A Song For A Summer's Night

Chapter 18 - Gambling (2)

Long Jie rubbed the space between his brows. He then inched towards her. "Sit on my lap," he said.

Song Luli nearly gasped. "What?" she said. "If you think I will act as a prize, you are mistaken!"

Long Jie glanced at her neutrally, almost amused. "Just play along. I know you need something, which is why you're here."

Song Luli was taken aback. How did he know? She then glanced around the room suspiciously.

Long Jie nudged the sleeve of her tight-fitted blazer. Song Luli then slid from the armchair and sat onto his surprisingly warm thighs. He circled his arm around her waist, sitting up, pressing their bodies firmly.

His warm breath caressed her ear. "What do you want from President Peng Wu?" he asked.

Not wanting the others to hear, Song Luli leaned into him, whispering back. "The reputation of one of my actresses is diminishing. The media will swallow her if it escalates. I want him to put down the rumours."

Long Jie listened attentively and nodded. "I came today to speak with an executive from Long Group until I caught a glimpse of my wife with another man," he said.

Song Luli flushed, not knowing how to respond.

Because Song Luli was sitting on his lap, whispering to each other, their position looked rather intimate to everyone else. It astonished them.

Wasn't Long Jie supposed to be a frigid man? Even Peng Wu was irritated. That woman barely made a move with him for most of the evening, but with Long Jie, she didn't hesitate to sit on his lap, exchanging sweet-nothings.

The dealer then began to distribute the cards and chips to each player.

"Mr. Peng," Long Jie began to say in front of everyone. "Miss Song informed me that she wants to close a deal with you in regards to business," he lied on her behalf. "In addition to betting money. I propose that if I win, you must do what she asks, and if I lose, I will accept the contract to collaborate with your airline."

Song Luli's eyes widened in shock. Long Group hasn't collaborated with any airlines since airplanes are harmful to the environment for releasing greenhouse gases.

"Very well, Mr. Long," said President Peng Wu with a spider smile. He acted as if he won already.

Song Luli hung her arm loosely over along Jie's shoulder, pinching near his collarbone, not knowing what he was thinking.

He shot her a mischevious look. "Do you trust me?" he asked.

Song Luli wasn't sure how to answer, but when she looked into his eyes, she couldn't help but feel as if she did trust him. "Yes," she said.

Long Jie smirked.

The hands came around the table, and Long Jie made some calls, folds, and checks with one hand, as he kept the other around her waist, but he didn't grip it. Instead, it was loose, as if he didn't want to touch her.

Song Luli wasn't sure how to feel.

As the game went on, Song Luli didn't know how to play, but she paid attention to each one of his hands, and how the other men played as well.

Half-way, Long Jie lifted his cards to show her. "What do you think?" he asked for her opinion.

"But, I-I'm terrible at the game," she said.

"So," he answered.

"But what if I make you lose?" she asked.

Long Jie shrugged.

Song Luli gritted her teeth. She looked at the cards, and it was a 5 and 7. They weren't high cards, but she felt like he could make the call. So he listened.

On the table was a Q Q 5.

Long Jie glanced at her, some raised their chips, and Song Luli wasn't sure what to do. But, she told Long Jie to call the raise, so he did.

Afterward, another card appeared, a 5.

It was risky. Song Luli already had a three-of-a-kind, but if someone else had a Queen, they would beat her.

But she took the risk, telling Long Jie to raise instead, bluffing on the hand. It intrigued him, and Song Luli was surprised he didn't stop her.

Others called the raise. At the fifth card, a seven appeared. Then those who were still in presented the hands. Song Luli won with a full house.

Long Jie's lips curled in amusement, gazing up at her as Song Luli collected the pot.

The next hands went on, Long Jie presented them to her and following her directions. Some hands she missed; others, she was spot on. The other players let Long Jie play with Song Luli because they believed she would make him lose.

Perhaps they were right, but Song Luli was enjoying herself, and it completely slipped her mind that she was still sitting on Long Jie's lap and even working on each hand with him, whispering to each other like children who told each other secrets.

They played until it was only them, and President Peng left.

On the next hand, the dealer presented the cards. The first three cards made her feel cautious. She had good, high cards, but if the president held good cards too, he might get a full house, then he would win.

Song Luli waited, the pot was full, and both sides were empty. They were to either win or lose everything.

The last card appeared, and President Peng presented his cards with a good hand and a smirk: Full House.

But Song Luli presented her cards, and called, "Royal Flush."

Long Jie smiled to himself, holding back a chuckle, whereas Peng Wu stood up, outrageous.

"You had her help you; it's cheating!"

Long Jie held a small smile. "Eh? But she didn't know how to play well. When it comes to poker, it's called luck," he said.

Peng Wu then left the room abruptly, irritated. Long Jie watched him go before glancing at Song Luli. "You did well," he said.

Song Luli flushed uncontrollably. She then rose out of his lap, composing herself.

Long Jie also stood up, and the two of them were left alone in the low-lit room.

He towered her with his height, gripping her chin gently. "I will make sure he follows through with the terms."

Song Luli smiled. "Thank you," she said.

He gazed at her. His gentle grip on her chin moved up to cup her cheek in one of his hands. "Don't associate yourself with men like him," he said. Song Luli stared at him, dazed. His hand moved lower, towards her lower lip, brushing it fleetingly with his thumb.

He then dropped his hand, placing it in his pocket before turning and walking away. Song Luli fought her daze, following after him.

What was that about?

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