A Song For A Summer's Night

Chapter 140 - Wedding Night (1)

Song Luli's film premiered.

She was nervous about receiving the feedback, and though it was a mix between harsh critics and fans who fell in love with her work, her success was determined by the number of sales and the award she recieved for Best Screenplay Debut.

Long Jie, like the proud husband he was, cheered her on within the standing crowd. Song Luli smiled broadly as she took the stage and spoke into the microphone with her award acceptance speech. She thanked her family, her friend Lan Shufen, and her husband.

Long Jie stretched out his hand at the end of the stage, helping her descend the stairs. He led her towards their table; all the attention was on her as guests congratulated her on this great achievement.

She felt giddy about her award, and she received phone calls from her parents and siblings who were over the moon, watching from the television screen back at home, granting her kind words.

The next morning, Song Luli woke up to scroll through articles on her phone. Some of them were about her and other winners of the award show.

Long Jie stirred next to her, opening his eyes, smiling. "Congratulations," he said to her again. Song Luli grinned. Her name was widely spreading, and many believed she and Long Jie were a loving power couple.

In photos, they'd be smiling, acting affectionate in front of the flashing lights of the cameras, and while they thought no one was watching them, they were behaving intimately, which made it more sincere.

Long Jie and Song Luli spent weeks preparing for their upcoming wedding day. They wanted a small and intimate ceremony at the Long Estate before they moved in.

Song Luli rolled onto Long Jie, capturing his lips, kissing him fervently. She lifted her face to see his dazed expression. "I want to take a test today," she said to him.

"Are you sure you want to take it now? We can try a few more times before we do...to make sure," Long Jie replied.

Song Luli pinched his bicep playfully. "That's just an excuse," she said. She then stood out of bed, going over to take a pregnancy test in the bathroom. Song Luli returned to him before she got the results.

"I want to find out together," she said to him.

Long Jie gathered one of her hands in his, waiting as the digital pregnancy test gave her the answer she waited for. Song Luli's hand trembled slightly, and Long Jie grasped her shaking hand as they both loomed over to look at the small screen that flashed: Pregnant.

Song Luli and Long Jie glanced at each other in stunned disbelief before they looked at the screen again, squinting their eyes.

"Long Jie?" Song Luli said.

"Yes?" he replied.

"I'm pregnant," she stated.

"I...I can't believe it."

"Me neither," she replied.

Song Luli turned to him and smiled. Long Jie then tackled her, smothering her with kisses and words. "You are most adorable...so hardworking, so beautiful," he whispered against her soft throat. "We're going to be parents!"

Song Luli smiled. "Do you have any preferred gender as your firstborn?" she asked nervously.

Long Jie shook his head. "No. But the Long family are always known to produce sons."

Song Luli chuckled. "Oh, yeah? Well, the Song family is known to have many daughters."

He kissed her. "I think we should have four, two of each."

"I don't know if we can will our way into having two each, but there's no harm in trying," she replied with a smile. Song Luli then shivered before she turned over, feeling slightly nauseous.

"Are you okay?" he asked her frantically. "Do we need to see Xiang?"

Song Luli gave out a small smile, lifting herself up. "No. I'm fine. Just take care of me."

"Always," said Long Jie, cradling her against his body.


The wedding came, and the entire Long estate was finely decorated with ornaments and flowers.

Song Meiling helped Song Luli with her hair and makeup because she had a natural talent for making people look their absolute best.

Song Luli kept her hair down, wavy, stopping at her mid-back. Song Meiling made her look natural with a soft-pink lipstick, slightly blushed cheeks, and soft eyeshadow painted on her lids. Song Luli managed to fit into her long-flared-sleeved lacy dress. She then carried a small bouquet of white flowers with a matching flower crown on her hair, a stark contrast to her dark hair.

Her father, Song Sheng, swiftly locked arms with her, stepping outside the house, walking around the estate.

"Luli," he said.

"Yes, father?" she replied.

"I'm very proud of you. I know how much Long Jie cares for you; I wouldn't let him have you if he didn't."

Song Luli squeezed his arm tighter. "Did you know how he felt about me?"

"Of course," her father said in a slight whisper, walking towards the aisle. "He told me right after your marriage meeting that he was very determined to take care of you. He assured me that you would be fine in the match and that he had no other motivates."

Song Luli bit her lip, sniffing.

Her father paused, worried. "Luli, what's wrong?"

"Nothing," she replied. "I'm just very happy. I promise."

Song Sheng smiled. He kissed her on the forehead before they resumed their walk. They passed by their friends and family who stood in rows, in front of their white chairs watching her. Song Luli smiled at them with watery-eyes.

She then gazed over at Long Jie, struck by his beauty. His vibrant auburn-hair slicked to one side. Long Jie wore a royal-blue suit, and his pale-blue eyes gazed at her appreciatively with welling tears. He stretched out his hand, her father giving her away at the same time. Song Luli reached for him, the sleeve of her dress slipped from her wrist, showing the coiled dragon tattoo on her forearm.

Long Jie helped her up, taking both her hands in his. They stared at each other, awestruck, overwhelmed with emotion. Long Jie flushed, bending over to whisper in her ear. "It's truly going to be a pleasure that I get to claim you as mine in front of everyone."

Song Luli blushed, and the ceremony went on.

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