A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1017: Resource mobilization

Second Ring Santa World.

The Wizarding Legion of the Heavens has come to the Wizarding World. Not only are there hunting sorcerers, but also a large number of sorcerers who have traveled long and long in various worlds. The battle of civilization is full of enthusiasm, and all those who inherit the wizard's will are returning.

The light of the elements of the sacred traces traveled inside and outside the world, waiting for the magnificent will to move in the depths of the tower. The Green World’s two-ring Santa World, which was suppressed at this time, was so insignificant.

It's no wonder.

The Second Ring Spiritual Witch uses the witch coin as a true spiritual devotion, mobilizing the wizarding world to count the vast resources. The number of wizarding towers in the Santa Territory area is even worse. Not only after seven years of development, but also in the thirty-three regions of the seven-ring Santa can be compared.

call out!

After a short while, the free dandelion sorcerer who was summoned by the two rings of the real spirit wizard flew out of the tower. It seemed to have got good news. The face was slightly relaxed and a cortical task scroll was taken out.

"The Second Ring Santa is responsible for the resource mobilization of the Wizarding Alliance. This is our main task. If the war has not deteriorated, it is not necessary to invest in the forefront of the war."

Hearing the free dandelion, the Flame Tower took over the task scroll and quickly browsed it again.

"The ancient world of Gu Long?"

Muttering, the Holy Grail of the Flame handed the reel to the arc thundercloud. The latter took a few eyes and passed it to the hoarse song.

When I heard the world of Gu Long, Green’s mood was actually responsible for the war frontier materials where the sister of Youquan was located. As a big world, although it does not limit the advent of any level of creatures, it has strong rules and binding protection, but also because of the large number of masters. The air is extremely stable, and it is almost impossible to rely on the power of time and space.

In this way, it is necessary to surround this big world as a strategic stronghold or pass the world crack. Or from the shadow of the void, the source of strategic resources will not be put into it.

"That said, our pre-war mission is to protect the strategic material of this world of blaze with several other two-ring Santa wizards. It is also responsible for the continuous delivery of several true spirit wizards and endless masters in the world of Gulong. ?"

The arc thundercloud frowned, and it was not as optimistic as the free dandelion, and even graceful.

"Compared to the front line, we may not need to join the large-scale war frequently. It seems to be stable and safe. If there is an unexpected situation, it is likely to be a trap prepared by the enemy, and even a disaster that we cannot resist! As the world's logistics base, the World of Fires, the metal destroyer civilization launched the dominating attack is almost foreseeable, there is no real spirit wizard sitting in the town..."

Finally, the arc thundercloud looked at a few people and sighed: "Compared to the direct attack on the possible attack, it is better to join the war front where there is a real spirit. Otherwise, if it is a bad deal, I am afraid It will be completely destroyed."

The atmosphere between the people is somewhat depressed. No one has spoken.

A team of wizards flying nearby has occasionally glanced at it. A spacecraft that used to be a strategic reserve is being mobilized in an orderly manner, and some of the world's lords under the Wizarding Alliance are coming.

"Forget it, it is useless to think so much. We still have one year of preparation time. This task period is one hundred years. When the deadline is up, we will decide whether to apply for a replacement task. Maybe the war there is only a short-term stalemate, or we will destroy it first. After the other party’s resource supply point, the real spirits are back..."

Wei Lide's old witch broke the oppressive atmosphere.

"Oh, as long as we can survive this war. To unite the world community, we are even the ancient wizards who built the battle. At that time, with the power of this wizarding world community, once the ancient sages’ hunter-destroy plan is ready, it will be Officially started the hunting demon plan."

The fat cat is lying in the arms of a hoarse song. Speaking at the pacifier.

The masked old wizard sat in a wheelchair and carefully combed the fat cat hair. After the fat cat finished speaking, he raised his head, and the turbid eyes looked around the crowd and finally fell on Green.

"I have been preparing for so many years, and the slaves who want to come to those worlds have grown up almost. It is time to harvest. With these elite slaves, it is much easier to deal with some temporary situations that may be sudden. The tower of annihilation, after all, you are a new sacred mark, how much the slave army can bring with you, not too reluctant."

"Wow, don't underestimate the mystery of my family, isn't it a few slave corps? I can't get rid of the mystery. This hunter demon expedition is not worse than your army!"

On the shoulders of Green's colorful runes, Xiao Ba screamed, and he was not afraid of the look, and he was not convinced of the old fat cat.

Under the face of Green Truth, the three-color scorpion is recovered from the state of ecstasy. It is also known that the slavish army is due to the relationship between the prince and the race. As long as the resources are sufficient, the number of sources can be amazingly high. Legion, but if compared with the real elite slave army, it is still not enough to see.

Once Black Sota expedition to the nest world, when the World Gate Green played, but easily took out a legion composed entirely of three-level slave monsters!


Green was silent for a while and said: "Fortunately, these cockroaches can be easily mass-produced, and they are easy to control. I have been accumulating. If the quality is not good, I will replace it with the quantity. The master can rest assured."

Green said this, a few people are not good to say anything more, and they have dispersed after seeing each other.

"Looking at us, since we have already started the war, simply exchange the three-level space fortress, and give it to me and Ye Ye and Lucy."

Xiao Ba pointed out that it was the rewards that were obtained after the completion of the mechanical genius gambling gambling quest during the Green Wizards.


After Green nodded, his gaze was recovered from the little eight that disappeared into the horizon, looking at the rainbow pharmacy that had not yet left, and the wretched gnome of the sorcerer's sorcerer with a rag bag "叽叽叽" smiled.

"The tower of annihilation, borrowing your auxiliary mask for a year, I need to complete a higher potion during this time."

Said, in the horror of Green, the big mouse turned over from behind the bag for a while, took out a fate contract and a bottle of red shiny, extremely stinky **** agent.

"You didn't ask me about the black magic blood last time. This is the black magic blood, ten times more intense than the black magic blood flowing out of the black field, how?"

This is the first time someone has submitted such a transaction request to Green, and this bottle of black magic blood, at least can promote the evolution of more than ten skulls of the soul of the 10,000 birds, the Green of the Civil War is simply unable to refuse.

In the eyes of some exotic creatures, the first thing to notice is the Green Abyss magic wand, but in the wizarding world, all the holy marks, the true spirit wizard remembers, is the face of truth!

This wizard, which accompanied Green's growth, now has an extraordinary side.

"A year? Coming."

After confirming the effect of the contract, Green slowly took off the face of the truth and handed it to the hands of the rainbow medicinal sorcerer who was full of surprises and expectations. ~www.readwn.com~ At the same time, a black flaming soul bird slowly extended out. It exudes a horrible power and swallows the black magic blood.

"This sensational witchcraft, the face of truth, the legendary witch that accompanied me to grow up."

Get the face of truth, the big mouse feels some of the property blessing data, and it is incredibly wide-eyed, throwing his magic wand into the big pocket behind him, trembled with grayish spirals and the truth of the face. Wearing it on the face, the face of truth squirms and fits perfectly.

At that time, the Rainbow Pharmacy Stigma Wizard was shocked. After looking at it in all directions for a while, he looked at Green.

"what happened?"

Under the golden silk, Green's eyes looked directly at the rainbow medicinal sacred sorcerer and asked.

"Oh...nothing, the first time I saw you the real look of not wearing a mask, I am a little more handsome than me." (To be continued.)



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