Chapter 39: The most worthy hero!

‘The two words"tribute" instantly dominated the screen of the Huamei Entertainment live broadcast room.

Usually, there are very few people in the official live broadcast room.

But today, because of Su Yu's online fishing reel, the number of people who have made reservations to watch"The Lone Hero" has reached 10 million since the official release of the first release time.

These people either came to see what song Su Yu sang that made the official cooperate with him, or just waited to see the joke, or just joined in the fun......

However, at this moment, no matter what kind of mentality people had, after seeing the opening of the"Lone Brave" MV, they all became awed.

Su Yu's voice seemed to have a strange magic that attracted them deeply and brought them into the picture.

"Why loneliness is not glorious"

"Only imperfections are worth praising."

"Who says those covered in mud are not heroes?".....

Then, the next line of lyrics sounded.

All the audience watching the live broadcast were stunned. So much so that the barrage that dominated the screen just now began to become sparse at this moment.

Why is loneliness not glorious?!

Who says that those covered in mud are not heroes?!

Su Yu's low voice seemed to contain extremely powerful emotions that were about to bloom.

All the audience.

At this time, they seemed to remember.

Su Yu, a critical singer!

Are these lyrics Su Yu's criticism of today's society and the current Internet atmosphere?

In the prosperous era.

Everyone's focus seems to be on Internet celebrities, stars, and anchors.

What is discussed every day is what movie that star has released.

It is that anchor who has started a train again today.

Which Internet celebrity has overturned because of not turning on the beauty filter!

It seems that this atmosphere has become a habit on the Internet.

They will pay attention to every move of their idols, and then do things that they think will be good for their idols.

For example, when they see that their idols are scolded by someone.

They run to the Internet to lead the rhythm crazily.

For example, when they see their idols endorse a brand, they go crazy buying it, causing meaningless waste.

It seems that they have forgotten who is behind this prosperous era and supporting their excessive revelry on the Internet.

Why can't loneliness be glorious?

In the MV, on a cold night, officers in police uniforms are directing traffic on the road.

They are the guiding lights at night! They are the pioneers of loneliness.

Can't they be glorious? Those soldiers who are still guarding the borders to defend their country, regardless of wind and sun. They are covered with dust and dirt, are they not heroes?


"Who says people covered in mud are not heroes?!!"

"They are the heroes...."

"Isn't this too exciting? Damn the fresh meat, I want to apply for military school!"

"My dad is a sanitation worker. He is always dirty after get off work, but I don’t hate him because he is my hero! He is the hero of our family!"

"What a critical singer, he really dares to sing!"

"I have turned from haters to fans, my family members!"

"It's so exciting! The haters are talking!!"....

After a short silence, the live broadcast room exploded instantly!

The overwhelming barrage of comments swept the screen again at this time.

Even the number of people in the live broadcast room was rising at this moment.

From the previous 11 million.

It has risen to 13 million, and there is no sign of stopping.

It is just an opening.

Combined with the official MV.

The emotion of the song has been brought to the extreme.

As the picture turned.

The comments in the live broadcast room seemed to reach a consensus at this moment.

Everything fell silent.

"Love you walking alone in the dark alley"

"Love the way you don't kneel"

"I love you so much that I’ll never cry even when I face despair!"

"Love your tattered clothes"

"But dare to gamble with fate's gun!"

"Love you, I am so similar to you, even the gaps are the same!"

"Are you going to wear this ragged cape?"

"Fight? Fight with the humblest dream"

"To the whimpers and roars in the dark night!"

"Who says that only those who stand in the light are heroes!!!"

A high-pitched voice sounded, inspiring and even making people feel numb!

When Su Yu sang the previous sentence, his voice was low, as if he was suppressing some emotions.

At this moment, all the audience in the live broadcast room felt it.

Su Yu's emotions seemed to be released.

The high notes continued, and his blood boiled!

Without a pause, these lyrics were completed in one go.

However, what shocked the audience the most was that as Su Yu's lyrics sounded, the picture also changed accordingly, as if catering to Su Yu's voice.

In the live broadcast room, the picture was turning.

First, it was the scene of a firefighter fighting a fire alone.

Then it was an ordinary person, full of traces of torture by life.

But despite this, the audience could still see the light in his eyes.

It seemed that he was unwilling to bow to life and reality.

The light in his eyes was a glimmer of hope for him.

It was his hope that he would not succumb to fate......

This scene has shocked many viewers.

They didn't expect that the clip of the song that caused quite a stir on the Internet before.

It was so explosive after listening to it in full!

Coupled with the pictures in the official MV, many people resonated.

Fight? Fight!

When this lyric sounded.

Su Yu's singing was in the most passionate state, coupled with the scenes in the MV.

It seemed to tell them.

Life should not be like this!

People can't be decadent!

There are so many ordinary people who are working hard for their dreams.

What qualifications do they have to lie down every day.

Go to the Internet to participate in those meaningless trends?

Are those who stand in the light heroes?

Those anchors, stars, young and handsome men, and even some Internet celebrities.

Who of them is not standing in the light?

Who is not standing in the spotlight?

Who is not enjoying the spotlight of their own life?

But, are they really heroes! ?

At this moment, the audience seemed to have the same answer in their hearts.


Although they stand in the light.

But, they are far from being worthy of the title of hero.

Those who appear in the MV and dedicate themselves selflessly without asking for anything in return are heroes.

Although they are not standing in the light, they have become an unsung hero.

《The MV of"The Lone Hero" seemed to let them see that under the prosperous times, there is another scene, where there is a"rain of bullets"!

There, there are unknown heroes.

They saw it from this MV.

Although it was only a short moment, it was deeply engraved in the hearts of everyone watching the live broadcast!

Some of these unknown heroes died heroically in order to catch criminals.

Some died heroically in order to put out the raging fire. Some fell on the operating table in order to save people.

Some people rushed day and night for their families and finally fell down due to exhaustion......

These people have no spotlights on them.

No one remembers their names.

They are not in the spotlight.

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