A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1031: The 9th phase of the truth

Seventy years later. .?`

I have already completed six missions unconsciously in the world of the fire, and the seven-sacred squad team supported each other. All the way to the thrilling and continuous, I have finally adapted to the crisis of civilization.

In this war of the world’s lords, in the war that may suddenly appear at any time, the power of a holy mark wizard is too weak. Only by using the Santa area as a group, a group of wizarding corps can be formed. Live the road.

Originally before the war of civilization, everyone thought that they had done their best to prepare, but with the beginning of the war of civilization, the sense of existence of small and humble, all the sacred sorcerers recalled that they had the first hunter expedition. Scenario, the kind of tyrannical alien monster that kills himself at any time, encounters the fear of the world's Guardian and the Lord of the World, and has been completely ignited by the continuous death message of his friends.

Be strong and stronger than now!

As a result of all efforts, a large number of sacred sorcerers who had been stuck in the bottleneck for thousands of years have broken through the original level, the Green Group’s arc thundercloud sorcerer, and finally the mission 15 years ago. Later, after returning to the World of Wartime, I was promoted to the Sixth-level Great Witch Wizard.

Six levels of biology, every move is affecting the world environment.

In the eyes of low-level creatures, this is no longer a creature, but an embodiment of a natural phenomenon, and their true body represents some sacred traces, or some kind of condensate of the will of the gods. ??`

This means that the six-level organism itself is already in the transitional phase between biology and rules.

For example, the king of snow worms and the former Gorefiend World Gorefiend are all existed in the whole world. There is no need to mention the status. For the true indigenous creatures in the two worlds, they are almost the creation gods of the world.

For example, holding the king of the Inferno Furnace, the king of Ebdon, is the ultimate in pursuing violent aesthetics of the purgatory giants, representing the spiritual will of the purgatory giants.

For the first time, Green saw the black sorrow sorcerer, and the space around him continued to collapse. This is the appearance of imperfections in the mysterious world of Hessian, and the spiritual world created by man is entrusted with the dark and brilliant will of the ancient wizards.

The panic boils on behalf of the battlefield panic, and the free dandelion represents the flower of dandelion. The Soul Eater Kiss represents the Soul Eater. At this time, the arc thundercloud sorcerer in the eyes of lower creatures is the natural phenomenon of the tyrannical black cloud thunder and lightning in nature!

For a time, there were twenty-two groups of seven people with two six-level sacred sorcerers, the day when they saw the victory of the wizarding civilization in the battle of civilization. More full of hope.


In the world of the fire, in the space fortress laboratory, Green stood behind the cursed wizard Sabinin. ???`

"This is... nightmare!"

Green was so excited that I was just trying it out. I didn't expect this second-class curse wizard Sabinin. It was really a genius wizard who studied the mysterious power. He actually found a truth for Green as a medium to communicate. The method of dreaming the power of cursing.

Take the desire to prosper and hope as a sacrifice, and use the face of truth as a miniature altar. In turn, the mysterious power of the nightmare is communicated.

To this end, Grende dispatched the night shadow Satsuma to take the silkworm cocoon box and went to the Wizarding World to acquire 999 kinds of genital organs known as **** + chaotic creatures. Amonro and Charm Fairy are all good choices.

In this way, after more than ten trials by Green and Sabinin for decades, it is true today that we have successfully communicated a mysterious force symbolizing the desire for reproduction!

"The master of the tower of annihilation, I just happened to find a document two hundred years ago. The earliest mysterious power of the wizarding world is because the worship of the reproductive organs in an indigenous world has never been taken care of. After all, the cursed wizards show A lot of literature has been lost, and I didn’t expect it to be true. Maybe I can use this to enter the dawn of wisdom!"

Sabinin is equally excited.

To be honest, without the support of this amazing piece of fortune witches for decades. He will not spend so much time and energy on this mysterious force that can only perform simple illusion and test the black Terminator's disguise.

"Good, yes, this is the sand of time. Take it, and advance to the third-level wizard."

Green will honor the conditions that have been promised. Waving his hand, indicating that he was leaving, began to pay attention to the end of the truth on the paper altar, gradually extending from the illusion of a long nose, and did not know which world community was promoted to the ninth-level creature , turned into a mysterious force beyond the endless world.

After the elephant trunk sucked in the air for a while, it seemed to be unstable. Green thought about it. After dropping a few drops of the forest elf's blood on the area, the mysterious power really stabilized a lot.

"Little eight!"

Green shouted, his shoulder flashed, and the little eight appeared.

"Wow, nightmare, have you succeeded?"

Without learning and communicating the complicated process of mysterious power, Green has little pity for occult knowledge except basic knowledge and a few simple cursed witchcraft, so he rushed to call Xiaoba this helper.

"The mysterious will has said three words, Bailungas, arrogant, ambiguous, all mysterious. Under the translation, I don't have much forest elf blood to maintain communication."


Xiao Ba took a scream and said: "This harsh condition, the mother has an egg, this mysterious force communication sacrificial items are random, it is better to wait for the next time! It actually requires you to have a thousand A nightmare, while eating three thousand births, a total of seventy-eight syllables, three hundred and ninety-seven letters of the wizard spell prefix, suffix plus, spell coherence, the light of this spell is about It’s crazy!”

"These forest elves have enough blood for three days. You are responsible for communicating spells. I am going to tattoo and eat."

Green said to Xiao Ba, an elemental teleport disappeared ~www.readwn.com~ Mom, the door is not, depending on what the Lord is thinking, you are responsible for the cool, a fart! ”

Xiao Ba Da shouted, and was about to fly out in a hurry. Suddenly, after thinking about the little paws for a while, he said, "No..."

The letter will be suspicious, Xiao Ba used the witch text to write his own complaints on the notes, adding up to really just three hundred and ninety-seven letters, seventy-eight syllables!

"Mom, what is genius, this bird is a perfect interpretation of genius. I used to change a spell for decades, hundreds of years, now, wow..."

Three days later.

The face of truth has successfully added the ninth coveted power communication project. In addition to the ability to make the will not strong into the illusion of prosperous desire, it is to gain the sense of reproduction and to understand the black terminator. A hint of green, mysterious and strange. (To be continued.)



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