A Song For A Summer's Night

Chapter 106 - Game Night (1)

Song Luli went home with Long Jie after picking her up from work.

At home, they went straight to the bedroom, and Song Luli slumped over the bed, chucking off her heels, letting out an exaggerated sigh.

Long Jie stepped into their closet and came back out, undressing in front of Song Luli.

Song Luli propped her head with an elbow, watching Long Jie, raising a brow. "You could have changed in there," Song Luli told him, teasing.

Long Jie smirked. "I know," he answered with a wicked grin.

He removed his clothing, changing into formal attire unexpectedly.

"I thought you were changing into something comfortable," Song Luli said.

"I am going somewhere," he told her.

"Oh?" Song Luli replied.

After buttoning the sleeves of his white dress shirt, Long Jie stepped into the closet again. He came out with a deep-garnet dress on a hanger, passing it to her. "You're coming, too," Long Jie informed her.

Song Luli smiled curiously.

"Where are we going?" she questioned.

"You'll see."

Song Luli then stood up, heading towards her vanity. She first applied some makeup, concealing her eyes, applying eyeliner, and deep ruby-red lipstick. She then curled the ends of her hair, going for a wavy effect. She put the dress right after, glancing at herself in the mirror.

The dress had thin straps, a heart-shaped bust, and a slit at the end of her dress, revealing one leg.

She smiled, turning around to face Long Jie, who had his dark-auburn hair swept to the side, wear a matte-black suit.

Song Luli slightly gaped at him in awe, and he returned the same expression. She then grinned, approaching him. She cupped his face, staring into his eyes, sharing a moment.

Long Jie then offered his arm to, leading her to the car.

"I like your suit," Song Luli told him on the way, flirting.

Long Jie smirked, staring at her ass. "I like how you fit into that dress," he replied.

Song Luli noticed, playfully pinching his arm before he opened the passenger car door for her, and she slipped onto her seat.

He drove her, and Song Luli began to recognize the area on the way. He then pulled up to the main house, her parent's home.

"Let's go inside," he told her.

Song Luli grinned, following him.

Inside, Song Luli felt confused because of how dark it was. She wondered if anyone were home, but then she realized what it was.

"If this is a surprise, come out because I hate being caught off guard," Song Luli said.

She heard Song Meiling groan out a, "You're no fun."

Song Luli heard Long Jie chuckle next to her, as her sister then rose behind a chair, straightening her clothes, and the others came out. Song Luli smiled upon seeing her friends and family, who crawled out of their hiding spaces.

Song Meiling then popped some confetti.

"We heard you finish filming," she said, grasping her hands, "We're proud of you. Let's have fun,"

"Thank you," Song Luli replied genuinely.

Growing up, she hated the self-fulfilling prophecies. But, still, even she painted herself to be nothing more than Song Sheng's youngest daughter: a nobody who isn't as good as her lawyer-aspiring brother, as her doctor cousins, and her sister, who is easily loved by everyone. But, this time, she was writing something for herself.

Song Luli felt warm. She then greeted the others who came: her twin brother, Lan Shufen, Zhang Enyu, Su Xiang, Chen, and Han Ru.

"Come, Luli, we'll be having dinner first," Song Meiling said.

Long Jie then pulled a chair for his wife to sit around a long table filled with food on silver platters; he then sat next to her.

Everyone ate dinner before finally settling down in the living room.

Long Jie went to hang his suit jacket, rolling his sleeves to his elbows as Song Luli watched.

Song Meiling sat next to her, closely, holding a drink in her hand. She glanced at Long Jie and grinned. "Thirsting after your husband?" Song Meiling questioned her sister while taking a sip of her drink. "That's a goal most have."

Song Luli glanced at her, taking a deep breath. "You would know if you married someone you love," she replied.

Song Meiling's smiled broadened. "Says the same girl who was so skeptical about love," she chuckled. "Not everyone is as lucky as you, Luli."

Song Luli smiled softly. "It wasn't luck," she replied. "My relationship with Long Jie required hard work, patience and communication," she said, glancing at Zhang Enyu. "You might want to try that."

Song Meiling pouted, following her gaze. Zhang Enyu was speaking with her brother and Lan Shufen, engrossed in their conversation.

Song Meiling then gulped the rest of her drink. "Maybe," she responded hopelessly.

"All right," Song Meiling said, changing the conversation and standing up. "Let's play a game. I learned this one from an American friend: Never Have I Ever."

"Oh, I've heard of that one," responded Lan Shufen with excitement.

"Good," replied Song Meiling, and she went to explain how the game worked to the rest of them.

"I'll start," she began, "never have I ever...fallen asleep while watching a movie."

"That's a lie!" Zhang Enyu replied.

"No, it's not. I hate background noise," Song Meiling said. "Now, take a drink."

Zhang Enyu snarled, drinking out of his glass, as did the others because they had slept through a movie before.

It was then Song Luli's turn. She glanced at Song Meiling, narrowing her eyes. "Never had I ever had a one-night stand," she said purposely.

Song Meiling awkwardly drank at the same time as Zhang Enyu, locking eyes with him. She didn't know his history with women, but she wasn't one to judge. After all, she had fun sleeping with pretty boys in the past until her last relationship.

Song Meiling looked at her brother, "Go, next Zhen."

Song Zhen grinned. "Never had I ever lied to someone in this room, and still not have told them the truth," he said. Song Zhen felt Lan Shufen shift slightly before picking up her drink. Everyone else in the room also drank.

Lan Shufen hiccuped. "You're...all...liars," she slurred and laughed.

"You are, too," replied Song Meiling, getting up, sitting next to Lan Shufen. She stumbled on the way several times.

Lan Shufen laughed again. "You're right."

"Hey," said Song Meiling, "Let's exchange secrets."

"All right," Lan Shufen replied.

Song Meiling then whispered her secret into Lan Shufen's ear. "That's so obvious," Lan Shufen replied. Song Meiling pouted. Lan Shufen then told her a secret in her ear, and Song Meiling's eyes widened, looking into hers. "No way!" she said.

Lan Shufen giggled, and Song Meiling burst out a drunken laugh. Zhang Enyu eyed them curiously while Han Ru stood up.

Han Ru approached Song Luli and Long Jie. "I should head home early for the night. I will see you two another time."

"Have a good night, Han Ru," Song Luli told him.

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