Chapter 32

This person

's name is Feng Yong. As soon as

Feng Yong spoke

, even Ye Sheng's expression became serious.

After all, although he was the leader, he was just a junior in front of Feng Yong.

""Mr. Feng, what do you mean by this?"

Ye Sheng asked in confusion.

He didn't understand what Feng Yong meant.

Feng Yong explained:

"In the field of music, pitch has always been the most demanding aspect......."

"Commonly known as off-tune, it means singing out of tune."

"Just now, when this young man was singing on the stage, he made no mistakes in the entire song, which had at least 400 syllables."

"This means that Su Yu's talent in singing is probably at the level of a demon!"

Feng Yong pondered for a moment and said

"Leader, you know that I am already old, and some of my disciples have become successful."

""I want to accept Su Yu as my last disciple, what do you think?"

Feng Yong's words surprised Ye Sheng!

He knew Feng Yong's power best, and he also knew what the identity of this last disciple meant.

It can be said that becoming Feng Yong's disciple, let alone in the entertainment industry, would be like walking sideways.

If Su Yu had this identity, he would have a lot of senior brothers and sisters in the entertainment industry, who are all superstars!

The film, television and music resources are simply countless!

In this case, even without official promotion, Su Yu can completely become a genius who is unparalleled in the limelight!

This is Feng Yong's power.

When Feng Yong proposed this idea at this time, it was obvious that he was not trying to take advantage of the popularity, but he really loved talent.

After thinking about it, Ye Sheng said

"Mr. Feng, this matter is of great importance.......As you know, the authorities intend to find a song or a singer from this group to promote vigorously."

"If you accept Su Yu as your last disciple, the combination of the two will probably allow this young man to reach a level that is not yet within his reach."

"Are you sure this is a good thing for him?"

Feng Yong smiled faintly.

He said

"Leader, I have been teaching for thirty years and have seen countless people and countless students."

"They may be young, mature, famous overnight, or unknown."

"But no one, like Su Yu, gave me a......He seemed to have experienced a lot and was no longer obsessed with fame and fortune. He was just a child who wanted to truly burn his life."

"Leader, believe me, no matter how high Su Yu goes, there will be no problem."

"He deserves it."

Feng Yong said, and then stopped talking.

Ye Sheng and Yang Mingwei looked at each other, both with thoughtful eyes.

Now, the situation is very clear.

Su Yu's song"The Lone Warrior" has been recognized by all of them, and even by all the audience.

Next, this song is destined to be promoted vigorously by the official.

At this time, if Feng Yong accepts Su Yu as a disciple, then almost all the resources in the entertainment industry will be open to Su Yu!

In this case, let alone Su Yu is a singer with real talent.

Even if he is a pig, I am afraid he can take off with the help of this east wind!

What Yang Mingwei and Ye Sheng are worried about is that Su Yu flies too high.

As a result, he falls too badly.

However, as Feng Yong said,

Su Yu's performance is really too mature and steady.

He doesn't look like a singer who has not yet officially debuted.

Such a performance made Ye Sheng and Yang Mingwei unsure for a while whether he would fall down.......

After a while,

Ye Sheng suddenly smiled.

Yang Mingwei asked curiously :

"Leader, what are you laughing at?"

Ye Sheng shook his head and said

"I laughed at the two of us, we were not as decisive as Su Yu......"

"This song, from the lyrics to the rhythm design, is almost perfect......."

"Being able to create such a song, Su Yu is destined to reach such a height."

"We are just playing a role in fueling the flames."

"In this case, what are we hesitating about?"

"The times need heroes, and they also need someone to sing praises of heroes."

"Then let Su Yu be the one who sings praises to the hero!"

Yang Mingwei showed a hint of approval in his eyes.

Then, he smiled and continued

"Leadership may not necessarily be about praising heroes......Don't forget that he has the reputation of being a critical singer!"


Ye Sheng smiled and shook his head.

Suddenly, his expression changed and he asked directly

"Xiao Yang, has the final score for Su Yu's song come out?"

Yang Mingwei heard this and picked up the intercom and asked

"What is the final score of Su Yu's"The Lone Warrior"?"

The intercom was silent for several seconds.

Finally, a trembling voice came

"Director Yang......This seems to be a statistical problem......."

Yang Mingwei asked in confusion

"What's the problem?"

"What we see here is that the final total score of Su Yu’s"The Lone Brave Man" is actually 100 points!"

"Full marks!"

Yang Mingwei was also a little surprised when he heard it.

Full marks?

"Take a good look, is this the score voted by 500 people?"

"Everyone got 100 points?"

There was a flurry of voices.

Finally, the man said firmly:

"Yes, it is the score of 500 people.......All are 100 points"

"But, Director Yang, how is this possible?" Yang Mingwei was silent for a moment!

You know, music is a very broad conceptual art.

It can be said that many people will have countless different ideas and associations when they hear the same song.

Among them, there will be good and bad ones.

If you encounter good associations, such as associating with your relatives and lovers, then you will naturally give a high score.

But if you associate with something bad, such as being bullied or hated by someone, then it will definitely be a low score!


《The song"The Lone Warrior".

It was so magical that 500 people gave it a perfect score.......

This is not something that can be explained by luck.

It is luck, strength, the right time, the right place, and the right people.

All added together.

Only then can a legendary result appear!

At this time,

Yang Mingwei no longer needs to doubt whether there is a problem with the voting.

It must be that all the audience gave Su Yu a high score of 100 points!

When he told Ye Sheng the news,

Ye Sheng was silent for more than ten seconds.

Finally, he said in a deep voice:

"Xiao Yang, I see this activity.......There's no need to continue, right?"

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