A Sorcerer in the Detective World

Chapter 2113: Please Ma Gongzhi is drinking coffee together! ~

"What happened?"

Listening to Conan's words, Sakamoto's number of beautiful, Xiaolan are a slight glimpse, and then began to think in the brain.

After a few seconds, Xiaolan took the lead to go back to God and said, "What about that... I think we still have to find them together! Anyway, idle is also idle..."

"Yeah! That's right!" 冢本数美 also responded, the attachment point nodded, Shu Yunwen was twitching at the corner of his mouth, looking at Conan silently

In other words, Conan, you have enough goods, and it is still bad! In order not to change the women's clothing, I have so arranged the uniforms and the mountains and leaves...

Hey, I really recognize you now!

Sakamoto number beauty, Xiaolan apparently has been moved by Conan, and then looked at Conan: "If you say it, let's find it, how can we find it?"

"Well, this... If you want to find the brothers in the service department, they naturally have to follow their trajectory investigation!" Conan put forward his own opinion, "...the service department brothers did not ask Mr. Nanchuan's address? They have asked the address. That will definitely go to Mr. Nanchuan’s house, let’s take a look at the past!”

"Oh... what I said!" Xiaolan nodded. "...Let's get ready to go!"


Sakamoto number beauty, Xiaolan immediately busy, and Shu Yunwen aimed at Conan, who looked slightly at the side of his eyes. "Duang" punched Conan's brain.

Conan slammed his head and looked up at his head. He glared at Shu Yunwen. "In addition to the spirit, what is this guy doing with me?"

"Oh... this is the case..." Shu Yunwen blinked and quoted Xiaolan’s words. "... I have nothing to do with two things, anyway, idle is idle..."


Mmp! Mud playing Kay! Labor and capital do not want to talk to you!


At 2:30 in the afternoon, Ikebukuro 4-chome, on a certain street.

The rain was still slamming underground. A black car was driving in the rain. Suddenly, "Oh," it stopped in front of an old apartment, and the door of the driver's seat opened. A middle-aged man held a hand. The umbrella got off the car and opened the doorway of the back seat of the car: "Yunwen adults, please get off!"

"Oh... trouble you, Mr. Matsushita."

Shu Yunwen nodded, then got up and got out of the car, went directly to the eaves of the apartment, followed by Sakamoto, Conan, Xiaolan, Uncle Maori, and a small girl who was eating snow, and went down from the car and looked up. Look at the dilapidated apartment road: "Is there a Xinzhuang here?"

"Yes, it is here."

On the rainy day, Shusuke slammed the guest driver, Matsushita Saburo, and answered slightly. Uncle Maori got in front of the mailbox at the door and looked at the name and room number marked above. He said: "There are some names of Mr. Nanchuan, so It’s a mistake. As for Mr. Nan Chuan’s room... is on the second floor, No. 202!”

"The second floor? Let's go see it!"

Conan smiled slightly, then stepped on the stairs with his feet, and ran to the second floor, and Shu Yunwen and others followed.

Soon, Shu Yunwen went to the second floor and found Room 202, but found a white paper on the door of the Nanchuan room with a line of words on it.

Uncle Maori took two hands and sneaked in the past, and read it out casually: "I should come back before noon. If there is a registered letter, please send it to the landlord Nanchuan..."

Uncle Maori finished, and took his head back. He whispered and said: "I still say what is coming back at noon? Please, now it has already passed at noon, it’s already half past two. Ok, this guy is really like someone else. Say the same, not at all punctual and trustworthy..."

Listening to Uncle Maori, Xiaolan frowned and said: "Dad, I remember you said before, the service department and the Ye Ye, they went to the Cup Investigation Office at 10:30 to find Mr. Nanchuan, right? They came. After that, Mr. Nanchuan had just posted the paper and did not leave. Then, because of the time near noon, Mr. Nanchuan asked the ministry to go out to eat. He planned to come back at noon to tear off the paper. The result was that he forgot the time..."

"Oh... this can be said to be ok..."

Xiaolan’s words, Uncle Maori pinched his chin and thought, Conan simply observed the door of Nanchuan’s house and smiled and said: “This may not exist! I can be sure that the service department brothers are waiting here very much. Long time!~"

"Ah? Why is this?" Xiaolan looked curious. Conan pointed his finger at the door and a mark that was almost as tall as his height: "Look, is this mark familiar?"

"Well? This is..."

Sakamoto numbered them and stared at the mark carefully, then looked surprised: "This seems to be the pattern on the hat of the service..."

"Yes!" Conan smiled and continued to explain, "There is a mark on the door here, indicating that the brother of the service department used to wear a hat on the door, and the height of this mark is similar to me, that means the brother of the service department should Waiting for a long time, waiting for impatient, so sit here and wait..."

When Conan finished, Shu Yunwen nodded, and then he only listened to the slogan "Ah," and then said: "Look, the bottom of the door seems to stick a piece of Scotch tape!"

Sui Ben’s beautiful words, Shu Yunwen, they are all a glimpse, and then just listen to Xiaolan’s opening: “Wait! I know this! I saw it on TV, first put a scotch tape on the door to mark it. Then see if the scotch tape is pulled away, you can know if anyone has sneaked into your own home, right?"

"Oh...no!" Conan nodded and his expression became dignified. "In the words, the tape on the top has fallen off, indicating that someone has been in the room and the tape is stained with a lot of dust. Explain that the tape has been detached for a while..."

"What? How could this be?"

Listening to Conan's analysis, Xiaolan looked nervous: "Since this tape has fallen off for a while, the paper on the door will not be..."

"As far as I can see, there is this possibility!" Seeing this situation, Shu Yunwen, who was following the fun of joining, also took it seriously. "Now we may be able to make bold assumptions. Mr. Nanchuan may have encountered some troubles when he left home. Worried that someone sneaked into his home, so he posted the paper and taped it on the door. As a result, he failed to come back because of some irresistible factors, and after that, some people sneaked into his home... ..."

"This, this... what do we do now? Do you want to call the police?"

Xiaolan asked nervously, but Conan blinked slightly, then raised his hand and twisted the door handle of the door, and then just listened to the door "Oh," and opened it.

Seeing this scene, Shu Yunwen was surprised at all: "Is this door unlocked?"

"This is... someone sneaked into the room?"


Shu Yunwen said something, Conan had observed the lock, then took off his shoes and walked into the room. Uncle Maori also walked into the room. After looking around, he said: "The lock on the door is not There are no traces of people in the room, that is to say, there is little possibility of violent entry... This is not the carelessness of Nanchuan, so I forgot to lock the door? The tape used as a mark is probably that he forgot to make such a mark, so he pushed it away..."

Uncle Maori said, Conan snorted and retorted: "Uncle Maori, you see the room here is so neat, the things are well organized, the clean people in the room, may forget to pack the tape on the door. ?"

"Oh... this is not wrong..." Uncle Maori slightly bowed, Conan jumped to the desk in front of the desk, and after simply looking at his eyes, he saw the four-sided imprint left on the desk with a pencil.

After Conan stunned, he found the sticky note on the desk and immediately took a piece and put it on the square mark. It was just right!

Next, Xiaolan saw Conan's movements and curiously asked: "Conan, what are you doing?"

"Ah... Actually nothing! I just found out that the traces left on the table with a pencil slide..." Conan Meng Meng sells Mengdao.

"Ah? This is..."

“The principle of pen pressure!” Uncle Maori replied with his chin. “Is this rubbing the paper with a pencil and letting the words left on the next piece of paper come out? Look at this situation, this should be the time of Osaka’s little devil, etc. Impatient, I found that the door didn't lock and went into the house. Then I wanted to check the whereabouts of Mr. Nanchuan, so I used a pencil to draw the note paper..."

Uncle Maori spoke. Conan also simply scratched the paper in his hand with a pencil. After seeing the handwriting on it, he smiled and said: "Yunwen brother, Uncle Maori, look!"

Shu Yunwen and Uncle Maori took a look at it and saw that they simply wrote a few words.

"Han Hyun-cho, Ito's house? Did they go to this place?"

"This is a great possibility. We need to investigate..." Conan frowned. "There seems to be a line below. It should be a phone number, but it is not clear... Of course, if you just want to find If Kenagimachi is the home of Ito, we can also ask the police to help, and we should be able to ask for clues..."

"Oh... it’s also true."

Uncle Maori nodded, and Conan suddenly said: "Yes, Uncle Maori. Can you ask the people of the Cup Detective Office again to see if they know what Mr. Nanchuan is investigating?"

"Oh, okay!"

Uncle Maori gave a cry, walked to the side and called, and at the same time, the number of beautiful mobile phones suddenly rang.

When I heard my cell phone ringing, I took a look at the camera and immediately took out my mobile phone and looked at it. Shu Yunwen also curiously scraped it and asked: "Which is the beauty sauce, who is the phone?"

"It’s my cousin’s phone.” Sakamoto smiled and answered, then pressed the answer button. "Cousin, how are you looking for me?"

冢 数 数 数 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Found that now and now being chased by people in the community..."

"Ah? What are you talking about?"

Listening to Aso’s words, I’m a little nervous, and Xiaolan is also looking at the beauty of the stunned look. Shu Yunwen’s brow wrinkles and reaches for the number of beautiful phones. Let me say it! Miss Aso, tell me where you are now?"

"Yongwen adults? I, I am now in a small alley in the four-story of Jianggutian..."

Aso and Eri immediately answered, Shu Yunwen “hmm”, nodded and said: “Where is Jiang Gutian? You are now trying to run to a crowded place, and then you can give it to me!”

Shu Yunwen’s words fell, and the phone was returned to Sakamoto’s number of beautiful, so that Sakamoto’s beauty continued to talk to Aso and Eri. Shu Yunwen took out his mobile phone and found a number after blinking: “Jiang Gutian’s side It seems to be the site of the Four Xuan Club. It should be right to find Ma Gongzhi..."

Shu Yunwen thought about it and dialed the number of Ma Gong Zhi Nai. The phone rang twice. The number of 冢 数 美 忽 忽 忽 忽 忽 忽 忽 忽 忽 忽 忽 忽 忽 允 允 允 允 允 允 允 允 允 允 允 允 允 允 允 允 允 允 允 允 允 允 允 允 允 允 允 允 允 允When I got to a patrolman, those people didn't dare to catch up. She is safe now..."

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"Oh... this is the case..." Shu Yun’s text wants to let Ma Gongzhi send people in the past, save the people first, and now I’m safe in Aso’s paintings. After thinking about it, I smiled and said, “... I haven't seen it for a while, I want to ask the president of the palace to have a cup of coffee."

Listening to Shu Yunwen's words, Ma Gongzhi was a bit stunned. He knew that Shu Yunwen had something to look for him. Drinking coffee was just an excuse. He immediately nodded and promised: "... Of course, Yunwen adults said a place, I immediately rushed over. !"

“How about the four-chome in Jianggutian?” Shu Yunwen said the location, “...as for which coffee shop there tastes better, I don’t know, you can see the arrangement of the president of Ma Ma...”

"Okay, Yunwen adults! I know that there is a Phantom Cafe on the side of Siding. It tastes good. How are we going to meet there?"

"No problem, let's see you later."

Shu Yunwen hanged up after a phone call, and then said to Conan: "You also heard that the cousin of the number of sauces has encountered some trouble. We have to deal with it in the past. You should continue to find it after you find the service department. Remember to give I said it!"

"Ah... alright!" Conan nodded. Shu Yunwen reached out and took a handful of beautiful hands. After picking up the beautiful mobile phone, he walked outside and said: "Miss Aso, please Wait a moment, I will go with the number of sauces!"

"Good, good." The opposite of Aso and the paintings were unsettled, and the words were stuttering. "Yunwen adults, my two predecessors were taken away by them. Please, please help, take them. Save it..."

"Well, you can rest assured! This is not a big deal." Shu Yunwen replied casually: "...When I arrive, everything will be solved!"

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