Chapter 15

On the stage.

Su Yu was like an arrogant king.

At that moment, Su Yu roared out all his resentment towards fate and resistance to past humiliation!

At this moment, his infectious power directly ignited the scene!

More than a hundred people.

Even those big names in the circle who usually hold their status in high regard did not hesitate to give their applause.

People like Liu Meng even stood up and roared like a real fan!

Seeing this scene.

Su Yu couldn't help but sigh.

Music is something that can resonate.......

He bowed and walked off the stage with Su Xiaoxiao.

The live broadcast of the Impression Four continued.

The second person to come on stage was Ma Yao.

But obviously, people's attention has been taken away by Su Yu.

A newcomer who has not yet debuted can actually come up with such an explosive and complete original song.

In particular, the lyrics of this song"The Matchmaker Is Offline" are too critical.

On the scene.

Liu Meng was too lazy to continue listening to the next performance of the Impression Four.

He stood up and returned to the room with his assistant.

After turning on the computer, he thought for a while and posted a long article on his Weibo.

As a professional musician.

Liu Meng usually makes a living by making lousy money from various music companies.

Even so, he has millions of fans on Weibo.

The name of this long article is"The Matchmaker is offline, and there is still a bullshit love!"

The full text is as follows:

"The 21st century is an era of information explosion and also an era of information cocoon."

"We are exposed to information everywhere on the Internet, but we fail to realize that it may be the information that big data specifically and intentionally pushes to us!"

"Originally, I thought I had really forgotten what love looked like"

"I think love itself needs a material basis."

"I need a house, a car, and a lot of savings to find love."

"Originally, I thought I thought this way because I had matured."

"Until I heard this song"The Matchmaker Lost Connection"》"

"Maybe the matchmaker is offline, and love is managed by the God of Wealth......Friends, please think carefully, when you were young, did love need so many additional conditions?"

"Even though we are adults, can't we have pure love?"

"What is the essence of love?"

"Is it money? Is it power? Is it status?"


"The essence of love is just love!"

"It is the fusion of two people's hearts and the deep communication of two souls."

"Whether young or grown up, whether poor or rich, the essence of love has never changed!"

"Friends, I want you to put down everything you are doing, lie down on your bed, and think quietly."

"When you were fifteen or sixteen, the boy or girl who had been attracted to you"

"Does he/she need material things to come into contact with him/her?"

"The pace of life is so fast now that everyone is filtering out information that is not helpful to life."

"This even includes memories from my childhood."

"Presumably, you have forgotten your former innocence, your former dreams, and the boy or girl who once moved you!"


"Su Yu from the Impression Four brought us a song"The Matchmaker Lost Connection"》!"

"On the surface, this song is about surrendering and accepting one’s fate, but what is the reality?"

"If the matchmaker is offline, are we just going to let him be offline?"

"God of Wealth, are you qualified to manage love?"

"Is it really romantic to be the co-pilot of money?"

"Is the love of mortals no longer love?"

"Friends, the times are already impetuous enough. I think we should really do as Su Yu said."

"Let go of all external constraints and pursue the feelings you really want with your heart."

"Don't let money control love, and don't let love be polluted by material things........"

"Finally, I want to say"

"Thirteen years ago, in the midsummer, the girl who left me"

"I've forgotten you"

"Goodbye, the past"

"Hello, future!"......

This long article was forwarded thousands of times in less than 20 minutes after Liu Meng sent it out!

And the number of likes went straight to 100,000!

Even in this era of entertainment information explosion, such a situation is rare.

At the same time, on short video and medium video platforms such as Douyin and Douyin, various clips about Su Yu have also become completely popular!

On Douyin, a video titled"How could the matchmaker be offline? How can the god of wealth control love!" was played two million times in one hour after the author of the video sent it out.

The comment section is full of affectionate essays.

It can be said that

Su Yu has become completely popular on all platforms!

And this level of popularity has also made countless people know that Su Yu was once hidden by Impression Entertainment.

For a time,

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