A Song For A Summer's Night

Chapter 29 - 24 Hours

Su Xiang had spent days researching the unknown diagnosis that the young man at the hospital faced. She read documents diligently before and after her shifts and met up with Su Chen whenever he had the opportunity.

Su Xiang knew the hospital was experiencing many unfortunate cases, and the staff wanted to prevent constant patient hand-overs, so she prepared to work a 24-hour shift.

At the hospital, she tended to her caseload, working with professional doctors.

She had a degree in Biomedical Science, and she would soon graduate with her Doctor of Medicine degree, shortly after her 26th birthday. Whereas Su Chen took longer to achieve his degrees because he took courses on the business aspect, thus enabling him to inherit Sun Group earlier than expected.

Her mother, Song Ren, still ran Song Pharmaceuticals, and that's because her mother lived and breathed the company, waiting for her daughter to be ready, and one day, she would be ready, only after years of practice and preparation.

Eight hours in her shift, she still felt good. Su Xiang took her 4th cup of coffee, trying to revel in the jump caffeine often granted her.

Later, after twelve hours, she went to take a 30-minute nap during her break, and when she woke, she tidied her hair and uniform, feeling a bit refreshed from the short rest.

The cases were hectic, and Su Xiang tried not to fall behind as patients would complain about their wait-time, despite the multiple warnings that it would be a busy day and night due to the high volume.

Nonetheless, Su Xiang caught up with the pace, trying to remain calm and poised in front of patients, but behind the scenes, she would slump, needing another cup of coffee, but waiting as she did not want to feel jittery from overconsumption.

She met with both the night and morning team, and though she felt exhausted, the staff and patients would motivate her to persist.

By the 24-hour mark, Su Xiang gathered her things, passing by the sleeping pods. She found them to look enticing, and they were empty too. So she approached one of the pods, settling in as sleep claimed her.

It was nearly midnight when Su Xiang had a strange dream.

She felt lifted in the air, not high enough like falling off a cliff, but lower like she was on a swing. She was too tired to stir, so she relaxed as the wind caressed her hair, lying down on the soft grass of the meadows after she finished rocking back and forth on that swing.

In her dazed state, Su Xiang felt as if she had received too much sleep, more than usual. She sat up abruptly from a soft bed, an unfamiliar bed. She stood up, not knowing where she was. Was she kidnapped?

But she wasn't harmed, or tied up...

Su Xiang approached the door, wearily and carefully. It was dark, but she could tell she had never been to that place before because of the unfamiliar furniture and bedding.

She opened the door, and the halls were dark, too. She didn't know where the light switches were, but she didn't dare turn them on, afraid of alerting her kidnapper.

She stepped forward, lifting each foot carefully, trusting her senses. Using her hand, she felt the walls and nearly bumped into something.

She carefully reached out, touching a handle cautiously; she felt the rough material beneath her fingertips and realized it was an umbrella.

A sound crept behind her, and her heart began to race unsteadily. She lifted the umbrella, swinging behind her, hitting the head of her tall kidnapper. She was clever for aiming up; otherwise, she would hit his chest, and it may do nothing.

The man didn't topple over, but when she was about to go for another hit, he reached out, preventing her. "It's me," Su Chen said through uneased pain.

Su Xiang went to search for the light and found one. She flicked it on; her mouth hung open. The umbrella plopped near her feet.

"Chen?" She reached out, his slight wound stung. She covered her mouth. "I'm so sorry," she said, backing away. She then stepped forward to hit him on the shoulder.

"Usually," Su Chen began, "Doctors don't hit their patients."

"That's what you deserve for scaring me! I thought I was taken for ransom!"

Su Chen squinted from the throbbing pain he had on the side of his head. Su Xiang took his arm, "Where do we go?" she asked.

Su Chen nodded his chin towards the direction of the room. She helped him enter and laid him down flat. She observed his head quickly.

It wasn't bad enough to leave him with a concussion, but he needed some ice and medicine.

But first, she needed to know where she was.

"Where are we?" Su Xiang asked him.

Su Chen gritted his teeth before answering. "My apartment," he said.

"WHAT?" Su Xiang asked in surprise.

Su Chen flinched from her loud reaction. "This apartment is close to both the hospital and company; it's easier to get here after a long shift," he said.

Su Xiang approached the window, pushing the curtains. Indeed, she could see the view of the hospital from the west and Sun Group in the east. "Is this why you don't come home some nights?" she asked him.

Su Chen nodded, though it hurt him. Realizing it, Su Xiang said, "I'll be back."

She left the room, descending the stairs. She found the kitchen, taking some ice, water, and medicine. She took a quick glance around the room and realized the apartment was smaller than she would have imagined, but she supposed it was enough for one person.

She ran back to the room, tending to Su Chen immediately, giving him some pills, water to swallow, and she placed the ice back over his temple. He then began to feel better, but he remained lying down on the bed.

Su Xiang then asked him while gazing around his bedroom, "Why didn't you tell me about this before?"

"I didn't want mother to know, and I like living in the house, but this apartment is much more convenient," he said.

Su Xiang chuckled. "I can imagine. Everything is so much closer," she commented.

Su Chen nodded again; he gazed at her, almost giving her a message.

"Don't worry; I won't tell her," Su Xiang promised.

"Thank you," Su Chen said.

She knew that her mother didn't want either of them to leave; she loved them too much. But why didn't he tell her sooner?

She kept gazing at the furniture in the room; it was modern and simple, realizing it was undoubtedly made for one person.

"I should get going now," Su Xiang said.

"You can stay," Su Chen responded.

"I feel like I'm invading your privacy," she stated.

"You're not," Su Chen replied. "And it's late."

Su Xiang nodded. "All right then, where can I sleep?"

Su Chen rose out of bed, "Here. I'll head to the couch."

Su Xiang stopped him, shaking her head. "That won't do, your head still hurts."

"I don't have a guest room. So you can sleep on my bed tonight," he said.

Su Xiang thought for a moment. "Why don't we both sleep on the bed?" she suggested.

Under the dim light, Su Chen appeared to have hesitated, but then he said, "All right."

Su Chen slipped under the covers, already washed and dressed. "You can change in the bathroom; there are some fresh clothes in the cupboards."

Su Xiang nodded, following his orders. She went to the washroom and found only men's clothing. She slid into the smallest pair of pants, though it kept slipping from her waist. She then removed her bralette, placing an oversized shirt over her body.

When she returned, Su Xiang flicked off the lights, slipping under the covers next to Su Chen; this would be like old times, she thought.

Sleep began to wash over her again until her eyes finally closed, falling asleep.

Su Chen, on the other hand, felt conscious of everything. Though his mind spun, he was certain Su Xiang was getting closer the more she nestled into the blankets. He remembered her moving a lot when they were younger, to the point where she lifted an arm and leg over him without knowing. But instead, she was wearing his clothes, pressed her side entirely against him, and the next thing he knew, she was at the crook of his neck.

She smelled like raspberries and lemon, and her golden curls framed her gracefully. Su Chen was sure that his chest was beginning to thunder. He hated how she had this effect on him. It was a strange feeling, one that made him want to pull her closer, but he wouldn't dare.

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