The white beard became a half-beard, and was taught by the little girl. If Crassus was close to his mouth, he forcibly returned to him, thinking of what solemnly vowed said just now, his face flushed, and Sargeras glanced back.

Although Sargeras was a little panicked, his smile was indeed a bit low. He had been holding back a laugh since just now. After hearing Amy’s words, he couldn’t help it, so he had to avoid turning his head to avoid Crassus’s eyes and continue to cover his mouth. Laughing, with exaggerated shoulders, this is the funniest thing he has seen in decades.

“Half-bearded grandfather, don’t scare Big bald head. Oh, he will catch fire if he gets angry. If you burn the rest of your beard, it will become grandfather without beard.” Amy looked at Crassus Reminded.

“Actually, it was just a small accident. Like the Fireball technique you just used, I will, and my Fireball is bigger and formidable power is more …” Crassus turned back with a smile on his face and looked Amy said softly.

“Your second serving of Yangzhou Fried Rice.” Mag stepped out of the kitchen, placed the second copy of Yangzhou Fried Rice in front of Crassus, interrupted him, and watched him seriously: “And I said it, Amy also Little, I’m not going to let her leave me to study magic elsewhere. If she likes it, I will find her the right Teacher to study in Chaos city. “

At first, the customer who was surprised that Crassus had no anger, looked out of the kitchen and directly interrupted Crassus’s words. Mag was even more surprised.

And it sounds like this is not the first time Mag has rejected Crassus, and he can let him pull down like this, trying to bypass Mag and let Amy get interested in him, how should her innate talent be amazing.

“I turned it down!” Harrison opened his mouth slightly and looked at Mag, and was apprenticed by a Losse empire’s enshrining Magic caster, which is enough to glorify the family.

Every year, I do n’t know how many people have sharpened their heads and want to send their children to the Caster Tower in Lodo. Even if they are going to be a little servant, they think that one day they may be caught by a Magic caster. Accept as apprentice.

But now Crassus voluntarily asked for Amy to be accepted as an apprentice, but Mag refused directly, and the reason was that he didn’t want to let Amy leave him.

“For this reason, I think it’s very acceptable. If I have such a lovely daughter, I won’t let him leave me, and it’s not enough to worship Magic caster.” Georgie looked at Mag, but stood firm with him. Aside.

“Well, I won’t leave Father. Half-bearded grandfather. If you really want to learn, then I will teach you when I have time. Now I want to collect money and I am very busy.” Amy watched By Crassus, seriously nodded.

“I continue to eat.” Crassus looked at the firm-looking Mag, and Amy, who was interested in becoming a master, silently picked up the spoon and continued to eat Yangzhou Fried Rice, frowning slightly.

His original idea was naturally to bring Amy back to Caster Tower for education. Caster Tower has been continuously repaired and transformed by the Royal Family of Losse empire. It is now the most suitable place for practicing magic on the contemporary except Elf Dream Secret Realm. Practice in the magic room will progress much faster.

But now, it seems that Mag is very firm about Ai not letting Amy away. He has no shortage of money. With this culinary choice to stay in a chaotic city to open a restaurant, he probably won’t care about the rights of Losse empire. He never showed an interest in his magic.

Crassus’s 3 most advantageous things seem to be worthless in Mag’s eyes, and Amy’s spoiling is more important than anything else, which makes him wonder what kind of chips should be opened for a while to make Mag tempted, some upset.

Mag glanced at Crassus, who was not entangled, and turned into the kitchen to continue cooking.

After Crassus showed his identity, he did have a little worry in his heart. After all, the other party is a powerful Magic caster. If the other party wants to do something to him, he does not at all have the ability to resist.

Amy was able to burn his beard just now. The main reason was that he was in a daze, and the contempt of at first caused the current gap between the two, just like the difference between an elephant and an ant.

Fortunately, Crassus seems to be quite reasonable. He did not use his identity and strength to persecute them, but his attitude will not change when he goes to Caster Tower. It is too dangerous to let Amy go alone. He can’t rest assured.

After this small farce in the dining room, after Crassus bowed his head and devoted himself to eating, the atmosphere gradually eased down. The two parties not at all made it with swords drawn and bows bent, so it was more like a joke between Amy and Crassus. .

However, today everyone can be considered as one thing. The daughter of Boss Mag can not be to be trifled with. Even Losse empire’s beard for Magic Caster can be burned. You will have to pay for it in the future.

The customers who served the dish quickly immersed themselves in gourmet food and enjoyed the pleasant feeling brought by gourmet food.

Many of the guests who came in before curious, smelling the seductive fragrance in the air, looking at the pleasant expressions of those guests, couldn’t help but order one, even if it was luxurious, they wanted to try Mouth scent.

After Magger had three meat knuckles for Sargeras, he reminded the guest who just came in to walk a little further, because the meat knuckles had an exaggerated response.

“Hu!” Sure enough, after Sargeras bite a large mouthful of meat, he opened his mouth and spewed out a flame, the lava on his body reappeared, and the flame rose on the surface of the body.

Fortunately, he has learned to be clever this time, sitting on the iron chair he brought with him, and there is a certain distance from the table and the wall behind him. Although he only burns his hands holding the meat clips, he still eats with keen interest Pleasure made everyone look sideways.

“Boss Mag, I want to pack 2 Yangzhou Fried Rice to take away, can I? Both my wife and child like to eat Yangzhou Fried Rice you made.” Georgie got the second meat clip and looked at Mag said with a smile.

“Now each person in the restaurant can only take one piece of food, because it is necessary to meet the needs of the customers who enter the store as much as possible.” Mag shook his head. Today, more and more new guests are in the process. The number of 1000 people entering the store is stable Rising, so there can only be a little restriction on taking away.

“That’s it.” Georgie groaned. He had already told his wife and child to bring them dinner. If they could only take one back, it would be a bit difficult to meet. The two children who could already eat would start at noon. Miranda snatched a small bowl there, and tonight he waited for him to take it without eating.

“Boss Mag, I want a Yangzhou Fried Rice to take away, and one is enough.” Harrison took a bite of the meat clip, said with a smile, and glanced at Georgie.

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