
Su Yu sang this line of lyrics.

Many audiences at the scene, including those in the live broadcast room, became interested.

Vulgar is fearless, elegant is frivolous.

Aren't they all just a bunch of stinky skin?

If we leave Su Yu's singing aside, the meaning of this line of lyrics is very obvious.

In the past two days, Huachen commented on the songs of many singers, saying that their songs can't keep up with the trend and are very vulgar.

And Su Yu's lyrics.

It means that everyone is actually a bunch of stinky skin.

There is no need to judge other people's favorite things as vulgar because of your so-called elegance.

"Su Yu, you are really too strong."

Backstage, when the landlord's cat heard this line of lyrics, a bitter smile appeared on his face.

Su Yu not only used his voice to instantly bring the listeners in, but also responded to the content of the post published by Hua Chen last night with lyrics.

And, most importantly, all of this seemed extremely natural and smooth.

There was nothing abrupt.

This kind of strength made her feel a lot of pressure.

"Yes, Su Yu is really a natural musician."

Mao Yiyi also shook his head helplessly.

He is a lyricist.

He can bring listeners into the music through the artistic conception of the lyrics.

And Su Yu can do this just by relying on his voice.

The lyrics are even more exquisite.

Putting vulgarity and elegance together, isn't it telling the celebrity judges on the stage that their so-called inability to keep up with the trend, or vulgarity, can also be loved by the public.

In this case, why can't those so-called elegant people, so-called trendy people, be appreciated by both the elegant and the vulgar?

At the scene,

Hua Chen's face was a little stiff.

He just had a hint of joy before.

Su Yu didn't use a song to criticize him in today's competition.

But when this sentence came out, why didn't Hua Chen understand?

Su Yu was talking about his so-called elegance and trend, but it was just a secular perspective.

"It's so wonderful!"

When Xu Ziqian heard this line of lyrics, he was the first to stand up and said in agreement

"Yes, we can't just judge songs from our own perspective, we have to look at them from the perspective of the public."

"This song is really good. Everyone is just a bunch of stinky skin. The so-called elegance is just a worldly perspective."

After hearing Xu Ziqian speak, the other star mentors also spoke one after another.

Only Hua Chen felt inexplicably angry at this moment.

These star mentors seemed to be praising Su Yu for singing well. But to him, weren't they talking about him?.......

"They said write a love song to please everyone"

"The writing should be vivid and easy to sing"

"Can be in the living room and in the kitchen"

"Just like the girl I've been looking for."

When all the listeners were savoring Su Yu's last line of lyrics, the next line of lyrics rang out.

The gentle voice echoed in the scene and in the live broadcast room, intoxicating many viewers.

In fact , Su Yu was already half successful when the song reached this point.

He did not disappoint the audience.

Similarly, he did not bring out a very ordinary song for what happened last night.

This song"Appreciation by Both the Elegant and the Popular" brought them too many surprises.

From this moment on, all the audience at the scene closed their eyes.

The sound that rang in their ears seemed to have a magical power, which made their restless hearts calm down at this moment and listen to the song.

On the contrary, the live broadcast room was a little crazy.

Since Su Yu sang the second line of lyrics, many people who expected Su Yu to criticize Brilliance have been attracted by Su Yu.

There was chaos in the live broadcast room.

"Ahhh! Help, this sound is the most intoxicating!"

"I am the girl who is good at both housework and cooking!! Su Yu, I am here!!"

"Su Shen never disappoints anyone...."

"Su Yu, give me back my girlfriend!!".....

Comments like these filled the entire screen.

Those who didn't know would have thought that Su Yu was some top star holding a concert!

The reason why so many people supported Su Yu at this time was actually very simple.

As early as last night, a post by Hua Chen had pushed the second round of the singer competition to the center of public attention.

In addition, his fans' actions last night had"accidentally hurt" others on Weibo, which also attracted the attention of many people.

In addition, Su Yu was a critical singer, so everyone was expecting that Su Yu could vent their anger for them.

At this time, Su Yu not only did not disappoint them, but his singing was even more beautiful.

It was hard not to like it.

Especially when he sang the lyrics:"It's better to be able to sing than to write.

" The audience at the scene, and even many folk musicians in the backstage, had tears in their eyes.

They seemed to have returned to the time when they first entered the field of music and returned to the stage of the singer competition.

They took out their own original songs, which were songs they wrote with their heart, and which were the style they had insisted on for a long time.

They put in so much effort and sweat for this.

Just to be recognized by everyone on the stage.

However, the fact is.

This folk-like singing style, this popular lyrics written based on their own experience.

In the face of the so-called trend, it still cannot be recognized.

It is so difficult to write vividly and to make it easy to sing.

Some people like it, and some people don't.

"Write a love song to please both the refined and the popular"

"After solving the riddle, you have to compete in the rankings"

"If all the alleys and lanes are played"

"There is actually more ~ self-admiration in the atmosphere".....

At this time, the lights converged on Su Yu.

All the cameras on the scene also moved closer to Su Yu.

His voice was like a warm breeze blowing past his ears.

It penetrated his whole body, making all the listeners feel like they were bathing in the spring breeze.

Warm and comfortable.

Especially when Su Yu sang to the end, the phrase"self-admiration" made everyone's eyes light up.

Especially those folk singers in the backstage.

It seemed that something made them suddenly enlightened.

Since it is not easy to sing with a vivid pen, why not"self-admiration"?

As the top singers in the folk, they actually have a lot of fans on the Internet.

In this case, it proves that some people like their songs.

Why do they have to change their style for the so-called trend ? The style of the landlord's cat is folk songs, but it is said to be vulgar.

Can the real vulgarity be recognized by everyone? Mao Yiyi's songs are written with personal experiences as the background.

The lyrics also have a large number of fans on the Internet.

Because his lyrics are popular.

They can resonate with people and bring people into the song.

Are these really vulgar, rustic, or out of date? Actually not.

It's just that some people like to judge others from their own perspective.

Some people pretend to be noble and think they are very elegant.

Since others don't understand, why don't they sing for those who really understand them? Several singers in the backstage looked at Su Yu on the screen in a daze.

They suddenly felt relieved in their hearts.

Especially when they were commented on by Hua Chen, they were actually very depressed.

They even doubted whether Hua Chen really understood their songs.

But after listening to Su Yu's singing, they understood.

Hua Chen didn't not understand, he didn't understand at all!

He completely stood on his aesthetics to evaluate their songs.

In this case, why should they care about Hua Chen's evaluation!

Several judges on the scene were also shocked.

Everyone knew that Su Yu was a critical singer.

They naturally knew it too.

Su Yu sang here.

Isn't it also a criticism of them? However, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

They were also somewhat relieved in their hearts.

Fortunately, this time they did not question a certain singer because of their own aesthetics and style.

Otherwise, now, they would be like Hua Chen.

His face was as red as a pig's liver.

At the scene, the melody has not stopped for a long time.

Su Yu has brought many people into it with his singing.

They can also hear it.

Su Yu's tone changed slightly when he sang"Self-Admiration".

It was like a little angry.

Everyone was looking forward to it.

After a pause of a few seconds.

Su Yu's singing sounded again!

Happy Qingming outing and reading!

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