
You are always like this!"

Sun Lingxing sighed, then listened to her sister's words and started packing.

The speed of the two was very fast.

It didn't take long for everything to be packed up.

Then he carried his things directly on his back and embarked on a new journey.

Time passed slowly.

I have to say that Sun Lingyue is steady.

All the way forward, it was not dark before entering the safe area.

There were no dangers in the whole process.

Not only did they not encounter danger, but even some large animals were not encountered.

It can be said to be quite stable.


"My Gou Sheng is so stable!"

"Everything was as expected.

Gou Sheng is Gou Sheng!

In terms of poise, I think she's the strongest!"

"That's not necessarily true~

I feel that if the island owner wants to be more stable, maybe he will be more stable than her!"

"Don't make noise, don't make noise!

I feel that Gou Sheng is still stronger!

If you don't believe me, we'll just wait and see the finale!"


Everyone in the live broadcast room immediately began to discuss after seeing the two women officially enter the safe area.

And these remarks were directly seen by the director who was sitting in the background of the program group observing everything.

"Sure enough~

These two women can do it.

I was not disappointed at all!"

The director sighed silently, "It seems that in the next safe area, there will be a big scene."


The day passed quickly.

Early the next morning.

The bracelets of all the contestants rang.

This is when the countdown to the program group begins again.

Soon, the countdown will end.

New safe zones have also appeared.

However, after seeing the new safe area, all the contestants were slightly stunned.


Is it that far?!"

Hai Ziming looked at the bracelet with a bit of depression.

Full of depression.

He has just had a day off.

To be honest, I really don't want to go any further.

But what can be done?

The new safe area has also appeared, even if he doesn't want to go.


Woke up!

Let's keep going!

Maybe we can meet a resource box again this time!"


I feel ok!"

Jian Hong immediately started to nod when he heard the words.

"We are so lucky.

We could meet a resource box last time, I think, maybe we can do it this time too!"


"I think we can do it!"

The other three younger brothers also began to make up their minds.

For them.

Resource boxes are a good thing.

There's a lot of stuff in there.

Yesterday, they ate a little canned food.

That feeling, that taste, is really unforgettable!

"Go away!

Towards our resource box, set off!"

"Set off!"

Hai Ziming and his group of four shouted excitedly, and embarked on the journey again.



The brain-buying quartet set off again!"

"I just don't know if their brain supplement this time will be successful!"

"I do hope these people succeed!

After all, they are still too weak now.

If they meet the island owner, I feel that they will die miserably.

If they could meet Gou Sheng...

This, I feel that they may be killed by their own brains!"

"Ha ha ha ha!

I like this method of death by brain supplementation!"

"I think this fellow Daoist is right!

These four people may really be killed by Gou Sheng!"


It's really amazing!"

"If the island owner's speculation is correct, then these four brain-boosting guys should get a new resource box, right?"

"I feel like these people may be getting a new resource box!"


Just when the live broadcast room of Hai Ziming and his party was very lively.

The director also saw this scene.

"Director, should we add a resource box?"

Xiao Wang asked curiously.

Now he really wants to get the director's guidance and become stronger.


The director immediately laughed when he heard the words.

"Since it's what the audience wants to see, we'll give it!

Remember, it's the big late stage of the show.

At such a time, as long as it is what the audience wants to see.

And, it's easier for us to do.

Then do it for these audience gentlemen!

In this way, we can firmly capture the remaining part of the people!"

"What the director said really makes sense!"

Xiao Wang suddenly realized something.

"Do you still call me director?"

The director gave Xiao Wang a displeased look.


When Xiao Wang heard the words, he was a little surprised.

Then, he called sweetly: "Boss!"


The director smiled complacently.

"Go, prepare the resource box and put it in the four bastards!"



Not long after the dialogue between the director and Xiao Wang ended.

Hai Ziming and his party heard the sound of a plane coming from a distance.

After hearing the sound of such a plane.

Their subconscious reaction was still to find a place to hide.


Is the meteor shower coming?"

"Hurry up!

Take that shield out.

Stand up front!"

"What are we going to do now, boss!

There's nothing around that can be used as fireworks!"


I'm so panicked!

What should I do!"

Several people suddenly screamed in panic.

Hai Ziming was very calm.

He took out the shield and walked straight ahead.


What are you afraid of?

We can overcome this crisis as long as we do our best!"


This time it's still a resource pack~"

Jian Hong suddenly added, "I feel that the probability of resource packs is quite high!

After all, there is only one plane.

If it is really a meteor shower, I feel that there may not be only such a plane."

"Hurry up and shut up!"

Hai Ziming turned his head and cursed angrily.

"If the crow mouths, then it's over!"

Jian Hong heard that, although he was a little wronged, he didn't say any more.

The group waited silently.

Soon, the plane came over their heads.

And they finally knew what was in this plane!

"It turned out to be...

Resource Pack!"_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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