A Song For A Summer's Night

Chapter 137 - Going Out (1)

Song Meiling opened her eyes groggily in the morning. Her unruly chestnut hair sprawled on the pillow. She clutched at the single bedsheet that covered her body, exposing her bare shoulders and collarbones.

She looked over at her side, watching Zhang Enyu breathe softly, with his body lying flatly on the bed. The same bedsheet she clutched on, covered only the bottom half of his body. She could see the hard muscles of his back, covered in red marks, the ones she created the night before.

Some nights, she'd sneak into his room, or he'd sneak into hers whenever they were feeling passionate, desperate to find release.

With most hook-ups, Song Meiling would feel dissatisfied waking next to a man, feeling awkward if they encountered each other in the morning. But with Zhang Enyu, she didn't feel dissatisfied at all. In fact, there were moments where she felt like curling up against him, embracing him tightly. But, she never gave into temptation, knowing that he only thought of her as a fuck buddy. And perhaps that was for the best.

She didn't mind. If this was the only way to have him, then so be it. She wasn't willing to get hurt again after what her ex-boyfriend did to her.

Song Meiling began to stir out of bed when she felt something catch her wrist. Her eyes widened, turning her head slightly. Zhang Enyu was still lying down, rubbing one eye. "Where are you going?" he questioned with a husk tone of the morning.

"I was going to shower," she told him.

Zhang Enyu's eyes lidded open; his deep-set, gray eyes stared directly at her. He then pulled her into the bed, tucking her against him, nuzzling into her neck. Song Meiling flushed, feeling his breathing deepen, caressing her skin. However, she knew that he was half-dazed in sleep, which compelled him to act that way towards her.

Song Meiling let him embrace her, and when he fell asleep again, she rose out of bed. She quickly gathered her clothing, sneaking towards her room, hoping that her parents wouldn't come out into the hall.

She successfully slipped into her bedroom, shutting the door behind her. She then quickly showered and changed, going down the stairs for breakfast.

Zhang Enyu had already joined her parents, drinking tea and digging into their morning meal. She silently sat across him, peeling an orange, pretending that they hadn't seen each other less than an hour ago.

"Enyu," her father, Song Sheng, said.

Zhang Enyu's attention shot up to her father. Song Meiling also glanced up, as if it concerned her.

"When are you going back to Canada?" he questioned him.

Zhang Enyu smiled grimly. "Next week," he informed him.

Song Meiling dropped her orange; her lips parted slightly, her heart sunk. She didn't know he was leaving, and so soon at that. She thought that she had at least another year with him.

Both her parents and Zhang Enyu glanced at her. She then faked a smile, composing herself quickly. She picked up her orange and said, "It slipped out of my hand."

Zhang Enyu observed her before he began to talk to her father about his upcoming trip. Song Meiling stood up, suddenly at a loss of appetite. She stepped out of the house, finding that she needed a walk to think, to breathe.

She didn't understand this heaviness she felt, this ache. She clutched a hand over her heart, feeling something familiar yet foreign. Heartbreak?

She shook her head, trailing around the estate until she decided to compose herself and pretend that she wasn't affected by this sudden news.

Inside the house, Zhang Enyu was reading in the library when he rose up suddenly. Song Meiling walked hastily, running up the stairs to avoid him, locking the door behind her. 'Great!' She thought sarcastically. 'So much for composure.'

She spent the day in her room, refusing to come out, even skipping her meals.

During the evening, she decided to put on her best clothes, putting on her best makeup, looking absolutely stunning. She then stepped down the stairs, finding Zhang Enyu in the library again.

Song Meiling was about to leave when Zhang Enyu placed a palm on the door, in front of her.

"Where are you going?" he questioned briskly.

"Out," Song Meiling replied, not going into specifics.

"Can I come with you?" he asked her.

Song Meiling turned to glare at him. "Why?"

"We need to talk," he told her.

Song Meiling sucked in a sharp breath. She could see the expression in his face, the sincerity in his eyes. It struck her breathless. Zhang Enyu was handsome and perhaps the only person who understands her better than anyone else.

"All right," she told him.

Zhang Enyu then let go, allowing her to leave, following her shortly behind. Song Meiling's heart sped up. She wanted to go out to drink, to most likely drown herself in her sorrows. But she thought that maybe this was a good idea. If they could have one last night—week together, she might as well make it count.

They went to use her car, and she drove out of the driveway. She was going to take them to a nightclub, but at the last minute, she decided to change their plans.

Her new route led them to a small mountain with large hillside views. She parked the car with the trunk facing the dark and brightly-lit city beyond. She sat in the back of the vehicle, and he joined her.

She then curled up her knees, hugging them. "My aunt, Song Ren, used to take my siblings and I here all the time," she told him.

Zhang Enyu faced her. "What made this place so special?" he asked her softly and genuinely.

"She said you could see everything from here," she then pointed towards the direction of her home, the Song Estate. He then showed her where Song Entertainment was, her mother's law firm, Sun Pharmaceuticals. And lastly, she showed Zhang Enyu where their University was, the place he taught her so many things, where they spent the year together. She couldn't imagine studying without him hovering over, or teasing her if she got an answer wrong.

She would miss the smile on his face, the one he only showed to her when they were alone.

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