A strange world

Chapter 222 Chapter 75 Wash away the shame

Chapter 222 Chapter 75. Wash away the shame

"Don't you have anything to do?"

An annoyed Ingrid said after Annan passed in front of her for the twelfth time.


Ingrid put it bluntly: "Plenty City is still an uncultivated pure land, you can go there for adventure."

"I dont go!"

Because there are people to go in Annan's place: Joan and West.

Annan asked Ingrid to call Joan and West so that she would stop bothering her, and then asked Joan and West who was willing to go to Plenty City to do business. Mainly sell magic stones to Fenghuo City and introduce Xingyue Bay.

"Leave it to me, Boss Annan!" West promised, patting his chest.

Annan gave West 20 magic stones. As the first active trade in Xingyue Bay, Annan found the Lion Mercenary Group, which he had cooperated with before, and hired an elite and four professionals for protection.

Elite professionals can usually solve most problems.

After arranging West's departure, Annan fell into a state of having nothing to do.

Go find Ilimoyas... or forget it. It may be that the melting snow has made Xingyue Bay humid, and the blue dragon's temper has not been very good these days.

Unable to sit still, Annan asked the guard captain to bring a horse, and secretly went with him to the south of Xingyue Bay, to a hillside near Glacier Port.

Standing here, Annan saw scattered houses, workers carrying raw materials, traces of logging everywhere, and the ugly spread of bare tree stumps.

Xingyue Bay is under construction in full swing, while Glacier Harbor is gloomy. Even if the outlines of the drudges in shabby clothes and shambling steps can be guessed, their toil can be guessed.

The result of this squeeze and construction dozens of days in advance is that the port progress of Glacier Port is much faster than that of Xingyue Bay... but it is only temporary. Their workers may not be able to hold on any longer, but the citizens of Xingyue Bay are in high spirits.

The guard captain suggested: "Lord Annan, if you want them to stop their progress, you can incite the peons to start a riot."

"Then these workers fell victim to our plot?"

Annan is not a bad person, nor is he a nobleman. He will not do things that only such a rotten politician can do.

The guard captain kept his mouth shut. As far as he was concerned, a group of hard workers who were not even civilians were dead. So he could understand why the people of Xingyue Bay loved their lord to death.

There is no lord in the entire North who cares more about his people than he does.

"Then what are you going to do?"

"In another way..."

Annan and the guard captain returned to Xingyue Bay, summoned Francois, and told him and the guard captain to lead a group of cavalry to do something...

The next day, a group of cavalry suddenly appeared on the hillside north of Glacier Harbor.

They inspired the Philosopher's Stone to screen "The Fall of the Wizard's Tower" to make it difficult for the hard workers working on the beach to concentrate. They also promoted Xingyue Bay to welcome the homeless at noon, which was close to the meal, and provided free food and shelter for work.

The guards of Glacier Port tried to expel them, but were forced to stop when they were still a few hundred meters away from the hillside, because further ahead was the territory of Xingyue Bay.

A lord had the authority to deal with soldiers who intruded into his territory.

Annan's solicitation had no effect other than making the peons feel impetuous. When Francois came back, he brought Gemma's words: "He accused you of plundering the Diatra family's wealth, and actually wanted to rob Diatra's." Hard work.”

Annan was indifferent and asked the captain of the guard to bring twice as many men, and Francois disappeared.

At this time, there was an additional worker coated with sludge among the workers in Glacier Port. While listening to other workers talking about the north, he whispered: "I heard that the treatment in Xingyue Bay is very good... everyone can have enough to eat." Food, warm clothes, and a new house..."

"How is that possible?" Some peons didn't believe it.

"Really! Didn't you see that magic image? How could it be fake!"

A seed called hope was planted in my heart, and this emotion reached its peak at lunch: the faint smell of meat wafted from the distant hillside, and they only had black bread and pickles.

"I can't take it anymore!"

The "hard worker" suddenly dropped his pickaxe and rushed towards the hillside in the distance.

The soldiers didn't react in time, so he and a few hard workers who followed him rushed to the hillside. Then when the hard workers saw the lucky ones put on brand new cotton clothes and immersed themselves in eating, they exclaimed, "It's so delicious."

Some peons tried to escape, but were suppressed by the soldiers. It’s just that dissatisfaction doesn’t go away, they just hide…

Of course Gema also knew, so he sent guards to keep an eye on all the peons.

But it was fine during the day, as the guards only had to block the busy peons on the beach. But when night falls, the peons return to their rooms, and a bonfire is raised on the hillside, and the screening of "Betal's Redemption" continues.

A pair of prying eyes lit up in front of the window.

Glacier Harbor is not peaceful at night... In short, when a new day comes, half of the hard workers who have come out of the house are missing - the missing half is on the hillside.

The captain of the personal guard led these anxious peons back to Xingyue Bay, and then they discovered that this place was really as beautiful as in the magical image, and the King of the North really fulfilled his promise and arranged a place to live.

"Germa asks what exactly you want to do." The guard captain still brought Gema's words.

"He should ask himself this kind of thing."

"Are we going to continue?" he asked again.


Gema did nothing to Annan and continued to plunder the hard labor. Whatever Gema did, Annan had an excuse to cause trouble for him.

In the next few days, there were fewer and fewer peons in Glacier Port, and Gema prevented the loss of peons. The torture of executing peons if they caught them escaping backfired, making the escape of peons more and more serious. There were even three soldiers because of "Betal's Redemption" and rebelled.

Construction of Glacier Harbor came to a complete standstill.

But the next day, hundreds of guards came from Bethal City. These guards, who might have familiar faces, went into battle in person and built the port faster than before.

Annan stopped, asked the guard captain to retreat, and summoned about 800 peons to the square.

"You can stay here, and I can bring your family here, or you can walk hundreds of miles home, but no one can save you if you are recruited by Glacier Port again."

Annan asked Francois to tally up their decisions and returned to the house to wait for the results.

Not long after, Francois came over. "Did they agree?" Annan didn't show that he didn't care.

"Only a few people said no."

"Keep an eye on those people who left." Annan suspected that they were spies placed by Gema among the peons.

"I know."

Then the origins of the peons were counted: some came from Breeze City, and some came from Betar City and Plenty City.

After causing some trouble for Gema and increasing the population of Xingyue Bay, Annan finally got rid of the reputation of "having nothing to do" and could calm down and read some books——

Just as Annan was thinking this, the druids finally arrived.

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