A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1029: Battle of the void

"Oh, Green Beast!"

Xiao Ba was shocked and shouted.

The black flame giant's abdomen was melted through a large hole, and it was faintly visible to see the blood stains of the internal barbarian giants. The black terminator camouflaged the bumblebee sneak attack, no less than 100,000 degrees!

It’s awkward!

The elemental teleport disappeared in the same place, Green appeared in a few kilometers away, and the wound was stunned in pain and sorrow. The barbarian giant day by day was complemented by the source of annihilation and cooperated with the alienation technique, and the black flame element was also repaired. Quickly make up for the super-regeneration talent of the soul soul.

"Oh... can't die! Great."

After Green just finished speaking, he felt the fluctuation of space hundreds of meters next to it. Under the energy fluctuation of the metal destroyer civilization alone, the bumblebee in the black space gap squeezed out, and the arc of an annihilation force was offset, and the wings were The high frequency fanning actually formed a high frequency vibration magnetic field.

For a time, this kind of attack on the regeneration performance of flesh and blood biological cells actually gave Green a feeling of being millions of times per second by the invisible light wave, the blood color was not smooth, extremely disgusting, and dizzy.

Studying the mystery of the key to life for many years, for the study of the field of flesh and blood cytogenetics, Green instantly thought of several special radiation nature attacks!

It seems that although the attack sequence with energy sorting is concealed, the nature of the attack of these black terminators is still the system of the metal destroyer civilization, not what Green once thought, to fully accept the ability of being disguised.

This is also true, the black terminator is generally disguised as a low-level creature, rarely disguised as a four- or five-level world master who can compare his own abilities.

"Wow, nothing, just go, Yeah."

Xiaoba directly drilled into the dimension gap.

In the pain of Green, the elements move away from the Hornet attack, but the other side follows the shadow. Continue to attack Green and rely on his more powerful attack to counter Green's counterattack.

There is some bloodshot blood in the light, and the wisdom of the wizard does not stop thinking about the wisdom of the wizard. Suddenly remembered some of the radiation knowledge that the Peranos mentor had taught during the apprenticeship of the wizard, the magic surged. After a low roar, a water curtain appeared in front of him.

"Really effective!"

I have weakened the radiation penetration of hundreds of times, and Green's body cell pressure has been effectively alleviated. I have a long sigh of relief. If I can't think of a solution, I can only ask for support and then escape.

Fight with wisdom and use higher energy to incite higher rules. This is the wizard.

But now that it has locked this black terminator camouflage...

Green's shoulder flashed. After the small eight was summoned from the dimensional gap, the small buttocks slammed into the distant bumblebee, "sweet", a smoldering bird ignoring the bumblebee any attack defense attached to the body.

"The technique of the Eight Lords, Wow!"

After half an hour of hourglass.

Although the Black Terminator is capable of having the ability to compete with the five-level creatures, and because of its powerful incomparable ability, the Wizards Union has been worried for a long time, but now on the chaotic battlefield, the black terminator camouflage is seen, Skynet dispatching synergy The operational command capability is also greatly reduced. Green has dragged the black terminator with his super-strong combat ability.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom……

However, as the second and third Void fleets arrived at the same time, they were already the dominant players in the world of Wizards. Once again suppressed.

"Over there, over there!"

The black Terminator who confronted Green was replaced by the Lord of the Water World. The black flame giant walking in the void, squatting under the hundreds of meters of glacier sticks, seemed to condense a glaciers in the void, bursting several kilometers. After being distorted by a gravity field, the glaciers are broken.

Hey, hey. Hey, hey. The four metal terminators who besieged the Lord of the Three Ridges world have retired and looked at the black flame giants of Green. Flashed through a series of data streams.

"Thank you!"

Three ridges came to express gratitude to the will. At this time, the owner of the world, known for his venomous poison, was unable to play in the face of the metal terminator. It was extremely passive, and the long tongue was wounded with poisonous strains. When I arrived, I was afraid that even the last resort would be used.

There are dozens of not shallow and deep wounds on the body. After the three ridges are deflated, the real body is concentrated. These wounds have healed.

At the same time, Green and the Three Ridges looked at the Nether Fleet with repressive power, and looked at the Legion of the World, still having a considerable part of the Legion.

At the same time, there was a burst of intense energy fluctuations in the distant void, and it was faint to judge that one side was the force of the ice flame of the king of snow worms, and the other single energy fluctuation, so intense, exceeded the previous judgment of Green for the black terminator. .

Is it... the crystallization of the Terminator! ?

Several energy attacks have emerged, which have long been accustomed to the chaotic battlefield of the void. The face of Green Truth is still passively appearing the data of the ultimate energy attack of these metals, 38500, 42350, 28880, 47000, 112500.

The first four energy attacks are still in the normal range, and the fifth most inconspicuous energy attack, even more than 110,000 degrees, is incredible!

Black Terminator disguised as an ordinary metal terminator?

"Be careful."

Around the green, many soul birds spurt black flames, while Green's extreme abyss magic wands more than a hundred meters of glaciers, the light and dark intertwined to emit disturbing high-frequency shocks, smashing, a black arc across the void, and the soul The black flame of the bird's head forms a protective barrier.


Hiding a very deep common attack, but with the Green Energy protection barrier, the battle is getting more and more fierce...

After a few hourglass hours.

Within the world's debris, the legions of the various worlds of the Wizarding Alliance are still trying their best to squeeze into the world's crack vortex, although the ambush on the other side of the space-time vortex may still be fatal, but if it stays in this piece of world, I am afraid that I will not have a chance when I want to leave.


In the sky ~www.readwn.com~ After a humming sound, a world leader of the world of green flames rushing in a stone crevice, rushing into the whirlpool of time and space, will intimidate the world's lower slave monsters crowded around the whirlpool of time and space After one side, I went into it without any politeness.

Then, one after another, the Lord of the World, returned from the void, and rushed to the whirlpool of time and space in a hurry!

In addition to occasionally some lucky little guys can squeeze into the door of time and space in the middle of the two worlds, more Legion creatures have raised their heads, fearing to look up to the sky, one does not know how many millions or tens of millions of meters The metal giants are even bigger than the entire world of debris. They appear at the top of the world's debris. Thousands of virtual airships are juxtaposed, gathering the devastating energy that makes the world's debris turbulent.

On the ground, seemingly sturdy stones have been shattered. Under the fascinating and desperate pressure of the sky, fine stones have vacated. The next moment, a vast unstoppable energy beam falls on this world of debris. ... (to be continued.)



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