A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1083: Shi En (on)

"Radiating the world, the eternal round of true spirit wizards under the sacred mark!?"

After receiving a new mission from the Second Ring Santa, Green was stunned by the surprise, that is, the little eight on the shoulder is also very surprised. What kind of disadvantage is there, it is necessary to be responsible for Green. The second-circle Santa sorcerer dispatched to the front line of the war.壹Reading·1?k?a?nshu·

"Mom's egg, it seems to be in trouble, even the eternal round of mechanical spirit wizards and sea king sacrifices can't resist?"

Both the Wizarding League and Skynet have their own offensive and defensive positions. Among them, this radiant world is one of the main worlds of Skynet and the front line of the Wizarding League.

According to some information and intelligence, in addition to the eternal round of true spirit wizards, even the sea king sacrifice is also in this big world, and only two of the four eight-level living bodies of the wizarding world come to this big world, if Counting on the seven-level life that the Wizarding League has joined, I am afraid that the leader of this big world wizarding alliance will never be less than five!


At this time, after completing the tenth project, Green had a new change in the face of truth.

The gray-white mask reveals a spiral pattern, except for the gaze of the world in the center of the forehead. The lower life looks like it is going to fall into it. There are six pairs of compound eyes on both sides, forming a six-star magic circle. Stopping and swaying, the speed is different, and it is very strange.

After a little silence for a while, Green suddenly said: "Cretia seems to be in this world for hundreds of years. If she does not have the honorary medal like Millie, although she has a long life as a semi-mermaid, but this A general emergency, a three-level wizard, I am afraid that ten have fallen."

Unlike the more relaxed mood of the material support team during the first mission of the Civilization War, Grenby was once stronger, but in the vast battlefield of the Civilization War, it was still only the humbleness on the **** mill. The leader, a little bit of sand is gone. Look at the book? 1?k?a?n?s?h?u·

Even if you die, you won’t be like the six-level sorcerer. After the natural phenomenon, it leaves a huge crater on the ground.

"Where are you going now?"

Xiao Ba looked at Green and asked strangely.

"Remember the aftermath!"

Green’s answer was almost to get stuck.


The first hundred layers of the Tower of Eternity,

The magic of the tower of annihilation has never been extinguished since the first day of the college. Every magical fluctuation of thousands of college wizards in the college will be collected by the wizarding tower and gathered in the top of the magic source.

The source of Green's magic power is different from the magical source of the traditional wizarding tower.

Clouds in all directions form a huge whirlpool cloud, occasionally a bunch of purified thunders to cut through the sky. The abyss magical torn from the wizard tower is stirred and purified, and under the guidance of the wizard's will, it supports Green, and provides Green with the eternal increase of spiritual power.

On this day, Cappuccino, who had just completed a ten-year teaching assignment to more than a dozen second-level wizards in the college, suddenly looked up inductively.壹~www.readwn.com~ This is... the mentor is coming! ? ”

Living on the 80th floor of the Tower of the Destroy, Cappuccino was surprised and called Ivan from another laboratory. The two came to the tip of the tower of the annihilation tower.

Space vibration, after a while, the source of magic slowly walked out of the face of truth. With the extreme abyss magic wand, Green's colorful runes flow through the green, Xiao Ba stood on his shoulders.

"Hey, hello the college wizard, your tutor will open the wizarding conference."

Xiao Ba jokingly said to Cappuccino, Green looked at the cappuccino sorcerer Ivan, the five-level sacred sorcerer, the three-color scorpion, six pairs of compound eyes, the second-level wizard was somewhat strenuous. Tightly bite the lips and respectfully bow.

"Ivan. In my opinion, cappuccino's promotion to the holy mark is already a matter of ten. I didn't have the reason to oppose both of you. It is also that you have been a wizard from the wizard apprentice. After many years, I have reached the second time you will face the problem. Is your wizarding pursuit still there?"

"Of course!"

Ivan looked up and looked up at Green, a powerful answer.

"Okay, then it is not a teacher! These sands of time are enough for you to advance to the third-level wizard. I hope that you can accompany Cappuccino for the rest of your life, explore the path of the wizard, and dig into the endless world of truth."

After that, in the captivating gaze of cappuccino and Ivan, Green slipped a slip of sand between the fingers.


A round Santa.

Hessian was summoned by a true spirit wizard, and in the many potentials of the wizards, he came to the sacred place where the light of the fairy tale of the three-color elf tooth fairy fairy, the source of the nightmare wizard, to believe in the fairy tale of the tooth fairy The children guard the dreams, expel the nightmare creatures that make fear, and at the same time suppress the desperate power of the real world.

The second time I saw a true spiritual wizard, even if only once, for a second-level wizard, it is extremely glory, not to mention twice.

The pressure of the vast sea, as if facing the oppression of the entire starry sky, when Hessou looked up in the soft voice of a true wizard, it was difficult to channel: "mentor?"

Green is seated under the sorcerer of a true spirit, and the light and dark are intertwined. Although he has not embarked on the road of the nightmare wizard, he is one of the real members of the six true spirit wizards. The establishment of the nightmare wizard system also has that. A credit to Green alone, at this time a round of Santa has actually achieved some external blessings for Green.

"Well, Hessian, come to see you before the mission."

Said, Green turned to look at a true spirit wizard, smiled and said: "How about this disciple?"

"No matter the talent qualification or the wisdom of the wizard, it is the more general choice of the wizard. It is said that your disciple is aiming at you, trying to be more you, hehehe..."

After the promotion of a true spirit wizard was suppressed by the Black Witch King, the appearance of this black rope almost became one of the cards that a true spiritual wizard turned over.

"The more mentor is supposed to be, if the younger generation of wizards can not be more advanced, and pursue the ancient times, it is completely declining."

Saying, in the surprise of a real wizard, Green took out a fire lotus, and the force of the elements floated to the black cord.

"The essence of life!"

Even a true spiritual wizard is extremely surprised by such precious treasures. The essence of life can only be cultivated slowly by those extraordinary three-level living bodies. It is a better way of advanced saint marks than the Lord of the Wizarding World. One of the most difficult ways to advance in the promotion system known to the Wizarding World.

One of the wizards in the world who advances in this way is the second ring Santa Chivilnes.

Many people once suspected that Green also relied on this way to advance, but felt that time is not right. The essence of life needs to consume a lot of world and energy to infuse, so Green is very mysterious in the eyes of some old wizards.

At this time, Green actually took out a life essence! ?

"Black cable ~www.readwn.com~ You are different from everyone else. You will have the memory of the two great sorcerers after your holy mark. This is the true spiritual path of your first soul wedding dress choice. It is likely to be your last chance. I need you to embark on the path of the true spirit, your path to the true spirit is not only for yourself, but also the sacrifices of your first two lives, the needs of the wizarding world, and you. The second generation of the black sorcerer's sorcerer's kindness to me."

Lyric discourse, the teacher is like a mountain, even if he is silent, he can't help but bow to the ground.

"Yes, mentor!"


Ps: WeChat public number, a group of egrets on the sky, has been serialized four chapters outside the article, this WeChat public number is not for profit purposes, but also limited to this "Witch Tour", just to write something interesting. In addition, "Witch Tour" has reached the end, the word is already very large, it will inevitably lead to some omissions, if there is any regret, you can privately chat WeChat 693, 754, 126 to Xiao Ba himself message. (To be continued.)



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