A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1098: Dark Shadow Stitch Sorcerer!

Three months later, one of the six bases of the World Wizards Alliance, the World Tree Base.

"Thank you for the cultivation of the master for many years, so that I can really set foot on this path of sacred marks, thank you!"

Before the world's transmission, the night shadow Saatchi was thankful, and the black mask was very grateful. He still remembers that he was very lucky in the world to get the annihilation tower sorcerer's appreciation and recognition as a devotee wizard. From then on.

Whether it is this sly, narcissistic proud starling, or the rain dew genie in the secret of the annihilation tower, the Rab, the dew and the leaf in the secret airship, Saatchi has gradually adapted to everything here over the years. .

Nowadays, I have already entered the path of the holy mark, facing a vast and innocent new world. Although I have been expecting countless nights and nights, I will leave now, but my heart is faintly disappointing, the black mask is under the eyes. Slightly moist.

Green smiled and looked forward to the blessing.

"Go back, always with me, you haven't even decided on the location of your own wizard tower magic source, but it is my dereliction of duty. Now, the Seventh Ring Tower or the Eight Rings Tower should be more suitable for you."

After Green finished speaking, he explained: "As far as I know, the future achievements of the Seventh Ring Tower are likely to carry forward the elemental wizards to the true peak of glory. There will be no mistakes to follow him. The Eight Rings Tower, as The Wizarding World is a new wizard, and following him will be sheltered by the rules of the Holy Spirit. You must be relatively safer in this battle of civilization."

Once, Saatchi was his own subordinate.

At this time, Green regards it as a friend, the hope of the wizarding world!

Shaking his head, Saatchi was low and firm: "No, I have already considered it. I have to follow the master all the time. The dark night shadow wizard tower will be the eternal neighbor of the tower of annihilation, supporting the tranquility of the wizard world under the blue sky. The guardian belongs to the wizard's will."

"Wow, good, I really didn't miss you!"

Xiao Ba is screaming.

"Saatchi, I hope that you can walk out of the wider world on the road of St. Mark."

Lucy really blessed. Saatchi nodded to another devotee who had assisted Green for many years. He smiled and said: "You have to step up, the first-class medal of honor, the sacred sorcerer of the annihilation tower, and more arrangements. This battle of civilization has a large number of sacred marks and wizards. In the act of activating the world, you can see that there are many opportunities, far easier than peacetime."

At this time, Angela and her companion, Thrall, accompanied each other and gratefully watched the sacred sorcerer who slowly embarked on the transmission array.

Saatchi finally looked at the audience with everyone. In the silent blessings of the people, a wave of energy fluctuations distorted time and space and left the world of radiation.


The world tree base does not actually dominate.

world Tree. In itself, it is a big world, floating in the endless void, is the very special life body born in this world community. Unlike other masters, the world tree body is almost invincible in the general situation.

However, the world tree also has its Achilles heel, that is, the body can never be displaced, and only can communicate its will through the avatar or the world tree elf.

At this time in this base. A total of the six major avatars of the world tree are gathered together. Under the combined force, it is also enough to confront the general masters. This shows that the power of the world tree is powerful!

At this time, there are hundreds of world leaders in the base. There are also some extremely powerful six-level existence, so this base does not really dominate the town, but it is not inferior to the other five bases.

There is no mechanical fortress everywhere in the base of the holy tower. Each world owner has an area of ​​varying size according to the size and strength of the legion.

The world culture is different, and the construction of the base is also different. Rich and varied.

As a rule ruler in the Wizarding League, the wizard is extremely honorable and has no place to stay. He goes all the way and goes straight to the center of the foundation.

The five-level sacred sorcerer descended, and all kinds of creatures along the way all went to salute. The sorcerer's dignity and dignity depended on the fullness of morality and morality, but the true darkness and brutality!

Indifferent and mysterious, keeping the majesty of the wizard, Green came to the towering clouds in front of the towering giant trees, and the vitality seemed to be a group of fires, burning in the energy perception of truth, hundreds of thousands of world trees. The elves swim between the branches, the leaves are clothes, the posture is graceful, pure and holy.

"The world tree of honour, the name of the tower of annihilation, is the life of a true spiritual wizard to help you complete the mission and listen to your assignment."

Said, Green took out the task scroll, was picked up by a fragrant world tree spirit, handed a mustard coiled rattan, introduced between the branches of Fengmao, disappeared.

Green and Lucy, Xiaoba, Yeye's silent waiting, after a while, the world tree will be a carrier with fragmentary branches, turned into a huge face, appeared in front of Green.

"I want to communicate like this. You should be more used to it."

The world tree is divided into a peaceful and harmonious tone. The giant face woven into this branch is based on the wizard, and it is like a direct dialogue, rather than a will, to convey the mouth and mouth.

In fact, the higher the biology, the more rare the language is. Compared with the amount of information conveyed by the will, the amount of information expressed by the voice language is too pale~www.readwn.com~hehe..."

Green laughed, I don’t know if the world’s tree temper is so peaceful, or is it limited to this avatar.

"Okay, the tower of the annihilation tower, this time my request to the Wizarding League is to ask a wizard who can perform a special task for me to save one of my children from the world that is about to be completely trapped. come out."

It seems to be a reflection of Green's doubts. The world tree explains: "Every thousand years, some of my seeds will be thrown into the endless void, most of which will be killed by the living creatures in the world, or in the void. The strong and the void creatures are collected as food and become part of the rules of the endless world. However, there will still be a small part of the world that will take root and sprout. Some of the qualifications are good, and they will grow to the heart of the world!"

Saying, this world tree is somewhat proud of it: "There are many descendants of my world in the surrounding world communities, completely integrated into the rules of the world and become the mother of one ethnic group."


This world tree dominates, as the individual with the eternal spring is more powerful than the imagination, if there are some limitations that cannot be broken, the terrible degree will be enough to be listed as Antonio!

"And your mission is to pull a child from the world near the front of the war into the world and send it to a ruined world behind the Alliance to sprout from the roots."




[To be continued]. 】

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