A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 22 Chapter 1006: Mountain world

The loopholes are being stimulated by the arc of the world's clothing rules and are getting bigger and bigger. ╪╪┡┡┢╪╪.(.

"It's incredible ability!"

On the edge of the loophole, Wang Wang was sneaked into the world with the black flame giant. The real body is slightly smaller. Although the loophole still cannot support the invasion of the king, it is only a matter of time.

Under the eclipse of the eclipse, several hundred meters of mountain giants gathered a large number of forest elves, cave dwarfs, looking up at the two horrible monster heads after the black crack in the sky, shivering, trying to calm themselves down, barely let the army not have a large scale flight.

"Then let my nephew and grandchildren bring some fear to them."

Wang Wangxiao smiled, and the most accurate inside the world, "噗", "噗", "噗" spit out a large number of eggs.

呜, 呜, 呜, 呜, 呜...

These cockroaches are eroded by black breath, falling with black smoke trailing marks, screaming and squeaking, revealing a strong fear and unknown atmosphere. The giant skull head overlooking the black crack is so grotesque.

"Don't be afraid, don't mess!"

"The rogue monsters that kill these exotic worlds must never let them in!"

These eggs have been hatched in midair, inheriting the black and red shell of the desert king, the perfect streamlined body, a pair of poisonous cloud elements flashing behind the wings, all with more than two biological atmosphere, with a very fast flower and fruit death After the arc, the low sky swept past and killed and killed. ┞╪═┝═╞.".

"How about my nephew grandson?"

The dynasty dynasty Green asked smugly.

While trying to expand the world's loopholes, Green looked at the long-awaited kiss of Soul Eater and whispered in a low voice: "It's a weak world full of peace."

Looking at the chaotic fears brought by the grotesque inside the world, the black flame giant can't hold back the change in his heart.

咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, more than a dozen flaming soul birds in the back are flashing, drilling into the ever-expanding loopholes.


The mountain world is under the crack.

"The king of the veins, escape, these alien monsters flowing out of the cracks are too strong, and with the power we gather, it is impossible to defeat them!"

A cave dwarf king riding on a porcupine screamed on the chaotic battlefield. The hand is full of violent fire elements and the hammer comes out. The "bang" sound collides with a screaming screaming screaming, bursting with dazzling light and heat.

A bang. The warhammer fell back into the dwarf's hand again, and a black-red iris fell.

After the appendix was separated from the body, it was still alive and kicking. No one dared to question the strong poison on the poison hook. . . .

"Abominable, powerful and powerful!"

On the iron-and-blooded porcupine, the dwarf king complained, and the bowstring around him slammed. The arrow in the body burning with flames flew into the army filled with chaos, fear, and panic.

The green leaf-made clothes, the veins of the Elf King are only a few centimeters tall, but the delicate and compact face is occupied by the cold, a pair of black scorpions look up at the incredible monster head behind the crack, Sen Handao: "As long as you can beat the monsters that open the crack The disaster will naturally end."

"Impossible, we can never defeat them. I am afraid that they are not yet close. The minions of these minions have left us with tears that are not swallowed. These monsters are even more terrible than the robbers recorded in the classics. ”

The Dwarf King shook his head desperately. I poured a bite of wine and dripped it on the porcupine mane.


Talking, tens of meters around the two, a sly monster grabbed a forest elf and gave it to the sky. Only after a long scream was screaming and smashed into **** rain, it became one of the many tragic battlefields.

"It is impossible for us to defeat them alone. I mean, as recorded in the classics, summon all the elves and the dwarves to join hands to awaken the ancient mountain gods and defeat them together!"

Bang, boom, boom...

Although many of them are arrogant and arrogant. There are deaths and fears spread, but the three mountain giants with a height of more than 100 meters are still able to guide the tens of thousands of weak dwarves and elves. Fight against the monsters that flow from these cracks.

"it is good!"

The cave dwarf king wiped the wine on the beard and bent down to guard against a possible low-altitude swift attack. He roared and promised, and then the two no longer hesitated, with some guards quietly Get out of the battlefield and escape to the rich Middle-earth. Request support.

Snoring, snoring, snoring...

Fully immersed in a small hourglass hour, and fled to a mountainous highland, suddenly felt an indescribable repression of the heart, it is difficult to breathe.

The people turned back, and the three mountain giants on the battlefield were still waving their arms, leading the tens of thousands of elves and dwarf corps that were temporarily gathered to fight back. These cruel, flexible, and extremely poisonous screams frequently plundered at the low ground of the battlefield. Take this life.

"That is……"

The dwarf king opened his eyes, opened his mouth, and looked up at the sky.

In the black cracks that ignited the wind, more than a dozen long snakes burning black flames reached the world. Even the violent clouds and the raging winds were dyed black, and the light in all directions seemed to be subjected to some new gravity. Converging to these long snakes.

"This, this, this, these monsters, what are they doing!?"

Crouching, groaning, groaning, the two rows of teeth of the Dwarf King can't help but scream, these black flame snakes that slowly come in from the cracks in the sky, the breath, even if they are so far away, still make him feel cold, unprecedented. Fear.

The battlefield has been completely shrouded in despair and fear. More than a dozen black flame snakes are the heads of the soul of the Green Element. They circulate and distort the ants that overlook the ground, and suddenly they open their mouths.

Boom, bang, bang, bang, bang...

A series of flames of light distort the surrounding air, bursting with each other, tearing up the battlefield, drowning the mountain giants, the elf dwarves, and some sly monsters that had no time to escape, and the end of the day.

"Devil, this is the devil! Hello, hello, fast, we must do our best to organize all races, wake up the mountain god..."

The dwarf king screams in despair and despair. www.readwn.com~ This kind of power that can easily destroy any race is terrible. This is by no means able to resist the existence of the individual.


Behind the veins of the Elf King, a female elf riding on a bee suddenly rolled her eyes, nosebleeds, fainted and twitched, and foamed at the mouth.

"Abomination and fear, the terrible devil of the exotic is swallowing their desperate souls, and the end of the world has arrived."

At this time, the Ye Zi Elf Wang Qi has not moved for everything in the outside world, just looking up at the sky that has been completely dark because of the eclipse.

"I think, we have to wake up without notice."

The cave dwarf king looked down at the Yemai Elf Wang Wangguang, and the two **** moons hung high, revealing the unremarkable light of the soul. (To be continued.)



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