A Song For A Summer's Night

Chapter 111 - Trial (2)

After the patient spoke the truth, the judge called for a short recess.

Xun Zichen approached Su Xiang hastily. "Are you all right?" he asked her.

"I am," she said, trying not to smile. The judge didn't give the final say, but she was happy. Xun Zichen then kept her company.

Song Zhen was organizing some of his documents when he felt someone tap his shoulder. He turned around, finding Lan Shufen standing before him. He glanced down at her, wearing a grin on his face.

Lan Shufen wanted to tell him something, but she was at a loss for words. "I...I think you did amazing," she said to him. "How did you know he was going to tell the truth?"

Song Zhen bent down, near her ear, whispering. "It was a gamble. I didn't know."

He pulled away, meeting Lan Shufen's surprised eyes.

"Did you not have a plan?" she whispered back.

He then showed her the documents he packed; they were blank, empty.

"To be honest, I don't know what I'm doing. But, I've studied people more than practised case studies," he said, taking a seat at the edge of a table. "And, I know how the mind works. People cave in last minute when they feel guilty."

Stunned, Lan Shufen remembered thinking to herself in the trial while watching Song Zhen: 'Suddenly, my panties are wet.' She then shook her inner thoughts away.

Lan Shufen smiled. "Are you always like this?" she asked him.

"Like what?" he asked.

"Unpredictable," she said.

"Maybe," he responded.

"What did you tell him to confess the truth?"

"Why do you want to know?" he questioned.

"For research," she responded.

"Ah, research," he teased.

He stood from the table, placing his hands in his pockets, leaning towards her again. He spoke softly, "I told him that he had a choice: tell the truth or withhold it, but he will receive money nonetheless." He paused to look at her in the eyes. "I wasn't sure if he got what I meant. But since he spoke the truth, he will receive more than what the damages would have given him. Su Xiang told me that she was willing to cover all expenses."

Lan Shufen's mouth gaped, surprised. "You really are calculative," she told him.

"Mhm," he replied. "Thank you."

Lan Shufen didn't have anything more to say, but Song Zhen broke the silence. "I want to come by later to get another book. If that's okay?" he asked.

"Yes," she responded.

Song Zhen smiled.

He read the first book he borrowed from her in a few days, and Song Zhen didn't get the chance to return it since he went back to school. But, now that he's on his summer break, she wondered if she would see him more.

Lan Shufen found her seat next to Song Luli, who invited her to support Su Xiang and to watch Song Zhen.

The trial resumed.

The judge sat in her seat, glancing around the room. Su Xiang grasped Song Zhen's hand, squeezing it tight.

"The charges against the defendant will be dropped; there's no need for her to pay any damages. Case dismissed." said the judge.

Su Xiang sighed in relief. She stood up to hug her cousin before she embraced Xun Zichen hard. Xun Zichen hugged her tightly, cradling her head; this was something that daunted her for months, aside from the Xun family. But, some weight lifted from her shoulders, allowing her to breathe.

From Xun Zichen's shoulder, Su Xiang could see Yu Haoran walking out of the courtroom, blending in with the rest of the leaving crowd.

Su Xiang was lucky that Yu Haoran came with that man, but to think they came to make sure she would lose made her shiver. But she won, and she wouldn't dwell on it anymore. Her name cleared up.

She then left the courtroom with her family, chatting. They all went back to her house.

Xun Zichen had arranged a party, celebrating her 26th birthday and completion of school. With the stress around her, she didn't have the time to celebrate earlier. Her commencement ceremony was not until the fall, but she completed all her courses and hours; thus, obtaining her Doctor of Medicine degree.

She had to wait for the trial to end to determine whether or not she can start the residency program to get her license.

With the relief of knowing she can become a doctor since it's something she's always wanted, Su Xiang felt inexplicably happy.

At the last-minute party, Su Xiang made a speech thanking Song Zhen, and he maintained a calm poise that made him seem like he had everything under control the entire time.

When it came to parting ways, Song Luli then approached her. "I'm happy for you, Xi."

Su Xiang stepped forward, hugging her tightly. "Thank you, Luli."

Once everyone left, Su Xiang went with Xun Zichen at his apartment. She prepared for bed, and when she entered the dark living room, she noticed Xun Zichen had lit a birthday cake with a few candles.

Su Xiang grinned. She approached him, and he sang to her slightly off-key. She kissed him on the lips, joining him on devouring the cake.


Long Jie waited for Song Luli to get out of the shower so they can catch up on the drama she got him hooked on watching.

Wearing only pants, he laid down on the bed, scrolling through his phone when he recieved a notification from one of the people working at his company: "You need to see this," his colleague said.

Long Jie creased his brows, opening an article with a video attached. He watched it; his eyes widened. Fuck!

He then called his colleague back. "I need you to kill this story. I absolutely can't have my wife seeing this. Do everything you can and find out who's behind this."

"Right away, Mr. Long."

Long Jie sighed. He didn't know what was going on, but watching a video of Su Xiang kissing Chen wasn't something that the public should know. He didn't know what to think of it. It was them, but this scandal would blow up if he didn't stifle it. And whether they were romantically involved or not...he wouldn't be one to judge.

If it affects the Su's, it will affect the Song's, and they were all family to him.

Song Luli stepped out of the shower, running a towel through her hair. She noticed his expression. "Is everything all right?" She asked him.

Long Jie waved at her to join him in the bed. "Everything is fine," he said.

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