A Song For A Summer's Night

Chapter 2 - Saving The Company

The next day, Song Luli went to work, per usual.

She typically worked in the marketing department, but to transition in her future position, her father had her moved into the General Management Department, working with executives to monitor and execute business strategies.

Her father sent word to meet him in his office before she started.

So, Song Luli walked right into the office, closing the door shut behind her, where her father sat on a high chair, wearing a black suit. He concentrated on his work. His dark hair spilled over his eyes, making him appear youthful. His dark locks only had one streak of silver, and his eyes were gold-flecked, like her brother.

"Luli," he called her. His face appeared to be grave, overworked about something. But what was it?

It must be something serious. "Hello, father," she said, settling herself on a seat in front of his desk. She expected him to talk about some reports about sales or the Human Resources department, but instead, he seemed to be wary of something else.

"What can I do to help?" she asked him.

Her father ran a hand through his dark locks, sighing.

"I have to break it straightforwardly, as you are my successor. Are you ready for it?" he asked her bluntly.

Song Luli held her chin up high; she gave a short nod, her eyes narrowed, waiting for it.

"The company is not doing well. It had been within the family for years. Remember that I wasn't supposed to inherit it?" he said, and laughed slightly. "I worked hard day and night to maintain it. But now, we need new ideas, fresh and modern. I'm getting old, Luli, and I am not meeting the standards anymore."

Song Luli chuckled. "You're not old. But how bad it is?"

Her father smiled, but it quickly died. "Stocks are plummetting. The shareholders are upset, and many directors have pulled out of projects and collaborations. You see, the films we have produced are not meeting the requirements."

Song Luli paid attention; she assessed his words, trying to find a solution mentally. "Then we can invest in better ones," she responded.

"We can't afford it," he responded. "You know they cost millions of Yuan, and our investors are pulling out. We have nothing to regain our reputation."

Indeed, they were competing with other companies like Diamond Entertainment, Star Entertainment, In League Entertainment, and others; there were too many.

"What do you suggest we do?" She asked him.

Her father leaned back into his chair, sighing. "I didn't want to ask you this. But, I think marriage to a suitable man would do it. One man, in particular, Long Jie."

Song Luli widened her eyes. She didn't expect her father to ask her of this, and she distantly remembered meeting him when she was nine, but that was thirteen years ago. He then moved overseas for a couple of years, and when he returned, they did not do much to rekindle or renew their friendship, let alone had seen much of each other at all.

He's the son of Long Huojin and Xue Guangli; they were both business owners of separate empires. He is the successor of his father's large conglomerate—Long Group—and his mother's Design company; they only had one child, and their businesses thrived over the years.

Song Luli listened.

"He will soon inherit everything, but it's too much for him. His parents have been looking for a match for him. He needs a wife that would help him hold down the fort. He will invest in Song Entertainment in exchange," he finished.

Song Luli thought for a long moment. Even though she lost touch with him years ago, it did not mean she hadn't heard the rumours. He was rumoured to be arrogant, cunning, and ruthless. But she also heard that he was frigid; therefore, he did not court anyone.

"You don't have to agree to this arrangement right away. I don't want to pressure you into doing anything you don't want. I want you to consider it," Song Sheng continued.

"But why me? He will surely reject me as he did with all the others," she responded.

The last thing she wanted to do was go to a marriage meeting and feel humiliated by an arrogant man flatly rejecting her.

"His parents are good friends of mine, to our family. They want this union, and yes, he rejected other offers. But he hasn't received any from a Song."

Song Luli's lips curled. Indeed, his father was rather proud of their family, and quite confident, too. Therefore, he did not doubt that as long as you have the blood of a Song, you will succeed. She released a breath, knowing she would agree to it anyways. Her father would never have suggested anything if he wasn't desperate.

"I remember him," she said, trying to reminisce the past, but it had been so long. Everything was in fragments.

Her father smiled grimly. "He was a kind boy from what I gathered before," he reminded her.

Song Luli smiled back, but she knew about Long Jie's reputation. It was everything but kind of what the media has portrayed him. "Mhm. I will considerate it," she said.

Her father's eyes widened slightly, almost as if he expected her to throw a fit, or reject it altogether.

"I will contact his family. The two of you can meet before agreeing to anything," he said.

Song Luli smiled and nodded; she then rose to leave.

"Thank you, Luli," her father said to her.

Song Luli turned to face him. She smiled. "I will do anything for you, father," she admitted, and it was true.

She loved her parents; they raised her to care for everyone in their family. Even though she was the one that people ignored the most, her sister, Meiling, was the one who lifted everyone's spirits, but her parents never ignored her. They only said she was different, and different was good.

But now she might marry some man she didn't know well. But Long Jie apparently is frigid. Therefore, he might not want to consummate it. She would be fine with it. So long as it saves her father's company, her company, and her family's reputation.

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