Chapter 43: The number of hits exceeded 100 million! Reposts and likes from many officials!

After getting the topic of the National Singer Contest,

Su Yu returned home as soon as possible.

Turning on the computer,

Su Yu searched for news about the singing contest.

Clicking search, a lot of relevant information about the contest popped up on the computer screen.

After understanding,

Su Yu gradually understood in his heart that this National Singer Contest actually had the shadow of the official behind it.

Otherwise, it would not have been titled on children's education.

In this era of impetuous people, many families have indeed ignored this issue.

There are even many children who are taken care of by nannies not long after they are born.

There are also many parents who have lost their patience in educating their children.

After handing their children over to the school, they don't care about them.

Little do they know that parents are the children's enlightenment teachers.

Family education is far greater than education in school.

This is also the case in many schools.

They are even too lazy to take care of students, thinking that as long as they impart their knowledge well, whether students can learn it or not is their own business.

In this way, children's education has become a difficult problem in today's society.

For this singing contest, the official also spent a lot of effort.

Not only did they spend a lot of money to find various media for publicity, but they also posted advertisements all over the offline area. They even invited many domestic music celebrities to be judges for this competition.

Among them is the songwriting genius, the national goddess Bingbing.

And the new god of the music scene Hua Chen.

There are also some veteran musicians such as Wang Shan and Li Jian.

This lineup of judges can be said to be the ceiling of the domestic music scene.

There are those who are good at songwriting, new trendy musicians, and old classic music celebrities.

The invitations to singers are also extremely extensive.

Among them are not only popular musicians on the Internet, but also folk gods and artists from the eight major domestic entertainment companies.

This shows how much the organizers value this competition............

"The issue of children's education, that is to say, the songs in this competition should focus on education"

"The organizers want to use this singing competition to make parents pay more attention to family education."

"If this is the core, the song may not stand out in the competition."

Su Yu turned off the computer screen and couldn't help but ponder.

The contestants in the singing competition are not ordinary people.

If you want to stand out and win the championship in this singing competition, it is far from enough to have a good song.

In the previous conversation with Zhou Wensheng,

Su Yu learned that many entertainment companies have invested heavily in this competition.

Therefore, among these contestants, there will definitely be someone who will come up with an amazing song.

"Since it is an education problem, why not think about the topic of this competition from another angle?"

Su Yu suddenly seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

The education problem is nothing more than using songs to increase parents' attention to education and education methods.

Then he can use criticism to attract everyone's attention!

Moreover, this just fits his style!

Thinking of this,

Su Yu directly opened the system mall and found a song"Carrot Beard" from it!

Then he exchanged it directly.

In his previous life, Su Yu still had a deep impression of this song.

Because the inspiration for the creation of this song came from a book, also called"Carrot Beard".

The meaning of this book is actually an education problem.

It's just that it uses its own It was written in a mocking or criticizing way.

And this song just happened to fit the theme of this competition and Su Yu's singing style.

After the exchange,

Su Yu began to familiarize himself with the melody and singing style of this song.

He now has perfect singing skills, so he can be said to be handy in the process of familiarization.

Even so, it is still a long process.

This is inevitable.

If you want to avoid mistakes in the competition, you have to repeat the practice thousands of times off the stage.

While Su Yu was familiarizing himself with the song at home, there was another uproar on the Internet.

As we all know, the heat on the Internet disappears very quickly.

In addition, the news of the recent singing competition came out.

《When the Lone Hero's MV was about to fall from the top search, a piece of heavy news appeared on Weibo headlines!

#《The Lone Hero MV was liked and reposted by CCTV! #As soon as this news came out, the Lone Hero MV topped the Weibo hot search again.

Moreover, CCTV also attached a sentence when reposting it: Who says that only those who stand in the light are heroes?

It seems to be a simple sentence.

In fact, it contains great meaning.

You know, it was CCTV that reposted it, which means that this song has been recognized by them.

《Although the MV of"The Lone Brave" is the official theme song of the Tokyo Olympics, everyone knows that some of the popular Internet stars have cooperated with the official.

However, no one has ever received official likes and reposts!

Even with the lead of CCTV, many official accounts have liked and reposted"The Lone Brave".》MV

Among them are the official accounts of People's Daily Online,

Fire Department,

Public Security Bureau, etc............

After a wave of likes and reposts from the official

《The popularity of the"Lone Warrior" MV is also high.

As a result, in the past few days, its playback volume is about to exceed 100 million times!

Such terrifying data and the official luxurious lineup made many netizens sigh. Just ask, who on the Internet now can be reposted by so many official accounts and have a playback volume of over 100 million within three days of the release of the song MV?

Even the current top stars can't do it.

After a few days of fermentation , the national singing competition is getting closer and closer.

After a few days of exploration, Su Yu has completely mastered"Carrot Beard". He is confident that he can win the championship with this song in this singing competition.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for the MV"The Lone Hero" reaching over 100 million views!"

""Gained popularity value of 20 million!"

The voice in his mind surprised Su Yu.

He didn't expect his playback volume to be so high.

You know, it has only been three or four days since the official release of this song.

This means that at least 20 to 30 million people watch it every day.

However, although Su Yu was a little surprised by this matter, he didn't think too much about it.

Because Su Yu knew that he had more important things to do today.

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