A Song For A Summer's Night

Chapter 71 - Medical Malpractice

In the following weeks, Su Chen had been training Su Xiang to administer and look out for the side effects of clinical trials. She hadn't had much of a chance to learn before since she spent most of the hours of the day volunteering, working, and studying.

This opportunity also enabled the chance to work with Su Chen.

It was around the late evening when Su Chen left Su Xiang. "You will be meeting with Dr. Lim. He will guide you through what we've practiced," he said.

"All right," she replied.

She then walked into the patient's room, hoping to shadow the doctor, but she bumped into him right at the entrance.

"Oof," Su Xiang said.

The doctor wore scrubs from neck to ankles, a cap, and a white mask over his face. His eyes looked worn, and he appeared to be in a hurry.

"Sorry, Doctor Lim," Su Xiang said.

The doctor shook his head. "No, it's my apologies, Miss Su."

Su Xiang smiled. "It's nice to meet you. I've been explained the ropes about the trials for the last few weeks. I am excited to write a report on it today," she said.

Doctor Lim nodded. "That's great to hear. You're just in time to help the patient take his medicine," he replied.

"Perfect," Su Xiang said.

She then stepped further into the room, greeting the patient as the doctor hovered behind her. Since she had been overlooking this case for the last few months, she felt like she knew the patient well. "How are you feeling?" Su Xiang asked.

"I feel fine. Just a bit nauseous. But it should blow over soon," the patient replied.

Su Xiang frowned. She examined him, and nothing appeared to be out of sorts from his usual nausea. She then approached the counter, reading over the bottles of medication. She picked up the ones that the patient needed to take.

Su Xiang documented the time and how much he took: two pills, 8:00 P.M.

"Excellent," said Doctor Lim.

Su Xiang then did some further examinations when the doctor's pager suddenly went off. "Oh, sorry. I have to run for another case. You don't have to do anything else. I will be back in 30 minutes."

Su Xiang smiled. "All right," she said.

The doctor left, and Su Xiang knew she had to wait until he returned to fulfill the next orders. So she decided to have a small talk with the patient. He updated her on his life about his friends and family. He also mentioned that he was in love with someone and that once he is discharged from the hospital, he will confess his feelings to her.

Su Xiang thought that was sweet to hear.

"Are you in love with someone?" he asked her genuinely.

Su Xiang paused. She wasn't sure how to answer. "I think so..." she responded distantly. She had never admitted it to herself, and yet she was confessing it to a patient. "But, it's complicated."

The patient smiled warmly. "How so?" he asked.

"Erm," she began to say, "I would say that it's because there are some barriers that keep me from being with him."

The patient frowned and sighed deeply. "Me too since I'm stuck in the hospital," he said.

Su Xiang reached out to grasp his wrist gently, granting a reassuring touch. "I will make sure you get better," she told him.

The patient nodded, placing a hand over hers.

"Thank you for sticking with me," he said.

"It's my pleasure," she responded.

Not long after, the Doctor Lim returned. "Miss Su, the supervisor said you could go on your lunch break and return," he said.

"All right," said Su Xiang standing up. She then went to the cafeteria to buy lunch. She ate her food in a private space by the window with a view of the courtyard. She decided to also buy a snack for the patient despite it being against one of the policies.

She finished eating, returning to the room after with the snack in her hand. But everything was still and silent.

The curtains were closed, and the lights dimmed.

"Dr. Lim...?" Su Xiang called out.


She walked in further. She realized the patient must be sleeping, so she drew the curtains aside to check up on the patient. But his appearance shocked her. His face had gone sickly pale, and his chest rose and fell slightly with shallow breaths.

Su Xiang quickly called for an emergency team before trying to resuscitate the patient when he went still. The team swept in. And horrified, Su Xiang stepped back as she let them take over.

Her eyes blurred with the sight of doctors, nurses, and students surrounding the patient, trying to save him—something that shouldn't be happening.

Su Chen came in hurriedly. His flushed face told her he ran. "The pager buzzed me. What happened?"

The doctors rolled the patient out of the room, leaving a nurse alone with Su Chen and Su Xiang.

The nurse stepped in, looking at Su Chen. "Dr. Su. It appears that the patient is experiencing symptoms of a drug overdose caused by physician negligence and medical malpractice."

Su Xiang stilled.

Su Chen froze. He didn't turn to face her, staying rooted in his spot. Su Xiang tried to register the words.

Overdose? Medical malpractice? That meant she failed to perform the standards of what's expected by her medical profession, causing harm to the patient. It meant she was unable to uplift what her parents embedded in her mind—providing quality care for all patients. This was something that could ruin her life. But, but...

"Chen! I swear I followed Dr. Lim's instructions," Su Xiang pleaded her case.

"Dr. Lim?" the nurse questioned.

Someone then entered the room. It was an older man, wearing regular clothes with a bag strapped around his shoulder. Sweat trekked down his face, seemingly hurried.

"Sorry, I'm late. I left a voicemail on the company phone for the student I was supposed to mentor earlier, but I didn't receive an answer," The real Dr. Lim said.

Su Xiang approached the wall phone. She picked it up, and the line was dead.

"Miss Su," the nurse cut in again, "you left the patient alone for half an hour. Where were you?"

"I--I--" Su Xiang was at a loss for words. Everything then registered in her mind quickly, and she froze, realizing what had happened.

Su Xiang's heart began to speed up, and she panicked.

"There was a doctor here earlier; he gave me instructions. I didn't give the patient a lot of medicine. I promise!" She pleaded more.

The nurse stepped forward again. "Miss Su, you were the only one that's signed in. No one else was here," she said.

"No!! I wasn't alone, I swear it!" Su Xiang said.

The nurse rolled her eyes, not believing a word Su Xiang was saying. Meanwhile, Su Chen remained quiet.

"Thank you for reporting it to me," he finally said to the nurse. She then left the room with Dr. Lim.

Su Chen wasn't facing Su Xiang. But she grabbed onto his sleeve, gesturing him to turn.

Su Chen ran a hand down his face. He turned to her with furrowed brows, "Xiang. Please tell me you weren't reckless. Please tell me that you were thinking properly!"

Tears rolled down her cheeks. "I wasn't reckless Chen," she began to say with a quivering voice, "Please. Please believe me. I would never have the intent to harm any of our patients."

Su Chen's eyes widened. He gritted his teeth as it looked bad, really bad. But he believed her. And not because she was someone important to him, but because he knew Su Xiang's character, and it did not involve recklessness, negligence, or slip-ups.

He would wait to hear news of the patient, check the results, and to hear her side of the story.

"Tell me everything," he told Su Xiang, and she did.

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