A strange world

Chapter 344 Section 2 The Grand Vision

Chapter 344 Section 2. Grand vision

The town Olmedo bought is in the western part of the empire, about 2,000 miles away from Syltovis, adjacent to the Third Warcraft Mountain Range. The town was filled with her people and Annan's people. The price was that even though the edge town that originally had only 3,000 people was filled with more than 8,000 people... this was the result of all the residents being dispersed and the Musketeers disbanded.

Before departure, Annan recovered the plate armor and muskets, and sealed the magic artillery. Annan also did not want to deprive the Musketeers of their weapons and armor, but was worried that these items would cause them trouble.

Annan asked Bronzebeard and Rubble to continue studying the howitzer shells and houses. There was also Ilimoyas, who left the day after arriving, saying that she felt that her tribe was deep in the mountains. Annan made an agreement with it to build it a blue dragon lair that was better and more beautiful than Xingyue Bay after getting a new fiefdom.

Olmedo buried himself in political affairs again. Annan did not interfere, and those government affairs were like a confusing spell written on his mind, making him dizzy.

In short, when Annan and Alice teleported to Syltovis several times through the teleportation portal of the stinky Mr. Swallow, and then got on the carriage to the mansion, a day had passed and he had not eaten yet.

"So hungry..."

Annan frowned and leaned on the sofa.

Martin was not hungry at all. Because he ate all Annan's food before cleverly packing himself into the suitcase - hiding in the suitcase for the first time made Martin hungry for a long time.

Martin would not make the same mistake twice.

But Annan will.

Annan looked at the suitcase lying dead on the carpet again several times, wishing that what he had experienced was just a dream. No money, no shirt, even the magic recording stone...

Annan couldn't even hold the magic recording stone and quietly ask others, "Do you want to see the recording stone? Big scenes, heavy flavors, and rat men."

The only people who can still exchange money are the mage's robe, magic ring and Annan himself - the former is inscribed with protective spells and is the key to Annan's survival. The elemental summons is burned in the middle, which is the basis for territory construction. the latter……

Leaving the city at this time... there is no carriage, and it will be night before we get back. Annan had no choice but to urge Martin to go to the tavern to find some work while it was still dark.

Fortunately, Martin was obedient and went to work in a tavern on the same street. No wages, just some food.

Annan stands looking out over the city from this second-floor room. This is considered the inner city of Syltovis, which is relatively less chaotic.

Not long after, Martin ran back with the smell of alcohol from the tavern and two pieces of untouched bread.

"The boss didn't want to use me, so I told him that I escaped from the rat people in the north. He saw how pitiful I was and gave me some food..."

Annan took the bread and found Martin staring at one piece, and reluctantly gave him half - after all, it was Martin who brought it back.

Sitting in front of the window with Martin, looking at the beautiful sunset and the long shadow of the floating tower high above Wilhelm on the other side of the strait, gnawing on some hard bran bread,

This is Annan's first day in the Tatooine Empire. Just like the first day in the Kingdom of Rekaner.

Early the next morning, Annan was awakened by hunger.

The sound of Martin's snoring came from the living room next door.

It's a new day, but there is no new mood... Realizing that this is not going to work, Annan first uses the cleaning technique to clean himself, and then wakes Martin up: "I'll go find Alice. You stay in the guest room and don't run around."

"I know...cousin..."

Martin, whose eyelids were so sleepy that they were glued together, turned over.

Annan left the mansion, asked passers-by about the location of the Magic Academy, and walked along the bustling street to the Magic Academy while admiring the street view.

When there were still a few blocks left, Annan saw a stretch of steeple-like buildings in the distance, like a vast castle.

This scene evoked Annan's yearning for campus life in the magical world: the old and wise dean, professors with different personalities, abundant extracurricular activities, and the terrifying conspiracy buried deep in the college...

When he arrived in front of the Magic Academy, he saw students wandering in the manor-like garden, exuding vitality. Annan, the nemesis of the rat-men who had killed hundreds of thousands of rat-men, whispered deeply: "It turns out that I have grown far beyond my peers without knowing it." Yet?"

A girl wearing a student robe curiously looked at Annan and returned to normal.

"Excuse me, do you know Alice?"

The girl who is about the same age as Annan has slightly red cheeks: "I know Alice, are you also a student?"

"I'm not a student here yet..."

"I'll take you to wait for her."

Annan readily agreed, and just as he was about to walk into the magic academy with the girl, Alice jumped out of a carriage.

"Why are you here today? I didn't mean tomorrow...forget it, I'm here anyway." He took Annan's hand and said, "I'll take you to get familiar with the college first."

Annan was pulled forward and turned back to thank the regretful girl.

"How are the students here?" Alice asked.

“Very friendly and a bit welcoming.”

"Is it the same in Breeze City?"

"Girls in the north don't do this." Annan recalled: "They would just pounce on me and drag me to the room."

Thinking of something, Annan quietly withdrew his hand, but Alice noticed: "This isn't your first time holding hands with a girl, is it?"

Annan immediately retorted: "How can you accuse someone of innocence? I even pulled Tasia, touched Ilimoyas, and stood shoulder to shoulder with Maria!"

"Who is Tasia?"

"A half-tauren..."

"Elimayas doesn't look like a human name either..."

"Elimayas is a blue dragon."

"Is Maria an elf or an orc?"

"It's the Rat Man."

Alice looked at Annan for a few times and said suddenly: "You are a warlock."

Solz Magic Academy is wider than imagined. Alice's introduction said it is divided into several major areas, teaching area, rest area, entertainment area and library area.

Alice didn't take Annan for a stroll, there would be plenty of opportunities in the future. She brought Annan to the classroom, and the energetic boys and girls looked at her at the same time.

"Alice?" the young female professor asked doubtfully.

"He is tomorrow's new classmate. I want to introduce him to everyone first." Alice gave up her seat and said, "Introduce yourself."

Annan nodded and stood on the podium: "I am Annan Reeves, from the north. I like to make friends... human friends."

Annan, who deliberately hit back at Alice, accidentally smiled.

The boys' hearts were beating fast.

The girls stared at him excitedly.

The gardener outside the window stopped.

Even the professor was looking at Annan carefully.

In the end, Alice dragged Annan away to interrupt his charm. After Annan left, the students who woke up began to whisper...

Standing at the top of the tower, you can see the sparkling sea on the harbor in the distance and the seagulls hovering under the blue sky and white clouds.

"Do you like the sea?" Alice asked Annan who was standing by the window.


These will remind Annan of Xingyue Bay. And as he pondered, a quiet and mysterious aura spread from his profile.

"It seems that you have already thought of a new fiefdom." Alice admired Annan's face.

Annan, who was full of confidence, said: "I want to build a bridge directly to Wilhelm!"

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