mobilize the power of the warp, setting off a terrifying storm on the surface of the planet.

He waved the sickle in his hand wildly, trying to split the little woman in front of him in half from the middle.

But anyone who knows Jaina knows how difficult this one of the most outstanding female mages among humans in Azeroth is.

In her combat history, there were not many injuries, let alone serious injuries or even deaths.

In many cases, just frost spells, summoning water elements and magic teleportation can easily control the enemy.

What's more, after pulling out Frostmourne and becoming the Lich King, his strength expanded exponentially.

In her timeline, all the forces in Azeroth were ultimately defeated by the Scourge, even the demigods of the wilderness, the Titan Guardians, and the invading Burning Legion.

This is why when Zuo Si discovered Lich King Jaina, he was deeply attracted to this cold, arrogant, evil woman without a trace of normal human emotions at almost the first sight.

Compared to the Avengers who later went dark and vowed to kill all the orcs, this is the most perfect, most powerful, and most invulnerable Jaina Proudmoore.

What's more, as a mage, how could Jaina not give full play to her advantages and foolishly fight hand-to-hand with a huge original body that is over three and a half meters tall.

In fact, from the beginning of the battle, the massive summons of ice elements have never stopped.

Mortarion spent half the time dealing with these ice elementals that exuded a biting chill and unleashed Ice Bolts and Frost Nova spells.

Although he and his Death Guard legion had been in the subspace for a long time since the end of the Horus Heresy, he had never seen any demon under the evil god possess such weird abilities.

What's more, before his fall, this guy particularly hated everything related to subspace power, and even felt that these evil witchcraft should be completely banned.

This thought also resulted in him being the least adept at using psionics of all the Primarchs.

"Idiot! You still claim to be the Lord of Death, but you don't even know whether the power you possess is life or death. The root causes of the plagues and poisons you control are part of the cycle of life and nature, and even The process of dying doesn’t even count.”

Lich King Jaina taunted while speeding up her attacks, showing no mercy at all.

Perhaps when she was just summoned, the Demon Primarch still had some chance of winning.

But after massacring the Nurgle Legion, Orcs and Tyranids on so many planets, Jaina at this moment has already formed a stable and substantial projection in the subspace, and can barely be regarded as a secondary god of death.

It's just that like the human emperor, he has not completely abandoned his body for the time being and devoted himself to the subspace in a purely spiritual form.

Eager Mortarion's combat prowess among the many primarchs is far from the strongest, otherwise he would not have been defeated by the Khan during the Horus Heresy, and was later defeated during the Battle of Konovin. The famous "Brother Drag" Kaldor Drego was once again exiled back to the subspace.

The most important thing is that he seriously lacks the most important self-awareness as a strong man.

He has obviously become Nurgle's plaything, and even has an inexplicable fanaticism for various death rituals, but he always thinks that like Warmaster Horus, he is only using the power of chaos to achieve his goals, and that he is the real one. The powers of pestilence and corruption are but slaves to control.

A weak person like this who is not determined at all can never realize his huge potential even if he has it.

So the more she knew about the enemy in front of her, the more Lich King Jaina despised him. Her two eyes shining with azure cold light were full of naked and undisguised contempt.

"No! I am the Lord of Death! I am the incarnation of death in the entire universe! You are just an impostor who jumped out of nowhere! Go to hell!"

Mortarion seemed to be stimulated and wanted to catch the difficult woman in front of him.

But unfortunately, his huge body filled with rotten flesh and abscesses was unable to move too quickly, so he once again missed the opportunity and was instead entangled in the ice element that rushed forward.

We can only wave the giant scythe desperately to clean up all these annoying elements that can never be killed.

Otherwise, the connection position of the huge power mecha will soon be frozen by the ice and jammed, causing the joints to be unable to move freely.

The demon primarch had already suffered a loss once before, so he was extremely disgusted with these flies that were not a threat to him but could not ignore them.

But in just two seconds of dealing with the ice element, Jaina once again used her power as the Lich King, and an ice chain instantly restricted Mortarion's movement ability.

The next second...

The whole person flashed behind the opponent in an instant, raised Frostmourne and inserted it into the gap in the armor that had been torn in the previous battle.

puff! ! ! !

Foul-smelling pus and blood spurted out from the waist, along with organs such as internal organs and broken intestines, flowing all over the floor as if they were free.

What's even more terrifying is the fragmentation of the soul caused by Frostmourne penetrating the body, causing the demon primarch to let out heart-rending wails on the spot.

It was as if his whole body had been hit by a huge electric current. He was twitching uncontrollably from head to toe, and all his eyes were turned upwards, leaving only a frightening white of his eyes.

You don't need to ask to know that this is the result of the soul being constantly torn between two powerful beings.

When Lich King Jaina pulled out Frostmourne, she could vaguely feel an almost completely transparent soul energy.

But just when she wanted to completely tear off this ray of soul energy, a huge hand stretched out from the subspace and forcibly snatched the fragments of the soul back.

"Damn! It's Nurgle again!"

Jaina couldn't help but complain in a low voice, and swung the rune sword mercilessly, leaving a slash filled with the power of death on this big hand.

In an instant, highly toxic blood emitting yellow-green fluorescence flowed out from a wound that was more than half a meter long, and a large area of ​​skin instantly turned gray.

Everyone around who was splashed by these poisonous blood, whether they were the high-level undead of the Scourge, or those Chaos Astartes or subspace demons, were all melted into a liquid that could not be described in words in an instant.

It is obvious that the blood of one of the four great Chaos Evil Gods in the subspace can cause horrific damage.

Rather, as the blood of Nurgle seeps into the soil and merges with the groundwater, the entire planet will become uninhabitable for life.

To be precise, it will completely turn into a Delta planet in the Imperial classification, which is what many people call a "dead world".

The most famous of them is "Catachan", known as the Green Hell.

But at this moment, Lich King Jaina no longer cared about what the planet would eventually become, and suddenly activated all the death power she had accumulated during this period, first connecting with all the undead through the Helm of Dominance, Then extract the power and release the projection formed in the subspace on the spot.

boom! ! ! ! ! !

In less than a few seconds, a thick black and cold fog centered on her swept away everything around her.

Billions of Nurgle demons, Chaos Astartes, walking corpses of various shapes, and swarms of flies that blocked the sky all fell to the ground and completely lost their lives at the moment they were swallowed by the thick black fog.

The plague of Nurgle and the rules of subspace that originally enveloped the planet's surface were distorted on the spot, and life quickly disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, replaced by its opposite - death.

"You...are you really a god of death?"

Mortarion, who had just recovered from the severe pain in his soul, had a look of horror on his face.

Because at this moment, he was caught between subspace and the real universe, and he could already clearly see the female figure standing proudly in the thick black fog.

"I told you from the beginning, you are not even a toddler in the realm of death.

Do you think plague and killing are the essence of death?


True death is the complete annihilation of the physical body!

It is the permanent transformation and sublimation of the soul and spirit!

Moreover, the Nurgle you serve is not the god of death at all, but the god of life and fertility. He has been on the opposite side of death from the beginning.

The reason why he became what he was now was caused by a lot of mortal despair and twisted malice. "

Lich King Jaina told the truth very simply.

Because in previous battles, she had fought against Nurgle's power extending into the real universe more than once, so she clearly felt the opponent's true core hidden under the appearance of chaos and darkness.

To be precise, all four of the Warp Evil Gods actually have a positive side.

For example, Khorne contains courage, honor, responsibility, discipline, etc., while Tzeentch is the out-and-out god of wisdom, and the core of Slaanesh contains love, happiness, pleasure and other beautiful things that mortals desire. emotion.

But in the final analysis, it is the powerful negative emotions and dark desires in the hearts of mortals that shape their current form.

Therefore, Lich King Jaina is very sure that as long as her Scourge continues to grow and develop, becoming the God of Death in this universe will be a certainty.

The only problem now is that because Nurgle has been interfering, she is unable to capture the demon primarch in front of her and complete the task assigned by her master.

This undoubtedly made Gianna feel very unhappy and annoyed.

But now it was impossible for her to defeat Nurgle, one of the four evil gods of chaos. The two sides briefly fell into a stalemate where neither could do anything to the other.

"It turns out that I am not the Lord of Death at all..."

Mortarion lowered his head and looked at his rotten body that exuded the stench, and at the horrifying face reflected by the terrible liquid on the ground. His whole person fell into an indescribable self-doubt and denial. .

What had he done in the years since he had followed Horus in launching a rebellion against the Empire and the Emperor?

First, he was lured and deceived into the subspace to be infected with the terrible plague and tortured. Under the unbearable pain, he was forced to succumb to Nurgle's will and lead the Death Guard Legion into what it is now, and then became crazy and obsessed with it. Various rituals with symbols of death are keen to continuously spread the plague to prove that they are the masters of this power.

But now, the Daemon Primarch suddenly realized that he seemed to have made a huge mistake, and it was terribly wrong.

He is not the master of death from beginning to end, and he does not even represent death at all, but Nurgle, the twisted and chaotic god of life.

So what is the significance of everything that has been done for ten thousand years?

Mortarion feels like a clown who has woken up from a fantasy, unable to see any future or hope.

Because from the moment he succumbed to Nurgle, he lost his most precious thing - his soul.

"It seems you are aware of your situation, don't you?"

The corners of Jaina's mouth raised slightly, revealing a sarcastic expression with a hint of pity.

There is nothing more tragic than the complete loss of one's soul.

Just when Mortarion fell into a terrible silence, the Nurgle fleet led by Typhas suddenly jumped out of the warp and launched a fierce attack on the Scourge fleet.

Since the Scourge Fleet was projecting firepower to the ground in low orbit at this moment, it was instantly caught off guard.

Even if the void shield was activated in time, more than a dozen light cruisers and frigates exploded from the inside, burned and fell into the atmosphere, and eventually turned into huge fireballs and hit the ground.

The sky is burning!

Countless warships are shooting at each other crazily in outer space orbit and launching gang operations.

On the ground, the plagues and poisons of Nurgle and the natural disasters containing the power of death collided with each other. Biochemical monsters, subspace demons and Hundu Astartes were fighting against undead creatures that were dozens or even dozens of times their size.

The huge mushroom cloud formed by the detonation of the nuclear warhead even covered the sky and the sun.

Large tracts of seawater were completely evaporated under the high temperature, and the mountains towering above the earth were flattened by continuous violent explosions and earthquakes.

There is no doubt that this is the horror of interstellar war.

It can completely destroy a planet's ecology in a very short period of time, permanently change the landscape and natural environment, and even physically completely destroy a planet.

You must know that Terra, as the home planet of mankind, has experienced too many wars, and it has changed from beautiful blue to earthy yellow a long time ago.

One can imagine what the scene is like now.

Of course, with the technological level of the human empire, the planet's environment is actually not that important anymore.

Even on planets without an atmosphere, they can establish settlements one after another and then develop them as mining or foundry planets.

Looking at the fleet engaged in a fierce battle in outer space, as well as those men who were completely wiped out after being bombed by nuclear bombs, Lich King Jaina was not at all panicked by the enemy's calculations. Instead, she smiled with interest and asked: "Is this what you specialize in?" A trap set for me? Deliberately letting the fleet disappear first, and then using yourself as bait to lure me to come for a decisive battle?"

"Yes, that was my original plan. But the power you possess is obviously beyond my expectation. Even Nurgle has no good way to deal with you in the real universe."

The Daemon Primarch had obviously regained his composure at this time, and did not continue to attack, but began to think about how to end this meaningless war.

Because fighting with living people can continuously increase one's own strength, fighting with this group of undead will result in blood losses in the end, no matter whether you win or lose.

Especially those whose souls were half torn and turned into undead. It is estimated that even if they are resurrected by Nurgle in the subspace, they will never be as complete as before.

But what about the Scourge?

The opponent doesn't care about casualties at all, even if they are all destroyed, as long as Jaina, as the Lich King, is still alive, she can obtain unlimited supplies by slaughtering the lives on some planets anytime and anywhere.

Even the demons and Chaos forces in the subspace, as well as the invincible Orcs and the terrifying alien invaders Tyranids, will not be much different when facing the real God of Death.

Not to mention there are weak races like the Tau who have just entered the interstellar age.


You obviously didn't quite understand what the undead born from death were when you made this plan.

Do you think you can use this tactic to lower morale and make my servants collapse and lose their fighting ability?

No! you are wrong!

My servants will fight to the bitter end with all their might.

Because they are already dead and don't care about death at all, let alone have any emotions such as fear and despair.

The power of light that can truly restrain the undead simply does not exist in this universe full of distortion, darkness and pathology. "

When saying these words, Jaina showed a creepy and cruel smile.

She obviously fully understood why Zuo Si summoned her here.

Subspace, which is a huge source of magical energy, now does not have anything like holy light energy or positive energy that represents characteristics such as hope and justice. Instead, it is filled with outright evil, darkness, chaos and death.

Therefore, undead creatures are at the epic level of enhancement in the current universe, and there is absolutely nothing that can be called a natural enemy.

Quite the opposite!

Frequent wars, chaos and death have greatly strengthened the power of the Scourge.

"You are right, I did not really understand what you and your legion are before."

Mortarion glanced at the undead on the battlefield who did not retreat at all after being attacked, but instead began to counterattack crazily after suffering huge losses, and his expression was obviously slightly moved.

Especially when exposed directly to space at minus 270 degrees Celsius, the undead jumped up from the exploding warship holding missiles or fish and rushed to nearby enemy ships. There was no hesitation or hesitation from the beginning to the end.

In just a short time, the raiding fleet of Nurgle Vanguard Typhas suffered heavy losses.

Liches transformed from psykers and demons opened portals one after another, sending millions and tens of millions of undead into the cabins of Nurgle's fleet, and used their overwhelming numerical advantage to resolve them. Tactically unfavorable situation.

Moreover, most of the low-level undead creatures have no emotions, no desires, and no thoughts, so that the Chaos Evil Gods in the subspace can absorb nothing. They are simply more troublesome than the Tyranids.

At least bugs still have the instinct to eat and reproduce.

Thinking of this, Mortarion subconsciously clenched the scythe in his hand and said in a deep voice: "Since you are a god of death, why do you want to be my enemy? Wouldn't it be very beneficial to you if I spread plague and cause large-scale death? Moreover, You clearly left humans easier to kill on those planets."

"Because I don't want to be an enemy of your genetic father just yet. Unlike several other subspace evil gods, he is not able to interfere in the real universe on a large scale. With the huge faith of the empire and all mankind, what he can do is beyond Your imagination.”

Jaina gave the reason very simply.

What is the biggest difference between the human emperor and the evil god of chaos?

The answer is that he has not completely given up the physical body and exists in a purely spiritual form.

Therefore, the power of the human emperor can radiate into the real universe.

In fact, in terms of strength, he has already reached or even surpassed any of the four Chaos Evil Gods.

This can be seen by directly possessing Robert Guilliman and causing havoc in the Gardens of Nurgle during the latter stages of the Plague War.

Moreover, the terrifying combat power of the living saints who have been blessed by the emperor is comparable to that of the great demon, which also proves from the side that the human emperor is already an out-and-out god in terms of power level.

In this case, even without Zuo Si's instructions, Jaina would never easily massacre the humans in the empire.

After all, no matter how much trouble she makes in the real universe, the four evil gods Khorne, Tzeentch, Slaanesh and Nurgle are powerless, just like they could only use underhanded tactics to deal with the human emperor.

But the human emperor is different.

God knows when this person will suddenly come and use the body of a believer to release terrifying power.


Mortarion felt as if he had been hit hard by a heavy hammer, and his eyes suddenly became complicated.

As one of the important participants in the Horus Heresy, he certainly knew how terrifying the power of his genetic father, the Master of Mankind, was.

The power of that terrifying psychic burst could even be observed on the scale of the entire galaxy.

Just when Jaina was about to say something, a small armed spaceship from the Human Empire suddenly jumped out of the subspace and appeared out of thin air on the chaotic battlefield.

Before the two people who were talking could react, the originally closed cabin door suddenly opened, and an angel with golden light all over his body jumped out. He raised the sword in his hand and instantly turned into a stream of light and swooped down. The location of the Daemon Primarch.

boom! ! ! ! ! ! !

Accompanied by a deafening loud noise, a golden beam of light rose into the sky, forming a magnificent scene on the devastated battlefield.

"Get out of my way!"

Mortarion's roar echoed over the battlefield.

Due to the previous dazzling light beam, no one saw what he did, but the angel that swooped down just now had been thrown back into the air by the huge brute force.

From the dazzling golden light, Jaina finally saw clearly the true face of the person coming.

It was a human woman with black shawl hair, a golden armor without a helmet, a pair of white wings behind her, and an iron halo behind her head.

The so-called "iron halo" looks like a huge metal ring in the shape of the sun. It is usually equipped behind the head, giving the impression that it is the halo behind the head of some god.

But the actual purpose is to produce a certain degree of protection and deflection force field. With it, there is no need to wear inferior protective gear such as a helmet.

Generally speaking, those who are qualified to wear this thing are out-and-out battlefield leaders and tactical experts.

After all, anyone with some common sense knows that any guy who dares to go without a helmet on the battlefield is a ruthless person, one of the elites among the elites, and a boss among the bosses.

The person in front of him was none other than Celestine, the empire's famous living saint, and one of the humans most feared by the warp demons.

The reason is very simple!

This woman who looks very young, but whose actual age cannot be verified and is at least several hundred years old, has a "little hobby", that is, she likes to play the Demon Prince alone.

At the climax of the Thirteenth Black Crusade, Celestine led the Battle Sisters' fleet from subspace to the front line of Cadia, furiously beheaded a leading demon prince and kicked the corpse into space, which can be described as a fierce act. Extremely.

But this is not the end.

Immediately following the battle on the Allison Plains, she fought against the Invincible Warmaster Abaddon himself, holding up a black obelisk that could cut off the power of subspace, and stabbed the latter while her own strength was in a weakened state. Cool to the core.

This is just the tip of the iceberg of many horrific achievements.

No one knows why Celestine was favored by the Emperor of Mankind, and no one knows how she came back from death again and again, and also has the power to resurrect her comrades around her.

But one thing is certain, that is, she is absolutely capable of killing the demonic primarch, Mortarion.

Looking at the living saint suspended in mid-air representing the human emperor, Jaina suddenly showed doubts.

Because she had no idea what Celestine wanted to do when she suddenly appeared on this war-torn planet.

After all, the other party only brought a small armed spaceship, which could only hold a hundred and eighty people at best, which was a drop in the bucket in the face of a war of this scale.

Could it be that he just came to send Mortarion back to the subspace?

Or is there another more important task?

Jaina did not join in rashly, but chose to stand aside and watch.

Mortarion raised his head and stared at this living saint who was filled with the power of his father. The insect wings behind him that had been cut off were regenerating rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After fully recovering, he jumped into the air and chased after him. He swung the huge scythe in his hand and planned to unleash all the anger in his heart on the opponent.

Celestine is not undead and is not completely immune to Nurgle's plagues, poisons, and diseases.

A fierce battle broke out between the two.

What’s really interesting is their identities.

Among them, Mortarion is the son of the emperor and the original body who inherited his genes, but later chose to betray;

Celestine is equivalent to a devout believer, daughter and elect, with unshakable absolute loyalty.

In terms of strength, as the original body, Mortarion should be slightly stronger under normal circumstances.

After all, the Primarch was essentially a creation born of the forbidden knowledge of the Warp and the genes of the Emperor himself, and was above mortals from the beginning.

Even the weakest of the Primarchs can easily slay the great daemons of the Warp's evil gods.

But the real result surprised everyone.

Instead of gaining any advantage in this battle, Mortarion was suppressed and beaten by Celestine, who was blessed by the more powerful subspace power.

The sword in the latter's hand was swung like a violent storm without stopping for a moment, and the demonic original body, which had a slightly cumbersome weapon, could only do its best to dodge and parry.

Since they all have a pair of wings that can fly, the battle goes from the sky to the ground, and from the ground to the sky.

Although Mortarion continued to release terrible plagues, diseases, and poisons, the moment these things came close to Celestine, they would inexplicably turn into pure water or clean air.

"Traitor! Look at your ugly and disgusting appearance now! This is the price you pay for betraying the God-Emperor! Betraying the Empire and humanity!"

Celestine's eyes shone with divine golden light, and her tone revealed strong contempt and disgust.

"Shut up! What do you know! The reason why all this happened is because my irresponsible father planted the root of the disaster from the beginning. You are just a fool who knows nothing about the truth!"

Mortarion responded unceremoniously.

If there was anyone who had the weakest feelings for the Emperor among the many Primarchs, and even hated him very much, then Mortarion could definitely be considered one of them.

Because this guy always felt that his genetic father was a tyrant corrupted by power, a deformity distorted by subspace pollution.

The other one is Angron, the original body of the "World Eaters" legion.

His strong hatred for the emperor came from the fact that the latter suddenly came to the scene when he was leading the slave uprising and was about to succeed. He took the people away without any explanation and agreed to the allegiance of the slave owners on the planet. This led to the complete failure of the entire slave uprising and countless participants. The slaves among them were brutally suppressed and massacred.

What makes Angron even more vulnerable is that when he returns to the slave planet where he grew up one day, the slave masters who still rule the planet will actually use this incident as a negative example to warn the slaves not to resist. At the same time, the reason for the failure of the uprising was attributed to the betrayal of the original body and the abandonment of all followers.

Putting aside for the moment the deal that the Emperor may have made with the Chaos God of Warp when making the Primarch, this completely inhumane attitude of treating the Primarch as a tool was destined to end in tragedy.

Even without Horus, there would have been other disaffected Primarchs rising up to rebel.

And many of those loyalists didn't have the slightest fondness for the emperor himself, they just felt that the warp evil god was worse.

As for the reason why Robert Guilliman, the imperial regent who has been fulfilling his duties, has been able to persist until now, the root cause is that in addition to the emperor, the ruthless genetic father, he had a complete family and adoptive parents who loved him when he was young. .

There is no doubt that Mortarion's attitude completely angered Celestine.

As if being strongly stimulated, the latter suddenly burst out with more powerful golden light, slamming the demonic original body from mid-air to the ground with a thunderous force.


The huge impact instantly created a large crater on the ground of the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood.

Mortarion's carrion-filled body shattered instantly into a puddle of viscous mixture that could make someone spit out their overnight meal.

Just when Celestine was about to rush forward to hit the target and banish the opponent back to the subspace, a stream of green soup suddenly spurted out from the disgusting viscous substance, and sprayed more and more, gradually forming a A hill.

Even an undead with only bones left will have its entire body melt quickly if it is sprayed.


This pool of green soup kept squirming together to form a super giant monster covered with thick sores and red spots.

"The Evil God Nurgle?!"

Celestine's pupils suddenly dilated, and she didn't dare to take another half step closer.

But just a second later, the power in her body began to expand rapidly in a way that could not be described in words. At the same time, her consciousness began to become more and more blurred. The dazzling golden light even refracted through the skin, standing like a star in the sky. star.

"Go back! This is not where you should be!"

A majestic man's voice echoed over the entire planet.

You don't need to ask to know that the person controlling Celestine's body at this moment is no longer her, but the emperor who unified mankind.

And the moment he finished saying this, his whole body turned into a small sun and smashed down.

boom! ! ! ! ! ! !

The terrifying power was like the end of the world, causing huge damage at the geological structure level directly on the surface of the planet.

If viewed from space, the entire planet looks like it has been bitten by something.

The explosions, shock waves, earthquakes and tsunamis generated by the impact directly wiped out more than 70% of the forces of the Nurgle Legion and the Scourge Legion that were currently fighting.

Only a handful of spellcasters and lichs with teleportation abilities managed to escape.

"Retreat! Retreat to subspace immediately!"

One second, Nurgle Vanguard Typhas was commanding the fleet to fight. The next second, he was so frightened by the horrifying sight on the ground that he almost wet his pants, if he still had this function.

But unfortunately, just because he wants to leave doesn't mean Jaina will let this enemy leave.

Before Nurgle's fleet could jump into the subspace, the Lich King holding Frostmourne teleported directly into the bridge and started killing.

In just a few seconds, a dozen Chaos Astartes died under the rune sword, and their bodies were pulled up on the spot and transformed into death knights.

"How about it, you didn't expect us to meet again so soon, did you? This time I want to see where you can escape."

Jaina pursed her lips and revealed a cold and cruel smile.

Thanks to the arrival of the Emperor of Mankind, Nurgle's warp power around this planet has been completely wiped out.

This means that the disgusting yellow-green hand can no longer come out in person to save the soul of the guy in front of him.

As for the undead who also suffered heavy losses in this attack, Jaina didn't care at all, let alone feel distressed.

Because the Milky Way is huge enough and the types and numbers of various intelligent creatures are too numerous to count, it is simply too easy to replenish cannon fodder like this.

What's more, in the eyes of the Lich King, all the undead creatures that were pulled up were originally consumables.

"Damn it!"

Taifas obviously knew that he could not be the opponent of the terrifying woman in front of him, so he turned around and tried to escape without saying a word.

But unfortunately, when he took steps to rush into the intricate corridor, a white ice blocked the only exit.

Just when Typhas was about to use a weapon to blast away the ice, Frostmourne, flashing with blue cold light, passed directly through his chest and nailed him to the ice.

"Now, your soul belongs to me."

Along with Jaina's low and seductive voice, an intense pain quickly swept through Taifas's body, causing him to let out painful and desperate wails.


But unfortunately, Nurgle could no longer care about him at the moment.

In just a few seconds, a translucent soul phantom floated out of the body and was swallowed up by the constantly ringing Frostmourne.

The other half remained in the body, transformed by the biting frost and the power of death.

In the end, the Vanguard of Nurgle turned into the Vanguard of the Scourge. He knelt on the ground with a plop and said in an emotionless tone: "Great Lich King! Your servants are waiting for your orders."

"Excellent! Now go and end this meaningless war! Turn all Nurgle fleets into the property of the Undead Scourge!"

Jaina gave the order bluntly.

As she gradually began to understand interstellar warfare, she obviously realized that these battleships and advanced weapons were the most valuable assets.

With them, you can go wherever you want, and engage in mass murder and species elimination on whichever planet you want.

"As you wish..."

Typhas bowed his head humbly to show his obedience, then stood up and took heavy steps to order the entire fleet to stop resistance in an orderly manner.

Since the demons and Chaos Astartes on other battleships haven't figured out what happened yet, and this guy is the highest-ranking member of the Death Guard Legion besides the original body, he will naturally choose to obey orders.

As a result, except for a handful of warships docked on other planets, the entire Death Guard Corps was basically completely scrapped.

As for whether those unlucky ones who died and lost half their souls can be resurrected in the subspace, it depends on how deep Nurgle's loving father controls the power of life.

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