A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1009: Chasing


The small half of the body is destroyed by the force of annihilation. It feels the intensity of the energy convergence of the tip of the crystal of the terminal of the crystal, and the tri-color pupil of the face of the truth of the truth swells. The first time is judged by the face of truth. After the direction, scope, degree of attack, and accumulation time of the attack, the absolute control of the elements by the sorcerer's sorcerer, with the two pseudo-sacred sorcerer elements around the moment, avoiding.


The dazzling horrible impact light column rushed to the sky, responsible for guarding Green's several queen-level mechanical squadrons, two hunters and sorcerers, and a large number of hunters and sorcerers, which were vaporized by the hundreds of meters of envelopes. .

Like a performer who walked on the wire, the black flame giant and the two pseudo-sacred sorcerers appeared at the edge of the shock wave critical point, which was more than one point, and one point was a crisis.

The barbarian giants are the true body of the Japanese, even if they are weakened by the black flames, they still feel the pain of the skin, and the heart is cold.

"I'm afraid... just over 500,000 degrees. It's no wonder that the Flame Holy Grail is just a blow."

The two false-sacred sorcerers rescued by Green turned their heads and looked back. The energy that destroyed the heavens and the earth blew the sky, and the dense micro-space cracks in the dense needles for a long time did not scatter. The twisting ripples of natural forces swayed!

Snoring, snoring, snoring...

The two violently gasped, and the shock was undecided.

If the sacred sorcerer who had just annihilated the tower was rescued, I am afraid that the results of the two will be completely vaporized and evaporated with the sorcerers of the corps.

The blank sky with nothing, all the matter is erased by this particle beam, and before that, tens of thousands of savage wizards, but able to face the power of the lower world.

"The tower of annihilation, bring it to me."

Green is locking a space twisted weakness a few kilometers away. When I was ready to open my self-seal and do everything, there was a witch's mind in my heart, a rainbow pottery sorcerer!

The assault has a starry world that communicates the capabilities of many world communities. Captured a large amount of high-altitude Summoner's blood, in order to be able to communicate with the call to dominate the opportunity. As the final legacy of the battle of civilization.

After an instant judgment of the battle, Green will calm down the majestic magic that has already opened the edge of self-sealing. After the slamming of the book of Truth, he stretches out his index finger and points to the world of the forehead of the truth. Inside, a crystal of incredible coldness appears at the tip of Green's finger.

Ice marrow crystals!

A quick glimpse, the weak point of the space judged by the face of truth lasing away.

really. Almost at the same time, the pink sand crystal appeared in the weak point of the space judged by Green, and it condensed into a humanoid body of the crystallizer terminator with a large piece on the shoulder.

Just appeared, three meters tall body will be punched toward the green, no energy fluctuations, followed by the head back, a dark black energy ball gathered in the mouth, the next moment will have to break out again.

In the perception of Green's truth, the energy source of the crystallized Terminator, which was already red, seems to be boiling at this moment. Dazzling and glaring, a large area of ​​chaotic storms cover the sky, and I don’t know how many meters. I am afraid that even if Green is the power of the Holy Mark Wizard, it is impossible to escape this attack range by one or two element teleports.


At this moment, Green actually felt a trace of excitement at the leaking end of this crystallizer terminator. This is what Green has never felt in other robots of the Metal Destroyer civilization!


The black black flame of hundreds of meters high is real, and it is only a three-meter-long crystallizer of a few meters away, punching out the air, a dull burst, a black flame in the chest, a disgusting devour of the mourning mouth, and a shape that seems to suffer. When a mountain strikes, the barbarian giant is so sullen. The black flame on the back turned out to be a bang, and it turned into a black sky.

"Hey. Has the gap been at this level, and there is still a time and space blockade to strengthen the isolation power!?"

A few kilometers away. The Twilight Terminator slammed into the air with a punch, and the black flame giant's huge body fell from the sky in an arc. He wanted to adjust the state of the element teleport, but found that this box contains a kind of space ripple interference, Green if In this case the element teleport is almost equal to self-disability.

The crystallizer's terminator excites the emotions, and the lightball energy in the back of the head has been completely stabilized. The next moment is to give a devastating blow to the green that has been imprisoned, and suddenly the body is stiff.

The pink crystals want to be re-formed into the state of sand powder, but they hear the sound of "嘎吱'嘎吱, 嘎吱" frozen, and the endless cold and mellow convergence, no matter whether the power is hit or the body structure changes, it can't be done. To.

In this way, the astounding number of dandelions that loomed in the surrounding space of Green re-emerged.

call out! call out!

Two pseudo-sacred sorcerers chased them up, dispelling the true body and the brutality of the body, and the colorful runes shrouded. After being caught by the elements, they snarled and said: "Go to the altar!"

Looking back, I’ve been stunned by a 100-meter-high iceberg, and it’s not difficult to get rid of this frozen mountain. The three are still in a crisis, but suddenly under Green’s truth. Indifference.

咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓...


A strip of cracks spread in the internal red light power. With the impact of blasting, tens of thousands of large and small iceberg fragments flew, and the heavenly flowers fell like flowers. Some of them were directly vaporized and turned into water. force.

In the middle of the iceberg, steaming clouds are lingering, and the head of the crystallizer terminates in the week and finds Green who is fleeing.


However, the crystallizer's terminator will still be able to pursue it in the future. A pressure that almost makes the world's color change appear from the top of the head. Looking up, a round of black and red light breaks through the sky, and the space fortress destroys the cannon!

Hundreds of meters of black and red ruined light column hit the goal of Green's will, and faintly can feel the constant destruction of the impact, a powerful energy source is struggling in it, even if the space destroys the cannon can not defeat it.


Green in the runaway was slightly relieved, and after seeing the squadron of the sorcerer's army killed by the hordes of metal terminators, he fled to the ground from the altar of the rainbow medicine mouse.

After a while, the three-element teleport appeared not far from the big mouse.

At this time on the altar of the altar, the star of the Summoner gathered a large round hood, the interior is dark red, can not see clearly, the smooth round cover from time to time a little ripple, and occasionally a protrusion twisted.


For the first time, Green asked the big mouse at the top of the altar, and the wretched gnome carrying the magic wand carrying the broken pocket "snapped" and smiled. The gaze from the slashing sky and gradually subsided the space fortress to destroy the cannon.

"Although the price is a bit bigger, it has reached a higher agreement than before, and the prey is coming!"

The big mouse said, the sky above the altar, the space flashed, the pink sand crystals gathered, and the crystallized end of the body was twisted and twisted.

At this time, a large number of crystals collapsed, and black smoke, the strength of the decline was at least one-third lower than when Green first saw it, and it was about to fall to the level of the five-level biological level. (To be continued.)

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