A Song For A Summer's Night

Chapter 73 - Who Did It?

Song Zhen settled onto one of the extravagant couches of his sister's home. He gazed around the room; his eyes peered at the details of the house. Song Zhen looked at things curiously, making Long Jie feel nervous. Did he not like it? Long Jie still wanted his brother-in-law's approval, and wanted to assure him that his sister was in good hands.

"Don't mind him, he's observant," Song Luli said as she sat right next to him, grasping his hand in hers. Long Jie smiled, feeling better.

Song Zhen then glanced at the two of them. He lifted a knee to rest over his thigh, pushing his long black coat behind. "Now, can you guys tell me everything?" he asked.

Lan Shufen stood at the entrance of the living room when the doorbell rang again. She quickly left to answer it, opening it to find two gorgeous-looking people at the front door. They greeted her, and she wondered why everyone in Song Luli's circle was incredibly stunning.

She wondered if they were a couple as they stepped into the living room. She found out they were from the Su family, so she decided she wanted to leave, feeling out of place.

"I should go," Lan Shufen said.

"It won't be long, stay with us for dinner," Song Luli suggested.

Lan Shufen wasn't sure what to do. She glanced at Song Zhen, who was already looking at her. She inwardly flushed and quietly said, "okay," before sitting down.

In the living room, Su Xiang and Su Chen joined them. They both explained everything that happened, and Song Zhen listened attentively, asking questions, requesting results, and more details.

The patient fell into a coma, but the good thing about it was that there was a chance of him waking up.

"The family is suing me for Medical Malpractice," said Su Xiang. "If they win the case, I will lose my chance of being a doctor. I will lose credibility, and no one at the company will see me fit for any position."

"How did the patient overdose?" Song Zhen asked.

Su Chen then pulled out a report and passed it to him. "According to his results, the patient had an intake of 10x the amount of his prescription. But Su Xiang mentioned that she gave the appropriate dosage."

Song Zhen looked over it. "It's a clinical trial?" he asked.

"Yes," Su Chen confirmed.

Song Zhen exhaled a breath, looking at Su Xiang. "I'm going to be straightforward," he began bluntly, "If I were the judge in court, I would be siding with the patient. I don't want to rule out what you have mentioned. But it's your word against this substantial evidence against you."

Song Zhen spoke like a professional without sugarcoating anything. Lan Shufen felt like she shouldn't overhear anything of what was going on. But her eyes glued onto the lawyer-in-practice. She was impressed by him.

"But if what you guys are saying is true," Song Zhen began again, "then someone wants to hurt Xiang's career, or maybe the image of the Su family."

"But who would try to go after Xiang?" asked Su Chen.

Song Zhen looked at them sharply and shrugged. "It could be anyone. It could be someone from the lab messing with the formula. It could be someone who has a personal grudge against Xi. Or, it could be someone that doesn't want Sun Group & Song Pharmaceuticals to prosper," he paused to move his leg, leaning forward, putting his elbow over his thigs.

"A lot of shady shit has happened in the past. And with loose ends, people won't stop until they finish what they've started," he finished.

It didn't sit well with Su Xiang. Her cousin was right. A bit blunt, but right.

"Find out who's trying to sabotage your career, Xi. I will defend you to the end, but I need you to give me the proof that you have. I only present your case," Song Zhen reminded her.

"All right," Su Xiang said, "thank you."

"Anytime," responded Song Zhen.

At that, Su Xiang got up and parted ways with them before leaving. Su Chen followed after her.

Su Xiang stormed towards the car; she fumbled with the keys before Su Chen grabbed her arm, gently turning her around. She dropped the car keys, facing him. Her expression faltered, dropping the 'I'm okay' walls because she wasn't.

"We'll figure this out," he said. "I won't stop looking into it."

Su Xiang's lips quivered. She was terrified. Until now, she had been keeping her chin up, hardening her heart and the walls she kept. But the possibility of losing everything she worked hard for by tumbling down within a moment; she felt hopeless.

"I don't know if I can do this," Su Xiang said. "I should cut my losses and choose another career."

Su Chen pulled her in close. He held her, offering a fleeting caress on the back of her head. "Stop," he warned her.

"I can't. I'm only a burden now," she revealed with a disheartened tone.

Su Chen lifted her chin, roaming his hand across her cheek with a lover's touch. His eyes settled onto hers. "You won't ever be a burden, at least not to me," he said.

Su Xiang's eyes widened slightly. She didn't realize how close they were. The air was cold, and the night had fallen. He was the warmth she longed for.

It had been four long and hard years since they parted. Since he went to medical school in a different city, rarely coming back for a visit.

Su Xiang wasn't sure what she wanted. But she knew that some part of her needed him in more ways than others. She held onto him, giving him a long embrace. His reassuring touch granted her some temporary relief, some ease of mind.

She tip-toed to brush a kiss on his cheek, letting him know the gratitude she had for him. "Thank you," she whispered.

Su Chen glanced at her with a bit of surprise. His breathing hardened, and his black hair tumbled over his lashes. He stared at her intensely, and Su Xiang stared back, fixated, getting lost in his eyes.

After a few moments, Su Chen pulled away slightly. He cleared his throat. "Let's get back home," he said.

"Yes," she responded, trying to compose herself.

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