A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 22 Chapter 996: Alchemy altar

Time has passed and it has been a hundred years since I came to the parasitic spore world.

Green and the two sources of annihilation, with the extreme abyss magic wand as the adjustment controller, finally achieved the stable control of Shuiyanshan.

In the belly of the mountain, the power of water flame decomposition and purification is pure and rich, and the number of runes is hundreds of millions. The vast project is no less than the project of any of the truths of Green. However, this is only a preliminary preparation.

call out! call out!

Green stands at the mouth of the Shuiyan Mountain. At this moment, the water flames of the entire Shuiyan Mountain can be controlled with Green, and the two sources of annihilation appear behind them.

"Exhausted me, feed, the body, if this guy is not lazy in the middle, we may be alive in a year!"

A source of annihilation is squatting, pointing to the source of an annihilation.

"Fart! Not that you just started drawing a wrong rune base point and re-editing it, we can all be two years ahead of schedule."

The two sources of annihilation have their own emotions. While blaming each other, they turn into pure magic and return to Green's body. They all look at each other's unhappy feelings.

"Working hard."

After Green whispered a whisper, he shook his head and opened the gap.

A piece of smelting and smelting of the sacred altars was commissioned by Green to the tens of thousands of sorcerers of the sorcerer's college, and the division of labor was completed.

Take out the original drawings, and Green is now enough to support the repulsion of a space fortress. This altar, which is close to a kilometer in diameter, is huge, but it is a breeze for Green, as if it were a large jigsaw puzzle. The synthetic arrays are assembled with great patience.

Gradually, at the top of the stable water flame, in the vast sea of ​​boiling water. Light and dark blur layers, a complete altar of diameter kilometers appeared.

A series of millions of runes as the basis for each other to cross each other. The faintly formed a network of huge rules, the inner loop of the mystery. The change of truth through the truth is wonderful.

Green stood in the middle of the altar, just like this little altar of the altar!

Below the altar, the source of the water and flames is constantly purifying, and the erosion changes some of the intrinsic properties of the runes, spreading from the center of the bottom of the altar to the surroundings.

"Blood feast."

Above the altar, Green opens the Book of Truth.

As the magic surges, the gates of the Forgotten World open. The smelting and synthesizing black witchcraft is a high-level auxiliary material, and the black magic blood flows out and spreads to every corner along the groove of the altar.

"Activated corpse."

噗通, 噗通, 噗通, 噗通...

More than a thousand full-loaded activated flesh-and-blood glasswares have been broken, as if the heart-like squirming of activated blood flesh is like a stupid heart-like worm, entangled with each other, entangled in the altar of all sides of Green.

As these activated flesh and blood merge with each other, it seems that the individual creatures that have evolved to the limit want to be the master of the world, and eager for the attention of the world will, these activated flesh and blood gradually set the spirits, and the whole altar as a small world. At this time Green is the embodiment of the world's original will!

"Ultraphasic soul element structure..."

The black flame giant is 100 meters tall, with his chest back and forth, and two big mouths crying and laughing. It is a sharp-pointed scorpion, which is the elementalized witchcraft that Green once proud of. It is also the true basis of the elements after Green's promotion to the Holy Land.

The black flame, the source of the darkness of the mysterious force of the soul of the soul, is centered on the Titan energy nucleus, and has the inner core power to devour the abhorrence of emotions and engulf the soul.

There is a mysterious world of lava giants' flame control power, lava armor, flame field, and Green's indispensable combat power before mastering the power of annihilation.

Under the face of truth, at this time, the three colors of the green color appeared some dignified colors.

Even though the mind has already dismantled the elementalized witchcraft structure exercise many times, it has been detailed in the notes. At this time, when it comes to real practice, it still has a dignified look. I am afraid that something will go wrong.

In this way, after seven hourglasses have passed. With the black flame and the activated flesh thoroughly blended, the black flame on the meat mountain burned in every corner, accompanied by the meat mountain crawling ups and downs, as if it had the inherent strength of life, Green was quietly loose. Take a breath.


The latter steps are much simpler.

After relaxing, a strange sneer.

Looking up at the forgotten world cracks opened by The Book of Truth, tens of thousands of stinking sweaty hands and evil claws, with the manipulation of Green Magic, cast the Lord of the Willow World, who has lost any resistance to the will.

"what is this?"

The power of the altar suppressed the years of willow.

Even if he has lost any fighting spirit, Liu Teng still feels his fear at this time. Standing in the mountains, he constantly squirms on the black flame and soft meat. The colorful runes flow through the secret figure like a devil, laughing at himself.


In the midst of mourning, the willows were drowned by the active flesh of the mountains under the feet of Green. In the middle, they were swallowed at the cellular level, and the fluctuations of the black flames at the foot were very intense.

Green can clearly feel that a perfect and vigorous body is growing at an alarming rate.

The cruel process took a full three years!

Three years later.

At the foot of Green, the size of the meat mountain has expanded a lot, and the black flame burned even more vigorously. The colorful runes standing on the tip of the black flame lingered Green, and opened the Book of Truth again.

This time, the skinny Tyrannosaurus Rex was thrown out by a lot of stinky sweat claws.

"Hungry! I am hungry! I want to eat you!"

In the roar of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, it was wrapped by the force of Green's smelting and synthesizing the rune, and the meat mountain burning with the blazing black flame seemed to be a swamp, and the Tyrannosaurus was integrated into it.

Glut, whisper, whistle, whistle...

The meat mountain violently squirmed, and Green continued to undulate with the black flame on the meat mountain, and his face remained unchanged, waiting quietly, suppressing any attempt to escape from the Tyrannosaurus Rex, and began the assimilation of the cell level again.

Ten years later!

"Hey, mysterious million birds, I have created a perfect evolutionary opportunity for you. If you can't wear this coat, break through the ninety-nine heads of the three-level creatures. www.readwn.com~ Evolution For the soul of the 10,000 birds, then it will be swallowed up by the altar..."

On the altar of the diameter of a kilometer, a hundred meters high burned with a black flame and the meat mountain continued to wriggle.

In Green’s low and hoarse discourse, ninety-nine headed giant birds rushed to the black flame of the altar.

The mysterious 10,000-headed bird was born in the altar and has a natural advantage.

If you can't take advantage of the power of the altar to dominate the process of fusion, keep your own source, but be swallowed up by this hugely horrible and active mountain of meat, Green will most likely get a new monster...

"Finally, add my flesh and blood sacrifice!"

Greening is a hundred-meter barbarian giant day by day, the left hand little finger is wrapped in layers of skeletons, scales, falling into the altar, insignificant, but essential.


Lin sealed the altar rune, and turned the mysterious Wantou bird as a son in the distance, accompanied by the growth of the small eight, Ye Ye said. (To be continued.)

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