A Song For A Summer's Night

Chapter 76 - Call Me By My Name

Indoors, Su Chen followed Yu Haoran to the seats reserved for them. They sat with other affluent guests, whom Su Chen never met before.

Before the event started, he felt bored, so he took out his phone and messaged Su Xiang.

She messaged back, and they began to have a casual conversation that didn't involve any of their worries and anxieties.

It felt good to talk to her normally since Su Chen did not have that with her a while, not since he returned, and not since he was engaged to Yu Haoran.

A part of him agreed to the engagement to Yu Haoran because of Song Luli's marriage with Long Jie—a strategic power move that he wanted. But a larger part of him decided it was because he was conscious of his growing attraction to Su Xiang. A feeling that he couldn't act on.

And in all their years of knowing each other, she was his best friend. They both got along, shared things in common. And he could admit that his feelings did not manifest until he'd gone off to Med school, sitting in his dorm, miles away, thinking about why he missed her to the point it hurt.

His thoughts broke when he heard Yu Haoran speaking to some of the guests politely. He felt her grip his arm slightly, so he put his phone back in his pocket.

The event was a late silent auction to bid on some of the nicest offerings for charity. When it started, they stood up, walking around to take a glance at the items. Yu Haoran kept her grip around his arm, smiling at every person they walked by.

Su Chen watched her every move, not peeling his eyes off her—and not because he liked her. No.

But because of the timing between their engagement and Su Xiang's work incident seemed all too suspicious to him. He never suspected anything from her before. But now, she seemed different—off. But what would Yu Haoran have against Su Xiang? It didn't make sense in messing with one's career over something petty. Jealousy shouldn't have anything to with it either; there's something else, something more he needed to figure out.

To him, lately, his reality seemed to be like a puzzle. But imagine it was a puzzle with no images or swirls of colour; instead, the pieces were blank, having to fit them together using the shapes of them. That's what it felt like to him. He can't seem to figure out what to do when things have gone astray.

But still, the more he tried to solve the puzzle, the farther he was from solving it. There was nothing Yu Haoran did that appeared to be a red flag. But he monitored every one of her moves, just in case. He needed to find solid proof of her innocence or scheming.

He needed to pretend that he wasn't suspicious of her because the best power move against the offender, the player, is to be oblivious—or to act like it.

And he would tell Su Xiang of his plans soon, just after he finds a lead.

Yu Haoran led him to a private room that had a large wooden grandfather clock.

The bells chimed through the room as the clock struck 1:00 A.M.

Su Chen glanced at the mirror next to the large piece of polished wood. He straightened the lapels of his jacket, combing his ink-black hair to the side with his fingers.

Yu Haoran stepped carefully behind, glancing at his reflection in the mirror.

"You are very handsome," she told him, low and crisp. She lifted her arms, placing both her hands on each of his shoulders.

"I can't wait until we're married," she continued to say in a whisper, reaching out to trace his jaw with a soft caress. "You're a prize, Su Chen. Which is why I had my sights on you since we met at that social gathering, years ago."

Su Chen turned his head slightly, arching one of his brows. "That sounds like a bit shallow, don't you think?" he responded.

Yu Haoran stepped back and laughed shortly. "I'm sorry. I can't help it if it sounds like that," she admitted with a smile.

Su Chen released a breath. "It doesn't matter now," he responded.

"You're wrong. We're going to be together, and know that I would never deny you, physically or emotionally. You're handsome, intelligent, and irresistible," Yu Haoran emphasized the last word enthusiastically low. "You can do anything you want to me."

Su Chen inwardly cringed. He narrowed his eyes, looking back at the mirror.

Her smiled lingered."Do you love me?" she asked him straightforwardly.

"No," Su Chen didn't hesitate to answer flatly.

Yu Haoran laughed again, full of breath and wicked delight. She circled his shoulders, gripping his jaw to face her. "You're hard to win over. But don't worry, I like a challenge," she admitted.

Su Chen turned around, offering her an arm reluctantly. She took it, letting him guide her back to the event.

After the silent auction ended, Su Chen took Yu Haoran home, and he went straight to his apartment after.

He flicked on the lights, finding Su Xiang lying down on the couch, taking him by surprise.

He dropped his keys, shaken. He stepped forward, rubbing his eyes from the illusion, but she was still there, sleeping.

He approached her slowly, carefully. Her golden hair framed her beautifully; his throat dried.

Her lids lifted slowly, looking up at him, meeting his eyes. "You're back," she said softly.

"Didn't I drop you off earlier?" he whispered.

"Yes," she answered.

"Why did you come? It's late," he asked her.

Su Xiang sat up; her hair tumbled over her shoulder. She lifted her legs on the couch, folding her arms around them. "Only you understand what's going on and what's at stake for me. I feel...so lost and broken," she said, feeling troubled.

His fingers clenched into a fist. He felt useless for not being able to relieve her worries for finding nothing. But he was onto something. He felt it in his bones. But he figured that everything traced back to years ago.

"Is there anything you want me to do?" he asked since he tried everything to help her.

Su Xiang lifted her eyes, gazing at him. "Can you hold me?" she asked him nervously. Su Chen's eyes widened a bit. He approached her slowly, sitting next to her. He took her in his arms, and she leaned her head on his chest. He squeezed. "Anything else?" he asked her.

"Distract me," she told him, feeling him nod.

Su Chen then began to tell her of a myth he read recently, called Cupid and Psyche.

He recounted most things until Su Xiang felt her eyes grow heavy.

"I want to stay here for the night, Chen," she said to him, feeling sleepy.

"Zichen," he corrected her.

Su Xiang lifted her head with furrowed brows. She looked at him curiously.

"Xun Zichen. That's my name," he admitted.

Su Xiang's eyes widened further; her lips parted from each other. "Xun Zichen?" She repeated.

He nodded, and Su Xiang stared at him, stunned and wild.

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