A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1086: Radiation world

"Fast! Open the wizard cover all the time, spread out!"

The sky is full of scorching smells. The shock waves of the explosion come from all directions, and people can't tell the difference. The mechanical things are often smashing thick black smoke and falling to the earth. The higher the sky, the colorful and beautiful fluorescent, which is always filled with Radiation of death

On the Big 6, there are always scattered radiations of varying degrees. Occasionally, some radiances may break through at any time. Unstable radiation rules may kill some low-level creatures at any time, which is one of the dangerous rule worlds.壹~www.readwn.com~See w?·1?·


The vast world, the vast and innocent battlefield, Green, the space fortress that has just arrived, is insignificant, and has not attracted the attention of the huge legions of both sides.

Green, who just broke through the door of time and space, now the base that was originally intended to come is actually fighting in the heat. The endless earth is full of metal robot mechanical debris, slave monster body, superimposed and accumulated, almost fast. There is no end to the rug, and I don’t know how many meters, the crash space fortress and the virtual mother ship are countless.

At this point, the war seems to have come to an end, and the two sides are gradually ignoring the battle, but from time to time, hundreds of thousands of energy cannon beams break through the sky and carry out a strategic attack.

At the first time, the Space Fortress Command closed the sorcerer's hood and dispersed all the wizarding corps, slavery corps, space airships, and mechanical squadrons.

The battle of civilization, space fortress is no longer a strong and reliable fortress for the Demon Hunt.

Here, there may be some high-level attacks at any time. Only by letting these wizards spread out and flood the entire battlefield can they exert more powerful power. ??壹 reading ww?w·1?k?anshu·


Green stood on the edge of the fortress, and the other end of the base was attacked by a bunch of at stand guns. Fortunately, it was only the aftermath, and the degree was not too high. Although it caused some damage, it did not cause any serious problems. The fortress sounds for a long time.

"Mom, isn't it just a round of real spirit wizards sitting in the base, they all hit this!"

Xiao Ba was also shocked by the Doomsday attack after his death, saying. Seeing Green's three-color brilliance, tens of thousands of meters away from the space fortress, a metal terminator led tens of thousands of robots and entered the Ming sorcerer's army still in chaos.

These hunters and sorcerers are obviously not as well trained as the pure hunters and wizards of the past, and they are filled with many sorcerers, so this will be a mess.

Coming to the battlefield. After the first time to judge that the overall situation of the war was the metal robot attacking party, the whole army was wiped out, and Green was slightly relieved. The sky was more than 400 **** rounds, and the ominous light was revealed. Black smoke is emitted from it, and the inferior sorcerers who are hard to count are intertwined with the sorcerers who show the true body.

Obviously, Green’s arrival just caught up with the end of the war.

It’s awkward!

Light and dark, disturbing high-frequency vibration, a black arc cut through the battlefield, twisting all directions. The target points to the metal terminator of many robots. One ~www.readwn.com~ want k?a?n?s?h?u?·

boom! boom! boom! boom……

Some metal robots looked at the cold eyes without feelings, and the energy in the arms rushed to counterattack, but they could not stop the high-intensity black arc, which is the liquid metal terminator.

The sorcerer's shot, especially the strength of Green, naturally caused a sensation in the small battlefield of the local area.

Hit by the power of annihilation, this metal terminator seems to have wiped out half of it and disappeared completely. This made some of the great wizards who were preparing to spill the negative magnetic metal powder unexpected. The annihilation tower was a sorcerer. Is there a direct destruction of the ability of the liquid metal terminator to die?

Unlike the battle with other bio-groups, these low-level metal robots did not have any negative emotional impact after being destroyed by a series of data, and determined that they could not cause any damage to Green. Suddenly, suicide attacks have rushed to the Ming Sorcerer Corps in an attempt to inflict a greater proportion of trauma on the Sorcerer.

"This is the big world that has been shrouded in the will of the wizards all the year round. These metal machines have opened the door to the wormhole? I don't know how many metal destroyers the world has gathered!"

Green is muttering to himself, the nearest space fortress hundreds of thousands of meters away is rolling in smoke, and is being exclaimed by many hunting wizards. It began to sink slowly, and it was about to crash. Even the wizards in the headquarters had given up and flew out.

Several elements teleported, and after Green disappeared, they appeared below the space before the fortress crashed completely.

Colorful runes flow, looking up to the sky, oppressing the sky, obscuring the metal fortress, the third pair of light on the forehead, the six pairs of compound eyes are constantly moving, very strange, with the majestic magic With a low drink and an incredible repulsion, the fall of this space fortress actually slowed down.

"Get fast, come help!"

In the scream of Xiao Ba, a mechanical sorcerer flew over, and the whole body was a non-metallic synthetic material modified body, showing a fluorescent purple color, and the body was covered with auxiliary arms, and I don’t know what kind of ability.


The mechanical wizard assisted the space fortress, and then a will was conveyed to the wizarding army, roaring: "What are you doing, fast forward to restore the power system!"

Hundreds of technical elite sorcerers rushed in. This is the wizarding corps of the mechanical wizard. For the general elemental wizards, it is a normal night for the maintenance of the space fortress. It is normal for the mechanical wizard.

"This element master, I am the eternal sky city mechanical auxiliary arm holy mark wizard, thank you for your shot, or lost a space fortress in vain."

In the middle of the two men, the mechanical wizard said to Green.

"Wow, my young master is the sacred sorcerer of the annihilation tower sent by the second ring of the real spirit wizard. I heard that this situation is not very good wow?"

Xiao Bahuan looked at all sides in one week. From the perspective of the endless wreckage, it is clear that there are frequent defensive battles, and the ground is covered with layers of ruins.

"It's not really good."

This mechanical auxiliary arm sacred mark wizard, said in a low voice, seems to be somewhat dejected, adding: "This world is guarded by our mechanical wizards is a mistake, or precisely, because those mechanical wizards see here by us Responsible for the guardian, Skynet will choose to use this as a breakthrough!"

"What do you mean? I just saw some strange-shaped metal robots here. The size is easily a few hundred meters. I have not seen it on other world battlefields!"

call out! call out! call out!

Green is talking, the three mechanical bees in the distance are rushing over, Green noticed that these three mechanical bees turned out to be the seven-ring Santa's bio-integrated beast technology~www.readwn.com~ on the surface of the metal Layers of soft meat, as well as some biological cuticles, are very strange.

"This is the great annihilation tower sacred witch?"

Three third-level mechanical wizards flew out, marking the words of the eternal Sky City Guardian, and a cursing wizard, an elemental wizard.


Green nodded in response, and after the cursed wizard confirmed that Green was not the black terminator, the third-level mechanical wizard was inferior: "A round of mechanical wizards, please go immediately."

Solemnly took out a task order, the vast will of the true spirit wizard.


Ps: WeChat public platform, a group of egrets on the sky, the fifth part of the update, the story of the soul of Solem and Tooth Fairy, with illustrations, I hope everyone pays attention! (To be continued.)



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